American Jews are increasingly excluded from leadership positions — because they are Jewish.
According to one very experienced American political pundit, who is not Jewish but is a Democrat, “antisemitism has become marbled into the Democratic Party.”

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In a few years time, the demise of American Jewry on the whole, from its peak of being great American patriots and disproportionately contributing to the United States’ socioeconomic successes, might very well be traced back to 2023 and 2024.
Throughout these years, the records will show, American Jewry was wrongly put under the microscope of the October 7th Iran- and Hamas-led massacres and kidnappings in Israel, having to answer for a war that the Jewish state did not start and American Jews have virtually nothing to do with.
If anything, Americans should be unequivocally wrapping their arms around America’s Jewish communities during this tremendously trying time for American Jews, even for no other reason than the simple fact that, whenever another minority in America is attacked, such as a Black person, it seems like much of the United States rallies behind this minority’s community and demands wide-sweeping justice for the injustices, perceived or real.
Such has not remotely been the case for American Jews during the aftermath of October 7th. Social activists whom American Jews have supported for decades were glaringly silent about the Palestinian pogroms, resulting in some 1,200 dead and 250 kidnapped in a single day. There are many examples of this reality, but the most obvious one seems to be the so-called #MeToo movement, spawning the unfortunate-yet-accurate spinoff: “Me Too, Unless You’re a Jew.”
To be fair, many non-Jewish Americans — no less non-Jewish Canadians and Europeans and Latin Americans and so forth — have been very supportive of the Jewish People during the last 10 or so months. But publicly, quite a few of them remained quiet about their support, preferring to share it with their Jewish family, friends, and colleagues behind closed doors, where society is not watching.
This is all-too-reminiscent of Nazi Germany and many other past societies where Jews were unjustifiably targeted and scapegoated. I do not write that to suggest there will be another Holocaust, this time in America, but simply as a reminder that non-Jewish support for the Jewish People has oftentimes been in the dark, difficult-to-see shadows of mainstream society.
This creates a public vacuum where antisemitism flourishes.
In today’s America, the vast majority of antisemitism that generates real societal impacts, is predominantly emanating not from Right-wing neo-Nazis, but from the extreme Left — which is slowly but surely hijacking the Democratic Party (despite many American Jews having been great supporters, both electorally and financially, of it).
Any American Jew who, for whatever reason, still believes that Left-wing antisemitism pales in comparison to Right-wing antisemitism is living in the increasingly distant past. And their inability or unwillingness to update their beliefs with new, factual information — plus a massive sample size — poses as much a threat to American Jewry as antisemitism does.
But don’t just take it from me, an American-Israeli Jew who has exclusively voted for Democratic political candidates up until now.
Two very experienced American political pundits, neither of them Jewish and both Democrats, have in recent weeks claimed that the Democratic Party has a major anti-Jewish problem. One of them, CNN’s Van Jones, recently said that “antisemitism has become marbled into the Democratic Party.”1
Jones suggested that this unfortunate reality could have led to the decision of Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential candidate and current U.S. Vice President, to sidestep Josh Shapiro as her vice presidential nominee. Shapiro is Jewish and the present-day (Democratic) governor of Pennsylvania — a state where he is decisively popular.
As such, Shapiro was widely viewed as a top vice presidential candidate for the Harris campaign, who could help Harris carry Pennsylvania, a must-win state for her campaign.
However, younger voters and so-called “progressives” in the Democratic Party balked at Shapiro as Harris’ vice presidential nominee, for his “stance” on the ongoing Israel-Hamas-Hezbollah war, as well as his historical support for the Jewish state. A number of voices on the far-Left have also attacked Shapiro during the last several weeks, accusing the governor of blindly supporting Israel’s response to October 7th in Gaza. Some have labeled him “Genocide Josh.”
Of course, there is no genocide taking place in Gaza by any stretch of the imagination, and the only parties in this conflict that have genocidal aims as a matter of policy and record are Hamas and Hezbollah, as well as their state sponsors: the Jihadist, imperialist, fascist Qatar and Islamic Republic of Iran.
Still, the speculation that Shapiro was not tapped as Harris’ vice presidential nominee because he is Jewish appears — at least from my vantage point — to be an oversimplification of the Harris campaign’s decision-making process; meaning there were in all likelihood several reasons why Harris ultimately opted for another vice presidential nominee.

We American Jews cannot afford to overlook the fact that Shapiro being Jewish and a justifiable supporter of Israel was in all probability part of the Harris campaign’s decision-making process.
Harris herself is most definitely not an antisemite; her husband is Jewish, on paper (more on this soon). But Harris now represents the Democratic Party which has increasingly become the “progressive” party — and I am not talking about “progressives” who believe in social justice, economic inequality, publicly available healthcare and education, and so forth.
Instead, I am talking about the quasi-“progressives” who subscribe to Marxism (an extremist, failed form of governance) and the maligned “oppressor versus oppressed” framework which, in America, pits all “people of color” (the so-called “oppressed”) against “White” people (the so-called “oppressors”). And, unfortunately for American Jewry, we are grouped into this “White oppressor” class — regardless if we are actually “White.” (Indeed, many are not.)
Harris might not be one of these quasi-“progressives” herself, but she has significantly championed their cause and given them a platform while in public office. Plus, her pick to be the Democratic vice presidential candidate, mega-“progressive” Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, puts “progressive economics” center-stage in the race for the White House.2
Some of “progressive economics” makes a lot of sense — which is why we see variations of them working relatively well in places like Europe and Israel — but “progressive economics” in America could very well include artificially and arbitrarily government-imposed redistribution of wealth from “the oppressor class” to “the oppressed class” (which would only make “the oppressed” actual oppressors and “the oppressors” actually oppressed).
What is even more concerning is that the Harris-Walz campaign is being funded by quasi-“progressives.” For example, a “progressive” coalition just announced $25 million in support for Harris.3 And there are no free lunches in politics. Whoever is behind these funds will quickly come asking for their “return on investment” if and when Harris and Walz win the election.
It must also be noted that a lot of these “progressive” donors are Arab and Muslim Americans. On the surface, this might not seem entirely suspicious for American Jews, at least in part because many American Jews do not encounter Arab and Muslim Americans on a daily basis, which means they have little-to-no idea about many of these Arab and Muslim Americans’ psyche and culture.
It goes without being said that there are many Arab and Muslim Americans who are more or less similar to American Jews: They want to live comfortably, earn a decent living, take care of their family and friends, and not cause any trouble.
But there are also many Arab and Muslim Americans who are deeply antisemitic, such as Osama Siblani, a Michigan-based publisher of the Arab American News who has praised Hamas and Hezbollah, and claimed the U.S. government was “bought” by the “Zionist lobby.”
In February, several senior Biden Administration officials met with Siblani against the backdrop of thousands of Arabs and Muslims in Michigan, another consequential “swing state” in the upcoming presidential election, denouncing the Biden-Harris White House for having “blood on their hands” — that is, “supporting” Israel’s make-believe “genocide” in Gaza.
But for the sake of desperate political points, Biden and now Harris are heavily courting these antisemitic, even America-hating Arab and Muslim Americans. And only God knows what Harris is promising them in return for their electoral and financial support. However, I can all but assure you that these promises will be detrimental to American Jewry and the U.S.-Israel relationship, for they already are.
So-called “Islamophobia” has been a cornerstone of the Biden-Harris White House’s domestic policies since October 7th — even though (predominantly Left-wing) antisemitism is through the roof in the U.S. following that dreadful day. Basically, what Biden and Harris have been saying, between the lines, is: “Antisemitism is more or less acceptable, including in our own party, but ‘Islamophobia’ is absolutely not.”
To add insult to injury, Biden’s National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan “randomly” promoted Maher Bitar to a new position on the United States’ National Security Council. Bitar is a former anti-Israeli activist of Palestinian descent who has hosted conferences praising Islamic terrorism (i.e. Jihad). And now this man is on the National Security Council, the senior-most official responsible for coordinating U.S. Government intelligence and defense policy. Yes, you read that correctly.
All these anecdotes lead me to believe that it is very likely Harris did not choose the popular governor, Josh Shapiro, to be her vice presidential candidate at least in part because he is Jewish. Privately, she was probably feeling pressure from certain portions of her voter and donor base to go with anyone but a Jew — even if a Jew will give her a much better chance of winning the “battleground” state of Pennsylvania and thus emerging victorious in the presidential election.
Some argue that Harris already has a Jew on her staff — her husband, Doug Emhoff — but Emhoff is not going to win Pennsylvania (or any other “battleground” state) for the Harris-Walz campaign. And as far as him being Jewish, the man practically puts “token” in “token Jew.”
For one thing, his daughter Ella (from a previous marriage) adjoined a fundraiser for “Gaza’s children” to her Instagram page which has 315,000 followers, even as it has been well-documented that the terror groups Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad have charities posing as humanitarian organizations to circumvent international sanctions.
Then, in December, Doug Emhoff took to social media to tell a completely inaccurate, politically manufactured story about Chanukah — a post that he soon after deleted after realizing how absurdly off-base his Judaism is.
And, a couple weeks ago, just a few days before President Biden dropped out of the presidential race, Emhoff chaired an interfaith roundtable where he discussed the Biden Administration’s plans to soon release new federal guidance — on combating Islamophobia.
In other words, Emhoff is the only type of Jew that Jew-haters tolerate: the one who feeds other Jews to a crocodile without realizing that it will eat him, too.
And yet, Harris side-stepping Josh Shapiro is only the tip of the iceberg for American Jewry’s downfall.

In the past couple of weeks, American billionaire entrepreneur David Friedberg (who is Jewish) revealed that he has been “privy to behind closed doors where senior people have been passed over because they are Jewish and because of the concerns of someone Jewish being viewed to be in a leadership position in an organization and the impact that that might have.”4
Friedberg said that, essentially, the chief “rationale” behind such anti-Jewish decisions is that these organizations do not want to deal with the “pro-Palestinian” (really, anti-Jewish) mayhem which now targets anything related to Jews and Jewish people, even when it has nothing to do with Israel or even Judaism.
By cowering to these violent, bullying, racist, and fraudulent “pro-Palestinians,” American society will continue to exclude American Jews from leadership positions, meaning American Jews will have exponentially less seats at the proverbial table — and thus less advocacy, assurance, and insurance to guard against antisemitism and its particular societal effects.
And we can rest (un)assured that Kamala Harris will do nothing of value and substance about it. How do we know this to be true?
These same “pro-Palestinians” have been showing up to Harris’ presidential campaign rallies and making all types of obnoxious scenes. Do you know how Harris has responded?
“Everyone’s voice matters,” she said to them at a recent event, speaking into the microphone across from thousands of people in the audience.
In other words, “everyone’s voice matters” — including those who use violent, bullying, racist, and fraudulent intimidation to subjugate American Jews and diminish their well-deserved place in American society.
Do you know what else the Harris campaign did? They reached out directly to Layla Elabed, a Palestinian-American political activist and founder of the Uncommitted National Movement.5 The primary purpose of Elabed’s organization is to weaponize the so-called “pro-Palestinian” movement in America as blackmail against any U.S. political candidate who supports Israel’s (obviously justifiable) war with Hamas and Hezbollah that was started, of course, by Elabed’s Palestinian “brothers and sisters.”
And this is precisely what I mean when I say that Harris significantly champions anti-Jewish causes and gives them a platform. What would one call a German who did not wear the Nazi uniform but nonetheless aided and abetted the Nazis in their antisemitic conquest? I don’t know about you, but I call them Nazis.
There are plenty of American Jews who fault Israel’s current Right-wing government and its decision-making during the Israel-Hamas-Hezbollah war for the dramatic increase in Left-wing antisemitism within American politics. For those in this boat, they are suffering from recency bias.
If you read history since the country’s founding in 1948, the Democratic Party almost always had issues with Israel’s decisions and actions during wars that Israel did not start but was forced into by its antisemitic, genocidal Arab neighbors.
And here’s the kicker: From 1948 through the late 1970s, Israel was largely run by Left-wing governments, so the idea that Israel’s current Right-wing government somehow deserves blame for Left-wing antisemitism within American politics is absurd (and I am being generous) not just because it is historically inaccurate, but also because this is part of the “pro-Palestinian” propaganda that far too many American Jews have been swallowing.
What’s more, there are plenty of American Jews who think that this whole “pro-Palestinian” mayhem is just a temporary circus which is exclusively (or least mainly) related to the Israel-Hamas-Hezbollah war. In other words, once this war inevitably dies down, so too will these “pro-Palestinian” pied pipers.
If only that was the case.
Unfortunately, the “pro-Palestinian” (really, anti-Jewish masked as “pro-Palestinian”) banner has been decades in the making. One portion of it, the BDS movement — which explicitly seeks to convince countries and companies to boycott, divest from, sanction Israel — was founded in 2005.
If you visit the BDS website, you will find lists of Israeli products and businesses to boycott. Note that these are not only Jewish products and businesses from Judea and Samaria (also known as the West Bank), but products and businesses in Israel proper.
This is the key.
The BDS movement, just one facet of the “pro-Palestinian” (i.e. anti-Jewish) banner, does not desire a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It seeks to flat-out destroy Israel — the very same craving that unites Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, Qatar, and the Islamic Republic of Iran — and replace it with “Palestine.”
Many “pro-Palestinians” proclaim that they do not hate Jews — “No, of course not!” — just “Zionists.” What they don’t realize — or do realize and simply think that the rest of us are just a bunch of dumb-f*cks — is that roughly 90 percent of American Jews are Zionists, and roughly 90 percent of world Jewry are Zionists.
In effect, these “pro-Palestinians” hate 90 percent of Jews, which is another way of saying they hate Jewish people and make an exception for 10 percent of Jews who agree with their “destroy the Jewish state” ideology.
So, yes, the current war will inevitably die down, but the increasing and more wide-ranging Left-wing antisemitism in American politics is going nowhere. In technology terms, antisemitism is not a “bug” in the Democratic Party; it is becoming one of the party’s features.
And it does not matter how many American Jews still consider themselves Democrats and vote and donate accordingly. The “pro-Palestinian” (i.e. anti-Jewish) crowd and its supporters are becoming a more lucrative voter and donor base than Democratic American Jews, one that will eventually render Democratic American Jews’ votes and political donations insignificant.
I get it, though, many American Jews do not just vote purely through a Jewish lens. There are many other non-Jewish issues that are near and dear to them, and each person is perfectly entitled to determine which issues are most important to them, free of judgment, and vote accordingly.
But many American Jews do not realize that it does not matter how good of an “American” they think they are being. They will tell you, for instance, that “a vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for American democracy.” That might be true, but you know what else is true?
American Jews are first and foremost Jews, not because they define themselves as such, but because society defines them as such. And during the last 2,000 or so years — quite an extensive sample size if you ask me — Jews have never really been protected in non-Jewish societies, even and especially in places where they thought they had it good.
“Yen Carry Trade, Recession odds grow, Buffett cash pile, Google ruled monopoly, Kamala picks Walz.” All-In Podcast.
“Harris picking Walz as VP shows rise of progressive economics.” Reuters.
“Progressive Coalition Shifts $25 Million Campaign to Back Kamala Harris.” The New York Times.
“Yen Carry Trade, Recession odds grow, Buffett cash pile, Google ruled monopoly, Kamala picks Walz.” All-In Podcast.
“The Other Kamala Harris Moment in Detroit.” Slate.
While Harris may not be a classic antisemite, her attitude towards Israel is lukewarm at best and she’s publicly supported the very antisemitic and anti-Zionist encampments. The fact her husband is Jewish is not a “get out of jail” free card. Emhoff has condemned antisemitism but equates it with Islamophobia, which is barely a blip on the radar compared to antisemitism. Whatever Harris’ reasons for not picking Shapiro, her selection of Walz is disturbing given his affection for Ilhan Omar and close relationship with a Muslim cleric that supports Hamas.
Actually, I'm happy the Democrat Party - with its woke dogma which includes anti-Semitism - had its phony mask of "niceness" publicly torn off. Now, anyone who still supports the Dems is not only anti-Semitic, he or she is an enemy of the United States and Western civilization generally.
As a student of global politics for over 20 years, I came up with a definition of “woke” which is circulating on social media. It bears repeating to those who still don’t understand how dark this ideology is. Please share with anyone you think should read it…
Woke is political slang for cultural Marxist dogma which insists that everything about Western civilization is rooted in Judeo-Christian, white, male heterosexual superiority and therefore, must be systematically dismantled or “cancelled” in order to have true “social justice”. Woke dogma regards people as either “oppressed victims” or “oppressors” and seeks to confer status and privilege on the “oppressed victims”, while relegating those in the “oppressor” class to 2nd class citizenship. In other words, it is racism.
Woke dogma is found in critical race and gender studies and in the language of postmodernism. It disregards objective, fact-based truth in favor of subjective narratives based on personal experience and opinions of those it deems “victims”. In recent years, wokism has focused its efforts on slandering (and ultimately destroying) Israel and world-wide Jewry at the behest of its ally: the political Islamists. Islamists are also keen on eliminating Christianity and all other religions, as evidenced by the persecution of minorities in Muslim countries.
Beyond its racist beliefs, wokism – like other forms of Marxism – pursues government control in every walk of life – from business and industry to healthcare and education. It discourages financial investment and individual productivity through over-regulation and high taxes. It engages in population control through issues like abortion on demand and medically assisted suicide. In an effort to undermine the authority of the traditional family it promotes homosexuality, transgenderism and single-parent households. Woke policies such as open borders and massive legal immigration are geared to overwhelm a country’s social cohesiveness, impoverish citizens and make them reliant on government.
Although wokism and Islamism are different ideologies, they have their hatred of the West in common. Together, they have infiltrated Western institutions (academia, media, politics) and if left unchallenged, will destroy Western civilization. At which point, they will undoubtedly go to war with each other since each ideology seeks to rule the world. For more information, google “Red/Green Alliance”, “Progressive/Islamist Alliance” or “Islamo/Marxist Alliance”. This unholy alliance has existed in some form, since the Russian revolution. It is responsible for promoting the false Palestinian cause along with putting (and keeping) the current Iranian regime in power.