Jan 25·edited Jan 25Liked by Joshua Hoffman

Sad, but true. This sedate, left-leaning grandmother can say with heartfelt determiniation, “Am Yisrael Chai!"

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Jan 25Liked by Joshua Hoffman

No one in the diaspora wants to say, “You’re either with us or against us,” but that is the sad reality of wartime.

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Jan 25Liked by Joshua Hoffman

I find the question to the Palestinians “What do you have to show for it?” strikingly important. It’s in this paragraph: “For those who claim that Israel’s success is a result of the financial aid we get from the United States, think about the billions of dollars that the whole world has poured into Gaza and the West Bank. Honestly, what do you have to show for it?”

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Send it to the Palestinian Authority if they still exist.

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Joshua, great. Especially the references to them hating us more than they love themselves, the billions they've received and squandered on everything else but on building themselves a functioning society, the fact that we have had a continuous presence here for over 3,000 years, while they have not, being neither a country or a nation, at any time. Am Yisrael Chai. Tu b'Shvat Sameach!

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Trademark Jew hate is Pharoah throwing the Egyptian babies in the Nile to kill the Jewish babies. It’s an irrational nihilistic hatred.

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Jan 25·edited Jan 25Liked by Joshua Hoffman

By nature, I have been a kind, compassionate person who loves meeting and getting to know people of all races, faiths, and ethnicities. But don't expect me to shake hands with those who want to see me dead. That is where kindness and compassion end. Your article was timely in that I had just read an article about an NYU professor, a Palestinian, born in the West Bank, teaching his students that the Hamas atrocities were fake and joked about being antisemitic. He's proud of his profile on Canary Mission, a site that promotes hatred of Jews, the USA, and Israel, and here he is teaching his hate in a US university. Our neighbors, though not the same numbers as yours, Joshua, are spread out in our country and are the same people who hate Israel and the Jews. It's repulsive to me that they are in positions of power to teach the hate that their children are taught in Gaza, and is happening here to our university students. Now they're trying to include it in curriculum in some of our elementary schools, teaching about Palestine and the terrible Jews. Our recourse is to make louder noise than these groups and individuals. We need to make it known that what they're doing will not be tolerated. On that note, I repeat, I will never shake the hand of anyone who wants to see me dead because I'm a Jew.

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Please give me more information on your assertion that “Palestine” is the only country in the world that never existed before its so-called occupation.

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