I like your thoughts Zeesy… however I can’t help thinking that South African Jews are fueling the fire - aiding the economy and teaching our children to be quiet for safety purposes … to shrink oneself ! Why should we not be given the best jobs if we showed the skills and aptitude ? That youngster who lost his captain ship ?? Really ? Get in The closet ? Be proud ! Be Jewish ! Be true ! We have so much goodness to share with the world … why shrink ? Because the rebbe said so ? Close to a hundred years ago …. Is it ok to just lay low rather than soar to greatness and share with the world the incredible achievements of Jews worldwide ? Stand tall and be proud ? In a flood - we move to higher ground …

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We definitely don’t live here because we have a sterling government, we never have had one! We live here with faith in the ONE above, and we have the Lubavitcher rebbes blessings for this country, who said, tell the Jews of South Africa it will be good until mashiach comes, and better thereafter.’ ‘ One act of goodness and kindness can change the world’ Keep doing Torah and Mitzvot and we have Hashem’s protection. If we were relying on SA government , we would never have come here in the first place as chabad emissaries, for those who arrived in apartheid days. That’s no example of a good gov. Anyway, we are blessed with a beautiful nation and country, and PG the government will be tweaked by the real owner of this world … speedily in our days. Stay strong and faithful , we’ll all make aliya soon soon with mashiach. Until then, keep the positive faith!

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Hey you sound just like many German Jews did in the early 1930’s. Wait for the Messiah. Good strategy.

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Jewish liberals around the world have learned after 10/7 that תיקון עולם is a one way transaction for the goyim.

This Jewish liberal former activist for universal justice is committed wholly and exclusively to fighting for Israel and Jews. Fuck the rest of the world—as that feeling is mutual.

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You failed to answer the fundamental question. In my opinion there is no future for the Jewish community as long as the ANC remains in power. Don’t repeat the stupidity of the German Jews who thought Hitler rhetoric would never turn into reality. Emigration is challenging but it is worth the anxiety and turmoil in the long term. Always try to move to a country with family support. The longer you leave the decision the harder it will become when ultimately you have to exit as refugees.

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I am so sorry to hear that life has gotten so dangerous there. Praying everyone who needs to leave gets the help they need to relocate. Stay safe.

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Such an excellent piece. My heart goes out to yourself and all Jews in South Africa. How dreadful to be faced with the decision to leave your homeland.

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Is this even a question?

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Jan 21Liked by Joshua Hoffman

Mandela was made into saint who started out as a terrorist. South Africa needed a leader but during time Mandela was sitting in jail his entourage has completely evolved into what finally transpired now. The West didn’t want to see it, too much effort was placed into that fight and Mandela became just a very convenient symbol. A figure head, behind which a lot of unsavory stuff was brewing. Maybe this is too simplistic of an explanation but in broad strokes...

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Jan 21Liked by Joshua Hoffman

Thanks for sharing, such a well written and heartfelt piece.

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Jan 21Liked by Joshua Hoffman

In the end of 90s I was living in Andalusia, which is in the South of Spain. There I was introduced to a whole community of So. Africans, mostly Jews, who left their country because they knew that with the fall of Apartheid, Jews would not be safe. I guess they had their reasons to predict that.

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Why did they think the fall of apartheid would lead to their lack of safety?

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Those of us who supported Nelson Mandela and the end of real apartheid are shaking our heads in disbelief at how damaging the current South African regime has become as bad as what it replaced.

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Those of you who supported Nelson Mandela would support Bolsheviks during Russian Revolution and Stalin during his dictatorship. It had been clear to those who could see and hear that what SA Jews and Whites are experiencing in SA is a logical progression of your good intentions. They lead to hell for all but a few elites at the top. Sad and tragic.

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Great analysis! Stalin himself was a terrorist , acting on instructions of Lenin and Bolsheviks.

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Jan 21Liked by Joshua Hoffman

Bravely and directly said, Howard. We need to stand up and call out this government who have become traitors to the values they fought for. South Africa will one day rue its support for radical Islam when it becomes strangled by it.

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Jan 21Liked by Joshua Hoffman

Sadly, yes. This is why we must have Israel a strong and vibrant Israel. You will be among your brethren, and your children will have a future.

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I feel that if there was violence against local Jews the government would do nothing to prevent it.

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Frightening. From what Mr. Sackstein writes, I think it's obvious that it's time for Jews to leave South Africa. What are they waiting for? An Oct 7 copy-cat attack there (G-d forbid)?

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