Israeli fight is a source of ispiration from all the people want to be free and not enslaved.

Glory to Israel!

Glory to Heroes!

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I want to yell, “you do not have to beg for the approval of others to act in your own defense.” I understand though - foolish people, with foolish opinions, are undermining the will of Israelis to fight and win the war with Hamas. I too am in a smaller, but analogous dilemma - if, as a male American Christian citizen I defend myself against assault, a phalanx of writers will write furiously to portray me as evil and worthy of death. It’s maddening. But you must fight on to victory, period!

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Is it time to go? Is it time to leave the UK or whatever western country you reside in and make our way to Israel?

In 1930s Germany, the Jews didn't have that luxury. Many convinced themselves that things weren't that bad and won't become an existential threat to them. Many left it too late to leave and paid the ultimate price. Primarily because there was nowhere to go with countries not wanting a "Jewish problem".

Are we in same situation? Are we facing an existential threat again?

Whereas 1930s Germany it was the state that was whipping up the hatred towards Jews, this time its the Muslim mobs and their useful idiots on the far left. Ministers are burying their heads in the sand. The police are behaving like the Three Wise Monkeys. Seeing, Hearing and Speaking no evil about Islam. They are allowing the Muslim mobs to display anti-Jewish posters that would not be tolerated against any other racial group.

While the Jews are the main target for this outpouring of hatred from Muslim mobs, they hate everyone who isn't Muslim. Even the useful idiots who march with them.

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There is much that is helpful here. But as a Christian - and an apologetic Christian to be sure, aware only too well of historical links between Christianity and antisemitism - I confess to finding some of the unsupported generalisations in this piece unhelpful. After all, if 'usually, lying begins in the Church or Mosque', 'the enemy of truth is dogma' and 'dogma.... is the foundation of Islam and Christianity' then it follows that the very foundation of Islam and Christianity is the lie, and lies usually originate where Christians and Muslims find their deepest spiritual sustenance as members of their communities. I wonder if something like that would be acceptable if said of Jews and the synagogue? I for one would call out any Christian who ventured to do so. Please, dear friends, can we more subtlety in our contributions, more sensitivity, more awareness of who our friends are as well as our (current) enemies? Unsupported generalisations about whole traditions are unhelpful. I, for one, find truth in my (Catholic) Church. I, for one, stand there with you, dear Jewish friends, as a Christian and because I am a Christian. And, to quote John Lennon, 'I am not the only one'!

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My Christian friends believe we are in the end of times. When the world turns against Israel…

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Some Christian friends may think that, CK! But please remember Christianity is very diverse (alas!). I, for one, as a Catholic do not think that. I cannot see any convincing evidence for it, and anyway such predictions are not given to us (well, not to me anyway!).

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Thx for responding. Glad to know this notion isn’t universal.

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You lost my vote when you call me a liar because I’m Christian, when I am actually the one willing to help defend your freedom to reject the Messiah. You’re on your own, sir. I will no longer support you at the expense of Christian’s lives. Every knee will bow and tongue confess that Jesus Christ IS Lord.

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Oh Calli - please don't abandon your support just because of some unhelpful phrasing! Please give the author the benefit of the doubt. He, like so many, is under enormous pressure at this time. Remember Jesus' exhortation regarding the many many times one must offer forgiveness. Stay with us and stand with us.

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