While Harris may not be a classic antisemite, her attitude towards Israel is lukewarm at best and she’s publicly supported the very antisemitic and anti-Zionist encampments. The fact her husband is Jewish is not a “get out of jail” free card. Emhoff has condemned antisemitism but equates it with Islamophobia, which is barely a blip on the radar compared to antisemitism. Whatever Harris’ reasons for not picking Shapiro, her selection of Walz is disturbing given his affection for Ilhan Omar and close relationship with a Muslim cleric that supports Hamas.

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Emhoff and his wacky wife are the useful idiots the left finds to promote a more moderate liberal image. Like Biden, both are puppets of the Islamo/Leftist elite seeking to destroy America and Western civilization.

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Another useful idiot joins Kamala Harris: Ilan Goldenberg, from Obama's Iran desk and Elizabeth Warren's campaign:


At least Benedict Arnold won the Battle of Saratoga for the Patriots before going over to the other side.

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Well said.

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You two are really something.

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Actually, I'm happy the Democrat Party - with its woke dogma which includes anti-Semitism - had its phony mask of "niceness" publicly torn off. Now, anyone who still supports the Dems is not only anti-Semitic, he or she is an enemy of the United States and Western civilization generally.

As a student of global politics for over 20 years, I came up with a definition of “woke” which is circulating on social media. It bears repeating to those who still don’t understand how dark this ideology is. Please share with anyone you think should read it…

Woke is political slang for cultural Marxist dogma which insists that everything about Western civilization is rooted in Judeo-Christian, white, male heterosexual superiority and therefore, must be systematically dismantled or “cancelled” in order to have true “social justice”. Woke dogma regards people as either “oppressed victims” or “oppressors” and seeks to confer status and privilege on the “oppressed victims”, while relegating those in the “oppressor” class to 2nd class citizenship. In other words, it is racism.

Woke dogma is found in critical race and gender studies and in the language of postmodernism. It disregards objective, fact-based truth in favor of subjective narratives based on personal experience and opinions of those it deems “victims”. In recent years, wokism has focused its efforts on slandering (and ultimately destroying) Israel and world-wide Jewry at the behest of its ally: the political Islamists. Islamists are also keen on eliminating Christianity and all other religions, as evidenced by the persecution of minorities in Muslim countries.

Beyond its racist beliefs, wokism – like other forms of Marxism – pursues government control in every walk of life – from business and industry to healthcare and education. It discourages financial investment and individual productivity through over-regulation and high taxes. It engages in population control through issues like abortion on demand and medically assisted suicide. In an effort to undermine the authority of the traditional family it promotes homosexuality, transgenderism and single-parent households. Woke policies such as open borders and massive legal immigration are geared to overwhelm a country’s social cohesiveness, impoverish citizens and make them reliant on government.

Although wokism and Islamism are different ideologies, they have their hatred of the West in common. Together, they have infiltrated Western institutions (academia, media, politics) and if left unchallenged, will destroy Western civilization. At which point, they will undoubtedly go to war with each other since each ideology seeks to rule the world. For more information, google “Red/Green Alliance”, “Progressive/Islamist Alliance” or “Islamo/Marxist Alliance”. This unholy alliance has existed in some form, since the Russian revolution. It is responsible for promoting the false Palestinian cause along with putting (and keeping) the current Iranian regime in power.

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This is brilliant. Wholly agree.

Voting Republican for the first time in my life.

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"Although wokism and Islamism are different ideologies, they have their hatred of the West in common"

A great example is the prominent French Communist Roger Garaudy, who split off from the ultra-Stalinist French Communist Party over the 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia and, eventually, converted to Islam and ran a branch of his "Institute" in Gaza:


From ultra-Stalinist atheist to radical Muslim and all the time 100% consistent in his hatred of the West.

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As you can see from the excerpt below by historian Mike Cote, the alliance between the Left and the Islamists is one of convenience; not loyalty. Leftists typically toss the Islamists aside when they get what they want, and vice versa.

“The nexus between leftism and political Islam has roots in the earliest days of the Soviet Union. The new state which the Bolsheviks sought to build on the ashes of the Romanov dynasty would include, as did its predecessor, a substantial Muslim minority centered in key strategic locales like the Caucasus and Central Asia. During the brutal Russian Civil War, Soviet leaders sought to conciliate these populations and bring them into the fight against the Western-backed Whites. The Red Army concluded deals with armed Islamist groups across the region, using them to beat back the anti-Bolshevik forces and freeing up regular army troops for attacks on other White detachments.

To accomplish this, the Bolsheviks stood on the shared cause of anti-imperialism, inflecting it with a decidedly religious bent when messaging to Muslim communities. In the 1920 Congress of the Peoples of the East, held by the Communist International in Baku, Russian communist leaders interfaced with their Islamist counterparts to combat “Western imperialism.” The influential Soviet leader Grigory Zinoviev headlined the conference, calling for “a true people’s holy war against the robbers and oppressors… a holy war, in the first place against British imperialism!” This exhortation for a Red-Green alliance was met with ecstatic applause. After the Red Army’s victory, the Soviet Union under Lenin continued its push to align Muslim communities with its communist vision by cultivating Islamic clerics as proponents of Soviet power. In Soviet archival documents, this cynical plan to co-opt Islamic leaders for the sake of anti-Western influence was laid out in stark terms. After Lenin’s death and the rise of Stalin, this was seen as a waste of effort and Muslims were persecuted once again.

The Red-Green alliance accelerated in the post-Stalin era, especially within the Middle East, where the Soviets sought to conciliate Islamism to counter America during the Cold War. Going forward, however, it was often the Islamists in the driver’s seat, using Soviet largesse to their own political benefit. Leaders of Islamist movements sought to “develop a modern political ideology based on Islam, which they [saw] as…the best means of confronting foreign imperialism.” This dovetailed perfectly with the USSR, which presented itself as the anti-imperialist force par excellence. Islamists used this shared value to gain Soviet backing for their own aims; the Soviets funded and supported Islamist regimes, pan-Arabist movements, and Palestinian guerrillas, all of whom sought the end of Israel and American influence in the region. Leaders like Egypt’s Gamal Abdel Nasser, Syria’s Hafez al-Assad, and PLO head Yasser Arafat (as well as his successor, Mahmoud Abbas) all had deep ties to Moscow, from which they benefited handsomely.

The most significant Cold War example of the Red-Green alliance in action was in Iran. The Iranian Revolution was a “revolt of society against the state,” bringing together a variety of opponents to the Shah’s regime – nationalists, liberals, Marxists, and Islamists. The latter two groups made the largest impact on the revolution’s ideology and eventual success, teaming up under the watchful eye of the USSR to demonize the Shah as a puppet of Western imperialists, namely Israel and America. After the abdication of the Shah, the Green faction under Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini turned on its Red allies and marginalized them. Iran was declared an Islamic Republic in April 1979 and its anti-imperialist bona fides were proven by taking 66 American hostages that November. That action allowed the mullahs to contend that they were even more anti-imperialist than their former Marxist partners. The Mujahadeen-e-Khalq (MEK), the Red half of the coalition, was forced into exile shortly thereafter. Still, the Islamist regime in Tehran remained close to the Soviets, despite the MEK defenestration, as they shared a primary objective: waging war against the West.

Once the Red half of the Cold War coalition fell in 1991, Islamists had to look elsewhere for their comrades of convenience. They sought the next best thing to the actual Soviet Union: its biggest and most influential supporters, progressive Western activists and academics. The Red-Green alliance thus shifted in composition and location, moving into European politics with the mass influx of Muslim migrants in addition to growing collaboration in North America. Islamists and the radical left found common cause once again in anti-imperialism, this time lambasting the West for forcefully responding to Islamic terrorism post-9/11. Protests against America’s invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan erupted across Europe, America, and the Middle East, linking Islamists and progressives in what Washington Post writer Michael Kelly called “a furious, permanent, reactionary opposition to the devil-state America, which stands as the paramount evil of the world.” Groups like ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) are perfect examples of this post-Cold War Red-Green alliance, bringing together leftists and Islamists to march against American and Israeli “occupation” – both in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 and in the present day.

Present Day

Outright Islamic terror groups like Hezbollah have made significant inroads within the Western progressive movement, being embraced in some quarters as a “strong partner” of the international left. The presidency of Barack Obama saw further interconnection between Red and Green, especially in the realm of foreign policy. The Obama administration turned against Israel, coddled Iran, and advanced its regional ambitions, and made nice with Islamist groups including the Muslim Brotherhood. Those actions have reverberated to the present, contributing heavily to the current crisis in Israel.

During his time in office, the rhetoric of “social justice” suffused the left, allowing another entry point for Islamists to strengthen Red-Green cooperation. Muslim Brotherhood-linked organizations like CAIR (the Council on American-Islamic Relations) became “an integral part of the progressive movement,” adopting the language of intersectionality and using it to achieve their political goals, including increased Muslim immigration and mass acceptance of refugees from Islamist cultures. This integration of leftist social justice pablum into Western Islamist activism is how we got to the point where progressives are marching with banners reading “Queers for Palestine,” despite the antipathy most Islamists and Palestinians feel for the LGBT community.

We saw an inflection point in the American chapter of the global Red-Green alliance, notably during the Trump years, where talk of “Muslim bans” drove progressives and Islamists closer together. Anti-American radicalism exploded on college campuses, both in the student body and the professoriate. The BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) movement is the exemplar of this trend. Launched in 2005 – ironically enough, the same year Israel unilaterally withdrew from Gaza – BDS is a joint Red-Green effort to delegitimize the nation of Israel by falsely labeling it an “apartheid state.” Since its creation by Palestinian activists, BDS has been widely embraced on college campuses and among the American left, including by organizations like Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) and Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP). The Palestinian side of the movement has deep ties to terrorist organizations like the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and Hamas. Some BDS leaders have previously been imprisoned for their terrorist crimes, including murder, but none of this seems to faze the Western leftists who march in lockstep with them.”

Source: https://providencemag.com/2023/11/the-new-red-green-alliance-1/

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IMHO Joshua, one of your best articles so far and that is saying a lot. I say that because without telling your audience bluntly who to vote for in November, you have shown that if you, as a Jew, care about your future in America, you have no choice but to vote Republican. That Jews have to stop deluding themselves into thinking that the anti Jewish element in the Dem. party is a blip on the screen. It is not. It is a disease that is getting bigger and bigger every day. It is overtaking the body and that if you vote Dem, you will be voting against your own survival in America. I really hope that your audience has many open minded Jewish people that will just look at the evidence and the common sense if this article and turn away from the Democratic Party. Please dont let your tremendous dislike for Trump stop you from voting for him. If you would just look at his policies and not at his foolish and idiotic comments, you will find that he was an incredible friend to Jews and to Israel. They said Trump would cause WW3, they said trump would cause economic collapse. He did neither .... the world is far more dangerous now under Democrat rule than it has ever been. papa j

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Trump is not perfect. He is just.

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Even if I agree, "just" beats "horrendous" any day of the week. LOL. papa j

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lol wtf is this shitty claim

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Doesn’t “Everyone’s voice matters,” by Harris echoes “There are good people on both sides” by Trump?

Yet no one derided her for that. Not the way the dems derided Trump.

Pick your side, Jews!

Hint: the side that fights islamofobia is the wrong direction.

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Actually Trump's "nice people" comment was not directed at neo-Nazis as was finally admitted by a lefty "fact-checking" group: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-very-fine-people

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Remember the presser Kamel Lite made after Oct 7 was: ‘we will not tolerate Islamophobia.’ I heard gasps in the room I was in as everyone expected a sympathetic message to Israel; a bit of compassion for Jewish people at this moment. At the same time Dubya Bush Jr. had a presser with his practiced, ‘I gotta look mean here’ glare, 3-4 Muslim behind him at the mic, lecturing us that the ‘Koran’ is a peaceful book and ‘Islam’ is a peaceful religion. This is another ‘bottom line is money’ policy. Who or what is behind such in our face timing as those two immediate statements after the massacre? Huge money pouring across our borders as well as terrorists to subsidize destruction. Monied terrorists are lurking in the Bushes …

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Wonderful article that, I hope, will help American Jews pull their heads out of the sand and vote Trump in 2024. Notice how antisemitism is not a big part of the Republican Party but Evangelicals are?


Besides Kamala Harris, there's her running mate Tim Walz, who on multiple occasions has praised Imam Asad Zaman, whose Facebook page links to a movie praising Hitler.


PS Maher Bitar has been Senior Director of Intelligence at the NSC since the start of the Biden administration. He was previously on the national board of Students for Justice in Palestine and has now been promoted to an additional advisory role.

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Equity is taking my money and giving to a grifter on the list. Diversity is taking my job which I’m educated for and giving to someone less qualified. Inclusion means they get my back bedroom without asking.

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I do not think that Josh Shapiro's Judaism was ONE consideration for him being rejected, I believe it to be the ONLY reason.

If we don't completely place a ban on muslim immigration, it will bring about the demise in the standing of American Jewry. For that matter, it will be tragic for ALL Americans as we can see what is unfolding in Europe. Unfortunately, not even the GOP is speaking out about the danger of muslim immigration. They speak often about illegal aliens which is certainly important, but they don't dare to challenge our legal immigration policy. This is what brought us Rashida Tlaib and Ilan Omar and it will only get worse.

Jews cannot continue turning a blind eye to the rampant antisemitism in the Democrat party, they must vote Republican. The Democrats are no longer your party, they are outwardly hostile and unwelcoming to Jews. This is no longer the party of Truman, JFK, RFK, Bill Clinton, Moynahan, Scoop Jackson, Lieberman. Those sensible Democrats no longer exist or are even welcome in the Democrat party. Whatever other nonsensical issues Jewish liberals are concerned about pale in comparison to our survival as a people here, Israel and around the world. We cannot have a radical leftist who associates with muslim brotherhood jihadist groups and individuals as leader of the free world.

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Actually, they weren't silent, they were openly pro-hamas and openly celebrated the pogrom.


"Social activists whom American Jews have supported for decades were glaringly silent about the Palestinian pogroms, resulting in some 1,200 dead and 250 kidnapped in a single day".

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Great article. Just two claims that I disagree with. Harris pro Israel and pro democracy. She is neither.

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2020's America is pretty much identical to 1920's Germany!

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No it is not: the most recent Harvard-Harris poll (field dates July 24-28) shows 80% of Americans side with Israel against Hamas https://harvardharrispoll.com/

10+ million Americans have joined Christians United for Israel: https://cufi.org/

There was nothing remotely like that in 1920s Germany.

The loud excesses of a small minority (less than 20% in Harvard-Harris poll) should not be used to smear the vast majority of Americans who, in fact, support Israel.

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This is the most essential article you’ve written since I’ve started my subscription.

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Just recalled a quote from "The Godfather" -- "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" hmmmm.

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Thank you for your work Joshua.

I would be surprised if you haven’t lately sensed an eerie empathy to some of the prophets of the Tanakh. If so, at least one aspect in which that is true is the discomfort of giving witness to truths that are resisted; sometimes vehemently, by those you care deeply for. As the record of the Tanakh reveals, it can get far worse (see Jeremiah), but I want to encourage you to continue speaking forth the truth as you see it, regardless of personal consequences. I hope and pray you do - and believe you will. If so, you will become “…like a tree planted beside streams of water, which yields its fruit in season, whose foliage never fades, and whatever it produces thrives.” (Psalms 1:3)

I submit that a significant portion of the ‘root cause’ for the raging antisemitism and many other manifestations of evil abroad in the world today, is the wholesale abandonment of absolute, in favor or relative, truth. There are potentially countless examples of how this has worked to ‘dissolve’ once firm foundations of belief and convictions, in virtually every area of reality, and now the masses are left largely at sea, adrift in one storm after another.

There is an anchor in this storm that is available to any and all that will receive and apply it correctly; the Word of G-d. In reality, that is the only antidote to the disease that is ravaging through the hearts and minds of the multitudes. But, again, this is precisely what G-d’s prophets of the past were speaking forth and, tragically, it was largely treated the same then as now.

The mockers will continue to mock, the scoffers to scoff, the false teachers and self-proclaimed wise and prophets among the peoples of the world will grow ever stronger in declaring their deceptive falsehoods and honoring their favored forms of foolishness.

Isaiah 5:18-24

“18 Ah, those who haul sin with cords of falsehood and iniquity as with cart ropes!

19 Who say, “Let Him speed, let Him hasten His purpose, if we are to give thought; let the plans of the Holy One of Israel be quickly fulfilled, if we are to give heed.”

20 Ah, those who call evil good and good evil; who present darkness as light and light as darkness; who present bitter as sweet and sweet as bitter! 21 Ah, those who are so wise—In their own opinion; so clever—In their own judgment!

22 Ah, those who are so doughty—as drinkers of wine, and so valiant—as mixers of drink! 23 Who vindicate him who is in the wrong in return for a bribe, and withhold vindication from him who is in the right.

24 Assuredly, as straw is consumed by a tongue of fire and hay shrivels as it burns,their stock shall become like rot, and their buds shall blow away like dust. For they have rejected the instruction of the LORD of Hosts, spurned the word of the Holy One of Israel.”

From ancient times to this day, only a remnant of mankind has loved Truth enough to accept - and embrace - it when witnessed to in the depths of their souls. Perhaps the greatest reason for this tragic reality - the basis for ‘History repeats itself’ - is that, sooner or later, it will carry us in the opposite direction from our own self-centered desires. Following the ‘still small voice’ of Truth will ultimately lead us to bind ‘Self’ on the Altar of G-d; the only place where the critical heart transplant operation all humanity requires (if the world is to become the place we all yearn for it to be) may take place.

Instinctively, we fear that true, and essential, sacrifice of Self; we recoil from it and grasp at any and every possible rationalization to defend our rejection.

But, G-d lovingly pleads and beckons us to trust and follow Him; to allow Him to lead us out of darkness, into light, from bondage to freedom, from spiritual death, to true spiritual life.

Jeremiah 29:11-14

“11 For I am mindful of the plans I have made concerning you—declares the LORD—plans for your welfare, not for disaster, to give you a hopeful future. 12 When you call Me, and come and pray to Me, I will give heed to you.

13 You will search for Me and find Me, if only you seek Me wholeheartedly. 14 I will be at hand for you—declares the LORD—and I will restore your fortunes. And I will gather you from all the nations and from all the places to which I have banished you—declares the LORD—and I will bring you back to the place from which I have exiled you.”

Ezekiel 36:22-28

“22 Say to the House of Israel: Thus said the Lord GOD: Not for your sake will I act, O House of Israel, but for My holy name, which you have caused to be profaned among the nations to which you have come. 23 I will sanctify My great name which has been profaned among the nations—among whom you have caused it to be profaned. And the nations shall know that I am the LORD—declares the Lord GOD—when I manifest My holiness before their eyes through you.

24 I will take you from among the nations and gather you from all the countries, and I will bring you back to your own land. 25 I will sprinkle clean water upon you, and you shall be clean: I will cleanse you from all your uncleanness and from all your fetishes.

26 And I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit into you: I will remove the heart of stone from your body and give you a heart of flesh; 27 and I will put My spirit into you. Thus I will cause you to follow My laws and faithfully to observe My rules. 28 Then you shall dwell in the land which I gave to your fathers, and you shall be My people and I will be your God.”

May the Lord continue to bless, guide, and protect His People Israel, give wisdom, discernment, and courage to her leaders, strength and victory against her many enemies, and salvation to those who are lost, far away from, and seek the G-d of their fathers; the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

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Joshua, In your opinion, is there anything at all that we can do to convince the Jews in our lives whose only source of news is the legacy media and leftist political satire programs that the Democratic Party is the one to fear?

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Probably not. Some people have to learn the hard way unfortunately.

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A. Harris's husband is jewish. B. Shapiro has been a very visible spokesman for the Harris campaign and will surely continue to be one. Barring concrete evidence that Harris's decision was based at least in part on Shapiro being jewish, I think people should drop this speculation.

And, regarding anti-semitism, let's remember that it has been going on a lot longer on the right and has deep roots in some parts of society. The anti-semitism on the left could very well be transitory for many, especially for younger people who did not grow up with anti-semitism and have only recently adopted it. This doesn't mean that we shouldn't worry about anti-semitism, wherever it comes from.

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I wish I was as naive as you, truly.

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Not naive, just not hopelessly biased like you. Shapiro is a good public speaker, but Walz wipes the floor with him in that role. I think that is one major reason why Walz got picked over Shapiro.

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Look at all the controversies about Walz. Stolen valor, his covid snitch line, his doing nothing while Minneapolis burned, his friendship with an Imam who praised Hitler, etc. To say that he wipes the floor with Shapiro is just silly. Since he has been named all the talk has been bad about him.

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There were also issues with Shapiro having nothing to do with his religion that would have been negatives or distractions. This guy is just a whiny little - I wish there were a non gendered insult for someone like this guy but the best ones all are.

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Look at all the controversies about Walz. Stolen valor, his covid snitch line, his doing nothing while Minneapolis burned, his friendship with an Imam who praised Hitler, etc. To say that he wipes the floor with Shapiro is just silly. Since he has been named all the talk has been bad about him.

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I wish you were a more intelligent and honest person. Truly.

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"anti-semitism on the left could very well be transitory"

Ahh, transitory inflation, the illusion continues...

The Left is consumed by racist DEI identitarian politics that deny individual achievements and merit. From that vantage, no target is more obvious than the Jewish community


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It is the right that has weaponized “DEI” to make racist attacks. And your only concern is that it might affect jews. If you were really concerned, you would be concerned about everyone. There is nothing wrong with trying to ensure there is no discrimination and that rules and laws are applied fairly, which is what equity means. It is about equality of opportunity, not equality of outcomes. Like anything, it can get misused or abused, but it is not inherently a bad thing.

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"ensure there is no discrimination and that rules and laws are applied fairly, which is what equity means. It is about equality of opportunity, not equality of outcomes"

Dead wrong: "equity" is used, eg by Ibram Kendi, as equality of outcomes so that greater numbers of white/Asian students getting into competitive public high schools is viewed as evidence of "systemic racism", as are better calculus test scores for those groups (hence the "math is racist" movement).

There's a popular graphic making the rounds illustrating that for the Left, "equity" means "equal outcomes":


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What is described in that article is a bad approach. Applied properly, equity is simply ensuring that laws and rules are applied fairly to all, nothing more. And equality just means equal before the laws or rules.

As to diversity, there is nothing wrong with trying to create a diverse workforce or student body, or whatever, and that can be done without compromising standards of achievement, skills, or whatever. Diverse experiences in life can enhance an institution.

Inclusion is a rather wishy washy term and I would rather that were left out, but I think that, when applied well, equity and diversity are worthy goals. I will readily admit, however, that some institutions might not do a good job of applying these concepts, or simply use the term as a sort of public relations buzzword. But people like you are using it in a bigoted way.

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This is still a free country so you can still invent your own dictionary even if it is at variance with the language used by the Left.

But equity as used by DEI departments and the Left means exactly "equality of outcomes" as you saw in that link from a health group that is ostensibly non-political.

"there is nothing wrong with trying to create a diverse workforce"

In common usage: Board of Directors that is 25% Black is diverse; a Board of Directors that is 100% Black is extremely diverse.

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As I said, such concepts can be misapplied, but that doesn’t make the original intention inherently bad. What I say is to criticize on the merits, where you find misapplication, and don’t just make blanket condemnations. You could say that affirmative action was an early form of DEI, but it was absolutely needed in institutions like the military, and it was successful there. Now that discrimination on the basis of race or sex is much less overt, it might seem as though there is no need for corrective measures, but such discrimination still persists. Besides which, diversity is not necessarily an anti-discrimination measure, since diverse backgrounds and experiences can, in and off themselves, aid in the overall performance of an institution, and can avoid narrow ways of thinking.

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Not the way Kamala defines it. She defines it as reality of outcomes.

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This is what she said: “Equitable treatment means we all end up in the same place.”

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I meant to write equality.

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That statement can be taken different ways. And it can depend upon what you are applying it to. For example, there should be equal treatment of all citizens before the law, and that doesn't always happen. Equal treatment before the law is equity.

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It is quite clear that they want equal outcomes. If there aren’t as many blacks as whites it’s automatically assumed to be racist.

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