Well I for one am not supporting ANY group that has not stood with Israel or at least remained neutral. I look it up online and I keep a list. Next: the Jews have been the most consistently persecuted group in history and yet each time we survive, pick ourselves up, figure out what to do next, and move forward, creating a new productive lifestyle. Do we kvetch? Yes, but we kvetch about everything. We have the least "victim" mentality of any group on earth (recounting our history is NOT victimhood). Our families remain intact, along with our social systems and networks, our focus on education, and our love of life. We always help each other, and it has paid off time and time again. Is that another reason why they hate us? We are survivors and perennially successful and it drives everyone crazy !!!!
The fact of the matter is that we are unlikely to completely solve this problem because nobody has ever been able to solve this problem. It’s not a rational problem. It’s emotional . It’s unexamined beliefs and stereotypes. It’s a lying politician manipulating his audience for political gain. It’s taught at home or in some other setting where easily impressionable people absorb prejudice. Whatever the fundamental mechanism, whether religious indoctrination, political indoctrination, or emotional-psychological problems, the end result is that it leads to discrimination and lethal violence. That doesn’t mean we don’t try to solve the problem, but from an operational perspective we need to focus at least as much attention on not being victimized. Self defense is key. Community defense is key. Bullies don’t like a fight. They want soft targets. And we need to change the perception of being soft targets. The fight to survive and have basic human rights, like not getting massacred by psychopaths, must include dealing with the physical realities of unexpected violence. If the society you live in won’t let you protect yourself, you either have to leave or break the rules.
The biggest risk comes from the political and institutional level. Individual right wing nutjobs are problematic, but they aren’t the source of the current exacerbation. This comes from the highest political levels. Ultimately Hamas was unleashed by Iran because they got the message, whether via permissive policies, insinuated or articulated statements by the Biden Administration that this was an opportune time for them to attack. As soon as it happened the USG began calling for a ceasefire, even before Israel retaliated. The demonstrations, were coordinated and paid for by NGOs throughout the West started, even before Israel retaliated. This fanned the flames of Jew hatred. The mainstream media are complicit. The lawfare and the recognition of murderers and rapists in the form of symbolic declarations of statehood by European allies of the United States, the celebrities and academics cheering for these animals, it wasn’t spontaneous. It was orchestrated and it was based on information. This attack was not a surprise to the CIA or the UN. The UN workers in Gaza were attackers. Their buildings were used by Hamas for various purposes. The media was embedded in the first wave of attackers. Meanwhile Biden does everything possible to keep Israel, the victim of a horrific attack, from winning its war.
If you want to fix things at this level, you need to fix the Cultural Marxist problem and the Democrat problem. The Left is the biggest issue here. They fomented this shit. They are still fomenting more. Even inside Israel they endanger the nation and the rest of us by attempting to overthrow Netanyahu and installing a government that will acquiesce to an Iran centric peace plan that will preserve and protect terrorist armies on Israel’s borders.
If you want to take care of Hamas at the moment, you need to understand that this didn’t start just with Hamas and it won’t be solved at that level. One important way to deal with this is to get conservatives in office in the West and to fight the tide of spreading Islamism. And that includes re-electing Donald Trump. Sorry, not sorry.
Oy. I agree with so much of what you say. But I can't vote for Trump. I'm afraid he will completely destroy our democracy from the inside and without that we have nothing. The Democrats need to get their act together and un-castrate themselves. It's too simple to say they are to blame. The Clintons changed the party, then progressivism emerged in reaction, and then a radical stupid woke sect emerged aided no doubt by outside forces and social media. The mainstream Democrats have dropped the ball. BUT, so have moderate normal Republicans. It's a mess.
Robin. Exactly HOW will Trump "destroy our democracy?" Please tell us what HE ACTUALLY SAID HE WOULD DO that would destroy our democracy? In the meantime, it is the LEFT that....
- is weaponizing the justice system against their political enemies and thus DEPRIVING YOU and ME of our right to VOTE FOR WHOMEVER WE CHOOSE.
- wants ILLEGALS to vote.
- is enacting and practicing BALLOT HARVESTING to make it easy as pie to send many "false votes" their way.
- wants to enact SAME DAY REGISTRATION so that that whatever is put on the application, CANNOT be verified until it is TOO LATE.
- don't give a damn about hackable voting machines.
- wants to sign on to the WHO Pandemic treaty/agreement and NOT submit it to the Senate for ratification because they know it won't pass.
Now, ummmmm.....Who REALLY wants to "destroy our democracy?" Hmmm??
Of course, conversation over. When all you can reply and resort to is insults and personal, ad hominem attacks, and nothing substantive (typical of the Left), there is nothing to discuss.
Peter… I can say “typical for the right” just the same. There are asssholes on both sides. Facts are facts. The left needs to get their heads out of their asses but a ‘President’ asking for votes, lying on his taxes, stealing money, paying off whores, violating his ‘Oath’, & you want to follow this individual? You want him to lead you?? Not saying very much about yourself, are you?
You can say whatever you want about Trump and his antics. I can say, "Bill Clinton." But the facts are that this this country (and the world for that matter) was the safest and most prosperous it has been in DECADES under Trump. Gas prices -- lowest in DECADES. Economy booming like it was under Reagan. World peace was higher than it was in any recent memory -- NO WARS (involving the US). & No one would ever DARE attack the US with Trump at the helm. People say, "They all laugh at Trump." I say, "They were TERRIFIED of Trump (including the bad guys)," which I regard as a GOOD thing! His motto is "Peace through strength." & Whatever keeps the bad guys away, I am ALL IN FAVOR of doing!
You can deal with reality or you can deal in hypotheticals. If my aunt had balls, she’d be my uncle. But she doesn’t.
You have four years of Trump as President to look at. It already happened. Look at his performance. If you believe what I consider to be irrational nonsense about the end of democracy from people who are actually trying to end democracy: limiting speech, engaging in lawfare to remove their political opponents, flooding the country with illegal aliens to alter the census and secure additional votes, then I’m not going to convince you otherwise. The people in power today are helping Iran and by extension helping the forces attacking Israel. It’s not an accident. The people in power today are anti-American. They are putting America last.
How you decide to act is your choice. I think it’s a simple calculus. I’m not suicidal. I think Jews voting for Democrats is self defeating right now. I think Americans voting for Democrat candidates is self defeating.
I am NOT an activist of any kind. I’ve been reading many of the texts posted here by Josh and other guest writers on this Substack since before October 7th and have learned so much. As a person with mainly Christian ancestry who grew up in Austria surrounded by Christians and Christian culture, but has some Jewish ancestry, too, I have become more aware of the climate in which I grew up meaning negative thinking about Jews, the prejudice against Jews. The negative thinking does NOT have anything to do with rational thinking. It’s got more to do with the climate in a group/society. Although I do have Jewish ancestry, I didn’t grow up Jewish in any way. I grew up in a Christian-dominated society and that has everything to do with the way my prejudice has formed even if I also sometimes feel as a descendant of Jews and therefore take on a more Jewish perspective. Thank you, Josh and the other writers, for providing me with so much positive input on one of the many ;-) Jewish perspectives!
I don’t think antisemitism began with Hitler in the’20’s, he just used it to his advantage to rise to power. He made sure everyone was brainwashed into hating all Jewish people by handing out radios without tuners. In other words the radios only received one station that broadcasted hate of the Jews. The entire country was taught to hate. He knew exactly what he was doing especially with eliminating those that didn’t agree with him.
Antisemitism is not new. I personally feel it will never go away, even a generation after trump will be worm food.
No antisemitism?? What are you smoking? Very young Muslim children are taught to hate us, to kill us. What am I missing??? I don’t expect Aunt Bee from Mayberry but… perhaps you need to wake up!
Well I for one am not supporting ANY group that has not stood with Israel or at least remained neutral. I look it up online and I keep a list. Next: the Jews have been the most consistently persecuted group in history and yet each time we survive, pick ourselves up, figure out what to do next, and move forward, creating a new productive lifestyle. Do we kvetch? Yes, but we kvetch about everything. We have the least "victim" mentality of any group on earth (recounting our history is NOT victimhood). Our families remain intact, along with our social systems and networks, our focus on education, and our love of life. We always help each other, and it has paid off time and time again. Is that another reason why they hate us? We are survivors and perennially successful and it drives everyone crazy !!!!
The absolute truth, actually !!!......
The fact of the matter is that we are unlikely to completely solve this problem because nobody has ever been able to solve this problem. It’s not a rational problem. It’s emotional . It’s unexamined beliefs and stereotypes. It’s a lying politician manipulating his audience for political gain. It’s taught at home or in some other setting where easily impressionable people absorb prejudice. Whatever the fundamental mechanism, whether religious indoctrination, political indoctrination, or emotional-psychological problems, the end result is that it leads to discrimination and lethal violence. That doesn’t mean we don’t try to solve the problem, but from an operational perspective we need to focus at least as much attention on not being victimized. Self defense is key. Community defense is key. Bullies don’t like a fight. They want soft targets. And we need to change the perception of being soft targets. The fight to survive and have basic human rights, like not getting massacred by psychopaths, must include dealing with the physical realities of unexpected violence. If the society you live in won’t let you protect yourself, you either have to leave or break the rules.
The biggest risk comes from the political and institutional level. Individual right wing nutjobs are problematic, but they aren’t the source of the current exacerbation. This comes from the highest political levels. Ultimately Hamas was unleashed by Iran because they got the message, whether via permissive policies, insinuated or articulated statements by the Biden Administration that this was an opportune time for them to attack. As soon as it happened the USG began calling for a ceasefire, even before Israel retaliated. The demonstrations, were coordinated and paid for by NGOs throughout the West started, even before Israel retaliated. This fanned the flames of Jew hatred. The mainstream media are complicit. The lawfare and the recognition of murderers and rapists in the form of symbolic declarations of statehood by European allies of the United States, the celebrities and academics cheering for these animals, it wasn’t spontaneous. It was orchestrated and it was based on information. This attack was not a surprise to the CIA or the UN. The UN workers in Gaza were attackers. Their buildings were used by Hamas for various purposes. The media was embedded in the first wave of attackers. Meanwhile Biden does everything possible to keep Israel, the victim of a horrific attack, from winning its war.
If you want to fix things at this level, you need to fix the Cultural Marxist problem and the Democrat problem. The Left is the biggest issue here. They fomented this shit. They are still fomenting more. Even inside Israel they endanger the nation and the rest of us by attempting to overthrow Netanyahu and installing a government that will acquiesce to an Iran centric peace plan that will preserve and protect terrorist armies on Israel’s borders.
If you want to take care of Hamas at the moment, you need to understand that this didn’t start just with Hamas and it won’t be solved at that level. One important way to deal with this is to get conservatives in office in the West and to fight the tide of spreading Islamism. And that includes re-electing Donald Trump. Sorry, not sorry.
Oy. I agree with so much of what you say. But I can't vote for Trump. I'm afraid he will completely destroy our democracy from the inside and without that we have nothing. The Democrats need to get their act together and un-castrate themselves. It's too simple to say they are to blame. The Clintons changed the party, then progressivism emerged in reaction, and then a radical stupid woke sect emerged aided no doubt by outside forces and social media. The mainstream Democrats have dropped the ball. BUT, so have moderate normal Republicans. It's a mess.
Robin. Exactly HOW will Trump "destroy our democracy?" Please tell us what HE ACTUALLY SAID HE WOULD DO that would destroy our democracy? In the meantime, it is the LEFT that....
- is weaponizing the justice system against their political enemies and thus DEPRIVING YOU and ME of our right to VOTE FOR WHOMEVER WE CHOOSE.
- wants ILLEGALS to vote.
- is enacting and practicing BALLOT HARVESTING to make it easy as pie to send many "false votes" their way.
- wants to enact SAME DAY REGISTRATION so that that whatever is put on the application, CANNOT be verified until it is TOO LATE.
- don't give a damn about hackable voting machines.
- wants to sign on to the WHO Pandemic treaty/agreement and NOT submit it to the Senate for ratification because they know it won't pass.
Now, ummmmm.....Who REALLY wants to "destroy our democracy?" Hmmm??
You sound like a gullible right wing cultist. No evidence. Just nasty. I will say there are things about Biden I don’t like either. Conversation over.
Of course, conversation over. When all you can reply and resort to is insults and personal, ad hominem attacks, and nothing substantive (typical of the Left), there is nothing to discuss.
Peter… I can say “typical for the right” just the same. There are asssholes on both sides. Facts are facts. The left needs to get their heads out of their asses but a ‘President’ asking for votes, lying on his taxes, stealing money, paying off whores, violating his ‘Oath’, & you want to follow this individual? You want him to lead you?? Not saying very much about yourself, are you?
You can say whatever you want about Trump and his antics. I can say, "Bill Clinton." But the facts are that this this country (and the world for that matter) was the safest and most prosperous it has been in DECADES under Trump. Gas prices -- lowest in DECADES. Economy booming like it was under Reagan. World peace was higher than it was in any recent memory -- NO WARS (involving the US). & No one would ever DARE attack the US with Trump at the helm. People say, "They all laugh at Trump." I say, "They were TERRIFIED of Trump (including the bad guys)," which I regard as a GOOD thing! His motto is "Peace through strength." & Whatever keeps the bad guys away, I am ALL IN FAVOR of doing!
Robin, thanks for your reply.
What you do is of course up to you.
You can deal with reality or you can deal in hypotheticals. If my aunt had balls, she’d be my uncle. But she doesn’t.
You have four years of Trump as President to look at. It already happened. Look at his performance. If you believe what I consider to be irrational nonsense about the end of democracy from people who are actually trying to end democracy: limiting speech, engaging in lawfare to remove their political opponents, flooding the country with illegal aliens to alter the census and secure additional votes, then I’m not going to convince you otherwise. The people in power today are helping Iran and by extension helping the forces attacking Israel. It’s not an accident. The people in power today are anti-American. They are putting America last.
How you decide to act is your choice. I think it’s a simple calculus. I’m not suicidal. I think Jews voting for Democrats is self defeating right now. I think Americans voting for Democrat candidates is self defeating.
I hope you rethink your position.
January 6 was done by Pelosi & Schumer???? Duh!
January 6th comments tell me somebody has some TDS on their list of psychiatric disorders.
I am NOT an activist of any kind. I’ve been reading many of the texts posted here by Josh and other guest writers on this Substack since before October 7th and have learned so much. As a person with mainly Christian ancestry who grew up in Austria surrounded by Christians and Christian culture, but has some Jewish ancestry, too, I have become more aware of the climate in which I grew up meaning negative thinking about Jews, the prejudice against Jews. The negative thinking does NOT have anything to do with rational thinking. It’s got more to do with the climate in a group/society. Although I do have Jewish ancestry, I didn’t grow up Jewish in any way. I grew up in a Christian-dominated society and that has everything to do with the way my prejudice has formed even if I also sometimes feel as a descendant of Jews and therefore take on a more Jewish perspective. Thank you, Josh and the other writers, for providing me with so much positive input on one of the many ;-) Jewish perspectives!
I don’t think antisemitism began with Hitler in the’20’s, he just used it to his advantage to rise to power. He made sure everyone was brainwashed into hating all Jewish people by handing out radios without tuners. In other words the radios only received one station that broadcasted hate of the Jews. The entire country was taught to hate. He knew exactly what he was doing especially with eliminating those that didn’t agree with him.
Antisemitism is not new. I personally feel it will never go away, even a generation after trump will be worm food.
No antisemitism?? What are you smoking? Very young Muslim children are taught to hate us, to kill us. What am I missing??? I don’t expect Aunt Bee from Mayberry but… perhaps you need to wake up!