While many Democrats are truly well-intentioned, their foreign policies and general views of other countries are typically more aligned with idealism that is irrelevant in the Middle East.
Interesting too, that the double standards of applying Liberal morals to Israel, but not to Hamas or Hezbollah or Iran, is precisely what the Left of the Democratic Party do in every flare-up of the endless Wars in The Middle East. Why is this? The actual reason is because to criticise people of Colour is seen as an act which breaks the Solidarity in the ranks of the Anti-White, Anti-Colonial and Anti-West Compact: Nothing to do with (Liberal) Idealism at all.
Henry Kissinger also said that the entire time he was Foreign Secretary in the US he felt he had the White Supremacist gun to his head. You can be anti-Nazi and anti-White Supremacist without being anti-White. We completely remember that there is no Freedom for ordinary White people under Nazism. 4 Million Germans and 50 Million White folks died in World War Two, started by Hitler. That war was won for Freedom and Democracy by America and her Allies, who also have done very well out of the Post-War peace of the last 80 years. The question is, can I be pro-Trump (who is a real friend of Israel), but not his Nazi-Adjacent friends in the Far Right? Because the way I see things, Trump is all that stands in the way of a Nuclear Iran. It is THAT serious, for Israel, Europe and The West. So, a question for you; Did Kissinger have a view about Trump?
Trump does not have Nazi-related friends in the Far Right. Perhaps there are some groups out there with some weird views on things, but they are nowhere near Trump's teams of consultants and advisers. One should be careful using terms life left and right, far left and far right. The only people who like them are politicians running for office and lazy people, journalists included, who need shorthand ways of framing questions. In France the centre and left won the elections, so it is claimed. In reality, Macron is weak, one of the main left parties is anti-semitic and allies itself with Islamism, while the other hodge lodge groups could not organize a garbage bag.
The Proud Boys and The Oath Keepers are violent Militias, and Nazi Militias were heavily involved in the January 6th attack on The Capitol, which Trump organised. He is also lying about Joe Biden's election in November 2020. But Trump is the right guy to take out nuclear Iran. Hence the conundrum.
If these are the two organizations, I suggest they weigh very little in the Trump circles. As for the attack on the Capitol, which Trump did not organize, there were all kinds of actors sufficiently woolly to make the term insurrection a misnomer of gigantic proportions. Lenin and Trotsky would have rolled over in their graves. But the legacy media pundits decided in their ignorance that this was an insurrection and from there went on to hide Biden's incompetence for years. Now they shift gears without even an apology. So you can say what you want, but you live in a country that does not require ID to vote. If that does not open your elections up to fraud I don't know what does.
It is Time to welcome and accept Trump as the War Leader he is. America successfully saw down the Threats of Genocidal Nazism and Totalitarian Communism. She is at present seeing off the Threat of Islam. In this Historical context, Trump's purpose is to remove the Threat of Nuclear Iran to Israel, Europe and The West. BUT He must be cautioned about the threat and danger of over-reach however, (and the danger of the present Neo-Nazism to both Freedom and Democracy) and the blow-back threat to Israel if the Palestinians of The West Bank are miss-treated. In other words, The Palestinians get Self Governed Area A in The West Bank (but not a 'State' which would imply the right to an Army or borders to traffic Arms across, given that Hamas is sworn to Genocide against The Jewish People). Thus, I am supporting Donald Trump for President in November 2024: He is a War Leader: This is how they come.
You can be whatever you want to be. As for the quote ... ask native Americans, the South Vietnamese, the Hmong, ask the Kurds and the Afganis if it's true or not.
American foreign policy has blended idealism and realpolitik for the past 80 years. The Neoconservatives of W Bush took a shot at removing bad guys and naively trying to remake nations of other legal/cultural/historical traditions in America’s image. Obama tried with “Arab Spring”, and that yielded the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt before Sisi replaced them. Then came Obama’s “share the neighborhood” policy of empowering Iran. Trump fixed that, and gave Israel the space to develop its own diplomatic muscle with the Abraham’ Accords and others. Biden has personal affinity for Israel and the Jewish people, but the Mideast foreign policy show is running Obama’s plays.
Say what you might about political self-interest, these people seek power with good intentions. Netanyahu has a vision too; his problem is that he lacks the courage to spell it out and stand behind it, rather develops biblical Israel in “stealth” while (until 10/7) talking about the dismally failed “Two State Solution” to the “Palestinian conflict” (which had nothing to do with the atrocities of 10/7 until Biden linked it to U.S. support). There is no “solution” other than the inhabitants finding a way to live together—mutual existence—as they do in the Old City and did throughout Jerusalem from ‘67 to the Oslo Accords (‘93) gave Arafat cover he wanted for continuing the “resistance” to Israel’s existence.
Israel does not prevail with realpolitik. Israel prevails because it is a light of justice unto the nations—it acts with the values of the Torah that our people were given by Hashem. Ideals in action.
This article has attracted a lot of comments as it correctly exposes important fundamental issues. It's appalling that the USA has not secured the release of its own citizens, let alone the other hostages. The USA was capable of making very serious threats to Hamas to stop the fighting but its own crazy politics hobbled common-sense solutions.
I did not want to like this! I am no fan of Trump. I don't believe Trump is good for the US or much of the world. But he is good for Israel. Politics - in the US and in most of the rest of the world is a mess - end of story. As much as I hate to say it. You nailed this.
Solid article. Trump is definitely a better ally for Israel and has better policies for our domestic economy. He is actually the most moderate republican in history. November’s US election can’t come soon enough for Israel.
Lame ducks are insulted at being compared to meatpuppet Biden. Israel would be wise to treat this as a second war of attrition until Trump assumes office.
Elie Kedourie made the same point in his withering criticism of British Colonial and Foreign Offices during Britain's exercise of the Palestine Mandate. The only success those officials ever had was in colonizing the US State Department with their delusional ideas.
This article wreaks with bias against those of us who actively support Israel and the Democratic party. The US and Israel will be the losers if there is a Trump win in November. My personal hope is that Israel will move away from the dominance of the settler right wing and the ultra Orthodox stranglehold on government policy.
Just because you support Israel and the Democratic Party (two very different entities which have nothing to do with each other) doesn’t mean that is best for Israel and that is what the majority of Israelis want.
Your analysis is faulty. Both Israel and the US will be winners because Trump would let Israel get on with the job while he rebuilds the US Armed Forces. Hopefully both will take a more aggressive stance against Iran and all its proxies. As for the settlers in Judea and Samaria, they are the heroes who save Israel's ass time and time again. Smotrich is the most intelligent and consistent minister in the government, but neither he nor the ultra orthodox have a stranglehold on the government. If you would stop to use right wing as a weapon and start to look at the facts, you might learn a thing or two about Israeli reality. So would Mr. Blinken, but his case is hopeless.
This is all part ofObama’s plan to “transform” America and purge the Democratic Party of moderates and supporters of Israel which we can expect will get more intense if Trump wins
It is Time to welcome and accept Trump as the War Leader he is. America successfully saw down the Threats of Genocidal Nazism and Totalitarian Communism. She is at present seeing off the Threat of Islam. In this Historical context, Trump's purpose is to remove the Threat of Nuclear Iran to Israel, Europe and The West. BUT He must be cautioned about the threat and danger of over-reach however (and the danger of the present Neo-Nazism to both Freedom and Democracy) , and the blow-back threat to Israel if the Palestinians of The West Bank are mis-treated. In other words, The Palestinians get Self Governed Area A in The West Bank (but not a 'State' which would imply the right to an Army or borders to traffic Arms across, given that Hamas is sworn to Genocide against The Jewish People). Thus, I am supporting Donald Trump for President in November 2024: He is a War Leader: This is how they come.
We are going to get nowhere by calling each other bonkers, Mrs Kletter. But I accept the truth of what you say about the danger of Christian Nationalism. We monitor an organisation high inside MI6 here calling itself the (Re-Formed) Nazi Party, who have been rallying as such with highly placed European Nazis. Thus, separating what is needed from Trump from his Nazi Militia support will define the next few months in politics. We have been successful here in the UK in doing this here. I leave the sneeky-weeky coo-chi-coo-chi-coo-chi-coo stuff at the door before coming onto this website, (but I can assure you it proves useful too). Israel Am Chai!
No Jewish or Israeli organization should encourage Americans to vote for a man who will let Christian nationalists run the United States. Somehow you believe that the man who dines with Neo-Nazis and antisemites will be good for Israel and the Jews. His legion of white supremacists (ate we just going to repress the memory of a guy wearing a Camp Auschwitz tee-shirt attacking the US Capitol on behalf of Trump. You are not the Future of Judaism, you will be the death of us all.
tangentially thinking - for those outside of Israel in particular ie Canada, Australia, USA, UK. Yes of course this person has been lied about for at least 10 years, non-stop. If nothing else this 45 or so minutes from 9:06 is the most brilliant on the ground warning about a major aspect of 'the war'. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eJD0K02ovQ&t=548s
Interesting too, that the double standards of applying Liberal morals to Israel, but not to Hamas or Hezbollah or Iran, is precisely what the Left of the Democratic Party do in every flare-up of the endless Wars in The Middle East. Why is this? The actual reason is because to criticise people of Colour is seen as an act which breaks the Solidarity in the ranks of the Anti-White, Anti-Colonial and Anti-West Compact: Nothing to do with (Liberal) Idealism at all.
Henry Kissinger once quipped that "it may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal."
Kissinger was dangerous to Israel.
Henry Kissinger also said that the entire time he was Foreign Secretary in the US he felt he had the White Supremacist gun to his head. You can be anti-Nazi and anti-White Supremacist without being anti-White. We completely remember that there is no Freedom for ordinary White people under Nazism. 4 Million Germans and 50 Million White folks died in World War Two, started by Hitler. That war was won for Freedom and Democracy by America and her Allies, who also have done very well out of the Post-War peace of the last 80 years. The question is, can I be pro-Trump (who is a real friend of Israel), but not his Nazi-Adjacent friends in the Far Right? Because the way I see things, Trump is all that stands in the way of a Nuclear Iran. It is THAT serious, for Israel, Europe and The West. So, a question for you; Did Kissinger have a view about Trump?
Trump does not have Nazi-related friends in the Far Right. Perhaps there are some groups out there with some weird views on things, but they are nowhere near Trump's teams of consultants and advisers. One should be careful using terms life left and right, far left and far right. The only people who like them are politicians running for office and lazy people, journalists included, who need shorthand ways of framing questions. In France the centre and left won the elections, so it is claimed. In reality, Macron is weak, one of the main left parties is anti-semitic and allies itself with Islamism, while the other hodge lodge groups could not organize a garbage bag.
The Proud Boys and The Oath Keepers are violent Militias, and Nazi Militias were heavily involved in the January 6th attack on The Capitol, which Trump organised. He is also lying about Joe Biden's election in November 2020. But Trump is the right guy to take out nuclear Iran. Hence the conundrum.
If these are the two organizations, I suggest they weigh very little in the Trump circles. As for the attack on the Capitol, which Trump did not organize, there were all kinds of actors sufficiently woolly to make the term insurrection a misnomer of gigantic proportions. Lenin and Trotsky would have rolled over in their graves. But the legacy media pundits decided in their ignorance that this was an insurrection and from there went on to hide Biden's incompetence for years. Now they shift gears without even an apology. So you can say what you want, but you live in a country that does not require ID to vote. If that does not open your elections up to fraud I don't know what does.
It is Time to welcome and accept Trump as the War Leader he is. America successfully saw down the Threats of Genocidal Nazism and Totalitarian Communism. She is at present seeing off the Threat of Islam. In this Historical context, Trump's purpose is to remove the Threat of Nuclear Iran to Israel, Europe and The West. BUT He must be cautioned about the threat and danger of over-reach however, (and the danger of the present Neo-Nazism to both Freedom and Democracy) and the blow-back threat to Israel if the Palestinians of The West Bank are miss-treated. In other words, The Palestinians get Self Governed Area A in The West Bank (but not a 'State' which would imply the right to an Army or borders to traffic Arms across, given that Hamas is sworn to Genocide against The Jewish People). Thus, I am supporting Donald Trump for President in November 2024: He is a War Leader: This is how they come.
I think the "palestinians" should be expelled to Jordan.
terms like left and right is how it should read
You can be whatever you want to be. As for the quote ... ask native Americans, the South Vietnamese, the Hmong, ask the Kurds and the Afganis if it's true or not.
Well said all around. You have a gift for clear conveyance of your ideas, and you do not waste words. Always interested to hear what you have to say.
Am Yisrael Chai
Appreciate the kind words!!
American foreign policy has blended idealism and realpolitik for the past 80 years. The Neoconservatives of W Bush took a shot at removing bad guys and naively trying to remake nations of other legal/cultural/historical traditions in America’s image. Obama tried with “Arab Spring”, and that yielded the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt before Sisi replaced them. Then came Obama’s “share the neighborhood” policy of empowering Iran. Trump fixed that, and gave Israel the space to develop its own diplomatic muscle with the Abraham’ Accords and others. Biden has personal affinity for Israel and the Jewish people, but the Mideast foreign policy show is running Obama’s plays.
Say what you might about political self-interest, these people seek power with good intentions. Netanyahu has a vision too; his problem is that he lacks the courage to spell it out and stand behind it, rather develops biblical Israel in “stealth” while (until 10/7) talking about the dismally failed “Two State Solution” to the “Palestinian conflict” (which had nothing to do with the atrocities of 10/7 until Biden linked it to U.S. support). There is no “solution” other than the inhabitants finding a way to live together—mutual existence—as they do in the Old City and did throughout Jerusalem from ‘67 to the Oslo Accords (‘93) gave Arafat cover he wanted for continuing the “resistance” to Israel’s existence.
Israel does not prevail with realpolitik. Israel prevails because it is a light of justice unto the nations—it acts with the values of the Torah that our people were given by Hashem. Ideals in action.
This article has attracted a lot of comments as it correctly exposes important fundamental issues. It's appalling that the USA has not secured the release of its own citizens, let alone the other hostages. The USA was capable of making very serious threats to Hamas to stop the fighting but its own crazy politics hobbled common-sense solutions.
I did not want to like this! I am no fan of Trump. I don't believe Trump is good for the US or much of the world. But he is good for Israel. Politics - in the US and in most of the rest of the world is a mess - end of story. As much as I hate to say it. You nailed this.
Appreciate your ability to see behind the tribal lines of pro-Trump anti-Trump and recognize the nuanced truth 🙏
Solid article. Trump is definitely a better ally for Israel and has better policies for our domestic economy. He is actually the most moderate republican in history. November’s US election can’t come soon enough for Israel.
Are you out of your mind? Trump? He's evil. Look into Project 2025, then tell me that his policies are better for the United States.
I think letting our country be invaded by 20 million illegals is already pretty evil.
Lame ducks are insulted at being compared to meatpuppet Biden. Israel would be wise to treat this as a second war of attrition until Trump assumes office.
Elie Kedourie made the same point in his withering criticism of British Colonial and Foreign Offices during Britain's exercise of the Palestine Mandate. The only success those officials ever had was in colonizing the US State Department with their delusional ideas.
This article wreaks with bias against those of us who actively support Israel and the Democratic party. The US and Israel will be the losers if there is a Trump win in November. My personal hope is that Israel will move away from the dominance of the settler right wing and the ultra Orthodox stranglehold on government policy.
Just because you support Israel and the Democratic Party (two very different entities which have nothing to do with each other) doesn’t mean that is best for Israel and that is what the majority of Israelis want.
Your analysis is faulty. Both Israel and the US will be winners because Trump would let Israel get on with the job while he rebuilds the US Armed Forces. Hopefully both will take a more aggressive stance against Iran and all its proxies. As for the settlers in Judea and Samaria, they are the heroes who save Israel's ass time and time again. Smotrich is the most intelligent and consistent minister in the government, but neither he nor the ultra orthodox have a stranglehold on the government. If you would stop to use right wing as a weapon and start to look at the facts, you might learn a thing or two about Israeli reality. So would Mr. Blinken, but his case is hopeless.
This is all part ofObama’s plan to “transform” America and purge the Democratic Party of moderates and supporters of Israel which we can expect will get more intense if Trump wins
It is Time to welcome and accept Trump as the War Leader he is. America successfully saw down the Threats of Genocidal Nazism and Totalitarian Communism. She is at present seeing off the Threat of Islam. In this Historical context, Trump's purpose is to remove the Threat of Nuclear Iran to Israel, Europe and The West. BUT He must be cautioned about the threat and danger of over-reach however (and the danger of the present Neo-Nazism to both Freedom and Democracy) , and the blow-back threat to Israel if the Palestinians of The West Bank are mis-treated. In other words, The Palestinians get Self Governed Area A in The West Bank (but not a 'State' which would imply the right to an Army or borders to traffic Arms across, given that Hamas is sworn to Genocide against The Jewish People). Thus, I am supporting Donald Trump for President in November 2024: He is a War Leader: This is how they come.
Apparently you are insane and I am sorry anything I said incited your response
We are going to get nowhere by calling each other bonkers, Mrs Kletter. But I accept the truth of what you say about the danger of Christian Nationalism. We monitor an organisation high inside MI6 here calling itself the (Re-Formed) Nazi Party, who have been rallying as such with highly placed European Nazis. Thus, separating what is needed from Trump from his Nazi Militia support will define the next few months in politics. We have been successful here in the UK in doing this here. I leave the sneeky-weeky coo-chi-coo-chi-coo-chi-coo stuff at the door before coming onto this website, (but I can assure you it proves useful too). Israel Am Chai!
Absolutely, Israel needs to keep up its own weapons manufacturing!!!!! That should be a priority.
No Jewish or Israeli organization should encourage Americans to vote for a man who will let Christian nationalists run the United States. Somehow you believe that the man who dines with Neo-Nazis and antisemites will be good for Israel and the Jews. His legion of white supremacists (ate we just going to repress the memory of a guy wearing a Camp Auschwitz tee-shirt attacking the US Capitol on behalf of Trump. You are not the Future of Judaism, you will be the death of us all.
tangentially thinking - for those outside of Israel in particular ie Canada, Australia, USA, UK. Yes of course this person has been lied about for at least 10 years, non-stop. If nothing else this 45 or so minutes from 9:06 is the most brilliant on the ground warning about a major aspect of 'the war'. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eJD0K02ovQ&t=548s