Dec 16, 2023Liked by Joshua Hoffman

You quoted Frantzman “So far, since Iran has not been able to draw the U.S. or Israel into a wider conflict, it is concerned,” . Does this mean you don't think the US should respond in kind to the proxy attacks on US troops?

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In principle, yes, we should show strong deterrence, but I’m afraid we don’t really have all the information to make an informed decision.

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You’re right, Diane; October 7, 2023 was still an active ceasefire before the slaughter. And yea, F CNN- stopped watching them the day Jeremy Diamond so gleefully reported that the IDF essentially cannot be believed bc, according to him, of its dubious record, following the bombing of a hospital parking lot in gaza that all media vultures blithely descended upon with zero confirmation- how any of these outlets are still credible is beyond my understanding. And last thought re Ukraine support in relation to Israel support- Biden is more useless than I could have ever imagined. He’s no different than the majority of pro-hamas supporters who do so ONLY because it’s popular and trendy and he buckling to peer pressure like some impressionable teenager. I must admit that I voted for him, to my everlasting shame, because I wanted Trump out of office. I’m not a democrat however, and those were my only choices- not an excuse, simply my reasoning at the time, and I have to live with my decision. I thought that I was putting country first. But I shan’t make that mistake again.

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Such good reading on this now ridiculous strategy of a ceasefire. It didn't work the first time in this war (as it hadn't in the past) and yet these political clowns still push for it. I moved beyond your comments on the UN which was highly publicized in the US. The UN is a useless organization that unites only the chosen ones. Many Americans feels this way about them, and believe that vote was meaningless because we knew what it would be due to the countries voting on it. Now we have our weak president in the US who says Israel must use restraint and the war needs to end. While he's still doing his two step dance, and says we will stay in the Ukraine as long as it takes, (which is going on two years in March), but Israel (fighting for two months) must end this war now. I'm starting to feel that I'm living in bizarro world, and then reality sets in and I realize there's only one reason and one reason alone for everyone cherry pickin everything Israel is doing or not doing. The world hates Jews. An example of the insanity of this is a 16 year old who watched his parents killed in front him in his kibbutz and had to lay with his dead mother on top of him for hours. He was also shot and is now an orphan without a home. He went on CNN (which I wil never watch) to tell his story. Viewers wrote in that he was a good actor, that he was lying. That is so despicable, but the point I wanted to make is even with proof, people who hate Jews will never be convinced with pictures, facts, or hearing it from those who lived it. If the west continues as it is, our enemies can sit back, laugh, and plan for our demise. While Bernie Sanders did have some clarity with his ceasefire statement, it was shortlived because there was a "but' atfer he acknowledged a ceasefire should not happen. I look forward to your articles every day, one better than the other. A proud Jewish woman I will remain despite the hate. I know there are good people on our side.

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Diane, I stand with you

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Thank you, Joanne. It's always encouraging to hear from people with shared beliefs. I'm trying very hard to keep hope alive and that sanity will overome the insanity in this world.

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I agree, we need to keep hope alive in our beautiful country.

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I have read a great deal but continue to be amazed by the stupidity of the west. I think of the future and of the tears that will be shed, the lives shattered ... and the finger pointing of blame. As for the "west" you have brought this on; your limited imagination and lack of historical knowledge will end in a conflagration .... it should have been Sherman's "scorched earth" policy implemented ... fhis might have saved our world and not just the Jewish world !

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Joshua Hoffman

Once again, you knocked it out of the park. Not a wasted word.

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Joshua Hoffman

F the U.N.

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Many of the countries who voted for the ceasefire have allowed millions of Muslims into their countries to work and become citizens. Canada, my own birthplace, is a case in point. Even now, Prime Minister Trudeau chides Canadians against "Islamophobia" when it isn't Mosques being attacked since Oct 7, but Jewish synagogues and schools. Local police say they are on high alert re: violence toward Jewish communities but I haven't heard of one arrest for an anti-Semitic act of violence. Still, even if politicians like Trudeau are cowardly appeasers, there are many non-Jews who - even if they don't give a damn about Israel - abhor the Muslimization of their countries. Today I attended a webinar about why Israel is losing the PR war with Hamas. Many sound reasons were given but my own feeling, as a professional writer and PR consultant for forty years, is that Israel has failed to "universalize" her cause as the Palestinians' spinmeisters have done. My strategy would be to bombard social media with factual stories about Muslim power-seeking in Western countries, as well as the genocides they are committing in their own countries. Oh sure, I'd throw in stories involving Israel, too - but for us to win the PR war, we must not make ourselves the protagonist in the stories; merely support characters.

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Yes, ma’am. that’s all very true. I’m reading that everywhere since Oct. 7. But I never know if it’s true about bots, on social media, and the financing going into the other side’s efforts and the fact that we are overwhelmingly outnumbered. I believe, don’t quote me, it was something like 250 million #standwithisrael to billion/s free pal. I do as much as can for that each day but social media is just awful, really an emotional drain and strain. I don’t even bother with TikTok. Though there are many of us, and we’ve been communicating, connecting, consoling- the lies and hateful to ludicrous comments absolutely blow my mind. On a positive note, this has really reunited the Jewish community.

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We can't win on social media by focusing on Israel because most non-Jews just don't give a shit about us unless our situation affects them directly or unless we have non-Jewish "influencers" speaking on our behalf. Preferably young and hip. Or military types which a lot of non-Jews admire. But my idea for a separate campaign would focus on the Muslimization of Western countries - ranging from trying to make Sharia law legal, to female circumcision to honor killings and beatings, to the stupid or treasonous things Western Muslim politicians say or do. I'd also like to run stories about Muslim-on-Muslim genocides in Muslim countries and the persecution of Xians in Muslim lands. The MSM doesn't cover that because the Red/Green control of the media prevents it. But hey, Israel's intel agencies have a lot of info that maybe could be released about these topics on social media. I already sent an email to Bibi about this, which probably won't get read. lol

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That sounds great. I was also reading today on IBSI institute for Black Solidarity with Israel-I believe run by Dumisani Washington, just brilliant. Anyway, he discusses how Arab countries are still enslaving Africans and of course, it gets very little coverage, care or attention from the likes of those who claim to care about Black people in general like, BLM, which is totally corrupted, clearly. That also be helpful to what you’ve outlined. And please, please- let me know if I can help.

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Yes! I'm going to check out the IBSI Institute. They are natural allies if the individuals can be trusted. (Jewish progressives are now being screwed by black orgs they helped. Not that I'm a progressive but, well...you know what I mean.) Let me think about how you and I might work together. Stay in touch!

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Yes, this guy is totally different. And will do!

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I feel so disheartened by Biden's dizzyingly swift move from "there is no daylight between the U.S. and Israel"- I always knew it was coming, inevitable. I knew we had a short window of time, but to demand a ceasefire now imperils Israel more than ever before. I don't understand why this administration is disregarding intelligence and plain as day evidence that Israel cannot, must not obey any ridiculous and biased call for a ceasefire by a useless and clearly Antisemitic UN. Just as Jews are the canary in coalmine, so is Israel when it comes to gauging what's about to hit us in the West. I just don't understand Biden. He is truly an Obama puppet.

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No, I think you understand Biden perfectly. Once you let go of the notion that Biden/Obama are allies, all the rest falls into place.

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I'll bet Bibi is twisting Biden's arm with threats none of us know about. Remember the US needs Israel as much as Israel needs them. And the US only started giving us military aid AFTER we won 2 wars and proved we are useful to them. Meantime, Biden rejected the latest UN call for a ceasefire...

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Never was there a more terrifying idea than to have a ceasefire. I am at a loss to understand where the West is coming from. I am enraged is to see China calling for this. Their plan of genocide towards Uyghur Muslims in China, carries on unabated! No Arab Country in the world has spoken out against it. How dare Communist China preach against Israel. How dare any western country call for a ceasefire, the massacre of Oct 7 was beyond imagination.

I find the attitude of the West completely terrifying, no backbone or sensible judgement. This lack of leadership and cowardly judgement will lead us to hell in a handcart. I pray for your success Israel. You are the only hope.

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You’re so right. And they dare because the UN enables them. All these resolutions are just the height of hypocrisy. It’s so outrageous that sometimes I don’t even what to say.

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A ceasefire now will make more unsafe for the Israelis in the future!

It is best to rid the 'terrorists' right now and get things done and good for world peace in general.

As long as Hamas exist there will be no peace not only for Israel but also for the world!

Terrorism must be terminated and NOW is the time to get it done!

Don't argue! OK?

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Joshua Hoffman

I am secretly and probably naively hoping for a complete Hamas surrender. I don’t see any other way out for them. Israel cannot keep this war going on indefinitely due to pure economic terms, yet they must achieve their goals. I also don’t believe at this point that any of the hostages are still alive tragically. No matter which course Israel decides to take they will be vilified, therefore the job must be finished.

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Joshua Hoffman

Given the recent confusing statements from US administration officials it appears there is a real power struggle going on. Israel should therefore ignore these misguided tentative and hesitant voices and focus on the task at hand. Israel is defending itself and the West. This American is so very proud of that. There will be time enough for a reckoning and a reevaluation. I just wish, hope, and pray that America does not forsake Israel. Even if entirely alone, I stand with Israel. No matter what.

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Dec 14, 2023·edited Dec 14, 2023

Michael, my own sense of the power struggle is that the current US administration is fundamentally hostile to Israel. But they are constrained by the fact that Jews are a core constituency of the Democrat party. So the betrayal needs to be executed carefully so as not to alarm the drowsy donors.

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I posted this already and I'll post it again. The US needs Israel as much as Israel needs the US and Bibi knows how to pressure Biden in ways we don't know about. Maybe like buying weapons from China, Russia or even the US! (anonymously through a weapons dealer). Hey, Israel got a nuclear reactor without US knowledge thanks to help from France, back in the day. Plus, the US depends a lot on the intel they get from Israel. If that dries up, the US could find itself in big trouble. Mostly, the IDF provides the boots on the ground so US forces don't have to. So fear not - Israel will stay the course, remove Hamas and not allow the Palestinians to have another Hamas or Fatah-like leader. Bibi said so today in an article in the Jewish News Syndicate.

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Joshua Hoffman

Strength and victory to Israel, safety and prosperity for its citizens!

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