Excellent article. You said it all. I am bewildered and disgusted how many of my fellow Jewish Americans (many of whom are my immediate family) can still sympathize with Palestinians and therefore Hamas and can support politicians like Harris who so obviously do too.
I can't speak for your family, but my empathy is for the Palestinian children who are brainwashed from infancy to hate and destroy, much like the children of other totalitarian regimes. As far as supporting the Harris/Walz ticket, I've never been a single-issue voter, and this election is certainly not the time to change that.
I am not a single issue voter either, but I believe that this particular issue is of existential importance to Israel, Jewish Americans and ultimately all Americans.
I find that I have not changed as much as the Democratic Party has shifted to the extreme and radical left.
I’ve been paying close attention and believe that the Trump ticket is the most moderate Republican ticket at least in my lifetime. I do not believe the fear mongering about Trump. After all, he was the president already and we had it pretty good for those four years. Peace whatever your opinion.
Fair enough. My opinions about Trump are based on on his words and actions. In my lifetime, certainly both George and George W. Bush were more moderate, and possibly even Ronald Reagan.
I have a lot of empathy for those Palestinians as well - but I see no way that a Harris presidency would help them. Her anti-Israel stance would perpetuate the war, and Israel will have no choice but to keep on responding, even as Hamas hides behind Palestinian civilians.
For all of his stupid comments, Trump has done more peace in the Middle East than the last ten presidents combined.
Although I’m not Jewish, I am American, and can certainly appreciate how you would be bewildered and disgusted by fellow Jewish Americans, particularly family members, who sympathize with and support ‘Palestinians’ - and therefore Hamas and politicians like Harris. I have observed and pondered about such self destructive behavior amongst the Jewish people in Israel and the US for many years now, and believe it can only begin to be truly understood in the light of the Tanakh. Of course, as a Bible-believing Christian, I also believe that the Brit Hadashah sheds yet more light on the subject.
From my Biblical perspective, the ‘root cause’ is the fallen human nature each person is born with, from the time of Adam and Eve’s ‘original sin’. While there remains much potential of wonderful glory in our human nature, the root of ‘Self-Will’ within us all is essentially in opposition to the Will of our Creator G-d. And that core motive power, hidden deep within our fallen natures, renders us highly vulnerable to manipulation and deception, from without and within.
This core ‘flaw’ in human nature affects every human being, but its ultimate power and potential for disaster in our material world varies from person to person, and from people group to people group. In general terms, the greater the gifting, the greater the potential - for good, or evil. And, amongst people groups and in general terms, the Chosen People have been blessed with greater ‘natural’ human gifts.
That said, we are all (almost) irredeemably flawed; we are all in desperate need of the healing that can only come through the transformative redemption of our Creator - whether we realize that need, and the implications of it, or not.
I could, but don’t want to, go much further here. But I’ll end with this: The ‘root cause’ of all that is amiss in our world is spiritual, and the only ‘remedy’ is through the working of a greater spiritual reality than the one that presently holds humanity in its grip. That is precisely what the Bible reveals, and that ‘greater spiritual reality’ is none other than the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The issue that remains, however, is the question of how any given human being is to submit to that ultimate Truth; to be redeemed and transformed to ‘cure’ our fatal flaw.
Within Judaism, as well as Christianity, there are widely differing views and beliefs regarding this essential question. They cannot be, and are not, all equally valid - but some are inevitably closer to ‘the Truth’ than others. Each person has the capacity, and the responsibility, to search out the right path through the maze of conflicting, and often confusing, claims and counter-claims in regard to spiritual realities.
And, just as you have found yourself ‘bewildered and disgusted’ by the beliefs and actions of certain people within your circle of Jewish American friends and family members, I have been with many who profess to be Christians. I accept that many of them may indeed be truly ‘born again’ believers. What essentially differentiates the ‘true’ from the false, is recognition and acceptance that this redemption and transformation can only occur through the sacrifice that G-d made through His Son, Yeshua (Jesus), thousands of years ago. But even after that essential reality has taken place for those who embrace it, we can err and fall astray in countless grievously heartbreaking ways.
Ultimately, we can never avoid our continuing need for the guidance and protection of G-d; for His leading and protecting us as we travel through the hazards and dangers of this world, just as He did so many thousands of years ago when He led His People out of bondage and through the desert wastelands, by cloud during the day, and a fire at night.
Praise G-d, He is supreme over all reality, and supremely faithful; He will keep all His promises. He will bring those He loves, and who love Him, through the first trials of this day and age, into the fullness of the glory He has planned for them, from the foundations of the earth. May He show Himself mighty to save His People Israel today, as they stand against their many enemies in the world. And may He work a great work of salvation amongst the peoples of the world, through the manifestation of His Truth, love, faithfulness, and power amongst His People.
Joshua, walk the walk?? The man has never walked the walk, you dont think he is going to start now? He crawled out of Afghanistan, he has hobbled with Ukraine, he is on all fours with immigration, he drags on China, he slithers with North Korea ...... the man has never stood proudly upright and walked the walk. Biden happens IMHO to really be a friend of Israel, he is just the worst with foreign policy. On the other hand, his successor Harris IMHO is not a friend of Israel so when she walks, it will be to our enemies side. The only thing we can do and should do is make sure we do our best to keep Harris out of the oval office. papa j
You've made all the key points in this almost incomprehensible handling of the Hamas/Israeli war. As you know, many have believed that Obama has been the puppeteer behind all the grossly wrong decisions made by the Biden admin. When I think about some of the people from the admin like Robert Malley, US Special Representative to Iran who allegedly supplied classified documents on his personal email, and it was questionable whether they had gotten into the hands of a foreign player, Jake Sullivan, whose astute understanding of the Middle East, wrote an essay saying how calm and quiet it was in the ME, and then October 7th, or Lloyd Austin who sits back while ships are attacked by the Houthis (oh, maybe one or two at most were helped), and Antony Blinken, everytime he made the statement that the admin was closer to an agreement between Hamas and Israel, another event took place. Then of course, the upcoming election, where everyone is doing a softshoe dance from heel ot heel so as not to offend anyone (the voters). As you have stated very clearly, when Biden said "Don't do it," and always said it softly, that was the green light for Iran and others. Is it any wonder, it will be a year in October, and the same script is being played over and over again. As in all things in life, it will come to a head, and let's hope it will not be a disaster.
I think you are giving too much credit to the power of Biden Right now the USA is like a waymo. No one is at the wheel. Okay. Sorry. My mistake. A waymo is much safer.
We all have to remember that Biden is the President of the US not Israel. And we are in the middle of a very close Presidential election. This colors all his actions. Politicians very often say or do things to get reelected that fall by the wayside after the election. And I know he is not running but he will do anything to make sure Trump doesn't win including schmoozing with Arab moslem voters.
The US is engaged in a global conflict against Iran, Russia, China and their respective proxies whether it’s convenient for Biden and Harris or not.
Harris and Biden communicating their preference of avoiding conflict—at almost any cost—is definitely a political choice, and one at the expense of not only Israel’s security but that of the national security interests of the United States. It’s a Neville Chamberlain approach which only emboldens our enemies.
I distinctly remember very chummy photos of then president George W. Bush hosting Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah at his ranch. But Bush lost his reelection bid because of the economy.
The motivation of American Presidents to support Israel is not based on what Americans (Jews and non-Jews alike) want, but on what is politically beneficial to the US.
That is doubly true of Trump. Yet, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. The Saudis want the US to stand with them against Iran. They’re willing to normalize relations with Israel to get this done. And Trump will do what the Saudis want.
In some ways, yes. There are risks to the interests of Jews with both Harris and Trump. Which is the biggest risk? The one who openly appeases the pro-jihad wing of its party, or the one who moved the US embassy to Jerusalem?
Tim Walz' favorite Imam, Asad Zaman, was hosted by the Governor multiple times and received a $100,000 donation from him. Zaman links a Nazi film praising Hitler on his Facebook page
Unless the Democratic Party suffers a big defeat at the hands of Donald Trump, its antisemitic wing will continue to grow in influence.
PS Maher Bitar isn't just on the NSC: he's the Senior Director of Intelligence at the NSC. He prepared for the job by being on the national board of Students for Justice in Palestine.
Since Israel is unfairly being protested by the WORLD putting all Jews in danger, stop arguing. Your arguments and justifications are clearly not working. Get out of Gaza and declare victory!
The more carnage in Gaza, the more likely America will be conned into accepting Palestinian refugees. And once they outnumber us there goes America as an ally.
Unless Trump wins in November and reimposes the Muslim ban.
"Declaring victory" by sticking one's head in the sand is not as effective as it sounds. Israel needs to exterminate its enemies in Gaza and Lebanon while it has military superiority.
The pro-Hamas wing of the democratic party and “Not Another Bomb campaign” is planning a national protest on Sunday, 8/18/24 to impose an arms embargo on Israel.
Excellent article. You said it all. I am bewildered and disgusted how many of my fellow Jewish Americans (many of whom are my immediate family) can still sympathize with Palestinians and therefore Hamas and can support politicians like Harris who so obviously do too.
I can't speak for your family, but my empathy is for the Palestinian children who are brainwashed from infancy to hate and destroy, much like the children of other totalitarian regimes. As far as supporting the Harris/Walz ticket, I've never been a single-issue voter, and this election is certainly not the time to change that.
I am not a single issue voter either, but I believe that this particular issue is of existential importance to Israel, Jewish Americans and ultimately all Americans.
I find that I have not changed as much as the Democratic Party has shifted to the extreme and radical left.
I’ve been paying close attention and believe that the Trump ticket is the most moderate Republican ticket at least in my lifetime. I do not believe the fear mongering about Trump. After all, he was the president already and we had it pretty good for those four years. Peace whatever your opinion.
Fair enough. My opinions about Trump are based on on his words and actions. In my lifetime, certainly both George and George W. Bush were more moderate, and possibly even Ronald Reagan.
I have a lot of empathy for those Palestinians as well - but I see no way that a Harris presidency would help them. Her anti-Israel stance would perpetuate the war, and Israel will have no choice but to keep on responding, even as Hamas hides behind Palestinian civilians.
For all of his stupid comments, Trump has done more peace in the Middle East than the last ten presidents combined.
I disagree.
Not a single issue voter but that may change, with the company Kamala Harris and Tim Walz keep:
I agree Lisa.
Although I’m not Jewish, I am American, and can certainly appreciate how you would be bewildered and disgusted by fellow Jewish Americans, particularly family members, who sympathize with and support ‘Palestinians’ - and therefore Hamas and politicians like Harris. I have observed and pondered about such self destructive behavior amongst the Jewish people in Israel and the US for many years now, and believe it can only begin to be truly understood in the light of the Tanakh. Of course, as a Bible-believing Christian, I also believe that the Brit Hadashah sheds yet more light on the subject.
From my Biblical perspective, the ‘root cause’ is the fallen human nature each person is born with, from the time of Adam and Eve’s ‘original sin’. While there remains much potential of wonderful glory in our human nature, the root of ‘Self-Will’ within us all is essentially in opposition to the Will of our Creator G-d. And that core motive power, hidden deep within our fallen natures, renders us highly vulnerable to manipulation and deception, from without and within.
This core ‘flaw’ in human nature affects every human being, but its ultimate power and potential for disaster in our material world varies from person to person, and from people group to people group. In general terms, the greater the gifting, the greater the potential - for good, or evil. And, amongst people groups and in general terms, the Chosen People have been blessed with greater ‘natural’ human gifts.
That said, we are all (almost) irredeemably flawed; we are all in desperate need of the healing that can only come through the transformative redemption of our Creator - whether we realize that need, and the implications of it, or not.
I could, but don’t want to, go much further here. But I’ll end with this: The ‘root cause’ of all that is amiss in our world is spiritual, and the only ‘remedy’ is through the working of a greater spiritual reality than the one that presently holds humanity in its grip. That is precisely what the Bible reveals, and that ‘greater spiritual reality’ is none other than the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The issue that remains, however, is the question of how any given human being is to submit to that ultimate Truth; to be redeemed and transformed to ‘cure’ our fatal flaw.
Within Judaism, as well as Christianity, there are widely differing views and beliefs regarding this essential question. They cannot be, and are not, all equally valid - but some are inevitably closer to ‘the Truth’ than others. Each person has the capacity, and the responsibility, to search out the right path through the maze of conflicting, and often confusing, claims and counter-claims in regard to spiritual realities.
And, just as you have found yourself ‘bewildered and disgusted’ by the beliefs and actions of certain people within your circle of Jewish American friends and family members, I have been with many who profess to be Christians. I accept that many of them may indeed be truly ‘born again’ believers. What essentially differentiates the ‘true’ from the false, is recognition and acceptance that this redemption and transformation can only occur through the sacrifice that G-d made through His Son, Yeshua (Jesus), thousands of years ago. But even after that essential reality has taken place for those who embrace it, we can err and fall astray in countless grievously heartbreaking ways.
Ultimately, we can never avoid our continuing need for the guidance and protection of G-d; for His leading and protecting us as we travel through the hazards and dangers of this world, just as He did so many thousands of years ago when He led His People out of bondage and through the desert wastelands, by cloud during the day, and a fire at night.
Praise G-d, He is supreme over all reality, and supremely faithful; He will keep all His promises. He will bring those He loves, and who love Him, through the first trials of this day and age, into the fullness of the glory He has planned for them, from the foundations of the earth. May He show Himself mighty to save His People Israel today, as they stand against their many enemies in the world. And may He work a great work of salvation amongst the peoples of the world, through the manifestation of His Truth, love, faithfulness, and power amongst His People.
Joshua, walk the walk?? The man has never walked the walk, you dont think he is going to start now? He crawled out of Afghanistan, he has hobbled with Ukraine, he is on all fours with immigration, he drags on China, he slithers with North Korea ...... the man has never stood proudly upright and walked the walk. Biden happens IMHO to really be a friend of Israel, he is just the worst with foreign policy. On the other hand, his successor Harris IMHO is not a friend of Israel so when she walks, it will be to our enemies side. The only thing we can do and should do is make sure we do our best to keep Harris out of the oval office. papa j
I don’t know who is making decisions but it seems unlikely bordering on no way that it’s Biden.
I agree. Biden's attitude is causing Israel to look weak. No more don’t just do it! Israel must be strong!
You've made all the key points in this almost incomprehensible handling of the Hamas/Israeli war. As you know, many have believed that Obama has been the puppeteer behind all the grossly wrong decisions made by the Biden admin. When I think about some of the people from the admin like Robert Malley, US Special Representative to Iran who allegedly supplied classified documents on his personal email, and it was questionable whether they had gotten into the hands of a foreign player, Jake Sullivan, whose astute understanding of the Middle East, wrote an essay saying how calm and quiet it was in the ME, and then October 7th, or Lloyd Austin who sits back while ships are attacked by the Houthis (oh, maybe one or two at most were helped), and Antony Blinken, everytime he made the statement that the admin was closer to an agreement between Hamas and Israel, another event took place. Then of course, the upcoming election, where everyone is doing a softshoe dance from heel ot heel so as not to offend anyone (the voters). As you have stated very clearly, when Biden said "Don't do it," and always said it softly, that was the green light for Iran and others. Is it any wonder, it will be a year in October, and the same script is being played over and over again. As in all things in life, it will come to a head, and let's hope it will not be a disaster.
Biden Don’t tell Israel how to prosecute the war against Hamas
I think you are giving too much credit to the power of Biden Right now the USA is like a waymo. No one is at the wheel. Okay. Sorry. My mistake. A waymo is much safer.
We all have to remember that Biden is the President of the US not Israel. And we are in the middle of a very close Presidential election. This colors all his actions. Politicians very often say or do things to get reelected that fall by the wayside after the election. And I know he is not running but he will do anything to make sure Trump doesn't win including schmoozing with Arab moslem voters.
Including throwing American Jews under the bus who have been fervent supporters and donors of his party for decades.
The US is engaged in a global conflict against Iran, Russia, China and their respective proxies whether it’s convenient for Biden and Harris or not.
Harris and Biden communicating their preference of avoiding conflict—at almost any cost—is definitely a political choice, and one at the expense of not only Israel’s security but that of the national security interests of the United States. It’s a Neville Chamberlain approach which only emboldens our enemies.
What great Americans they are.
I distinctly remember very chummy photos of then president George W. Bush hosting Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah at his ranch. But Bush lost his reelection bid because of the economy.
The motivation of American Presidents to support Israel is not based on what Americans (Jews and non-Jews alike) want, but on what is politically beneficial to the US.
That is doubly true of Trump. Yet, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. The Saudis want the US to stand with them against Iran. They’re willing to normalize relations with Israel to get this done. And Trump will do what the Saudis want.
I understand what you are saying, but sometimes the enemy of my enemy is still my enemy. In my experience.
In some ways, yes. There are risks to the interests of Jews with both Harris and Trump. Which is the biggest risk? The one who openly appeases the pro-jihad wing of its party, or the one who moved the US embassy to Jerusalem?
Tim Walz' favorite Imam, Asad Zaman, was hosted by the Governor multiple times and received a $100,000 donation from him. Zaman links a Nazi film praising Hitler on his Facebook page
Unless the Democratic Party suffers a big defeat at the hands of Donald Trump, its antisemitic wing will continue to grow in influence.
PS Maher Bitar isn't just on the NSC: he's the Senior Director of Intelligence at the NSC. He prepared for the job by being on the national board of Students for Justice in Palestine.
That's right, good detail!
Since Israel is unfairly being protested by the WORLD putting all Jews in danger, stop arguing. Your arguments and justifications are clearly not working. Get out of Gaza and declare victory!
The more carnage in Gaza, the more likely America will be conned into accepting Palestinian refugees. And once they outnumber us there goes America as an ally.
Unless Trump wins in November and reimposes the Muslim ban.
"Declaring victory" by sticking one's head in the sand is not as effective as it sounds. Israel needs to exterminate its enemies in Gaza and Lebanon while it has military superiority.
Action alert:
The pro-Hamas wing of the democratic party and “Not Another Bomb campaign” is planning a national protest on Sunday, 8/18/24 to impose an arms embargo on Israel.
Tell them to tell Hamas and Hezbollah to stop bombing Israel. Or, STFU.