Astounding! This would be horrendous and of no use to anyone. It must be firmly rejected!

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Oh no please, remove not ancient landmark...

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As I began reading the article, I had to go back several times to even believe that the politicians were calling this a plan that would take 90 days to finalize. 90 days to finalize a rehash of what has been over and over again, with Israel coming out at the bottom and the Palestinians getting what they want. Hostages released (how many will be returned alive and how many no longer?) in exchange for, again, Palestinian prisoners. This movie has played out too many times. Whether Biden is in this universe or not, has anyone alerted him to the fact that rockets have been continuously fired into civilian areas of Israel? The US is repeating the mistakes it made in Iraq and Afghanistan, not understanding the tribal culture, and naively believing that "they're" like us. They're not like us, and until we understand that, there won't be a realistic plan while this one is on repeat. Israel cannot give in to this absurdity, or what Hamas leaders have publicly threatened to do, a repeat of October 7th but much worse. When an adversary threatens, it's wise to believe them. Israel cannot afford another October 7th.

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The top criterion for any outcome whether achieved militarily or diplomatically should be ensuring that the traumatized displaced residents of the Gaza Envelope will feel safe returning to their homes.

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Not in this universe.

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If Israel accepts this deal, how long would peace last? If Israelis know the answer to this question, then they should accept the deal. Unfortunately, the rest of the world knows that Hamas, the Palestinian Authority and so many other terrorist in the Middle East will never give Israel what they want...

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What does Israel want? To exist without constantly being attacked. Since most countries don't give a damn whether Jews live or die (patently obvious) we don't care about their opinion. We know what we have to do to survive and if it means collateral damage so be it. We are already applying more humanity to this war than ANY COUNTRY at war has ever done and we will continue to be as humane as possible because that is who we are. An amazing, resourceful, determined, resilient and compassionate people. That's why fundamentalist Islam's followers hate us. That's why all anti-Semites hate us. (Hitler ranted about hating the morality and conscience of the Jew.) Righteous gentiles the world over (and there are more than you think) understand that this is a war about good and evil. They know who to support without us trying to convince them. Those who don't want to take sides or who want Israel to submit to evil's insane demands will learn - the hard way - that evil is only STARTING with Israel and the Jews. Just look at the millions of non-Jewish Europeans who died or were enslaved by the Nazis AFTER they started eliminating European Jews.

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I am not an Israeli (so I am hesitant in offering an opinion) but I am a Jew and as such I cry "no, no, a thousand times no). In this world (as well as the old) few care about Jewish suffering or hope or anything else concerning Jews. No matter what course is taken, "they" will berate, argue, and employ any method to "contain" this problem. The only solution I see is to continue ... just like General Sherman with his "scorched" earth policy, which proved effective. Otherwise there will never be peace.

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