Jews around the world are slowly waking up that antisemitism has mutated and latched upon anti-zionism as the acceptable form of leftist political ideology. Too many diaspora Jews acted as if changing demographics in Europe and the United States meant nothing and they could continue to support politicians and causes who became antithetical to Jewish survival.

Unfortunately there is no solution to this.

The argument that Israel is the cause of anti-semitism and if Israel changes so too will the threat of anti-semitism goes is absolute garbage.

Firstly, the argument that global Jewry ought to be put at risk because of Israel's actions shows that those who would engage in such behaviour are themselves anti-semitic rather than just being anti-zionist.

Secondly, Jews are presented with a Hobson's choice that half of global Jews (those located in Israel) must be allowed to be at risk or the other half of the world's Jews (diaspora) are put at risk even though the existence of Israel ensures global Jewish safety by always having a State prepared to take action to protect Jews.

Lastly, people are framing the conflict as one that Israel alone can solve and do not act as if the Palestinians hare adults and have a choice in their own conduct. Palestinians need to be treated as adults instead of being treated as children. It is as if Hamas's behaviour can be excused because they have the emotional intelligence of a 7 year old.

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Amen. B"H

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UN must condemn HAMAS loud and clear. No other way. https://youtu.be/jawpSSXeNU4?si=Unt8iZMerdnzTeS5

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The Jew Hating UN is irreparably broken and must be dissolved.

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The corrupt, Jew-hating UN is too big to fail, so the Jews will be scapegoated once again. History repeating.

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This is a pathologically self-indulgent, blinkered, and morally-aloof take on criticism of Israeli security doctrine as being conducted in the war in Gaza. It’s seems borne of a very dark, illiberal, and Hobbesian view of conflict: that every episode is an existential fight for “either we kill them or they’ll kill us” survival in which all measures can be justified (making it moot to consider moral justification or international norms at all—how convenient!)

This is why sympathy for Israel evaporated in the days and weeks after Oct. 7, just like it did after the horrors of the bus and pizza shop bombings of the early 2000’s.

Decades ago, it was a common and banal liberal observation that Israel needed to end its occupation of the Palestinians and pursue a peaceful resolution for its own sake. But about since the time of the Rabin assassination, Israel has chosen the lonely path of the doomed pariah.

After an episode of violence they refuse negotiations with the Palestinians as to not reward the violence. Yet In the periods between the violence—like the 15 yr window of Abbas and PA in the West Bank—they refuse serious negotiations because they feel there’s no need. Willful paralysis.

What Mr. Oren now describes is what that path of self-destruction looks and feels like. Israelis like him only have themselves to blame.

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Your argument rests on the assumption that the Palestinian people want peace via a two state solution and accept the existence of Jews in this land. If a large minority or a majority do not support that, and a large-enough minority committed to the indiscriminate use of violence to expel the Jews, then it does not matter whatever peace agreement the Israeli's offer the Palestinians since their existence is not accepted.

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I’m not sure what an “episode” would be, but considering how many people want to kill Jews/Israelis as their life’s mission, “kill or be killed” doesn’t seem like navel gazing or paranoia. Especially if you were born and raised in Israel. You make it seem like the author is being a drama queen or something, and I don’t believe that he is. Does not mean Israel can act with impunity, but the mindset of “us vs them” is understandable.

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In the immediate after Oct. 7 of “kill or be killed” might be an understandable as visceral reaction by the Israeli public. Yet after 6 months in, with 30,000+ deaths (the Israeli govt itself puts error bars on these estimates of less than 8%), no political “day after” solution in the proposing, and a willful and intentional humanitarian crisis unfolding, its a bit rich for Michael Oren to still be pushing pure self-pity and blind tribalism as if no criticism of Israel could possibly be with any merit or offered in good faith.



Oren is a deeply informed and influential political historian and politician. He’s supposed to know better.

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I have been reminded to meet ignorance and trolling with reasoned argument, rather than the verbal equivalent of what you'd get from me if you stood in front of me spouting your ignorant hatred.

There is no "occupation." Has not been one since 2006. Israel is surrounded by evil maniacs who have been trying to exterminate them since the 1830s.

I know you, as I know every Jew Hating loser I have ever met. I have yet to meet a successful, self-assured person who hates Jews. It is always the losers in life who look to blame the successful people around you.

Keep on going with that, pumpkin. You are sure to find like-minded failures who will grumble along with you about the hardworking, successful creative people who outshine you. Have at it.

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A total siege of 2 of 3 land borders and 100% of both the airspace and coastline, under which the state of Israel has sole discretion of everything that goes in or out is, for all intents and purposes, occupation by other means. Laying a siege on any sovereign entity would be considered an act of war and an armed response would be considered justifiable. The June 67 war, for instance, started in earnest when Egypt imposed a blockade of Israeli ships in the straits of Tiran. Only a military occupier would have the right to impose near total effective control over a territory and its population in perpetuity. So if Gaza isn’t sovereign yet not under occupation then what is its status and what collective rights do its people have? In my mind it makes the most sense then to consider Gaza the same it unambiguously was before 2005.

One can debate the gray-area status of Gaza under international law until they are blue in the face. In the West Bank, Golan, and East Jerusalem, it’s not even ambiguously anything but an occupation and/or illegal annexation.

“The Occupation” has become a colloquial short-hand term for the state of affairs where Israel asserts the sole right, any where in the territories, to impose lethal authority over the lives and liberties of any and all Palestinians, who in turn have no rights or means to hold the Israeli government accountable for how it exercises its power over them.

More to the point of the present: The Sharon govt proposed the 2005-06 unilateral disengagement in Gaza in the midst of the 2nd intifada specifically to freeze-out the peace process and avoid a negotiated agreement with the Palestinians. Go look it up.

And that “frozen” peace-process where Israel continued its enmiseration of the Palestinians and encroachment into East Jerusalem and the West Bank for going on 2 decades later, without consequences or constraints by the PA, the US, or international community, is what has driven support for Hamas and, along with the staggering incompetence of Israeli civilian and military leadership for which no one has been held accountable, is what got us to Oct 7.

Agree or disagree, none of this background even finds its way into consideration Mr Oren’s obtuse and self-absorbed view for why Israelis today find themselves isolated.

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Yawn. You have cut and pasted this same stupid screed anywhere you get a chance. Muting you. Keep reading https://messytimes.show You might learn something.

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Don't rise to the Jew-baiting, Chris. Far better to defeat them by argument. Thankyou for your Like to my comments below. Many cool heads prevail.

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I know. But sometimes a bitch slap is just too tempting to deliver.

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What Israel faces is the most Violent Region on the planet, and the Liberal Utopia you describe, Mr Reichhardt, was Vaporised by Arab Nationalism in each of the countries of The Middle East years ago:- So Here is Israel's real job viz Europe:-

The Militarised Arabs and their Armies in The Middle East would have launched full-scale Terrorism and War years ago on near-neighbours in Western Europe, barely 1000 miles away, had Israel not kept these Arab and Islamist countries pacified and at bay as her Role as the region's Policeman. Israel continues and fulfils this function today and must do long into the Future. This is the Realpolitik of this violent region. Military reality may not be pretty. But it is fact. This is recognised in all the capitals here in The West. This is the real reason Israel is not alone. And everyone who matters knows this.

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I was born in Canada but I do not feel Canadian anymore. The outrageous anti-Israel actions by this federal government - a puny minority led by liberal Justin Trudeau and supported by an even punier far-left party called the NDP - defies facts, logic and fairness. This coalition - not voted for, but imposed - has made Canada one of the worst places to live for Jews and anyone else who values freedom, justice and free enterprise. Our Jewish organizations are doing battle constantly just to make sure that violent anti-Israel protestors don't over-run our institutions and neighborhoods. It's illegal for law abiding people to carry firearms here, so I carry a "dog spray" in my purse, just in case one of those protestors gets in my face.

Do I feel lonely? At times. More often I feel angry. Very angry. And determined not to let these evil cowards win; whether they are in Canada, the Middle East, Europe or The Oval Office. I follow global politics closely. I am sure not only will Israel emerge having exterminated Hamas, she will have formed new strategic alliances - hopefully one of them will be India. (Israel/India relations have warmed up considerably and we could be powerful allies against our common enemies in the Muslim world and China). I also pray daily for Israel to take the lead in cyberwarfare technology. This could be a game-changer. The explosions which took place in Iran not long ago were undoubtedly Israeli. I think they were an "experiment", paving the way for futuristic weaponry allowing one to destroy an enemy’s infrastructure without having to fire a shot or lose a soldier! These are the hopes and thoughts that warm my heart, along with a more politically stable Israel. One where woke Jewish leftists and other self-haters have either had a change of heart or decided to move to some Muslim country and see how that works for them. Am Yisroel Chai!

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We stand together, Susan. עַם יִשְׂרָאֵל חַי

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I am now completely used to being alone. This separateness (Anti-Semitic Apartheid) is enforced at the upper levels of Society here in The UK by Racist and Nazi elements in the Security Services. Their method and the Kit they use which includes derogatory Voices in the head, and 'Dreams' inserted in sleep against Targeted individuals, is now outed. To Anti-Semitic Apartheid, now I say... so what! I have found so much more in returning to my community: I found both Truth and Provable Insight. So get used to being alone. What I have, of the many things, discovered is WE JEWS ARE ADMIRED BY GENTILES FOR this! We survived the European Horror and Holocaust, and this is why I repeat: Stay Strong Israel. We are not actually alone! We are admired.

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עַם יִשְׂרָאֵל חַי

You may like this discussion I had with a Jewish friend from Manchester: https://youtu.be/jm4IVYLpBSk

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So, according to that Harvard Harris poll about 80% of Americans supporting Israel over Hamas, that‘s a pretty good figure!

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Americans still remember 9/11 and still, by and large, have a sense of right and wrong.

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There is a cultural and religious loneliness that pervades. Thank you for putting into words how we feel. We were/are a religion that never proselytized or forced conversions and so we are forever a minority.

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We are the foundation of Western Civilization. Don't ever forget it.

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That is all I ever spout.

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Absolutely. But they still haven't forgiven us for trying to coax them out of the caves.

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Cave good. Cave dark. Women easy to keep quiet in cave. They get uppity ideas in the sunlight. Cave good. Stay in cave.

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Also can do everything in cave. No one tells us no!

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Cook. Eat. Find a deeper part of cave to crap in. Play snuggles with womenfolk. Cave good.

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Well I've stretched this metaphor to its limit. lol. Getting back to your point about Judaism forming the basis for Western Civilization, this has been acknowledged from time to time by non-Jews but sadly, this didn't stop Western civilization from retaining the barbarism that Judaism (and even Christianity) proscribes. Even sadder is when Jews desire assimilation so much they join the barbarians (like Epstein) or go along with political policies (like the 2 state solution) which shoot us in the foot. So-called Palestinians never wanted their own state to begin with. They were ordered to squat in Gaza and Judea/Samaria by Muslim puppet-masters bent on destroying Israel. Thankfully, any talk of a 2-state solution now is only by idiots who know it ain't gonna happen any time soon no matter how much they shoot off their mouths.

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An insightful article and an important takeaway for me in reading it is that the world does not like Jewish strength or achievement. A weak, obedient Jew that they can control is what they like, i.e., the Arab countries that had a large Jewish population. I agree the Jews can find that unity and strength in each other. Without it, loneliness may prevail. So with that, Happy Purim and thank you.

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Exactly. This is driving them crazy since in Israel the IDF is going to eradicate these evil scum and around the world, we Jews are standing up and stomping back hard on these assholes, instead of cowering in fear. I spend every day calling these evil bastards out. I walk around with a ridiculously massive Magen David around my neck and I live in a proud, strong 2nd Amendment State. We will not cower and run.

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I agree, and with all the money being spread around by Qatar and the lying PR of the UN, UNRWA, Useful Legacy Media Idiots, and governments in the West without courage to speak out against it, etc. they just can't believe that the Jews are still standing. One's values are stronger than any ideology. Are you in Florida?

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I would live nowhere else than the Last Free State in America.

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Me too. I'm with you.

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Thank you for writing this.

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Mar 24
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Thank you

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