Jan 1Liked by Joshua Hoffman

On October 7, the Hamas terrorists were armed, the Israelis massacred were defenseless. The unanswered question is why did Israel disarm its citizens most of whom are IDF veterans and leave them vulnerable to mass rape and murder by Hamas? An incredibly stupid decision and the Israeli government is clearly culpable. Every Jewish family in Israel (and the US) should have a 9 mm handgun, an AR15 rifle and plenty of ammunition for both. Every adult and teenage member of the family should be proficient in their use. Have anti-gun Jewish politicians in both countries learned nothing from the Holocaust and the latest slaughter? Isn't it time for the Jewish people to tell them to go fuck themselves?

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You've correctly identified the blind spot of the dead culture that used to be the West. The self-assured smugness of materialist secularism is killing us.

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The Pharisees were the 3rd under the Sanhedrin. Are they now loosely equivalent to those that are Zionists? I don’t know?!?

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Dec 26, 2023Liked by Joshua Hoffman

Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.

הנה לא ינום ולא יישן שומר ישראל׃

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Dear Editor, Please note the mistake of the labe

ling of the photo of the Dome of the Rock.

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I appreciate that this article has links to the people it quotes. But they don't link to the actual sources. They link to the footnotes which link back to the text of the article in a go-nowhere loop. It would be helpful to have direct links to the sources. Thanks for your writing.

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I’ve always heard the line that Israel lives in a bad neighborhood. Sorry but that’s an insult to bad neighborhoods. Israel’s borders are alongside indescribable evil in human form.

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The photo is the Dome of The Rock, not the Al-Aqsa Mosque. The rock inside is where Muhammad allegedly stepped off to Paradise. Having covered events in Gaza in the 80s and 90s, I can say that unless you've been there, you have no idea what their mentality is. But yes, they want to kill all Jews all over the world. That's their mission.

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I acknowledge your post but hesitated to click "like" as I don't at all like the clear and true picture you're painting. Thank you. :-)

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Nope we’re not going to invade Iran for the greater Israel project. Sorry we see the subterfuge. We already send like $6 billion per year to y’all. Right? Enough

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What are you talking about?

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Dec 26, 2023Liked by Joshua Hoffman

The answer is a call to aggressive idealism and religious fundamentalism both in Israel and across the West. A uniting of Christians and Jews to fight a common enemy. The enemies of Israel have been playing the media card and building their forces while weak leaders of the West are hoping that appeasement buys them time, a harbinger of the prelude to WW II. It is imperative to start fighting now. Weak, impotent leaders and their supporters can and should be replaced. The silent majority need to rise.

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Actually, there’s nothing difficult about this ... except ... there’s another cult religion that thrives on misinterpreting affairs in Palestine, and that’s Progressivism, which is constantly searching for the transcendent aggrieved/aggressor dyad. Progressivism’s story of the workers against the bourgeois didn’t kick off the redemptive conflict they’d hoped for, so now they’re in an ever more frenzied search for the exemplary case of this dyad (aggrieved/aggressor) - they need the conflict to usher in the redemption.

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Dec 26, 2023Liked by Joshua Hoffman

Josh, if I wasn’t already feeling alarmed, I am now. Israel is stuck between two mentalities, East and West. Most Mizrahi Israelis have always taken Jihad rhetoric at face value. I’ve actually always wondered what happened to them politically? Why has Israel not had a Sephardic/Mizrachi Prime Minister? Ashkenazie Jews have a more Western mentality, where every problem must have a solution. Aside from that we are losing the numbers game. Muslims far outnumber us and if even 10% are radicals ( which we see is true) then that is over 100 million people who hate the West. I’m in despair, what is the answer?

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Dec 26, 2023Liked by Joshua Hoffman

Joanne,I think you’ve identified an under explored topic--differences amongst the Jewish communities in faith. There were at least 3 main influences in the time of JC including the Sadducees (Hellenized -~ Ashkenazi like?) and Essenes (Sephardic like?!?) now both Extant. G-ds sacred covenant with the Jews is irrevocable--but does it apply to all who say they are Jews? I don’t know, but I do know the 3rd temple can only arise after the Messiah returns.

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Joanne, surely, we face a culture clash. Imagine a world where, in a century, 75% of Europeans will be Muslim. To resolve this, forging alliances is vital, especially with Chinese. Chinese people are practical and less religious. The future is unclear; we must weigh our choices and their outcomes. Also, I'm devoted: "AM Israel chai"."

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