Jews in America will be the first to feel the adverse effects, but the buck will not stop with them. All non-Muslim Americans should be terrified — because the takeover has already begun.
Yep. It's been planned by Muslim Brotherhood since 1924. Hopefully the world will wake up. I'll see what happens in France, where I live. Problem is that politics are using the war to attire votes. Right wing former nazi party is said to support the Jewish community but they'll end up doing what they've always done. It's a big mess.
Will happen, but we have to not care a fig for what anyone thinks or says about us. That is key. I will welcome being called offensive and politically incorrect, and all that.
Although it may seem incomprehensible that this will happen, one only needs to pay attention to headlines all over the world. And perhap, perhap, America will wake up but not before the chasm develops into a bloodbath ... no doubt ... and everyone will point fingers and direct blame ... at the Jews. But when the smoke clears and not only Jews but varied Christian denominations, as well as other religious beliefs are standing in a mist of confusion unable to connect with other like minded individuals, one could wonder what will occur within the medical infrastructure, academia, industry ...... chaos. Imagine trying to operate this 21st century world with a 10 century mentality. The point of no return may have been reached,
I am sorry but as a European I need to tell you: No way. Read the memo! For various good and not-so-good reasons we felt for some time that we owe refugees shelter, that we need young immigrants to bolster our workforce, that it would be the tolerant, progressive, humane thing to welcome foreigners into our societies. We thought they would accept our values, our view of human rights, our stance on protecting women and minorities. Many have done so, and they are welcome to live in Europe and practice their religion privately, peacefully. Some have visibly not. And we are tired of these „angry young Muslim man“. Tomorrow the political right will win in France; it has already won in Austria, Italy, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden (not to mention Eastern Europe). Come September and come 2025, Germany will decisively move to the right. I am not happy with that for historical reasons but I share the sentiment: Enough is enough! We do not want these haters, these disciples of medieval ideologies in our midst. And we will sort it out.
Unfortunately, people who believe in nothing are at a serious disadvantage against people who believe in something. Many of America's ruling elites believe in nothing of any significance and are afraid of the Muslims.
After reading the essay, I thought, not a good way to start my day. We see the disintegration of religion in the US, mental illness at an all time high, and a government who has little idea that what they've let fester, has been caused by their lack of courage and strength. A president who has been told the chaos he has wrought, looks into space without a clue that he initiated it, along with major help from state and local Progressives. Law enforcement who are fearful of and told hands off of pro Hamas people, those who smash and grab in stores. Anti-Semitic attacks on Jews, both verbally and physically, are most, if not always "being investigated" whether they're hate crimes or not, while an attack on a Muslim is immediately identified as Islamophobia and is on every news headline. Unless there are changes to this insanity, this article's premise will be a dour prediction of our future.
When I am in the minority, I demand rights according to your values. When I am in the majority, I take away your rights according to my values.
When I am Weaker Than You, I ask you for Freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am Stronger than you, I take away your Freedom Because that is according to my principles.
This is what happens when people depart from the true and living God of the Bible. They end up, not believing in nothing (as they claim), but falling for anything. God has made us for Himself. If we refuse to come to Him in repentance and faith, we will be drawn into an oppressive religion like Islam. Even women, who want to be "emancipated" from the "oppressive" teachings of the Bible, will happily accept real oppression in Islam. It's unbelievable, but we can see it happening right in front of us. This is not a political problem - it is a spiritual problem. The solution is in repentance and return to the God of the Bible. If we don't want to do that, we'd better prepare for slavery and/or death.
Amplify exMuslim voices and promote watered down versions of Islam and you’ll reduce Islamofacist ideology by 50%. The other 50 will need to combat Jihadism via laws that punish Jihadist converts and immigrant Jihadists. Either way, American Muslims are promoting the Hijrah solution and demanding Muslims return to Muslim lands. The majority love our freedoms too much and just want to be Muslim by name not in spirit - Muslim biIsm mish biJism. It will be interesting to see how it all pans out after the war in Israel.
The American dream is not a fake and empty promise. Far from unadulterated capitalism, over several decades we've had an increase in government's role in the economy; health care, housing, education etc. I think more free markets and less government interference would actually improve our situation. As for islam, muslim immigration should be barred, but not even Republicans will dare to make the case for ending muslim immigration.
"The United States of America tried to take the Enlightenment a step or two further by over-indexing on unadulterated capitalism — branded “the American Dream” — as an quasi-remedy to ceaseless suffering, but many Americans and newcomers to America believe that “the American Dream” is a fake and empty promise".
You forgot to mention how Americans of many colors and denominations, are not getting married, not having many kids, and believe abortion is acceptable. The Muslims have LOTS of children. The Muslims WILL out birth us.
Very scary, and I take all that you say quite seriously. I do think, however, that Enlightenment values should be enough to sustain anyone who is taught how incredibly important and rare they are. I don't really pray, but I pray that we get to a huge backlash against all this nonsense and soon.
The gyst and purpose of this piece was good, but there were way too many grammatical (not typographical) errors. “Is” instead of “are”, for instance. Distracting.
Excellent article. Also note that the jihadis are a patient people. I hope Americans wake up.
Too patient.
Yep. It's been planned by Muslim Brotherhood since 1924. Hopefully the world will wake up. I'll see what happens in France, where I live. Problem is that politics are using the war to attire votes. Right wing former nazi party is said to support the Jewish community but they'll end up doing what they've always done. It's a big mess.
Remember – it’s not a phobia if there’s actually something to be afraid of.
True. But just wait to be pointed at as "conspiracy theorists" against the "peaceful religion" 😂🤬🤦🏽
Will happen, but we have to not care a fig for what anyone thinks or says about us. That is key. I will welcome being called offensive and politically incorrect, and all that.
You're absolutely right 👍🏽
Although it may seem incomprehensible that this will happen, one only needs to pay attention to headlines all over the world. And perhap, perhap, America will wake up but not before the chasm develops into a bloodbath ... no doubt ... and everyone will point fingers and direct blame ... at the Jews. But when the smoke clears and not only Jews but varied Christian denominations, as well as other religious beliefs are standing in a mist of confusion unable to connect with other like minded individuals, one could wonder what will occur within the medical infrastructure, academia, industry ...... chaos. Imagine trying to operate this 21st century world with a 10 century mentality. The point of no return may have been reached,
I am sorry but as a European I need to tell you: No way. Read the memo! For various good and not-so-good reasons we felt for some time that we owe refugees shelter, that we need young immigrants to bolster our workforce, that it would be the tolerant, progressive, humane thing to welcome foreigners into our societies. We thought they would accept our values, our view of human rights, our stance on protecting women and minorities. Many have done so, and they are welcome to live in Europe and practice their religion privately, peacefully. Some have visibly not. And we are tired of these „angry young Muslim man“. Tomorrow the political right will win in France; it has already won in Austria, Italy, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden (not to mention Eastern Europe). Come September and come 2025, Germany will decisively move to the right. I am not happy with that for historical reasons but I share the sentiment: Enough is enough! We do not want these haters, these disciples of medieval ideologies in our midst. And we will sort it out.
Unfortunately, people who believe in nothing are at a serious disadvantage against people who believe in something. Many of America's ruling elites believe in nothing of any significance and are afraid of the Muslims.
After reading the essay, I thought, not a good way to start my day. We see the disintegration of religion in the US, mental illness at an all time high, and a government who has little idea that what they've let fester, has been caused by their lack of courage and strength. A president who has been told the chaos he has wrought, looks into space without a clue that he initiated it, along with major help from state and local Progressives. Law enforcement who are fearful of and told hands off of pro Hamas people, those who smash and grab in stores. Anti-Semitic attacks on Jews, both verbally and physically, are most, if not always "being investigated" whether they're hate crimes or not, while an attack on a Muslim is immediately identified as Islamophobia and is on every news headline. Unless there are changes to this insanity, this article's premise will be a dour prediction of our future.
When I am in the minority, I demand rights according to your values. When I am in the majority, I take away your rights according to my values.
When I am Weaker Than You, I ask you for Freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am Stronger than you, I take away your Freedom Because that is according to my principles.
This is what happens when people depart from the true and living God of the Bible. They end up, not believing in nothing (as they claim), but falling for anything. God has made us for Himself. If we refuse to come to Him in repentance and faith, we will be drawn into an oppressive religion like Islam. Even women, who want to be "emancipated" from the "oppressive" teachings of the Bible, will happily accept real oppression in Islam. It's unbelievable, but we can see it happening right in front of us. This is not a political problem - it is a spiritual problem. The solution is in repentance and return to the God of the Bible. If we don't want to do that, we'd better prepare for slavery and/or death.
Amplify exMuslim voices and promote watered down versions of Islam and you’ll reduce Islamofacist ideology by 50%. The other 50 will need to combat Jihadism via laws that punish Jihadist converts and immigrant Jihadists. Either way, American Muslims are promoting the Hijrah solution and demanding Muslims return to Muslim lands. The majority love our freedoms too much and just want to be Muslim by name not in spirit - Muslim biIsm mish biJism. It will be interesting to see how it all pans out after the war in Israel.
Check out my post "The West Infiltrated by Communism, Islamism, and Globalism". God Bless America.
The American dream is not a fake and empty promise. Far from unadulterated capitalism, over several decades we've had an increase in government's role in the economy; health care, housing, education etc. I think more free markets and less government interference would actually improve our situation. As for islam, muslim immigration should be barred, but not even Republicans will dare to make the case for ending muslim immigration.
"The United States of America tried to take the Enlightenment a step or two further by over-indexing on unadulterated capitalism — branded “the American Dream” — as an quasi-remedy to ceaseless suffering, but many Americans and newcomers to America believe that “the American Dream” is a fake and empty promise".
Not if we can help, wake up America, these people HATE you. They would rather kill you than live next to you.
You forgot to mention how Americans of many colors and denominations, are not getting married, not having many kids, and believe abortion is acceptable. The Muslims have LOTS of children. The Muslims WILL out birth us.
Oops, I just realized, you did mention it ;) my bad
Very scary, and I take all that you say quite seriously. I do think, however, that Enlightenment values should be enough to sustain anyone who is taught how incredibly important and rare they are. I don't really pray, but I pray that we get to a huge backlash against all this nonsense and soon.
We must put the “Greek” back into the Greco-Judeo-Christian tradition- the roots of our unique Enlightenment.
The gyst and purpose of this piece was good, but there were way too many grammatical (not typographical) errors. “Is” instead of “are”, for instance. Distracting.