How Muslims Will Take Over America
Jews in America will be the first to feel the adverse effects, but the buck will not stop with them. All non-Muslim Americans should be terrified — because the takeover has already begun.

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The number of Muslims in Europe is expanding like mosquitoes.
In just a few more years, Europe will be “semi-Islamified.” Never mind the fact that there are currently 49 Muslim-majority countries, meaning one out of every four countries is heavily influenced by Islam.
Wherever many (not all) Muslims go, they act like the “new owners” of society and behave like “tenants with a right-to-buy agreement.” Belgium, for instance, no longer belongs to the Belgians; it has already been taken over by Muslims.
Muslims living in Western countries are incapable of being loyal citizens because Islam is not just religious dogma; it is also a political doctrine.
For all those wailing and screaming about Israeli “colonialism” and “settlements” and other mostly unfounded nonsense, Muslims are objectively the largest colonial force on this planet for the time being. Just look at a map.
Muslim extremists and their Muslim less-extremist sympathizers have a collective agenda of taking over the world; the only issue left to be determined is how “bloody” the transfer of power, to Muslims from non-Muslims, will be.
I recently met an Italian man who was disgusted with Muslim migration to Europe. He said that eventually the native Europeans will get tired of it and put up a fight, probably beginning in France because, as he put it, “The French are fighters.”
In America — and perhaps in other places like Canada, Australia, and South Africa — the Muslim “takeover” has already begun, but it is only in its infancy. Its infiltration strategy is also far more “creative” than in Europe, making it harder to detect and ultimately prevent.
It also does not help that Americans, on the whole, tend to be more oblivious than Europeans, but that is changing amongst certain populations across the United States.
Another difference between America and Europe is in its demographic makeup. In theory, the U.S. has almost always been a “melting pot” of diversity, which has its advantages, but it also has its dangers.
Today, as someone who does not identify with neither the Democrats nor the Republicans, it is quite clear to me that the Democrats are slowly but surely becoming the party of “colored people” and the Republicans the party of “White” and “White-passing” people.
The problem I have with many “colored people” in America is that, because they don’t have white skin or “behave” like White people, they commingle their historical narratives into a single thread that pits them, the “oppressed” peoples, against “White” people, the so-called “oppressors.”
The reality is that some “colored people” in America have justifiable grievances which ought to be corrected with the aid of government and society, such as African Americans. But other “colored people” in America, just because they do not have white skin, try to piggy-back on these justifiable grievances, like many Muslim Americans.
To add insult to injury, these piggy-backers are welcomed by other groups of “colored people” simply because they share a growing resentment for “White” people.
Take, for example, the many Muslim Americans who bitch about the injustices of Islamophobia while participating in explicitly anti-America protests and attending mosques where Imams side with (the terrorist group) Hamas against Israel (one of America’s greatest allies) and the Islamic Republic of Iran against the United States.1
Every citizen should have the same liberties and fundamental access to socioeconomic opportunity, including education and healthcare, but there is a far cry between advocating for these policies, and promoting anti-America, anti-Israel, and anti-Jewish rhetoric and behaviors.
Yet many Americans do not acknowledge this obvious difference, or decide to overlook it, in the names of multiculturalism, cultural relativism, so-called Islamophobia, free speech, and freedom of religion.
And this is precisely how Muslims will take over America if more Americans do not wake up to this reality and take clear-cut, politically incorrect measures against it.
Let me explain.
Whereas Europe has “imported” the Muslim problem, in America it will be “homegrown.” Muslim Americans, as well as the omnipresent Muslim Brotherhood, will convince other Americans that Islam is a fantastic way to cope with the trials and tribulations of life, some imagined and others real.
And converting to Islam is as easy as falling off a log: A person must accept Islam as their faith, reject all other religions, and then recite the shahadah, or declaration of faith, with conviction and understanding of its meaning, in front of two witnesses:
“There is no true god but God (Allah) and Muhammad is the Messenger (Prophet) of God.”
We are already seeing the makings of this emerging reality. At so-called “pro-Palestinian” demonstrations, the flags of two Islamist terror groups (Hamas and Hezbollah) are featured, demonstrators engage in Muslim prayers, and others cheer on the Yemen-based Houthis, whose official slogan in Arabic is: “God Is the Greatest, Death to America, Death to Israel, A Curse Upon the Jews, Victory to Islam.”
Many folks write off these events as “young and stupid college kids” who are “just going through a phase.” Some might snap out of it, but many others are very much enthralled with Islam’s supposed appeal because much of the West (especially but not only the overly liberal parts of the West) is living in a post-Judeo-Christian world.
For potentially hundreds of thousands of years, humans lived according to various versions of faith and spirituality, but beginning in the late 17th century the Enlightenment promised us something that it, unlike faith and spirituality, cannot deliver: coping with the universal human condition of ceaseless suffering.
The United States of America tried to take the Enlightenment a step or two further by over-indexing on unadulterated capitalism — branded “the American Dream” — as an quasi-remedy to ceaseless suffering, but many Americans and newcomers to America believe that “the American Dream” is a fake and empty promise.
Thus, many on the far-Left is so disgusted with American capitalism, and with Judeo-Christian principles and practices, while still having significant emotional and psychological voids to fill. Many of these leftists have been less exposed to Islam, which suddenly seems to them like a shiny, sexy object that they always wanted but never knew existed.
The evolution of this social phenomenon was better described by author Mark Steyn:
“The star player on the Los Angeles Lakers will be a Muslim. A popular American actress, while accepting an Academy Award on national television, will announce her conversion to Islam and her marriage to the Muslim Lakers star. Her conversion will inspire tens of millions of Americans to do the same, furthering the Muslim takeover.”2
Many Muslims’ attempts to promote an understanding of their culture and history are actually motivated by a superiority complex and burning desire to portray non-Muslim Westerners as inferior, inadequate, and stupid.
Particularly young, insecure Americans who feel the emptiness of living in a post-Judeo-Christian, faithless world will be increasingly prone to the pressing need for being part of the “superior” Islam as they look for a quick and easy path to escape the (mostly imagined) feelings of inferiority, inadequacy, and stupidity that have been making them miserable, angry, and depressed.
In just a few years, the percentage of Muslim Americans will skyrocket, and they will take their newfound Islam into Western institutions, from education and media, to NGOs and politics.
Islam will be a critical component of curricula, more “Muslim-friendly” and “Muslim-inspired” laws will be passed, more Muslim-run companies will look to employ more Muslims, “studies” will be funded (mostly by nefarious actors) to promote the quasi-connection between Islam and exponential happiness and success, and more media will focus on Islam as the get-rich-quick scheme of modern-day faith and spirituality.
At a certain point, the Muslim takeover that emanated from the far-Left will take on an exponentially far-Right persona because Islam as a political doctrine is quintessentially fascist. Let’s recall that the Nazis, another fascist regime, started out as a leftist “socialist workers’ party” before veering as far-Right as you can go.
Hence, the Muslim war against the West is a war that cannot be won by being politically correct, appeasing, ignoring, or coddling the enemy. According to the Quran, Muslims must persist until we are either all converted to Islam or killed.
We are told Islam is a religion of peace, but anyone telling you that is just engaged in uninformed, wishful thinking — or is deliberately trying to deceive you. Islam is not a religion of peace at all; the perpetrators of terrorism are following the edicts clearly given in the Surahs (verses) that constitute the Quran, their holy book.
The word “Islam” literally means submission, and the Quran dictates repeatedly that its followers must convert you to Islam or kill you if you refuse to convert. For example, Surah 3:151 says: “We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve…” And according to Surah 2:191, “Kill them (non-Muslims) wherever you find them … kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers.”
Much of the Quran speaks not about religion but only about how believers must submit, and it commands how they must live, dress, treat women and slaves, and practice jihad.
Because Islam is an antisemitic religion, Jews in America will be the first to feel the adverse effects.
“It has been long assumed that Islam has been much more friendly to the Jews than Christianity. Thus, Islamic antisemitism is far less explored and believed to be a modern importation from the West. This assumption is not supported by historical evidence,” according to Liah Greenfeld, an Israeli-American- Russian Jewish interdisciplinary scholar engaged in the scientific explanation of human social reality.3
“Unlike Christian antisemitism that takes several centuries to develop and begin exerting mass influence through tropes, Islamic antisemitism is born together with Islam, coming into the world complete in the form that it is to keep forever as a part of divine revelation in the Qur’an. It is from the beginning institutionalized,” she added. “As soon as the religion of Islam is preached, expressions of Islamic antisemitism become tropes.”
“Coming directly from God, the Quran cannot be doubted, questioned, or innovated upon. It is absolutely true in its contents as well as form — a trope in its entirety — and can be interpreted only in the way of endless repetition and application to new situations. As we are reminded by the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar University — one of Sunni Islam’s most venerable religious institutions — Muhammad Sayyid Tantawi, more than one-third of the Qur’an is devoted to the Jews. Jews are the supreme preoccupation of God himself. The antisemitism in ‘Allah’s book’ is reinforced in the overlapping canonical hadith (stories about Muhammad) and sira (Muhammad’s biographies).”
“The Qur’an is a transparent expression of the spurned ‘mimetic desire’, ressentiment. More than one-third of it is the angry lamentation over not being accepted by the Jews; the rest is the presentation of the biblical storY of the relationship between God and the People of Israel as the story of Islam.”
But the Muslim buck will not stop with Jews in America. Cue the Muslim well-known saying: “First we take care of Saturday, then we take care of Sunday.” By this, they mean the Jews (whose sabbath is Saturday) and then Christians (whose sabbath is Sunday).
Anyone person in America who does not submit to Islam could very well be a target, expelled, or have to find a corner of America that is, for the time being, mostly free of Muslims.
Of all people, Winston Churchill distinctly understood this urgent problem all the way back in 1899, when he said:
“Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyzes the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in this world.”
America, good luck.
“Welcome to Dearborn, America’s Jihad Capital.” Wall Street Journal.
“Islamopocalypse.” Harper’s Magazine.
“A new explanation of antisemitism: Jew hatred as a civilisational phenomenon.” Israel Affairs.
Excellent article. Also note that the jihadis are a patient people. I hope Americans wake up.
Remember – it’s not a phobia if there’s actually something to be afraid of.