Israel is the Jew of nations. Israel & Jews need to stop wondering why the world subjects us to calumnies, antisemitism, double standards & delegitimization. Despite the veneer of progress, little has changed in 2000 years. Yes, we should continue to search for allies and fight back as we deem necessary and in the manner we decide is appropriate. But this is nothing new. It’s the continuation of the historical war on Jews spearheaded by the 2 billion Muslims and their apologists who want to destroy Israel.

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The mainstream media is the enemy of truth in many instances, most of which are instances where truth doesn’t support the political propaganda agenda of the Left and its bizarre collection of allies, like Hamas.

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The laws of war have been redefined specifically and exclusively when it comes to Israel.

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The mainstream media has been biased against Israel for decades

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100% correct

What I read is indisputable.

It is Fact.

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