Apr 12Liked by Joshua Hoffman

I think it’s absolute madness how the West lectures Israel on ceasefires, 2 state solutions, and assimilation. That’s like European Jews being in charge of de-Nazifying Germany after WWII, which would be a cruel and unfair ask of Jews and would set Germans up for failure. They would need to be de-Nazified by people who they respect as equals who they see as similar to themselves because, after all, they’re Nazis..Maybe have them work with Jews after they’ve been de-Nazified?!

Similarly, Hamas and the other factions in Palestine need to be deradicalized by other Muslims who can teach them a moderate Islam divorced from terrorism and antisemitism as their bread and butter. People really ask things of Israelis that they would not dream of asking anyone else: “you guys are so cruel for not legitimizing and empowering the people that you just saw murdering your families in front of you in your homes, as I surely would if I was a Jew living right next to Hamas!” It’s incredible.

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Interesting. I read today in United With Israel (Apr 11) that Indonesia is meeting with Israel for the purpose of normalizing relations between the two countries. Indonesia has the largest number of Muslims in the world.

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Apr 12Liked by Joshua Hoffman

Great article

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Apr 12Liked by Joshua Hoffman

Happy to be reading more about de radicalization, and the support from other countries and potential partnerships - all more uplifting then the shit show facing Israel at the moment.

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How do you change religious beliefs religious texts of convert or kill the infidel

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Only those within the religion can do that, no amount of external pressure will work as these examples of de radicalisation show, they did it themselves.

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I find the idea of Saudi involvement intriguing if for no other reason than the fact that they might find taking Gaza on to be in Saudi Arabias interest. I don't know what the Saudis might be thinking but I'm good at reading maps. And I can see that less than 200 miles separate Gaza from Saudi Arabia with Israel Rt. 12 along the Egyptian border as a potential umbilicus between the two if leased from Israel. This could provide Saudi Arabia with a direct outlet to the Med for oil, road and rail and in.the case of gas, a direct link to pipelines across the Med to Europe, independent of chokepoints in the Bab El Mandeb or the Suez Canal or Jordan, which always seems to obstruct any railway Saudi would build to.the Med. Maybe thid

this would be enough of an inducement for Saudi Arabia to take over Gaza and rebuild and rehabilitate it their way.

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This scenario looks good from where I'm viewing it

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In his excellent article, Nachum Kaplan wisely doesn't mention the Chinese (number 97 in the WJP Rule of Law index) 'deradicalization' project of their Muslim population.

I wonder if Saudi- Arabia qualifies as a role- model as well, given the fact that, modernisations notwithstanding, they still are in the habit in thes country of chopping contradictors in to pieces.

The idea should be, to free the Palestinian population by adepting them to the Rule of Law in the Israeli style, not to subjucate them further.

Indonesia (no. 66 in the WJP index), which derives its legal system from the Dutch and Singapore (nr. 17) would be a better choice as a mentor and the UAE, nr. 37, as well.

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The war in Yemen has killed an estimated 377,000 people through direct and indirect causes. Over 150,000, including tens of thousands of civilians, have been killed in fighting, including the Saudi-led bombing campaign, while many more have died of hunger and disease.

That is how Saudi deals with stuff

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