“We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Sometimes we must interfere.”
Thanks for putting it into language that non-Jews should understand, Joshua. I have forwarded this to non-Jewish friends and siblings, with the following introduction: I know by your silence that you do not think highly of my current views concerning Israel’s situation and that of Diaspora Jews by extension. And that you think I have become somewhat of a nut about it all. This article does not address the rise of global Jew hatred, which is a related topic, but it does address, in understandable language, the ‘kill or be killed’ mentality in Israel since October 7th, and speaks directly to my own attitudes. I hope you will take time to read it. Everything he says here is, to the best of my knowledge, true.
I have often disapproved of Israel’s actions. I despair of their current leadership. For decades, I did not hold the country in my heart with particular affection, but . . . . I have eight Jewish offspring who need to have a place to ’stand and fight’ if things continue in the direction they have been going in the Diaspora since October 7th. (All of us are literally in danger every time we congregate with other Jews. We keep our doors locked these days. There are plenty of nut jobs who mean us harm. The ‘liberal left’, the feminists, the blacks, the gays and even some Jews have all turned on us.) So yes, I have ‘updated’ my views about Israel and about Islam. This may help you understand why.
A big ‘Amen.’ For years the billions of dollars we taxpayers were paying for “infrastructure” in the Palestinian ghetto went into Arafat’s pockets for arming terrorists. And under his wife’s ample ass who lived(s) in Paris with their daughter in an exclusive hotel. Not in their ‘beloved’ Gaza…with its filth, honor killing perversion, oppression and no healthcare unless the Arab people crossed into Israel, full of mercy and grace. When Israelis were forced to give back Gaza after building it up, the Arab murderers gleefully televised destroying everything like rabid beasts. Not content to even appropriate the beauty for themselves, they destroyed gardens and orchards and greenhouses. Now the ‘christian’ theology online and in western civilization has gone from their millennial stance of replacing Judaism to taking up the insanity that today’s Jews are not REALLY Jews but posers or converts from some 7th century now defunct almost mythical kingdom called Khazaria. I’m reading online and hearing from those calling themselves Christians, that Israel should not even exist. Unbelievable. It was not bad enough that they wrote books for decades extolling a Messiah they don’t recognize as Jewish coming back only for them, leaving His Jewish brothers on earth to duke it out with murderers, mayhem or the nuclear option. It wasn’t enough them teaching their benevolent Biblical pseudo history built on their doctrines which denies, ridicules or emasculates the Jew. Petted like a puppy, Israel and Jews hold a mystical fairy tale fascination in Sunday sermons but do not dare try to be a strong military nation protecting itself. Do not dare ask for military arms needed for defense from those who have UN charters written to destroy Israel. The temple rebuilding is awaited with bated breath by Jew haters as the marker for their great enraptured departure. And this nightmare of October 7 still ongoing with hostages brutally held by criminals, is now Israel’s fault. The October 7 complete details of the horror are still not allowed to be revealed here. Only on alternative news and that’s sparse. Thank you Josh for listing a few of the grotesque inhuman acts that ‘Palestinians’ did. We are all changed. I’m in Israel-denial American rural country, raising horses and sheep and thinking I’m sliding by because grandpa was a blonde blue eyed Brit and grandma loved Pentecostal music but I’ve put up my Israeli flag next to the USA flag and find myself suddenly in the outer pale. That may sound trite but there was a seismic shift in the neighborhood with the Jewish standard suddenly flying. It was dangerous here in USA for the college kids on campus who recently took down the Palestinian flag and put up the American, many wearing the Israeli flag as a tallit. This is war. And dangerous. Keep telling the truth, Josh.
That Josh feels he has to make a case for supporting Israel is the biggest tragedy we are experiencing thus far. How brainwashed have some of us become by the world? By the “galut” (exile) mentality?
Well written and, hopefully, effective to some degree in countering brainwashing against Israel and ‘the Jews’ so prevalent in the world today. One must do what one can in the face of evil and dangerous threats; to be a light in the darkness, beckoning some to move toward sanity and truth.
“To add insult to injury, the increasingly gullible, incompetent, and biased mainstream media (and, by extension, social media) disseminate this propaganda as if it is undeniably factual, intellectual, and historically accurate “news.””
While the descriptive term ‘biased’ certainly fits, I find it virtually impossible to believe that any of the myriad individuals involving in producing and/or presenting mainstream media are gullible or incompetent. No, at this point, such people are either thoroughly evil, severely compromised and blackmailed, or selfishly complicit in evil to such a degree that they are seriously in danger of losing their souls.
But, G-d… The Tanakh reveals that even such people may be saved from destruction and restored to right relationship with G-d, if they will simply respond to that flicker of light in the darkness of their hearts and minds, acknowledge the truth, and their guilt in acting contrary to it, and repent to G-d for their sins. Perhaps the single best illustration of this truth is to be found in the accounts of King Manasseh.
I often find a deep anger within my own heart towards those who are leading, and actively serving in, the evil producing the present darkness spreading over our world. I find it virtually impossible to have hope for, or to pray for, such people.
Psalms 14:2-3
2 The LORD looks down from heaven on mankind to find a man of understanding,
a man mindful of God.
3 All have turned bad,
altogether foul; there is none who does good, not even one.
But, G-d…
The truth, as illustrated so clearly through the life of King Manasseh, is that we cannot judge who is irretrievably lost and to be damned. No, that final judgement is G-d’s alone. And my obligation to the G-d that has forgiven my own sins, restored me to right relationship with Himself, and given me a life of true meaning, purpose, and value, is to be salt and light in the midst of this dark and evil world; to let Him use me as He wills, in His great work of redemption and salvation. In that regard, I must accept that His ways are not as mine; that He is a loving G-d, whose holiness, righteousness, faithfulness and love is far beyond my comprehension. And Who calls me to ‘do justice’…’love goodness, and to walk humbly with’ Him, as He lovingly, relentlessly, and righteously works to overcome the darkness and bring forth the glory of His coming Kingdom.
Isaiah 55:6-9
6 Seek the LORD while He can be found,
Call to Him while He is near.
7 Let the wicked give up his ways,
The sinful man his plans; let him turn back to the LORD, and He will pardon him; to our God, for he freely forgives.
8 For My plans are not your plans,
Nor are My ways your ways—declares the LORD.
9 But as the heavens are high above the earth, so are My ways high above your ways and My plans above your plans.
May G-d Almighty bless Israel with the grace of salvation, grant her people hearts that love and seek Him and His righteousness, and bless them with the faith of Job, the wisdom of Solomon, the courage of David, and with great victory over all her enemies.
Toda rabbah…I must be reminded often of G-d’s mercy. The media however, is evil as you suspect. A well funded agenda and part of a huge Beast system. “Bias” is merely a flattering seam in my skirt.
Well said. But Israel can't afford to play a zero-sum game: that is the Hamas way.
Israel has to take the interests of all participants in this festering conflict seriously.
No one likes to live in Gaza or the Westbank : no civil spirit, despite enormous investments (all gone) no future, no chance to live in dignity.
Probably there is no other option than to bring the whole Palestine territory of 1947 under Israeli jurisdiction and reconstruct Palestinian civil spirit under the rule of law.
Joshua Hoffman told it like it is. Unfortunately, as they say, he is "preaching to the choir". This article would better serves us if it were published in non-Jewish fora. Sincerely doubt if it would find any purchase there.
Thanks for putting it into language that non-Jews should understand, Joshua. I have forwarded this to non-Jewish friends and siblings, with the following introduction: I know by your silence that you do not think highly of my current views concerning Israel’s situation and that of Diaspora Jews by extension. And that you think I have become somewhat of a nut about it all. This article does not address the rise of global Jew hatred, which is a related topic, but it does address, in understandable language, the ‘kill or be killed’ mentality in Israel since October 7th, and speaks directly to my own attitudes. I hope you will take time to read it. Everything he says here is, to the best of my knowledge, true.
I have often disapproved of Israel’s actions. I despair of their current leadership. For decades, I did not hold the country in my heart with particular affection, but . . . . I have eight Jewish offspring who need to have a place to ’stand and fight’ if things continue in the direction they have been going in the Diaspora since October 7th. (All of us are literally in danger every time we congregate with other Jews. We keep our doors locked these days. There are plenty of nut jobs who mean us harm. The ‘liberal left’, the feminists, the blacks, the gays and even some Jews have all turned on us.) So yes, I have ‘updated’ my views about Israel and about Islam. This may help you understand why.
Very well said!!
As usual, you are 100% correct on all fronts.
A big ‘Amen.’ For years the billions of dollars we taxpayers were paying for “infrastructure” in the Palestinian ghetto went into Arafat’s pockets for arming terrorists. And under his wife’s ample ass who lived(s) in Paris with their daughter in an exclusive hotel. Not in their ‘beloved’ Gaza…with its filth, honor killing perversion, oppression and no healthcare unless the Arab people crossed into Israel, full of mercy and grace. When Israelis were forced to give back Gaza after building it up, the Arab murderers gleefully televised destroying everything like rabid beasts. Not content to even appropriate the beauty for themselves, they destroyed gardens and orchards and greenhouses. Now the ‘christian’ theology online and in western civilization has gone from their millennial stance of replacing Judaism to taking up the insanity that today’s Jews are not REALLY Jews but posers or converts from some 7th century now defunct almost mythical kingdom called Khazaria. I’m reading online and hearing from those calling themselves Christians, that Israel should not even exist. Unbelievable. It was not bad enough that they wrote books for decades extolling a Messiah they don’t recognize as Jewish coming back only for them, leaving His Jewish brothers on earth to duke it out with murderers, mayhem or the nuclear option. It wasn’t enough them teaching their benevolent Biblical pseudo history built on their doctrines which denies, ridicules or emasculates the Jew. Petted like a puppy, Israel and Jews hold a mystical fairy tale fascination in Sunday sermons but do not dare try to be a strong military nation protecting itself. Do not dare ask for military arms needed for defense from those who have UN charters written to destroy Israel. The temple rebuilding is awaited with bated breath by Jew haters as the marker for their great enraptured departure. And this nightmare of October 7 still ongoing with hostages brutally held by criminals, is now Israel’s fault. The October 7 complete details of the horror are still not allowed to be revealed here. Only on alternative news and that’s sparse. Thank you Josh for listing a few of the grotesque inhuman acts that ‘Palestinians’ did. We are all changed. I’m in Israel-denial American rural country, raising horses and sheep and thinking I’m sliding by because grandpa was a blonde blue eyed Brit and grandma loved Pentecostal music but I’ve put up my Israeli flag next to the USA flag and find myself suddenly in the outer pale. That may sound trite but there was a seismic shift in the neighborhood with the Jewish standard suddenly flying. It was dangerous here in USA for the college kids on campus who recently took down the Palestinian flag and put up the American, many wearing the Israeli flag as a tallit. This is war. And dangerous. Keep telling the truth, Josh.
Excellent post written straight from your heart. I agree completely and will keep standing with you and Israel. Blessings.
Great essay, Joshua. I continue to stand with Israel and pray for you. Stay strong no matter what comes or what anyone else says.
That Josh feels he has to make a case for supporting Israel is the biggest tragedy we are experiencing thus far. How brainwashed have some of us become by the world? By the “galut” (exile) mentality?
I was very moved by an article I read in Chabad.org by Rabbi Yossy Goldberg. I invite you to read it, too, at: https://www.chabad.org/parshah/article_cdo/aid/410346/jewish/What-Will-The-World-Say.htm
Suddenly I feel warm and fuzzy inside. עם ישראל חי
Excellent piece. Truly.
Well written and, hopefully, effective to some degree in countering brainwashing against Israel and ‘the Jews’ so prevalent in the world today. One must do what one can in the face of evil and dangerous threats; to be a light in the darkness, beckoning some to move toward sanity and truth.
“To add insult to injury, the increasingly gullible, incompetent, and biased mainstream media (and, by extension, social media) disseminate this propaganda as if it is undeniably factual, intellectual, and historically accurate “news.””
While the descriptive term ‘biased’ certainly fits, I find it virtually impossible to believe that any of the myriad individuals involving in producing and/or presenting mainstream media are gullible or incompetent. No, at this point, such people are either thoroughly evil, severely compromised and blackmailed, or selfishly complicit in evil to such a degree that they are seriously in danger of losing their souls.
But, G-d… The Tanakh reveals that even such people may be saved from destruction and restored to right relationship with G-d, if they will simply respond to that flicker of light in the darkness of their hearts and minds, acknowledge the truth, and their guilt in acting contrary to it, and repent to G-d for their sins. Perhaps the single best illustration of this truth is to be found in the accounts of King Manasseh.
I often find a deep anger within my own heart towards those who are leading, and actively serving in, the evil producing the present darkness spreading over our world. I find it virtually impossible to have hope for, or to pray for, such people.
Psalms 14:2-3
2 The LORD looks down from heaven on mankind to find a man of understanding,
a man mindful of God.
3 All have turned bad,
altogether foul; there is none who does good, not even one.
But, G-d…
The truth, as illustrated so clearly through the life of King Manasseh, is that we cannot judge who is irretrievably lost and to be damned. No, that final judgement is G-d’s alone. And my obligation to the G-d that has forgiven my own sins, restored me to right relationship with Himself, and given me a life of true meaning, purpose, and value, is to be salt and light in the midst of this dark and evil world; to let Him use me as He wills, in His great work of redemption and salvation. In that regard, I must accept that His ways are not as mine; that He is a loving G-d, whose holiness, righteousness, faithfulness and love is far beyond my comprehension. And Who calls me to ‘do justice’…’love goodness, and to walk humbly with’ Him, as He lovingly, relentlessly, and righteously works to overcome the darkness and bring forth the glory of His coming Kingdom.
Isaiah 55:6-9
6 Seek the LORD while He can be found,
Call to Him while He is near.
7 Let the wicked give up his ways,
The sinful man his plans; let him turn back to the LORD, and He will pardon him; to our God, for he freely forgives.
8 For My plans are not your plans,
Nor are My ways your ways—declares the LORD.
9 But as the heavens are high above the earth, so are My ways high above your ways and My plans above your plans.
May G-d Almighty bless Israel with the grace of salvation, grant her people hearts that love and seek Him and His righteousness, and bless them with the faith of Job, the wisdom of Solomon, the courage of David, and with great victory over all her enemies.
Toda rabbah…I must be reminded often of G-d’s mercy. The media however, is evil as you suspect. A well funded agenda and part of a huge Beast system. “Bias” is merely a flattering seam in my skirt.
Well said. But Israel can't afford to play a zero-sum game: that is the Hamas way.
Israel has to take the interests of all participants in this festering conflict seriously.
No one likes to live in Gaza or the Westbank : no civil spirit, despite enormous investments (all gone) no future, no chance to live in dignity.
Probably there is no other option than to bring the whole Palestine territory of 1947 under Israeli jurisdiction and reconstruct Palestinian civil spirit under the rule of law.
“…for the law will go forth from Zion, and the word of The Lord from Jerusalem…”
Joshua Hoffman told it like it is. Unfortunately, as they say, he is "preaching to the choir". This article would better serves us if it were published in non-Jewish fora. Sincerely doubt if it would find any purchase there.
﷼،،، دودىالشادادى،☯️ caskcedkhaleijjjgi79@gmail.com