Apr 22Liked by Joshua Hoffman

While Israel has made mistakes during this war, one of the largest was listening to its "ally," the US, and not going into Rafah. The Biden administration has tried to sabotage Israel's efforts since early on, and they're still doing it. They are as cowardly as can be when it comes to listening to their Progressives, and pandering to their Dearborn voters. They sing the same song that they have not changed their policy towards their ally, Israel, but, but, but, but. There's always a but and my but is, why haven't Biden and his admin been able to bring back American hostages? Hamas only said a few weeks ago they would negotiate a hostage release but needed six weeks to locate them. (If that is to be believed) They sanction Israeli settlers and now want to sanction a unit of the IDF. How about sanctioning Iran? Of course not. They had lifted those sanctions that had been in place and then rewarded them by releasing their money. They gave Iran a heads up when striking the Houthis, and that was short-lived. They seem to be protecting Iran and their proxies more than Israel, their ally. Say what you will about Trump, but this would not have happened. Rafah should have been completed long ago and the focus on Hezbollah. Biden is proving with his actions that he is not a friend to Israel and those actions are trickling down to the anti-Israel sentiment we are seeing on a daily basis in the US. Along with the money that has been spread around into every sector of our society in the US, and the favors that must be paid back because of it, the snake has now grown many heads. I only hope it will not be allowed to grow any more.

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Agree 100%, except for the one part about Biden. I don’t think he is vicious or ill-intentioned. I think that he is a puppet these days at the direction of a much broader Democratic Party which is being hijacked by the “progressives.” American Jews should wake up to this if they haven’t already. The Democratic Party will soon be hijacked by the progressives, who consider the Jews (no less Israel) part of the “oppressor class.” The glory days of American Jews and the Democratic Party are over.

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Apr 22Liked by Joshua Hoffman

My only disagreement with the comment is that I do believe he and his staff are ill-intentioned. because his actions hurt Israel more than help it. I do think he is a puppet because he is mentally unstable and can be easily manipulated. The rest I absolutely agree with you. American Jews are going to have to switch gears if they want to see our society improve. I just sent off an email to a high school principal in my former home, Pennsylvania. A Palestinian who teaches Spanish has a club for Muslim students and for other students who want to join and what does he discuss with them? Yes, you know. Israel is a colonizer. Zionism = Nazism, the same narrative over and over again. Was he suspended? No. But the Department of Education is investigating. I felt the need to voice my strong concerns to him. This is what I wrote about when I said what Biden and his staff say and do only strengthens the dissenters in our country who want to bash Israel and the Jews at every turn.

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That is my biggest concern, that placating and enabling progressives will only make the Democratic Party more indebted to them.

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Totally agree.

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Apr 22Liked by Joshua Hoffman

Great essay, Joshua. I agree with the points made by Caroline Glick as well as yours. And Israel should be acting swiftly to restore and improve its weapons manufacturing capabilities in house.

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And yes iran ned to be taking care of

other ,other wise it will be to late not only for jews

But for america and other countries.

Pleae wake up

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Let me break this to you, Joshua (though I don't think this will be news to you): From the outset the return of all the hostages was incompatible with the annihilation of Hamas. More over, painful as it's been, there was never the slightest chance all the hostages would return alive. If at all, the question was how many could and would. Gaza is not Entebe. The answer has always been in the cards of Hamas. And even if Israel agreed to a complete ceasefire right now, Sinwar would retain as many hostages as he pleases for his own protection for as long as he remains alive. He's certainly crazy, but he's not stupid. All segments in Israel will need to come to terms with this picture sooner or later, even if the politicians won't say it publicly. Already, no one seems to know how many Israeli hostages remain alive or where in Hamas's underworld they are. It's not in Hamas's interest to disclose that either, to the extent that they themselves know. To think that Israel has much agency here is either naif, disingenuous or a display of enormous hubris.

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Just because Israel has decided to listen to the U.S. and not pursue annihilation of Hamas doesn't mean this was the correct choice. The mistake here is continuing the abusive relationship with the U.S. Israel must quickly wean itself off American made weapons, spread its diplomatic hand to not rely so heavily on a single ally, and threaten the U.S. back by withholding intelligence, technology, security coordination, and whatever else it provides. The prophets told us many times to never rely on strong allies. In those days, it was Egypt, and Assyria, etc. Now it is the U.S.

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Couldn’t agree more!

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How do we tell the people who need to hear it?

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Well i believe all decision behind biden is obama he is the one pulling the string

So yes israel use to do what ever they wanted but those new government are to scared to desobei the us we have just to pray that our donald trump came back in power.

He is the only one who can help us.

And he will not let those savage animals protesting like that.

And natanyaou has to finish the job

I pray for him until all is finished

Not easy his job.

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I agree 100% Israel can not rely on these weak idiotic leaders any longer. You will always be strongest when you follow your own path. History shows that you can do it and succeed.

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