Never understood the compulsion to realize a two state solution, especially when Barak was at the helm. I mean has there ever been a more cynical exercise in futility. It’s such a childish dream that even Palestinian leaders-for want of a better term-know is entirely unrealistic. It’s a hippie idea imagined by left wing children with important, consequential jobs who behave as though Israel is a child they must continuously manage, which in itself is such a superior attitude that makes my blood boil. But at least now I’m relieved from the obligation of not uttering it aloud because I might be deemed a racist Israeli hard liner. Now I know that I, and many of us, were simply realists. We knew who we were dealing with all along.

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Dec 4, 2023Liked by Joshua Hoffman

Why would you even consider that there could be a two state " solution"... ? Solution to what? The false narrative that somehow " Palestinian Arabs-(An Oxymoron) have any claim to the area , they do not! Israel gave them GAZA FOR THEIR FAKE STATE AND LOOK WHAT THE "FAKESTINIANS " turned it into. Look What their " Leaders" have done to them.... Yet it's Israel's Fault and we will keep speaking if a state that never existed and never will. The problem is JEWS wherever they are Should not accept any part of the narrative. It must be denounced as an option. You neeed to have the facts available so when someone says two state solution you can point to Trans Jordan and Gaza which they made a mess of..... That is not Israel's Fault. When they start with the BS just ask them where Jesus was born and to what Jewish tribe that supposedly did not live there 2000 years ago but we have been there over 5000 Years and any Jew who moves off that Truth to Embrace some other UnTruth, is deluding themself and the Jewish People. There are over 10+ Arab Only States. Those states were Ethnically cleansed of hundreds of thousands of Jews yet We are the problem. We start no wars. What country send leaflets to warn the other side? Nobody that's who. If you think different then you are fully complicit.

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Dec 3, 2023Liked by Joshua Hoffman

“perversion of Islam” read the Quran.... Islam, is the driving force

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Dec 4, 2023Liked by Joshua Hoffman

It's already perverted the way it is. Dispicable Rubbish

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Dec 3, 2023Liked by Joshua Hoffman

If I were to rewrite this column, I would not change a thing, but would have quotes placed around the word "Palestine". Allow me to indulge and share something (not mine) - a comment/poem made by someone that I found on the web: we / you should all stop using the words; palestine, palestinian, occupied territories!

Remove it from our / your vocabulary!

it / they no longer exist!`

any attack on Israel / or her citizens from a foreign / country( area) becomes part and parcel of Israel.

not available for discussions, now, or in the future, by anyone, but Israel.

no foreign country may weigh in on any discussion regarding the above

unless they are willing to decapitate their proportionate

have their corpses raped proportionate to their population,

and any actions on Israel becomes the actions on their own citizens.

whatever property is owned, by whatever entity, is forfeited until eternity.

its residents/ descendants banned for eternity.

know that whatever government you chose,

you will be responsible for their actions

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Well said Kevin!

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Dec 3, 2023·edited Dec 3, 2023

yes indeed, except for one tiny problem that really makes everything the Muslims are doing just a larger Pallywood charade. There, in point of fact, is not now, nor has there ever been a state of Palestine. Gaza and Judea/Samaria legally belong to the State of Israel. Unless Israel truly loses its sanity and makes them a Homeland for Islamic terrorists , the only thing Arafat's " palestinians" can do is regret not accepting a state in 1948. It is really unfortunate that the Arab nations that they originally came from will not allow them a REAL right to return! There will never be a " two state solution because they will always want ALL of Israel and dead Jews.

Am Yisrael Chai

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Dec 3, 2023Liked by Joshua Hoffman

Your articulatealy clear as a bell article may save the lives of thousands and the facts in the 1st part of the article Must be shouted form the roofs of every city to dispel all the lies about Israel and the Jewish people. Mainsteam media has become the vehicle for hate and lies agiants us and we are sooo passive- like we were in Europe and in Communist Russia. Please do your influentila and clear description of the real situation for NEver Again.

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Dec 3, 2023Liked by Joshua Hoffman

Another poignant piece by Mr. Hoffman. The two-state solution is a myth; the evildoers (Iran, et al) do not want one and never have. What they want is Israel wiped off the map but that will not happen. I believe the IDF is doing its best to limit civilian casualties and I hope Bibi stays the course in destroying the cancer in Gaza. Here in the US it is maddening to see the Marxists “educated” youth, media, and “A-listers” opine and bloviate on a topic which they are clearly misinformed and also fuels antisemitism. Sad.

Keep writing, Joshua!

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Well said Jake, as unfortunate as it is :(

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Dec 3, 2023Liked by Joshua Hoffman

Another excellent article. Can you please email me directly? Julie@VagabondLawyer.com

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Dec 3, 2023Liked by Joshua Hoffman

The “two state” solution ended on October 7th. Unfortunately too many Jews, and others, will not acknowledge this. If Israel and the Jewish people want to exist, they must do what has to be done. Hopefully they have a plan to achieve their goal.

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Dec 3, 2023Liked by Joshua Hoffman

YOU NEED TO PUBLISH THIS IN THE New York Times. What are you waiting for if you really beleive what you state here. Israel's PR is non existent so papers like the NY Times get away with brainwashing lies to turn people aganist Israel. You have a DUTY to put this article, especially the facts in the beginning of the article into the NY and LA Times otherwise you're just blowing hot air or "preaching to the choi"r.

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I agree with you Elaine that mainstream media is an important vehicle. We are working on such a strategy, independent of Future of Jewish, and we believe that they aren’t mutually exclusive. :)

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