Oy, Masha. It has been a dark day. I’m guessing that Muslims outnumber Jews in Vancouver and throughout BC. The existence of the ‘recommended’ list would not be so scary if it were any other minority, but this one . . this one is dangerous, as we saw today, yet again.

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Yes, and it wouldn't be scary if they prioritized some specific provincial issues over others, but they prioritize terrorism and hatred.

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It is the same here in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Dark days are here. And darker days are yet to come.

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It’s not Islamaphobia—it’s Islam awareness.

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“I’m Islamophobic” needs to be a viral hashtag. Why is it so hard for people to believe that many Muslims do not share western values?

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People were trained to be tolerant, but were never told that tolerance must have its limits. So they lost the capability to make any judgement whatsoever.

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This is not a pleasant word to use but it is undeniable - these people are 5th columnists.

You have illustrated Canada's situation but this is the same in Australia where ME politicians openly show contempt for the King while "swearing allegiance" to get a well paid job in his name.

Islamophobia isn't a phobia - it is a rational and logical assessment of self-preservation.

They are using guerilla tactics - you must show us humane and by-the-book treatment while we do what we want and play dirty. Multiculturalism had its upsides but it has gone beyond its boundaries. The door has to close. I hope Trump will slam it shut in America and the rest of the West will follow.

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"Islamophobia isn't a phobia - it is a rational and logical assessment of self-preservation." I like the way you worded that, Frederick Roth, along with Andre Gorelkin's comment "It’s not Islamophobia—it’s Islam awareness". A healthy fear of something/someone who has vowed to harm you isn't a "phobia".

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Wherever Palestinians go, disaster follows! As I've seen with my own eyes. They always prioritize Jew-hatred over prosperity and wellbeing! So, why then blame Israel for their suffering in Gaza and Lebanon?

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Right on! BC Muslims fit into a pattern of Muslim communities right across the western world. And David Eby fits into the pattern of spineless leaders right across the western world. Vancouver, Sydney, Amsterdam, Brussels, London, Harvard Square, U of T, the nauseating list goes on and on. Our best defense, after a muscled offensive from jewish communities wherever they are in the diaspora, is the strengthening of Israel unbound. Anti-Jewish speech is not free, but comes with a price. And the mealy-mouthed tolerance of it by western elites has a price too. See my latest substack piece: https://open.substack.com/pub/schecter/p/can-america-be-made-great-again?r=1wpgf7&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true

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Can anyone clarify to me what exactly Hamas means by freedom?

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it's like "Judenfrei", free of Jews, but in Arabic

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Sure, the word freedom according to Muslim usage means the freedom to kill Jews wherever they find them. Think I'm being extremist? Check out the Qu'uran and the Hadiths. And if you decide not to kill them and they refuse to convert, then you are free to grant them the status of dhimmi (second class status) where they are required to pay a jizya (a protection tax), and where the authorities are enjoined to humiliate them as they pay the tax. Again, sources are the Qu'uran and the Hadiths.

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All forced conversions are Satanic! God requires freedom of choice!

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It's simple: By "Freedom" they mean the enslavement of Palestinians to terrorists, as both Hamas and Hezbollah have made very clear, using civilians as "human shields" and children as a weapon of war for propaganda purposes!

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I think it also means something like, freedom is achieved only once you submit to Allah and the stuff in the Quran and the Hadiths. Freedom only through submission.

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The word "Islam" itself means submissive freedom or, as you better put It: peace through submission.

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One solution is for every Western country to pass anti-kufrphobia and anti-kufrmesia laws.

P.S. A phobia is an excessive, irrational fear, e.g. arachnophobia. "Mesia" is a prefix or suffix meaning hatred.

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Conniving, sly and evil! The wolf in a sheep’s clothing!

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I promise you I am no wolf. Nazism is real and it is coming. We are going to need all the communities to oppose The Nazi Party, the most Mortal threat to Democracy and the Freedom of us all. Solidarity IS vital, I assure you.

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I've been observing this very closely for over a year. I've seen hundreds and hundreds of hateful and violent Jihadi protests. In my city, in other cities in Canada, and across the world. But not a single Nazi one. Not even one. So I will worry about Nazism, when I see it, right now I find this to be a distraction for the real problems we are facing.

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I completely agree with you. Solidarity is vital. We need to be able to distinguish the truth from the lie. This individual was posing as a friend to Jewish people but clearly was not. We must stand together!

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I dont have the numbers but it seems that most, or if not most, a great many acts of antisemitism are coming from Muslims. Whether they are citizens or residents or foreign students or illegals. I think most would be familiar with The ADL Global Anti Semitism Index where it breaks down the percent of individuals of each country that harbour Anti Semitic feelings. It also breaks it down by religions. Well, needless to say the Muslims rank highest in anti semitism, as astonishing 50%! That is an enormous amount of hate levied against us from a group that makes up 25% of the world.

Taking those numbers we can say that basically 50% of the Muslims in Canada and the US are anti semitic and that every one out of two new Muslims that enter Canada and the US will be anti semitic

Not only are they large in numbers but they are incredibly organized. Masha, they have mastered the PR game and they have mastered strategy. What they did in BC shows how well developed and targeted their strategies are and how incredibly weak we are in that regard.

For Jews and for Israel, we had one of the most important elections in my lifetime. We are at war, anti semitism is rising astronomically so we needed to elect a government that would support us in the strongest terms. Guess what? Not one of the big Jewish Organizations had the courage to lead and endorse a candidate!! I repeat not one of the behemoths that beg for donations everyday came out and took a position. That is failed leadership, it warrants condemnation but nothing will be said and it will just be business as usual.

I have a few Muslim friends who are like u said wonderful people and it really bothers me that based on what I see and read, I dont know if push came to shove, if they would be there for me. Thats a terrible feeling to have and I hate having it but its a question about survival and I now do not trust them completely.

Bottom line, I cannot say that I am Islamophobic but maybe I am and just wont admit it to myself. I do know that I want a ban on immigration from Muslim countries. Until we can discern between a Muslim and an Islamist, they should be banned.I know that I want immediate deportation of any non-citizen Muslims who support Hamas and are involved in violent demonstrations.

Above all, I wish we had better organizations and better PR strategies to fight our enemies. I honestly believe we can and have to do so much better.

Lastly, I love your last name. Some of the finest people I know are Kleiners.

Papa j Kleiner

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Brigitte Gabriel or Gad Saad speak about antisemitism in Muslim countries (not only him, of course, but they are the first that came to mind), and obviously they bring it here too.

I use the word "Islamophobic" a little ironically, I know phobia is irrational fear, and this is rational, I just don't want to argue about terminology, I don't mind being labelled Islamophobic, I've been labelled worse, now let's talk about the actual problems.

PS: Thank you, I love my last name too, it's my great grandmother's.

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You mention two people I admire very much. Just got done reading Saads The Parasitic Mind. it was published in 2020 and it is dead on with what is happening today.

I am not going to label myself Islamophobic cuz I agree that it is not an irrational fear. I grew up in the ghetto and if I saw a bunch of black teens on one corner and a bunch of Puerto Ricans on the other corner. I would walk on the Puerto Rican side. Odds were I would have a better chance. Does that make me a racist? It was survival based on experience.

Speaking of names ..... Masha?? LOL

Stay healthy and stay safe

papa j

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Everywhere I read and hear how Jewish people are discriminated and attacked. And the response by the same is to use logic and history and moral superiority as a weapon. Has this worked ? Ever ? Present your beleifs strongly without compromise . Without the support of a moral framework. You own and beleive it ! You and I know you are victims but keep that to yourself. Present their ideas, those who dont agree with you without comment. Often. The opposition does not care what you think of them. So make it simple. You will not change their ideas but you may influence those who are watching. And it is that group, the people on the sidelines, who have the power to effect change. As Peter Boghosian says force their ideas to be debated . So shine a bright light on their ideas and bring it into the public market place outside this (substack) bubble.

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I heard someone say recently - "Jews are smart as individuals, but stupid as a group." I think this is precisely why we are not doing great on the PR front.

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This is what happens when a country allows immigrants who refuse to abide by and subscribe to the political norms of the host country

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It's not a surprise that David Erby is just another cowardly leader of the West. It's been plainly evident in our US administration with the lack of courage to speak forcefully to world leaders who have taken full advantage of their weakness. I have been grateful for the courage and strength of our former president, Bill Clinton. During the Harris campaign he spoke at a rally in Michigan defending Israel and its right to fight Hamas, as well as his experience in coming close to brokering a peace plan. He also admitted he was played by Arafat during that process. Of course, the Muslim community found his speech insulting, but the very few boos that were heard didn't stop him from speaking. What are these politicians so afraid of that they pander to this group of people who have so much hate for Jews? What happened in Amsterdam is now ripe to happen in many countries who had swollen their populations with Muslim hatred for Jews and the West. Geert Wilders of the Netherlands had the courage to call these Muslim haters out as "scum," his words, not mine. Perhaps people like him will be an example to follow in the coming months. It is said, things don't change until it gets really bad. Well, it has, and we are ready for that change.

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We have cowadly leadership because cowardice is emphasized and injected in ours recent generations. Leaders, in democracies, for the better or for the worst, are reflective of the people they lead. So, WE THE PEOPLE are the real problem, and it will only be fixed when we learn to despise the cowards and praise (and elect) the brave.

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I do agree with you in part, but since our election in the US, the people have spoken about many issues, one being the kind of leadership we've had for four years and voted accordingly. Cowardice and weakness are candy for our enemies and puts us there for the taking.

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I know Islamophobia is a much bandied about term which makes it a real thing in some sense. I also know you're title is tongue in cheek so I'm not blaming you, Masha. However it is an oxymoron, a fact supported by your article. If you look up the definition of phobia it states that a phobia is an irrational, excessive, and persistent fear of a specific object, situation, or activity. With the possible exception of 'persistent' I think there is no such exaggeration or irrationality about being afraid of Radical Islamists any longer so maybe we can move away from this term?

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I totally agree, the title is trying to be somewhat humorous. Maybe it's time we coin a new term - Islamofear?

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Islamofear does indeed sound more accurate. We need to think a bit more as it doesn't have the catchyness of the other term...but it might work.

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I once said to someone close to me that their drug use replaced all their little and not so little problems with one huge one.

Let’s not pretend anti semitism hasn’t been an enormous problem in the Middle East since Islamic radicalism got a foothold, and Nazi and Soviet influence became substantial. Thanks Europe!

I will not glorify the Middle Ages for the Jews who were dhimmis, essentially a big tax and prohibitions for not being Muslim, because their treatment in Europe at the time was far far worse. I’ll just say it was far far worse in Europe, the Middle East was once “relatively” tolerant of Jews and relatively tolerant of liberal ideas hence the flourishing.

Anti semitism began well before Oct 7th it’s the biggest reason for it. That Europe and America close their eyes to the indoctrination in “schools” is a scandal. It should’ve been dealt with as a condition for aid. Say no and get your donations from Iran and Qatar. Doing it anyway. Let’s not pretend.

Extreme mistreatment of Palestinians by Jordanians Egyptians Lebanese is a non issue. Let’s not act like Islam is monolithic it certainly isn’t. But anti semitism is a huge concept and life plan for many to the point where it makes no sense socially economically morally but it replaces a lot of little and not so little problems with one big one.

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Arabs collaborated with the Nazis in the lead up and during WW2, and with the Soviets post 1948. So they learnt their antisemitism from the best. Today's "pro-Palestinian" propaganda is so painfully similar to Soviet antisemitic, sorry, anti-Zionist materials that one might occasionally get confused.

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Great question

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