Anyone who wishes to see a stable and safe Middle East needs to stand against Iran’s axis of evil, and support Israel’s fight against Iran and its proxies — in Yemen, in Gaza, in Lebanon, everywhere.
Joshua, what can I say? This was the most fulfilling and satisfying article to date. The swamp is so deep and not just in the US but globally. I'm going to reread it tomorrow and have fun continuing to connect the dots of the money trail, which seems to always find its way back to Qatar. I am confident Israel will continue to retaliate and show strength to these groups and Iran. The Middle East only respects strength, and the US has been a weak and willing target for them Am Yisrael Chai! Thank you again for providing this eye opener of the absolute corruption that permeates geopolitics.
OH, SO VERY TRUE!! I would think most would appreciate what Israel does, but nooooooooooo, they demonize Israel!! GRRRRR.. G-d bless Israel!! And TY Joshua for pointing this out! Shared.
What a really good article Joshua! Telling the truth is actually pretty easy, as you do so well. Manipulating the truth is more difficult, and I doubt you could do that - a compliment :)
Overlooking the typo about Hillary Clinton’s term as US Secretary of State (ending in 2013 not 2023), a great essay, Joshua. Qatar’s influence peddling is nefarious indeed, and apparently sanctioned by several Administrations. Qatar needs to understand that the strings attached to such influence can be cut. Wrongs can be made right.
There is an interesting practical reason why Israel is supported by Europe and the Western Powers, and was one of the reasons she was created in 1948: Israel can be relied upon to defend shipping routes through the Suez Canal, using her military. No other country in the Middle East can do this. If Islamists ever threatened Europe by infiltrating the Muslim communities here and inciting them to commit acts of terrorism here, Iran and The Houthis would support them by attacking Western shipping routes too.
Daniel, I doubt that is, or ever has been, a significant reason for Western support of Israel, but it definitely had nothing to do with support for Israel’s creation in 1948.
Russia supported Israel’s creation in 1948 in expectation that a majority influx of secular atheistic Jews from the Eastern Block would result in a friendly State that might provide them a warm water port.
Truman, acting in direct opposition to the military, political, and geopolitical views of his Secretary of State, George C. Marshall, recognized Israel only after being persuaded to meet with Chaim Weizmann, on the advice of his former business partner, Eddie Jacobson, a non-religious Jew.
Europe, beholden and economically dependent on the US after WW2, simply followed the American lead.
There are practical reasons for Western support of Israel, but it seems that the West as a whole has largely lost its collective mind and, with it, logic, reason, or sensible practicality in any regard.
My personal conviction is that the strongest supporters of Israel, and of the Jewish people worldwide, are found within the ranks of professing Bible-believing, Spirit-led, Christians - most of whom would be identified as ‘Evangelicals’. While distrusted by many Jewish people, we love Israel and the Chosen People because of the love we have for, and share with, the G-d of Israel. In our belief, we have been given new, spiritual, life through receiving His Spirit, and it is His love for His People that moves within our hearts, and guards our minds against the lies and murderous slanders that seem to have spread like wildfire around the world since October 7.
Tragically, from our point of view, there are a great many professing Christians who don’t share our love for Israel, or the Jewish people worldwide. I don’t want to get into great detail here, but I will say that Christians who have and share this love of G-d for Israel and His People do whatever we can to help those who don’t, see that they are making a potentially devastating mistake, and grieving the heart of the G-d they profess to love and serve. Because of those efforts, we are often scorned and vilified by such Christians. Ironically, because of the tragic, shameful , and disgusting actions of anti-Semitic ‘Christendom’ throughout the centuries, we are misunderstood, and therefore also distrusted, scorned, and vilified by many Jewish people, particularly Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox Israeli Jews.
Regardless, we carry on, believing that we are honoring G-d by sharing His love for all people, and particularly those He chose, set His heart to faithfully love, and pledged to fulfill His promises to.
All that to say this; while rejected, mocked, scorned, or ignored by multitudes in the world, including many Jews, the ultimate reason Israel was created in 1948 was because G-d Almighty, the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, willed it to be so. From the standpoint of our faith, that remains the ultimate reason to advocate for continued Western, indeed global, support of Israel, as well as the ultimate reason for Israel’s survival. And it will continue to be so until the prophesies and promises made to the Patriarchs and Chosen People are all fulfilled in every detail.
In the meantime:
“The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD, like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes.” Proverbs 21:1
I am not religious, but I have full respect for both your Faith and your Love. This is much appreciated by Jewish people. Thank you, Mike. Your Love is much appreciated.
Thank you Daniel. I have a number of dearly loved Israeli Jewish friends that I think of, and pray for, daily - along with my prayers for Israel and the Jewish people as a whole. For several months, I have been praying to know if I am to travel, once again, to Israel; to be with them, enjoy fellowship, and share my love and support for them during this time of difficult trials. I shared my thoughts on this with an Israeli friend here in the States, and his response was, “You will know.” We shall see, but I’m leaning that way more and more of late.
Meanwhile, know that there are many Christians around the world who lift prayers up to Heaven on behalf of Israel and the Chosen People, every single day. Those who truly love, and understand the character and love of the G-d of the Patriarchs for His Chosen People, will never abandon you. As long as we live in this earth, we will not stop loving you, even if we are misunderstood, misrepresented, maligned, neglected, attacked or ignored. Because that is precisely how He loves you. I pray that, one day, you will come to know Him, and know His love for you, as we do.
I believe God has to put that love for Israel and His people in our hearts, and He has in mine. It is not a natural thing. The love is definitely from the faithful God of Israel.
Amen Elizabeth! But individuals can ‘grieve the Holy Spirit; we can choose to disregard the leading of G-d in favor of our own desires, or by seeking to avoid facing whatever we may strongly fear. That is why we are told,
“You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.” (Deuteronomy 6:5)
“…the just shall live by his faith.” (Habakkuk 2:4b)
The first addresses our natural, self-centered, desires. Our love for G-d is to be so much greater and stronger than any other ‘love’, that we yearn to please and honor Him, and we avoid doing anything that would grieve Him, or bring shame on our profession of faith in Him.
The second addresses our fears; we are to walk in and by our faith in Him; trusting in His character, love, faithfulness, power, presence, and His promises - no matter what. As Job said, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.” (Job 13:15a)
If these two things are true in our lives, then we can be led and instructed by the Spirit of G-d; we will be responsive, obedient, and walk in His wisdom, yielding our will to His desires for our lives. And it is then that the Spirit of God can rest upon and fill us with His love - for His Chosen People, as well as those outside the Tribe, even our enemies.
And, because we love with His love, we grieve as with His grief over our own foolishness, which is hopefully largely behind us, and the continuing foolishness of others, who are generally blind to the fact that they are acting to their own hurt.
In closing, thank you for sharing. I definitely agree that it is a supernatural love that we are dealing with, and it is the love of G-d Almighty for His People, Israel, that we feel so powerfully in our hearts.
The love of money is the root of all evil. It's truly sad and tiresome that so few people stand for what is right, despite the temptations. Nothing but evil surrounds Israel on all sides. I will rejoice in the day when it has all been silenced.
The qataris are the splinter in the eye for many biased non-objective bastards allowing for selective vision to hyper fixate on israel, I commented the same thing on a video I stumbled on earlier in that the US was incapable of handling the yemenis and Israel did what needed to be done leading the way. Didn't realize McGregor had gone to the dark side and heard only inklings of the judges ramblings, feel free to comment here
I never want to hear again about the "Israel lobby", which antisemites portray as some sinister and omnipotent power controlling Washington and other western capitals. That is a total joke. Whatever meager lobby Israel has whether through AIPAC or direct Israeli lobbying efforts pales in comparison to the billions Qatar and other Gulf Arab states shell out to buy influence in the west through various enterprises mention in this article. It's only because of the moral clarity and Christian values of the American people that Israel has support in the US which in turn forces their representatives to support Israel, not because of an Israel lobby. No such constituency exists in a post-Christian Europe, which is why Israel has almost no support there.
Joshua, what can I say? This was the most fulfilling and satisfying article to date. The swamp is so deep and not just in the US but globally. I'm going to reread it tomorrow and have fun continuing to connect the dots of the money trail, which seems to always find its way back to Qatar. I am confident Israel will continue to retaliate and show strength to these groups and Iran. The Middle East only respects strength, and the US has been a weak and willing target for them Am Yisrael Chai! Thank you again for providing this eye opener of the absolute corruption that permeates geopolitics.
Israel always had taught the west that the only good terrorist is a dead terrorist
I agree. The UK and the US should be ashamed. I wish with all my heart I could help. But I do pray for Israel every day.
OH, SO VERY TRUE!! I would think most would appreciate what Israel does, but nooooooooooo, they demonize Israel!! GRRRRR.. G-d bless Israel!! And TY Joshua for pointing this out! Shared.
What a really good article Joshua! Telling the truth is actually pretty easy, as you do so well. Manipulating the truth is more difficult, and I doubt you could do that - a compliment :)
Remember what Biden said ... "Don't." Problem is they did and he didn't.
Overlooking the typo about Hillary Clinton’s term as US Secretary of State (ending in 2013 not 2023), a great essay, Joshua. Qatar’s influence peddling is nefarious indeed, and apparently sanctioned by several Administrations. Qatar needs to understand that the strings attached to such influence can be cut. Wrongs can be made right.
Good catch!
Gee! Is that why politicians amass fortunes in the multi-millions on a $200K annual salary? Hmmm.
Trudeau is with 94 million, he must be a great investor. BUt the best is Putin, $150K per year and the richest man on earth
There is an interesting practical reason why Israel is supported by Europe and the Western Powers, and was one of the reasons she was created in 1948: Israel can be relied upon to defend shipping routes through the Suez Canal, using her military. No other country in the Middle East can do this. If Islamists ever threatened Europe by infiltrating the Muslim communities here and inciting them to commit acts of terrorism here, Iran and The Houthis would support them by attacking Western shipping routes too.
Daniel, I doubt that is, or ever has been, a significant reason for Western support of Israel, but it definitely had nothing to do with support for Israel’s creation in 1948.
Russia supported Israel’s creation in 1948 in expectation that a majority influx of secular atheistic Jews from the Eastern Block would result in a friendly State that might provide them a warm water port.
Truman, acting in direct opposition to the military, political, and geopolitical views of his Secretary of State, George C. Marshall, recognized Israel only after being persuaded to meet with Chaim Weizmann, on the advice of his former business partner, Eddie Jacobson, a non-religious Jew.
Europe, beholden and economically dependent on the US after WW2, simply followed the American lead.
There are practical reasons for Western support of Israel, but it seems that the West as a whole has largely lost its collective mind and, with it, logic, reason, or sensible practicality in any regard.
My personal conviction is that the strongest supporters of Israel, and of the Jewish people worldwide, are found within the ranks of professing Bible-believing, Spirit-led, Christians - most of whom would be identified as ‘Evangelicals’. While distrusted by many Jewish people, we love Israel and the Chosen People because of the love we have for, and share with, the G-d of Israel. In our belief, we have been given new, spiritual, life through receiving His Spirit, and it is His love for His People that moves within our hearts, and guards our minds against the lies and murderous slanders that seem to have spread like wildfire around the world since October 7.
Tragically, from our point of view, there are a great many professing Christians who don’t share our love for Israel, or the Jewish people worldwide. I don’t want to get into great detail here, but I will say that Christians who have and share this love of G-d for Israel and His People do whatever we can to help those who don’t, see that they are making a potentially devastating mistake, and grieving the heart of the G-d they profess to love and serve. Because of those efforts, we are often scorned and vilified by such Christians. Ironically, because of the tragic, shameful , and disgusting actions of anti-Semitic ‘Christendom’ throughout the centuries, we are misunderstood, and therefore also distrusted, scorned, and vilified by many Jewish people, particularly Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox Israeli Jews.
Regardless, we carry on, believing that we are honoring G-d by sharing His love for all people, and particularly those He chose, set His heart to faithfully love, and pledged to fulfill His promises to.
All that to say this; while rejected, mocked, scorned, or ignored by multitudes in the world, including many Jews, the ultimate reason Israel was created in 1948 was because G-d Almighty, the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, willed it to be so. From the standpoint of our faith, that remains the ultimate reason to advocate for continued Western, indeed global, support of Israel, as well as the ultimate reason for Israel’s survival. And it will continue to be so until the prophesies and promises made to the Patriarchs and Chosen People are all fulfilled in every detail.
In the meantime:
“The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD, like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes.” Proverbs 21:1
I am not religious, but I have full respect for both your Faith and your Love. This is much appreciated by Jewish people. Thank you, Mike. Your Love is much appreciated.
Thank you Daniel. I have a number of dearly loved Israeli Jewish friends that I think of, and pray for, daily - along with my prayers for Israel and the Jewish people as a whole. For several months, I have been praying to know if I am to travel, once again, to Israel; to be with them, enjoy fellowship, and share my love and support for them during this time of difficult trials. I shared my thoughts on this with an Israeli friend here in the States, and his response was, “You will know.” We shall see, but I’m leaning that way more and more of late.
Meanwhile, know that there are many Christians around the world who lift prayers up to Heaven on behalf of Israel and the Chosen People, every single day. Those who truly love, and understand the character and love of the G-d of the Patriarchs for His Chosen People, will never abandon you. As long as we live in this earth, we will not stop loving you, even if we are misunderstood, misrepresented, maligned, neglected, attacked or ignored. Because that is precisely how He loves you. I pray that, one day, you will come to know Him, and know His love for you, as we do.
I believe God has to put that love for Israel and His people in our hearts, and He has in mine. It is not a natural thing. The love is definitely from the faithful God of Israel.
Amen Elizabeth! But individuals can ‘grieve the Holy Spirit; we can choose to disregard the leading of G-d in favor of our own desires, or by seeking to avoid facing whatever we may strongly fear. That is why we are told,
“You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.” (Deuteronomy 6:5)
“…the just shall live by his faith.” (Habakkuk 2:4b)
The first addresses our natural, self-centered, desires. Our love for G-d is to be so much greater and stronger than any other ‘love’, that we yearn to please and honor Him, and we avoid doing anything that would grieve Him, or bring shame on our profession of faith in Him.
The second addresses our fears; we are to walk in and by our faith in Him; trusting in His character, love, faithfulness, power, presence, and His promises - no matter what. As Job said, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.” (Job 13:15a)
If these two things are true in our lives, then we can be led and instructed by the Spirit of G-d; we will be responsive, obedient, and walk in His wisdom, yielding our will to His desires for our lives. And it is then that the Spirit of God can rest upon and fill us with His love - for His Chosen People, as well as those outside the Tribe, even our enemies.
And, because we love with His love, we grieve as with His grief over our own foolishness, which is hopefully largely behind us, and the continuing foolishness of others, who are generally blind to the fact that they are acting to their own hurt.
In closing, thank you for sharing. I definitely agree that it is a supernatural love that we are dealing with, and it is the love of G-d Almighty for His People, Israel, that we feel so powerfully in our hearts.
May the Lord richly bless you!
I second everything you said. You put it better than I ever could! TY so very much, Mike!
The love of money is the root of all evil. It's truly sad and tiresome that so few people stand for what is right, despite the temptations. Nothing but evil surrounds Israel on all sides. I will rejoice in the day when it has all been silenced.
You nailed it, you had me by the time I was done the header. I'll go read it now.
Excellent article
The qataris are the splinter in the eye for many biased non-objective bastards allowing for selective vision to hyper fixate on israel, I commented the same thing on a video I stumbled on earlier in that the US was incapable of handling the yemenis and Israel did what needed to be done leading the way. Didn't realize McGregor had gone to the dark side and heard only inklings of the judges ramblings, feel free to comment here
I never want to hear again about the "Israel lobby", which antisemites portray as some sinister and omnipotent power controlling Washington and other western capitals. That is a total joke. Whatever meager lobby Israel has whether through AIPAC or direct Israeli lobbying efforts pales in comparison to the billions Qatar and other Gulf Arab states shell out to buy influence in the west through various enterprises mention in this article. It's only because of the moral clarity and Christian values of the American people that Israel has support in the US which in turn forces their representatives to support Israel, not because of an Israel lobby. No such constituency exists in a post-Christian Europe, which is why Israel has almost no support there.
Does any one know what Canadian universities get Qatari $?
I agree! You have hit the nail on the head. Brilliant piece!