Biden wants a hostage deal not for the benefit of the hostages or Israel but to secure his reelection. The US could have used its leverage months ago to force Hamas concessions by withholding economic support to Qatar and Egypt and showing full support to Israel without any reservations. Instead Biden and Blinken have let the hostages slowly die by letting Hamas know that they don’t really support Israel. As a (not Jewish) American, I am ashamed by this. Israel cannot depend on American and needs to build its own defense industry. I agree that we will likely be better and stronger allies if the power relationship is more equal, but I am saddened that it had to come to this. God bless Israel and May you stay strong.

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May 14Liked by Joshua Hoffman

I can say with certainty that the vast majority of Americans and the GOP are fully behind Israel and are appalled at what Biden is doing to it. Don't for a second think that Biden represents American attitudes towards Israel.

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May 14Liked by Joshua Hoffman

An American Jewish reader In Israel now (doing volunteer work), talking to many people in and out of the Army/IDF and attending memorial and Independence Day events.

Your article nails the Israeli attitude and fears that Americans just don’t get it and understand this is a “clash of civilizations” and most Palestinians want to reconquer all of Israel and kill all the Jews they can. To them the naive idea of a “two state solution” and ceasefire sounds like the situation with Czechoslovakia appeasement in 1938.

There’s a huge disconnect here.

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I believe most Americans DO get it and support Israel. The Biden regime does not represent American views towards Israel.

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That is what I've been saying for decades already! USA is NO longer a reliable partner and ally! Only for Netanyahu, but NOT for Israel! And Netanyahu is a narcissist, unfit to lead Israel! Whose priorities are self-interest, and NOT what's best for Israel!

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The biggest existential threat to the state if Israel is the combined ineptitude, neglegence and incompetence of the present reigning government and military to effectively protect its citizens against publicly stated cross border threats that have been developing over the last two decades. The Israeli decision making bodies and leadership should understand by now that history repeats itself and that Israel cannot buy appeasement and bargain away it's military potential for the sake of individual gain or pleasing other international players. In as much as possible, and at all costs, the state's survival strategy has to be directed to military self sufficiency and competency to avoid future debacles that are predictable and that will inevitably reoccur. The state's budgets should be formulated in this regard because, notwithstanding devine intervention, there is no other hope for the future .

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Absolutely true. Americas hidden agenda is glaringly obvious. They want to have the power to call the shots. Israel must become self sufficient and be able to control their destiny. Only Israel can know the best way forward and win this war.

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100%. That the U.S. consistently tells Israel what to do is nauseating. The headlines alone drive me crazy. No one (well almost no one) stops and says, why is one country telling another country how to fight an existential war? It's mind boggling.

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First of all, Israel should immediately get started producing its own military stuff. As soon as they're up to speed, break the contract. What's the U.S. going to do? Sue? The truth is, Israel HAS all of the military items in its midst to study and deconstruct. How hard would it be to manufacture it themselves? Yes, you need time to create factories, etc. Get started NOW! (And THEN, Israel can sell military stuff to Saudi Arabia -- lol). Regardless of how supportive Republicans may be at this particular moment, for whatever political reasons, no country should depend on another country for vital items. Didn't we learn this during COVID? C'mon.

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Second, as far as a two-state solution after Hamas is eradicated, one of your guest essayists I believe wrote about incorporating the Gazan Palestinians into Israel proper, taking over the education system including curriculum, and requiring it be taught in Hebrew. Maybe in 20 years, a new generation will be ready for independence. Otherwise, no way!

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RemovedMay 15
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I know! It's crazy ridiculous! Douglas Murray talked about this seven months ago -- that Oct. 7 was an attack open the West. Is it now glaringly obvious by now?

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