Nov 8, 2023Liked by Joshua Hoffman

All sad, all scary, all true, Joshua. Thanks for articulating the conundrums so well. When you able, give your readers some hope, too. Thanks!

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Hi Amy, nice to hear from you!

Hope is important, of course. After all, Israel’s national anthem is called “The Hope.” But right now the Jewish world is in a dark place. Most of it is because of the age-old antisemitism that will never cease to die, and some of it is self-inflicted by politicians in Israel; by Jews in the Diaspora who’ve been poorly educated (or not at all) about Judaism, Jewish history, and Israel; and by other “internal” factors.

I believe hope will come when all of us Jews, and even our non-Jewish family and friends, confront the hard truths in front of us. In psychology I believe this is called “doing the work.”

If we accept this task, and do it consistently over a sustained period of time, even as challenging and unattractive as it might be, I have no doubt that we can expect a more hopeful and enthusiastic Jewish future!

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