Feb 14Liked by Joshua Hoffman


I’ve been following your writing and agree with your findings. This particular post misses one detail; the political leaders of today empower Palestinian corruption for 2 basic reasons; maintaining power on the left and pure, undisguised antisemitism. Don’t try to rationalize it; the jealousy of the Jew is deeply embedded in most societies. Let Israel and the world’s Jewish population just continue the righteous path and stand up to the hate. Thanks.

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"The fact that one in 10 employees of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in Gaza have ties to terror organizations" - do you have a source for this figure?

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It’s been widely reported by both U.S. and Israeli news.

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Hi Miles,

I'd like to see evidence of all that you wrote of which I am mostly unaware (and I read ALOT)- I can easily provide evidence of all that I wrote about Trump. The economy is, in fact, doing great under Biden (he printed money to keep people from going completely under after Covid when SO many jobs were lost- inflation occurred mainly from all the goods, etc that were held up from the shipping shortage disaster due to the lockdown from Covid). A deep recession was expected and has NOT occurred. Biden is not rigging the election- it was Colorado and I think Maine that are trying to get Trump off the ballot because WE ALL KNOW HOW HORRIBLE HE IS. I was supportive of BLM in the beginning because of all the black men that were being killed by the cops (and NO, I do NOT want to defund the police- my daughter is one!), Now I am learning many in BLM are against Israel, that's true, even though so many Jews supported the civil rights movement here in the '60's. Biden won't be impeached- the Republicans have gone mad (the good ole' fashioned conservative ones no longer exist and have been replaced with crazies like that Marjorie woman- seriously!

But it looks like we will have to agree to disagree.

Not sure Joshua wants this discussion here.

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Brilliant article. The UN is corrupt to its core!!! Why is it that is allowed to operate in Gaza with no checks and balances? This should be a normal process to go through. Many of us have thought for years that the lack of checks were suspect. It is unconscionable that world accepts the pathetic UN version of events.

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Jan 30Liked by Joshua Hoffman

Excellent writing, Joshua. This is such an important article and really captures what is so wrong with the world's approach to addressing this Muslim Arab conflict with Israel/Jews. Of course, the ground was tilled and fertilized with years of delegitimization and big lies to turn the victims of Arab/Muslim aggression into the perpetrators of oppression against the "poor Palestinians." That this upside-down narrative is so eagerly embraced around the world leads me to conclude that, after 2,000 years, the world is having difficulty adjusting to facts on the ground: strong, free, self-defending Jews living again under Jewish sovereignty in the Jewish national homeland. They like us better when we're dead or subservient and homeless.

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Agree! Jewbelong.com has a great poster which reads:

"You didn't like it when we didn't defend ourselves. And you don't like it when we do. Doesn't leave much wiggle room."

End Jew Hate.

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Jan 30Liked by Joshua Hoffman

They've cried wolf too many times now. Thanks for putting in words what many of us think.

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Jan 30Liked by Joshua Hoffman

I absolutely agree with your assessment. But as an American Jew who has always considered myself a liberal progressive, I am shocked and concerned by the blatant and flagrant anti-Israel sentiment on the left-leaning publications such as the New York Times and Washington Post. I read through the comment sections and I try to add some balance about the situation and educate people in the process but it's literally an Israel hate-fest. This is why Biden is vacillating on his full support-since the elections are coming up. And I fear another Trump presidency- the last one was hell here. And I do not at all trust his support for Israel. The man is totally unpredictable. A real horror show.

But I cannot in good conscience vote for anyone who will not support Israel. I am hoping that Biden gets another term- I think he will then be able to be more flexible in supporting Israel to do whatever it takes to protect itself.

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Honestly, a Trump presidency would be better for Israel (and in many ways for America). Trump was unpredictable on Twitter but actually a fairly steady hand at the wheel in terms of his policies. He succeeded on the Abraham Accords where all the "experts" on the Middle East said it couldn't be done, he had a pretty realistic sense of what needed to be done regarding the southern border, Iran, and China, and oh yeah the economy was in much better shape with him in charge.

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Hogwash! Trump completely abused his presidential power for personal and political gain. He subverted the 2020 election, incited an insurrection (leaving 5 people dead), used inflammatory and divisive rhetoric to brazenly spread lies and conspiracies, attack political opponents of all stripes, and praised bad actors like white nationalists and authoritarian leaders. He politicized and manipulated the Justice department and the FBI to serve his own needs NOT the needs of the national interest. He completely abused his pardon power. He was one of 3 presidents to get impeached after pressuring and manipulating the Ukrainian government to help his reelection campaign unlawfully withholding nearly $400 million in much-needed military aid from Ukraine, even though Congress appropriated the funds with bipartisan support. He fired whistleblowers and truth tellers, and anyone who did not agree with him, creating huge gaps in the government when many extremely competent people resigned from all the chaos. He profitted off the presidency by refusing to divest from his business which was a HUGE conflict of interest. I could go on and on- he totally divided the country which is still suffering from his presidency to this day. The man was a total narcissist and had some serious psychopathology.

Oh I forgot. He was found liable for defamation and sexual abuse last year (had to pay 5 million to E. Jean Carroll) and because he couldn't shut his trap, he continued to defame her after THAT trial and now recently lost yet another trial and has to pay Carroll 83.3 MILLION MORE dollars in damages. Like I said- TRUMP IS A NIGHTMARE!

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Even granting all that, Trump is probably still the less nightmarish option.

Biden is equally guilty of divisive rhetoric ("everyone who doesn't vote Democrat is a literal Nazi"), he weaponized the DOJ and FBI to go after Republicans as "domestic terrorists", he's trying to rig the 2024 ballot to keep Trump off it (destroying democracy to save democracy). Biden bent over backwards to pander to BLM radicals (who among other shortcomings are rabid antisemites) during the 2020 race riots, and Biden is going to be the 4th president impeached, on the grounds that he uses his political position to enrich himself and his family (10% to the big guy).

Biden also tanked the economy via printing money until inflation became inevitable, he botched the Afghanistan withdrawal so badly he left tens of millions of dollars worth of weapons in the hands of the Taliban, he's turned the border into a lawless disaster, he's enabled and emboldened Iran to the point where they evidently feel comfortable attacking US troops with drone strikes, and it was on Biden's watch that Russia felt secure enough to invade Ukraine.

I'm not saying Trump is a GOOD option by any means, just that I agree with Andrew Sullivan's take on Biden "Many of us voted for Biden as a competent moderate. Turns out he's more like an incompetent extremist"


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Jan 30Liked by Joshua Hoffman

Imagine where we’d be if the full force of the world came down on Hamas after October 7. All the equivocating emboldened them and made the world less safe!

It’s gratifying the reaction of the world to the UNWRA “revelations” and will be interesting, though not surprising, to see how stopping the flow of $$$ changes the ME landscape. Ultimately it will benefit the Palestinians though not without a lot of short term pain.

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Jan 30Liked by Joshua Hoffman

Excellent analysis but I believe the US has a clearer and faster path if : we put significant pressure on Saudi Arabia to become part of the Abraham Accords and start removing our base and all military from Qatar. The old saying of “ money talks and bullshit walks” applies here.

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Well stated, Joshua. We Israelis have to knock it off with all this humanitarian aid nonsense. We have got to stop being 'Friarim' ( wimpy suckers), giving endlessly left and right, giving in, accepting the absolutely unacceptable (terms and conditions ) of any deal which may get signed to release the hostages. Like bandits and pirates, we are being extorted, to pay such highway robbery ransom, while getting little to nothing in return. WE have to call the shots around here, stand up for ourselves. On all sides of this ordeal ,and they are many faceted and complex, we are all fed up!

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The bowing and appeasement the United States typically engages in with bad actors is a threat to American security. All the bad guys know that Biden will bow and send money before he stands up. There are consequences to this behavior. American might has ceased to mean anything in various important arenas because everyone knows the flimsiest excuse will spare them from any retribution, often even sanctions. There’s a list of countries around the world holding American hostages for this reason. Appeasement is most definitely not a victimless crime.

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Palestinian Jew-hatred runs deep and across all generations of Palestinians. Moreover, since they have never known what it's like to govern themselves in a democracy, the only possible form of government they are capable of is a dictatorship. They never wanted statehood. They refused it several times, even when the terms were in their favor. That's because their purpose in the so-called disputed territories was purely to be a violent thorn in Israel's side. They were never fighting for their freedom; merely to destroy Israel. The world must be made to understand this and the Muslim countries which gave - and continue to give Palestinians their marching orders must be made to reabsorb them into their own countries. Israel should continue pummeling Gaza and squeezing out violent Palestinians from Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria; forbidding their civil disobedience and deporting them when necessary. Where they go is not Israel's problem. BTW: civil disobedience from other groups, including Jews, should continue to be against the law as well. It's one thing to argue with the government but quite another to shout, destroy property, assault people, etc. to "make a point". Israel must not take its cue from the disintegrating Western democracies which tolerate violent demonstrations and are allowing enemies to conquer them from within. Israel must carve out her own form of democracy, which includes the deportation of anyone who threatens its survival and superb way of life. So, goodbye Palestinians - or whatever you want to call yourselves. See how living in Iran, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen or wherever works for you.

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As usual, your analysis is right on the mark and exposes the hypocrisy related to the unique, international carte blanche support services that the Palestinians have been receiving under the "most favoured" refugee status during the last 75 years. Notwithstanding cultural and religious constraints, it's about time that reality sets in and that they assume some responsibility for their own fate, no different than the other countless millions of refugees world wide that have suffered similar hardships over the same timeframe.

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