The alliance between the “progressive” Left and Arab/Muslim antisemites is now a formidable portion of the Democratic Party — and electing Harris as the 47th U.S. president would make it even worse.
Josh, most liberal Jews in the US and Canada have not educated themselves on what liberalism has become. They have no idea how it's been co-opted by Jew-hating cultural Marxist influence which led to "woke" dogma that considers Jews the bad guys. They look at you with a blank face when you mention the Red/Green alliance (a.k.a. Islamo/Leftist alliance) which has existed in some form since the Russian revolution; is responsible for the creation of the tyrannical Iranian regime - and created the playbook for Palestinian propaganda - a playbook based on lies. I wish that "crash courses" could be given about this in liberal Jewish circles before the November US election. Otherwise - yet again - too many Jews will vote Democrat.
What a reductive and oversimplistic response. Every liberal Jew I know including myself are well-educated and know the risks of the far left progressives. We don't agree with them at all. We are liberal we are pro Israel we are pro zionist and we are anti far left progressive like the squad.
Will you still be voting Democrat in November? Or is your probable dislike of Trump stronger than your realization that the Democratic party is anti-Semitic? Because the Dems will cater to Squad followers. The Biden administration already proved that and so will a Harris administration.
While it's true that Trump seemed to have been more supportive of Israel, I felt less safe as a Jew in America during his term than I did under Obama. Not because I think Obama was pro-Israel, but because Trump made it acceptable for people to openly express their derision towards those they deemed inferior to them.
Obviously, I haven't felt especially safe since 10/8/24. But I don't believe in single issue voting, and the Trump strategy of fomenting hatred toward other ethnic groups does not make me safer. Or safe at all.
I wish there were stronger official actions to fight antisemitism, but I can't really object to fighting Islamophobia. I remember the post-9/11 vigilantism that resulted in people who looked like they might be Middle Eastern being beaten and sometimes killed. Random violence that made me afraid for my Guatemalan husband and my teenaged son.
We're still not really over the trauma of 9/11, or the pandemic, and now we have young Americans threatening all American lives and burning the American flag because of perceived injustice in a place they have never been. It's terrifying.
I would like to see the return of a functioning Congress in 2025. If we can get ourselves in order, we'll be able to fight terrorism and antisemitism here and in Israel.
"I wish there were stronger official actions to fight antisemitism, but I can't really object to fighting Islamophobia. I remember the post-9/11 vigilantism that resulted in people who looked like they might be Middle Eastern being beaten and sometimes killed."
Point well taken. A famous American once said "A house divided against itself, cannot stand." (A. Lincoln)
When a society allows ethnicities to import their ethnic hatreds and publicly act them out on the streets and campuses, it destroys its social cohesion. As has always been the case, these public demonstrations of hatred inspire backlashes leading to violence against innocent individuals just because they physically resemble the perpetrating ethnicities.
It is a stunning irony how these ethnicities who flee the excesses of their original society turn around in the liberal societies which have given them sanctuary then tear down and burn American flags, deface American monuments, and assault American citizens. This is not a way of saying thank you for giving me a place to be free.
Just as we have a policy of anti-islamaphobia, we desperately need to put in place a policy of anti-kufarphobia.
Thank you for this common sense response to this nonsense! Trump is good for Trump. Don't kid yourself - he will throw the Jewish community under the bus if it suites him. Jews across the diaspora have a variety of perspectives. I respect my more conservative brothers and sisters decision to vote Republican. I get it! Let's not start eating each other's faces off because we see the world differently. We have enough people willing to take positions that oppose our very existence. Let's allow our Jewish community to hold different perspectives. What is that old saying " Put two Jews together and you will have three opinions" . Call me crazy but I think that is our superpower! Just stop it!
I see comments nearly every day in local newsmedia about why Jews are still going to vote Democratic and I'm not sure of their motivation. I can still be a Liberal and Humanist and vote for whoever I think will do a better job. News media, hosts on shows have made comments that if Biden was a corpse they would vote for him. That is the extent or lack of of good, clear, rational thinking in the US. The Marxist news shills have already started to rewrite recent history. Harris, known as the border czar by Biden, both in articles and news programs has been wiped from older articles. It no longer exists and they , now say she was never the "border czar." A perfect example of the "toned down" rhetoric called for by the Democrats was Harris in Milwaukee, leading a chant about Trump, "lock him up." So much for turning down the temperature. She is clearly not a friend of Israel and the Libs use their hate for Netanyahu to justify not supporting what Israel is doing. From what I know of her, any policies she will have for the US will not improve our way of life. I'm interested in seeing how she will justify missing Netanyahu's speech (for a sister sorority reunion), and having Joe's policies follow her at every event. After all, Joe said she was the best VP he could have, so she owns every one of those policies.
"the Libs use their hate for Netanyahu to justify not supporting what Israel is doing"
To be contrarian, I would argue that the Libs disguise their hatred of Israel by displacing it onto Netanyahu, as if he were the source of the world's problems. That is one reason why the campaign of vilification accuses him of continuing the war to maintain his hold on power. Even worse, they accuse him of using the war to protect himself from prosecution for legal charges against him. Behind these smear campaigns is the intent to replace him with a more compliant prime minister who will yield to the Pax Americana of a two state solution, something America, indeed no other country in the world would accept — the creation of a terror state on its borders dedicated to its elimination and the annihilation of its people.
P.S. There already exists a Palestinian state with its own territory and a majority Palestinian population. It was established in 1921 and gained formal independence in 1946.
I also agree with you about Netananyahu and several of the reasons you give. They use the same excuse when villifying the Jews by saying they're not anti-Semities, just anti-Zionists, as if that cleanses their souls and conscience. As to your PS, the Palestinians haven't gotten that memo yet.
The disassociation of anti-Zionism with antisemitism is a verbal slight of hand used to justify Jew hatred.
Zionism is the right of Jewish people to self-determination in their unceded ancestral territory in which they have maintained a 3,000+ year unbroken presence, making them the indisputable indigenous peoples of the land.
If the anti-Zionists allow that the First Nations of the Americas and Australia and New Zealand have a rightful claim to their ancestral lands — a right enshrined, no less, in the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples — but not the Jews to theirs, it is not because the Jews violate the principle of rightful claim but because of who is making that claim. And that is antisemitism in its purist form.
Josh, I think its better to have Harris running than Biden. With Biden, the Naive Jew. The Ill-informed Jew and the Lifetime Democrat Jew can somehow delude themselves into thinking that Biden is our ally and the Dems love us and that the Progressives are just a blip on the screen.
With Harris, it becomes glaringly obvious how much the Dem Party has changed and how every day and every year, it will get worse for Jews in American.
With Biden we were getting the drip drip growth of Jew Hatred and the foolish dream that Biden and the old Dems will get the Party back but with Harris it is pretty much a wake up call.
I just hope that all Jews wake up.
I dont care if you dont like Trump, think he is a liar, a narcissist. Doesnt matter in the big picture. The only thing that should matter is his policies and in that regard he stands head and shoulders above Harris. He proved it in the 4 years he was President so it is not just talk.
Sorry but as an American Jew who’s ancestors were persecuted by the fascist right in Europe I support us having democracy. First. Just like on an airplane we need to help ourselves before we can help the ones who need it.
I agree wholeheartedly! Just a terrifying scenario! Their whole vision is anti Jewish and completely unbalanced. It is essential that anti semitism is picked up but it isn’t any longer. I despair. From my point of view, Trump is the lesser of the two evils!
I have to take issue with the analysis at the end. I’m Jewish; I stand with Israel; I like Shapiro snd immediately eliminated him because he’s Jewish. Harris has to court moderates, undecideds, Republicans who can’t stomach Trump. She’s a woman of color. She needs a straight white Christian male. That’s the reality of American politics. That’s how it’s always been ( I’m 68). Not saying things can’t change. But one or minorities at a time.
This article is both dishonest and inaccurate. Harris stated as recently as yesterday that as vice-president she has had an “unwavering commitment to the existence of the state of Israel” and its people. She said Israel has “a right to defend itself, and how it does so matters.”
Her criticism of the way Netanyahu has handled the war against Hamas should not be conflated with being anti-Israel. For months, thousands of Israelis have loudly voiced their opposition to Netanyahu's administration and his handling of the war. Does that make then anti-Israel too?
So do you, as America also has over 20million blacks, yet is the most racist nation on Earth! Are you trying to tell me Israelis are some sort of super people that aren't racist!
You're halfway correct and halfway incorrect. Yes the USA has very racist towards Blacks parts of society. At the same time, the great successes of the Black Americans began at least by the 1880s. There were then beginning to be Black institutions of Higher Education. There were highly successful Black American businesses and Professionals. There was a majority of stable Black American families and neighborhoods. By the 1920s - so many non-Black Americans were actively seeking and creating ways to forge paths of success for even more Black Americans in so many industries-businesses. By the 1920's especially but not only, Jewish Americans including recent Immigrants and 1st Generation Jewish-Americans in the performing arts were creating 'placements' and support of profiling Black-Americans. Those Jewish-Americans were Directors, Screenwriters, Composers, Lyricists, Producers as well as 'Stars' or 'Headliners' who were practical on-the-job activists (nearly none were 'card carrying activists'). At the same time, yes, of course there was racism towards Black Americans... but that was being defeating incrementally year by year. State by State. Prof Thomas Sowell author of 26 books on economics, politics, history and a Black American himself has numerous videos and interviews where he corrects the false narratives about the USA's stories of racism.
Some ashkenazi Jews were really pretty racist even in the 80’s. But now they have way more dark skinned people in Israel than white looking people. So things change. “Jewish food “ meant one thing when I was a kid. It’s completely different now. It’s North African and Iraqi and so on. Things change. But Jews are Jews whatever color. The degree of religious observance is still the issue
Josh, most liberal Jews in the US and Canada have not educated themselves on what liberalism has become. They have no idea how it's been co-opted by Jew-hating cultural Marxist influence which led to "woke" dogma that considers Jews the bad guys. They look at you with a blank face when you mention the Red/Green alliance (a.k.a. Islamo/Leftist alliance) which has existed in some form since the Russian revolution; is responsible for the creation of the tyrannical Iranian regime - and created the playbook for Palestinian propaganda - a playbook based on lies. I wish that "crash courses" could be given about this in liberal Jewish circles before the November US election. Otherwise - yet again - too many Jews will vote Democrat.
What a reductive and oversimplistic response. Every liberal Jew I know including myself are well-educated and know the risks of the far left progressives. We don't agree with them at all. We are liberal we are pro Israel we are pro zionist and we are anti far left progressive like the squad.
Will you still be voting Democrat in November? Or is your probable dislike of Trump stronger than your realization that the Democratic party is anti-Semitic? Because the Dems will cater to Squad followers. The Biden administration already proved that and so will a Harris administration.
Astute analysis. Spot on!
While it's true that Trump seemed to have been more supportive of Israel, I felt less safe as a Jew in America during his term than I did under Obama. Not because I think Obama was pro-Israel, but because Trump made it acceptable for people to openly express their derision towards those they deemed inferior to them.
Obviously, I haven't felt especially safe since 10/8/24. But I don't believe in single issue voting, and the Trump strategy of fomenting hatred toward other ethnic groups does not make me safer. Or safe at all.
I wish there were stronger official actions to fight antisemitism, but I can't really object to fighting Islamophobia. I remember the post-9/11 vigilantism that resulted in people who looked like they might be Middle Eastern being beaten and sometimes killed. Random violence that made me afraid for my Guatemalan husband and my teenaged son.
We're still not really over the trauma of 9/11, or the pandemic, and now we have young Americans threatening all American lives and burning the American flag because of perceived injustice in a place they have never been. It's terrifying.
I would like to see the return of a functioning Congress in 2025. If we can get ourselves in order, we'll be able to fight terrorism and antisemitism here and in Israel.
"I wish there were stronger official actions to fight antisemitism, but I can't really object to fighting Islamophobia. I remember the post-9/11 vigilantism that resulted in people who looked like they might be Middle Eastern being beaten and sometimes killed."
Point well taken. A famous American once said "A house divided against itself, cannot stand." (A. Lincoln)
When a society allows ethnicities to import their ethnic hatreds and publicly act them out on the streets and campuses, it destroys its social cohesion. As has always been the case, these public demonstrations of hatred inspire backlashes leading to violence against innocent individuals just because they physically resemble the perpetrating ethnicities.
It is a stunning irony how these ethnicities who flee the excesses of their original society turn around in the liberal societies which have given them sanctuary then tear down and burn American flags, deface American monuments, and assault American citizens. This is not a way of saying thank you for giving me a place to be free.
Just as we have a policy of anti-islamaphobia, we desperately need to put in place a policy of anti-kufarphobia.
Thank you for this common sense response to this nonsense! Trump is good for Trump. Don't kid yourself - he will throw the Jewish community under the bus if it suites him. Jews across the diaspora have a variety of perspectives. I respect my more conservative brothers and sisters decision to vote Republican. I get it! Let's not start eating each other's faces off because we see the world differently. We have enough people willing to take positions that oppose our very existence. Let's allow our Jewish community to hold different perspectives. What is that old saying " Put two Jews together and you will have three opinions" . Call me crazy but I think that is our superpower! Just stop it!
I'm with you, but don't hold your breath.
Harrris advisors on the Middle East can be found here
and they are very pro Hamas and Iran
I see comments nearly every day in local newsmedia about why Jews are still going to vote Democratic and I'm not sure of their motivation. I can still be a Liberal and Humanist and vote for whoever I think will do a better job. News media, hosts on shows have made comments that if Biden was a corpse they would vote for him. That is the extent or lack of of good, clear, rational thinking in the US. The Marxist news shills have already started to rewrite recent history. Harris, known as the border czar by Biden, both in articles and news programs has been wiped from older articles. It no longer exists and they , now say she was never the "border czar." A perfect example of the "toned down" rhetoric called for by the Democrats was Harris in Milwaukee, leading a chant about Trump, "lock him up." So much for turning down the temperature. She is clearly not a friend of Israel and the Libs use their hate for Netanyahu to justify not supporting what Israel is doing. From what I know of her, any policies she will have for the US will not improve our way of life. I'm interested in seeing how she will justify missing Netanyahu's speech (for a sister sorority reunion), and having Joe's policies follow her at every event. After all, Joe said she was the best VP he could have, so she owns every one of those policies.
"the Libs use their hate for Netanyahu to justify not supporting what Israel is doing"
To be contrarian, I would argue that the Libs disguise their hatred of Israel by displacing it onto Netanyahu, as if he were the source of the world's problems. That is one reason why the campaign of vilification accuses him of continuing the war to maintain his hold on power. Even worse, they accuse him of using the war to protect himself from prosecution for legal charges against him. Behind these smear campaigns is the intent to replace him with a more compliant prime minister who will yield to the Pax Americana of a two state solution, something America, indeed no other country in the world would accept — the creation of a terror state on its borders dedicated to its elimination and the annihilation of its people.
P.S. There already exists a Palestinian state with its own territory and a majority Palestinian population. It was established in 1921 and gained formal independence in 1946.
I also agree with you about Netananyahu and several of the reasons you give. They use the same excuse when villifying the Jews by saying they're not anti-Semities, just anti-Zionists, as if that cleanses their souls and conscience. As to your PS, the Palestinians haven't gotten that memo yet.
The disassociation of anti-Zionism with antisemitism is a verbal slight of hand used to justify Jew hatred.
Zionism is the right of Jewish people to self-determination in their unceded ancestral territory in which they have maintained a 3,000+ year unbroken presence, making them the indisputable indigenous peoples of the land.
If the anti-Zionists allow that the First Nations of the Americas and Australia and New Zealand have a rightful claim to their ancestral lands — a right enshrined, no less, in the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples — but not the Jews to theirs, it is not because the Jews violate the principle of rightful claim but because of who is making that claim. And that is antisemitism in its purist form.
I certainly understand all that, but the anti-Semites and anti-Zionists don't.
Josh, I think its better to have Harris running than Biden. With Biden, the Naive Jew. The Ill-informed Jew and the Lifetime Democrat Jew can somehow delude themselves into thinking that Biden is our ally and the Dems love us and that the Progressives are just a blip on the screen.
With Harris, it becomes glaringly obvious how much the Dem Party has changed and how every day and every year, it will get worse for Jews in American.
With Biden we were getting the drip drip growth of Jew Hatred and the foolish dream that Biden and the old Dems will get the Party back but with Harris it is pretty much a wake up call.
I just hope that all Jews wake up.
I dont care if you dont like Trump, think he is a liar, a narcissist. Doesnt matter in the big picture. The only thing that should matter is his policies and in that regard he stands head and shoulders above Harris. He proved it in the 4 years he was President so it is not just talk.
Good Shabbos and ahimsa papa j
Israel being an apartheid state is a fiction, an illusion and a lie!
The absence of Harris and the Democrats and the repeated, ringing applause from the GOP tells you all you need to know.
I'm terrified of a Harris presidency. My lib friends fall into the Dem line like sheep, not even questioning her actions of the last four years.
Sorry but as an American Jew who’s ancestors were persecuted by the fascist right in Europe I support us having democracy. First. Just like on an airplane we need to help ourselves before we can help the ones who need it.
Harris wasn’t democratically elected to be the nominee though…
I am guessing that Suzanne was expressing the belief I hear from many Israel-allied Jews, that Trump will rob of us our democracy.
I agree wholeheartedly! Just a terrifying scenario! Their whole vision is anti Jewish and completely unbalanced. It is essential that anti semitism is picked up but it isn’t any longer. I despair. From my point of view, Trump is the lesser of the two evils!
I have to take issue with the analysis at the end. I’m Jewish; I stand with Israel; I like Shapiro snd immediately eliminated him because he’s Jewish. Harris has to court moderates, undecideds, Republicans who can’t stomach Trump. She’s a woman of color. She needs a straight white Christian male. That’s the reality of American politics. That’s how it’s always been ( I’m 68). Not saying things can’t change. But one or minorities at a time.
This article is both dishonest and inaccurate. Harris stated as recently as yesterday that as vice-president she has had an “unwavering commitment to the existence of the state of Israel” and its people. She said Israel has “a right to defend itself, and how it does so matters.”
Her criticism of the way Netanyahu has handled the war against Hamas should not be conflated with being anti-Israel. For months, thousands of Israelis have loudly voiced their opposition to Netanyahu's administration and his handling of the war. Does that make then anti-Israel too?
I do not have the luxury of being as gullible as you to take politicians at their shallow words.
At least she did us the favor of telling us that when we get attacked she will be as weak as her coconspirator, the current sorta president.
Did she not stop arms shipments to Israel ?
The term I have seen used in reference to arms shipments under the Biden administration is "paused", but there is certainly pressure on Harris to do more.
Obama wasn't anti-Israel; Netanyahu was anti-black!
You have brain cells missing .
Do you know Ethiopian Jews are black ?
20% of population in Israel are Muslims !!
So do you, as America also has over 20million blacks, yet is the most racist nation on Earth! Are you trying to tell me Israelis are some sort of super people that aren't racist!
You're halfway correct and halfway incorrect. Yes the USA has very racist towards Blacks parts of society. At the same time, the great successes of the Black Americans began at least by the 1880s. There were then beginning to be Black institutions of Higher Education. There were highly successful Black American businesses and Professionals. There was a majority of stable Black American families and neighborhoods. By the 1920s - so many non-Black Americans were actively seeking and creating ways to forge paths of success for even more Black Americans in so many industries-businesses. By the 1920's especially but not only, Jewish Americans including recent Immigrants and 1st Generation Jewish-Americans in the performing arts were creating 'placements' and support of profiling Black-Americans. Those Jewish-Americans were Directors, Screenwriters, Composers, Lyricists, Producers as well as 'Stars' or 'Headliners' who were practical on-the-job activists (nearly none were 'card carrying activists'). At the same time, yes, of course there was racism towards Black Americans... but that was being defeating incrementally year by year. State by State. Prof Thomas Sowell author of 26 books on economics, politics, history and a Black American himself has numerous videos and interviews where he corrects the false narratives about the USA's stories of racism.
Some ashkenazi Jews were really pretty racist even in the 80’s. But now they have way more dark skinned people in Israel than white looking people. So things change. “Jewish food “ meant one thing when I was a kid. It’s completely different now. It’s North African and Iraqi and so on. Things change. But Jews are Jews whatever color. The degree of religious observance is still the issue
Thank you very much! You are absolutely correct!
Show me a country that is not racist !!
And I will prove you wrong.
But if you hate Jews then Israel is an apartheid country 🤔🤔
Obama was not an effective President unless you are Iran. Will say one thing, Not as Many Black Folk Rolling with Kamala Harris as Pundits Think or Say.
India is far more of a friend to Israel than Barry the Kenyan and Kamala the Jamaican.
Thanks for the details within a great overview. Readers may find this 27 minutes of interest. This Episode 1 was released July 9, 2024 -