Traitors Among Us (or Why Australia Is Funding Its Own Destruction)
Inciting violence against the state, burning the flag, chopping of the Sovereign King's head — all in a day's work for Australian "progressive" activists.
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Until 1814 under English common law, a traitor was considered as a particularly heinous crime, punishable by hanging or drawing and quartering.
It remained a capital offence until 1998, when it was replaced by life imprisonment.
In the United States, treason is still considered one of the most severe crimes, carrying a minimum prison sentence of 5 years, fines up to $10,000, and a possible sentence of death. And whilst in the past treason was punishable by death, the modern treason offences in Australia carry a penalty of mandatory life imprisonment.
Despite the seriousness of the crime, the last federal treason conviction to be fully upheld in the United States was that of Nazi sympathiser Herbert John Burgman in 1949. And in the UK, William Joyce, who became the most prominent broadcaster of Nazi propaganda, was the last person convicted for treason in the UK, who was executed by hanging in 1946. To date no Australian has been convicted of treason.
It is a notable parallel that we are now witnessing similar sympathies for violent racist regimes 75 years later, the same old tropes, dressed differently, masquerading as virtue — and of course it’s the Jews that again are the mark — the scapegoat. But as we all know, what starts with the Jews, never ends with the Jews. It seems all white Australians can now be added to the list of those undeserving to live in peace according to the new wave of “activists.”
Now I would like to introduce you to a few prominent Aussies. The first is Matthew Jones, a New South Wales-based illustrator and author of children’s books, who goes by Matt Chun — I assume to appropriate a minority status (his great grandfather was Chinese apparently) — because a privileged white male coloniser living on stolen land kind of sh*ts in the face of his oppressed narrative. But let’s move on.
Chun, has expert level knowledge at how to access grants, receiving $42,000 from Creative Australia last year, while the State Library made him its Children’s Literature Fellow to fight “the settler colonial hegemony of Australian children’s literature” (whatever that means). Create New South Wales gave him a share of a $187,000 government grant, and the state-funded 4A Centre for Contemporary Asian Art named him its Emerging Writer. He also received a share of over $50,000 in a travel grant to visit Vanuatu.
Are you f*cking kidding me?
So while Jones/Chun repeatedly calls for the destruction of Israel, death to Zionists, and has published a quirky little children’s “flip it” book, where your little ones can behead King Charles of England, or chop down and destroy a statue of George Washington amongst other destructive fun activities — he happily grifts from both the Australian taxpayer and ironically Jewish-donated grants, whilst crossing out the word Australia and Israel at every given opportunity.
Unsurprisingly, since October 7th, Jones has recreated an entire identity around his hate for Zionists and Israel (well and Australia now too). Keeping in mind that Israel is an ally of Australia, and Australia has a thriving Jewish community, most of who identify as Zionists, Jones has come up with crafty little quotes like “Zionism is a parasite on the bloodstream of Western culture” and urges resistance by any means necessary to “crush and eradicate Israel,” while spruiking a cute t-shirt with ‘BASH ZIONISTS’ in a sweet hand-drawn font.
The black t-shirts with slogans in bold white writing exclaiming “Bash Zionists,” “may God crush them” and “support armed resistance” is the brainchild of Australian graphic designer Carla Scotto. They were sold online nationwide and have been promoted at the Elsedeaq Heidelberg Mosque in Melbourne.
But it doesn’t end there. Jones has released a 2025 calendar with an illustration of a burning Australian flag. His open idolisation of violent terrorists such as Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah and Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar (both assassinated in the last few months), as well as taking line honours in the doxing of 600 Jewish creatives to an angry mob of Jew-hunters, seems quite tame comparatively at this point.
Surely what makes a person a true citizen of a country is their allegiance to that country. As such, anyone who works against their own government in the hope of bringing it down should therefore be investigated for treason.
So why do we allow these white, privileged, dangerous terrorist supporters to platform their hate and vitriol in Australia? And more importantly, how on earth are they receiving government or private funding to do so? When did we start accepting hate speech and treasonous rants as part of the progressive norm?
Since when did inciting violence, encouraging kids to chop the head of our Sovereign King, or burn our national flag become an acceptable past-time? When are we going to harden the f*ck up and call these people out for what they are — traitors?
Next up let me introduce you to queer, Chinese, Jewish Australian woman Elsa Tuet-Rosenberg, who is the co-founder of racial and social justice organisation Hue. Although unfortunately, Zios are not included in her social justice movement.
In fact, since October 7th, Tuet-Rosenberg has gone into overdrive in her aggression towards Israel and the “Zio scum.” Tuet-Rosenberg was also named as one of five activists, along with Jones, or Chun or whatever his name is, who doxed Jewish creatives and academics, resulting in death threats, closing of businesses and displacement of Jewish families.
“Let these fucking Zionists know no fucking peace,” was her articulate response. Her hate for Zionists can only be equaled with her hate for Australia.
For those who don’t know, the invasion day to which she refers is Australia Day on January 26 — a national holiday where we celebrate being Australian. (However, the date is an unfortunate legacy of the 1788 landing of the First Fleet and raising of the Union Flag of Great Britain by Arthur Phillip at Sydney Cove, a bay of Sydney Harbour.)
Now my personal view is that it would make sense to change the date, in consultation with our First Nations people, so that we can celebrate all that is wonderful about our beautiful nation, without the smear of the historical past. But encouraging people to “f*ck them up,” “pull it down” and make sure you “charge your grinders” and bring your “lighters” sounds a tad excessive to me — I would even go as far as calling it incitement to terrorism.
I mean history is history; we can acknowledge it happened while paying respects to our First Nations people, without self-flagellating ourselves to death for the sins of our forefathers.
However, it would appear that inciting violence and destruction against fellow Australians, their homes and our institutions appears to be A-okay these days in the “Lucky Country.”
Strangely neither “Chun” or Tuet-Rosenberg mention anything about the human rights abuses by the government of the People’s Republic of China from which they claim heritage, ruled by a totalitarian ideology under the absolute rule of the Chinese Communist Party, which deprives citizens of their rights on a sweeping scale and systematically curtails freedoms as a way to retain power.
People in China are not free to practice the religion or belief of their choice, cannot express their opinions openly or form or join groups of their choosing without fear of retribution. Members of minority groups are subject to mass arbitrary detention, Orwellian-style surveillance, political indoctrination, torture, forced abortions and sterilisation, and state-sponsored forced labor.
No issue there apparently, but Australia, the country of which Tuet-Rosenberg and Chun are citizens of, should be “abolished” — because “Dead Colonisers harm no one” so the story of the t-shirt goes.
I do not understand why these Australian citizens are not considered domestic terrorists. A terrorist act in Australia is defined as “an act, or a threat to commit an act, that is done with the intention to coerce or influence the public or any government by intimidation to advance a political, religious or ideological cause.”
I have highlighted these two, but they are but the tip of the iceberg. It’s a cultish ideology born of the progressive Left that has horse-shoed around to become a radical Right-wing reactionary fascist movement, that engages in doxing, cancelling, racism, BDS, and incitement to violence. And it comes as no surprise that they are the very same people that are aligning themselves with groups like Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis.
If we don’t see the rise of these political anti-Australian influencers as a dangerous trend, with sinister and treasonous motives, then we are naive, complacent fools. The warning signs are there — it’s time we heeded them.
Sounds like the US. We have many jihadis that’s are free to incite.
Regarding history— the Torah states to not judge a man for the times he lived in.
If that Chinese Jones wants to satisfy his perverse appetite for doing sth. "against Zionists" (i.e. The Jews), can´t he, instead of colonizing Australia, go back to his homelands for 'activism' on freeing the concentration camps for Muslims ? And off we go, Farewell - all the best at your new home in Chinese prisons, learning what Genocide is (or maybe what seems to be only way to cope with Muslim masses) .