When I've cited figures like these, my pro-Hamas adversary always says, "Oh you're just indoctrinated with Israeli propaganda." Because facts can be inconvenient, the people who don't want them don't need them.
A number of years ago a member, then, of the students representative council of the Witwatersrand University in Johannesburg,South Africa landed in Israel for the first time.Soon after landing at the airport he needed to use the bathroom and asked a number of people in the airport to advise him where to find the blacks-only bathroom as he could not find it. He expected this as he had been told/indoctrinated that Israel is an apartheid country. This smart man today works for the Zionist Federation of South Africa to try and counter this ridiculous message of apartheid in Israel.
He had come from a small rural town and at every possible opportunity the many politically active Moslems had told of the apartheid in Israel and the need for bds to be supported. He was politically active and was too busy with local activity to question what he was being told/indoctrinated.
He does hold us Jews to account for not stepping up and giving the alternative view on campus and other forums and says that our main problem is that we do not do kiruv targeting non-Jews and that results in our reluctance to get out and sell our message.
Claims of Apartheid, and Pompous and Conceited judgement from the ICJ and the Anti-Semitic elements which lurk in the corners of the International community: Everyone KNOWS the Palestinians would use such an entity to rearm for a War against Israel. We have monitored Hamas in Formal Alliance with The (Re-formed) Nazi Party here in London from 2013, and they are sworn to a War of Genocide against The Jewish People. So, in Military law, the occupation is completely justified. It is preventing another mass-murder against the Jewish People of Israel by Hamas and Islamist fellow travellers and their backers Iran.
Today, it is not just the anti semite who believes this lie. Its anti semites with influence that believe this lie and pollute the minds of others. It is the teachers and the professors who are the anti semites themselves and are able to spread this lie so that you have a generations of young people where a large percentage believe a distorted history. Marxist and Islamists joined in a temporary marriage of convenience and fostering Jew hatred right along side hatred of the West. WOKE DEI Colonizers, White Oppressors and every other bizarre doctrine to undermine and destroy our way of life. papa j
The Boers were colonizers who wanted to take (and did take) land and resources from the natives. The socialist Zionists were refugees and peaceful idealists who wanted to coexist with the arab natives. Mandela was ready to renounce violence (and did) in exchange for equality and representation in the government. Where are the Palestinian Mandelas?
You should mention that sometimes Palestinians are treated harshly by Israelis (though usually in retaliation for terrorism from a family member) with house demolitions and crop destruction.
I looked to see who you are Mr. Hoffman and in particular your age. I'm twice your age. To be the devil's advocate...Muslims have been the majority population of this land for centuries. Why should this be altered. Why accept minority status when "we're the majority now." Why can someone from Belarus or eastern India's tribal lands claim the right to live in this land...while I the son of my grandparent....who lived in "Beisan" for centuries cannot claim "the right of return?" So as a Swedish comedian I watched on You Tube said, "it's mental" to huge applause and laughter from his young Swedish audience. Those weird Jews are at it again. So arrogant. So arrogant when pushed on cattle cars. So arrogant when asking for food at Aushwitz. "We can't help if everyone hates you.""But we didn't do that to you! Why not claim Bavaria?" Oh...but you did.....you were in cahoots with Germany and fascist Italy throughout the war. Jews were a majority and then at least a substantial part of the population through the Arab Muslim invasion and after. How did it happen that Jews were reduced to a tiny minority by the mid to late 19th century. "You may have been here once but we've been her for centuries....will America give its land back to the Indians?" This WAS ONCE the argument...now it's replaced by you Jews were never here....just here long enough to kill Isa the prophet(but you didn't cause Islam says Allah foiled your evil plan) and then you went back to Poland? So as to summarize....those that believe the Arabs are uniquely entitled to all of the land of the former British Mandate of Palestine will not alter their opinion whether they are Muhammad or Vanessa Redgrave or Mark Ruffalo. They will say "the right of return for Jew is racist as there is no right of return for those who fled Tsfat....Abbas for instance. They must be returned to precisely the land and village they were driven from by Ben Gurion. And the infamous Plan Dalet. Forget that there was no Zionist plan to rid the country of Arabs. Those who believe the Jews have a unique right to reconstitute themselves in a very tiny spot of land that is one percent ? of the land accorded to Arabism (that is central to Jewish identity and from which the Jews never entirely left) will continue to support Israel. I'm with that group. (Fun fact. A childhood friend with your last name contacts me on FB...then when he sees I'm Zionist ignores my reply....his page is "Palestine, Palestine" I don't say he's your Dad or Uncle ....although wouldn't that be a hoot.)
The problem is, the non-Jewish inhabitants of the Westbank are in limbo for too long. Military rule for more than 50 years? Mr Kaplan recently offered a way out: residency status for all, with in my opinion the possibilty to obtain Israeli citizenship.
If you can help me understand, how does the Jewish nation-state law play into the world's apartheid narrative of Israel? I don't think of America, as an apartheid nation despite its Judeo-Christian background and the fact that Christmas is a national holiday. I love the existence of Israel, but I struggle to understand how any law that favors one set of folks doesn't end up disfavoring others. Thanks for any insights (although this is likely so complex it might be another article all together).
Another brilliant piece!
Thank you for arming us with the truth. The most noble of causes.
Keep fighting the good fight.
Am Yisroel Chai!
When I've cited figures like these, my pro-Hamas adversary always says, "Oh you're just indoctrinated with Israeli propaganda." Because facts can be inconvenient, the people who don't want them don't need them.
They should be ready to provide “their facts” with references/sources if they disagree. If none forthcoming there’s no argument.
An all too common reply.
Mine or theirs?
A number of years ago a member, then, of the students representative council of the Witwatersrand University in Johannesburg,South Africa landed in Israel for the first time.Soon after landing at the airport he needed to use the bathroom and asked a number of people in the airport to advise him where to find the blacks-only bathroom as he could not find it. He expected this as he had been told/indoctrinated that Israel is an apartheid country. This smart man today works for the Zionist Federation of South Africa to try and counter this ridiculous message of apartheid in Israel.
He had come from a small rural town and at every possible opportunity the many politically active Moslems had told of the apartheid in Israel and the need for bds to be supported. He was politically active and was too busy with local activity to question what he was being told/indoctrinated.
He does hold us Jews to account for not stepping up and giving the alternative view on campus and other forums and says that our main problem is that we do not do kiruv targeting non-Jews and that results in our reluctance to get out and sell our message.
I agree 100% . Jews including Israel need to be more proactive in exposing the false narrative by Palestinians and Muslims.
Even Hindus of India have precisely the same problem.
Thanks for addressing the so-called Israeli "apartheid", it is an excellent statement of the truth - Apartheid is a fiction in Israel.
Claims of Apartheid, and Pompous and Conceited judgement from the ICJ and the Anti-Semitic elements which lurk in the corners of the International community: Everyone KNOWS the Palestinians would use such an entity to rearm for a War against Israel. We have monitored Hamas in Formal Alliance with The (Re-formed) Nazi Party here in London from 2013, and they are sworn to a War of Genocide against The Jewish People. So, in Military law, the occupation is completely justified. It is preventing another mass-murder against the Jewish People of Israel by Hamas and Islamist fellow travellers and their backers Iran.
Today, it is not just the anti semite who believes this lie. Its anti semites with influence that believe this lie and pollute the minds of others. It is the teachers and the professors who are the anti semites themselves and are able to spread this lie so that you have a generations of young people where a large percentage believe a distorted history. Marxist and Islamists joined in a temporary marriage of convenience and fostering Jew hatred right along side hatred of the West. WOKE DEI Colonizers, White Oppressors and every other bizarre doctrine to undermine and destroy our way of life. papa j
Love your articles which are fact based, unbiased opinion.
I wish I was as good an author who could put together such coherent article.
I have read so much about judea and Samaria going back to the days of Solomon.
All I retain in memory is some bullet points 🤫
The Boers were colonizers who wanted to take (and did take) land and resources from the natives. The socialist Zionists were refugees and peaceful idealists who wanted to coexist with the arab natives. Mandela was ready to renounce violence (and did) in exchange for equality and representation in the government. Where are the Palestinian Mandelas?
You should mention that sometimes Palestinians are treated harshly by Israelis (though usually in retaliation for terrorism from a family member) with house demolitions and crop destruction.
Good one. Good ending.
Marvelous essay.....the Truth, actually......I wish could be read by all protesters against our beloved, eternal Israel !!!!.....Am Israel Chai......
Thank you for such an informative article.
I looked to see who you are Mr. Hoffman and in particular your age. I'm twice your age. To be the devil's advocate...Muslims have been the majority population of this land for centuries. Why should this be altered. Why accept minority status when "we're the majority now." Why can someone from Belarus or eastern India's tribal lands claim the right to live in this land...while I the son of my grandparent....who lived in "Beisan" for centuries cannot claim "the right of return?" So as a Swedish comedian I watched on You Tube said, "it's mental" to huge applause and laughter from his young Swedish audience. Those weird Jews are at it again. So arrogant. So arrogant when pushed on cattle cars. So arrogant when asking for food at Aushwitz. "We can't help if everyone hates you.""But we didn't do that to you! Why not claim Bavaria?" Oh...but you did.....you were in cahoots with Germany and fascist Italy throughout the war. Jews were a majority and then at least a substantial part of the population through the Arab Muslim invasion and after. How did it happen that Jews were reduced to a tiny minority by the mid to late 19th century. "You may have been here once but we've been her for centuries....will America give its land back to the Indians?" This WAS ONCE the argument...now it's replaced by you Jews were never here....just here long enough to kill Isa the prophet(but you didn't cause Islam says Allah foiled your evil plan) and then you went back to Poland? So as to summarize....those that believe the Arabs are uniquely entitled to all of the land of the former British Mandate of Palestine will not alter their opinion whether they are Muhammad or Vanessa Redgrave or Mark Ruffalo. They will say "the right of return for Jew is racist as there is no right of return for those who fled Tsfat....Abbas for instance. They must be returned to precisely the land and village they were driven from by Ben Gurion. And the infamous Plan Dalet. Forget that there was no Zionist plan to rid the country of Arabs. Those who believe the Jews have a unique right to reconstitute themselves in a very tiny spot of land that is one percent ? of the land accorded to Arabism (that is central to Jewish identity and from which the Jews never entirely left) will continue to support Israel. I'm with that group. (Fun fact. A childhood friend with your last name contacts me on FB...then when he sees I'm Zionist ignores my reply....his page is "Palestine, Palestine" I don't say he's your Dad or Uncle ....although wouldn't that be a hoot.)
The problem is, the non-Jewish inhabitants of the Westbank are in limbo for too long. Military rule for more than 50 years? Mr Kaplan recently offered a way out: residency status for all, with in my opinion the possibilty to obtain Israeli citizenship.
Excellent job, as always, Joshua!
If you can help me understand, how does the Jewish nation-state law play into the world's apartheid narrative of Israel? I don't think of America, as an apartheid nation despite its Judeo-Christian background and the fact that Christmas is a national holiday. I love the existence of Israel, but I struggle to understand how any law that favors one set of folks doesn't end up disfavoring others. Thanks for any insights (although this is likely so complex it might be another article all together).