Well said. In fact I wonder if anyone else could do as good a job at this time as Bibi is doing. I feel like too many people are unrealistic about what we are dealing with here and now. How many have actually read the Koran to get a sense of where the genocidal death cult gets its ideas with respect to us. They want a Jew free world. Me I’m a simple Jew older now but I sure would love to make a better world by putting 2 in the head and 1 in the chest of YahYah Sinmore. These mofo’s have caused me to have way too much hatred in my dotage.

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Yeehaw! What a fun read…and I agree.

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Absolutely right. Netanyahu is not the problem here. We see the western press label him as the demon. My heart breaks for Israeli families caught up in this it is heart breaking! The main stream media labels Netanyahu but I believe he is following the correct path. No weakness must be shown to the evil Hamas regime. The more the Israeli public protest against Netanyahu, the stronger Hamas will become, they see the weakness and exploit it. From the very first moment that the hostages were taken, the US and the UN should have demanded their release and come down like a ton of bricks on Qatar. Things would be different. Israel must support it’s Prime Minister at this stage, show a united front, otherwise things will not go well.

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I push back when I hear my fellow Jews—especially since October 7—blame Netanyahu for the ongoing war. They have no concept of the extreme difficulty Netanyahu faces in balancing the need to maintain good relations with the U.S. while keeping Israel as secure as possible. They conveniently overlook the fact that Hamas is not in any world a “normal” negotiating partner, much like Iran is not a “normal” nation. They align with the thinking and rhetoric of Far-Left ideologues like the despicable Randi Weingarten, who wouldn’t lose a minute of sleep if Israel disappeared today. They also forget that his government has been repeatedly elected; the majority of Israelis feel that they are represented by his coalition; that he has been incredibly effective in securing relations with dozens of countries around the world; and that he has presided over an economy which has grown into the envy of the world (which no doubt contributes to the hatred Israel endures). When I ask them what THEY would do if they were Israel’s Prime Minister, they have no answer. Their “Netanyahu Derangement Syndrome” is all-too apparent. There will no doubt be a reckoning when the current crisis eases, and Netanyahu will be called to task for his failures—shared with others in Israel’s military, intelligence, and political sectors—which may well result in his resignation. Until then, Israel and her supporters here and around the world need to remain focused and united on the existential crisis faced by Israel and we in the Diaspora.

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Caroline Glick’s most recent podcast, discusses the psychological warfare being waged by Tehran into Israeli society

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Exactly! Any student of int'l relations knows that no Western leader, past US Presidents to PM's included, wields complete power. It's completely abhorrent that so many (including Jews) lay so much of the blame at Netanyahu's feet. I blame some of this on the MSM which must be controlled by Qatar or something, NOT the usual group everyone suspects. I stopped watching cable news around Oct. 7, and I think I'm mentally healthier for it. I hate to say that even some close to me have fallen into the trap you describe and I only wish I could slip them a red pill too.

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I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the same people who despise Trump hate Netanyahu. It’s not rational of course, but such is our current state of affairs, which, I agree, largely results from decades of mainstream media bias.

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A few weeks back Caroline Glick did a great job detailing the abnormal hate of both leaders by the same people using the same tactics. Very good information.

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Right on!

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Any Prime Minister from any of the parties would be doing the same thing!

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Sorry I don’t agree.

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You're entitled to your expression and written opinion. But this war is about Israel's survival (pure and simple.) It has nothing to do with the poor Palestinian situation (which has been manipulated and squandered by fellow Arabs for the past 60+ years!)

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I completely agree with that. I just can’t see Yair Lapid having the chutzpah to not agree to the Hamas demands and withstand the pressure from our “allies”. Perhaps I misunderstood you I thought you said any politician could do what Bibi has been doing and that is where I disagree.

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Hey its a frustrating world out there. Anyone can understand why family and personal friends of the hostages would say and do whatever they can to apply pressure on the government. They have tremendous emotional attachment .... we are talking about moms and dads, sons and daughters and the like. I would expect nothing less from them and know that I would very much do the same.

They get a blank check, and a full pass. They are dealing strictly from emotion.

They are the sole exceptions.

When it comes to anyone else, there is no blank check and free pass. You can disagree with Bibi politically and you can blame him for Oct 7th happening but calling him a murderer and saying he has blood on his hands are actions of an anti semite, traitor or fool. It is a trope, it is a lie and it plays completely into the hands of Hamas and Iran. Frankly, I was shocked to see Israelis doing this .... they should know better than anyone what the enemy is about and the disunity they want to create in Israeli society.

This is going to sound cold and harsh but trading hostages for violent criminals and terrorists is a terrible thing to do. We are fostering more taking of hostages and we are letting go people who will try to kill more Jews. I dont even know where these crazy trade numbers came from? We give them hundreds of prisoners and they give us some hostages. Makes absolutely no sense at all and yet that is exactly what we have done in the past. We have to keep in mind that this is a war of survival and we must not react with the heart but rather with the brain.

We have to put an end to this once and for all. Take care of what needs to be done, eradicate Hamas, put a non corrupt government in place or the PA and change what is being taught in Palestinian schools and Mosques. We cant let lies and public opinion interfere with what needs to be done. I only hope that Netanyahu stays strong. papa j

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I will now correct my error and give credit to whom it's due, and that is Mallory Mosner. Once again, an incredible job of pointing out the lunacy of those who have and still are using Netanyahu as a scapegoat. When Schumer called for Netanyahu to stept down, even though Schumer has been a lifelong supporter of Israel, (so he says, which isn't worth a whole lot), as if another leader would have waved a magic wand and turned the war to absolute success. I believe there is a method to all this madness and that is to create more dissension within Israel. The more fired up the Israelis get about Netanyahu and their government, the better for Hamas, Qatar, Egypt, etc. They want to have division in Israel because they believe it will help them. I would hold anyone who was the leader during the October 7th massacre and devastation responsible, including all Israeli government entities who dropped the ball that day. But while a war is going on and hostages continue to be held in captivity, this is not the time for divisiveness, it is essential that there be unity. The more protests in Israel, and the more disdain shown towards Netanyahu, the more Hamas and the rest of their supporters feel empowered. Israelis and the West should not continue to feed this monster.

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I actually wrote this article 😊 but I agree with you, Diane!

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Mallory, my apologies. I had read an article by Joshua, and then yours, thinking it was still Joshua. I am so embarrassed, but I will give kudos to you for an excellent article and a topic that was waiting to be addressed. I have enjoyed the articles you have written for Future of Jewish and I will look forward to more. Again, my apologies.

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Thank you, wonderful article.

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Israel NEEDS Netanyahu….in fact the West needs Netanyahu

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In the past, I have had my doubts about Netanyahu. What utterly changed my mind was a statement from Natan Sharansky

(whom I deeply respect) who said that Netanyahu has always done his best to act in Israel’s best interest.

What a lot of people also don’t know is that the Israeli intelligence, including the military intelligence unit 8200 had prior knowledge of Hamas’ plans, but they did not take them seriously, and they did not report them to their superiors, including the Tonyo. So, Netanyahu, unfortunately, was blindsided by the hubris of his own intelligent services.

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Yes, I’ve read the military heads did not inform Bibi about the intelligence they were given - preferring to dismiss it. I also believe it is not a coincidence that Bibi is PM now. Unfortunately Israel is afflicted by the same problem as all western countries - the progressive left.

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well I just want to say god give good health and long life to Netanyahu

every jew should thank him for the work he does it is not easy to save his country

and being so criticize and hated by everybody including some jews.

and I also with a healthy long life to president trump, like he said , people that do not vote for him is not a jew

I do agree.

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I'm not a Bi Bi fan, but criticism has turned into vile anti-Semitism. The pictures you showed are disgusting. The world has found their scape goat.

You mentioned using the tunnels to smuggle in weapons and possibly smuggling out the hostages, but there were only 9 tunnels into Egypt and they were already collapsed before the IDF got there. The danger was and is overland by paying corrupt Egyptian border officials, to look the other way, by Sisi's brother and bedouins who rely on smuggling for their economy.


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Article reports that a tunnel entrance was in a child’s playroom. Standard Hamas.

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I do not understand which Bedouins ,the ones leaving is Israel

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The bedouins in the Sinai. They have made tons of money from smuggling into Gaza. Sisi knows this.

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His choices are simple destroy Hamas or watch the Terrorist organisation repeat the attack on the 7th of October again and again, you can not reason with a rabid dog it's impossible you will only end up being bitten, Hamas use the free Palestine rubbish to wage holy war against the Jews, what they did on the seventh wasn't freedom fighting it was hate filled destruction a pure blood lust, the people of Gaza voted the terrorist into power and went on the streets to celebrate the cowardly attack, that poor teenager raped beaten and displayed by the terrorists in Gaza before being executed in such a barbaric way, shows why Israel have no choice and the world should fully back israel, because that one act in itself brings home to anyone that this is an extremist group killing the Isis way and not a neighbour you would want, and they are playing the poor poor us card the stupid fake picture of dolls in shrouds multiple grieving parents showing the very child alive and well in a picture published after the one with them dead, children used by Hamas to gain sympathy, well it's sympathy for the devil and they laugh at those foolish enough to believe their crap, gays and trans for Palestinians being the biggest joke of them all ridiculous, those marching with the flag next to you in London and Brighton or America might clap you on the back like comrades in arms, but you know inside surely our fake it all is but hey everyone hates the Jews right, I guess the saying none as foolish as those who refuse to see, rainbow coloured marches in Gaza or Rafah are just going to happen if those nasty Jews just give them their homes and walk into the sea let the Palestinians be free just like we are here with our human rights and lawful protection, let the teenage girls in the short skirts and flimsy clothes and make up OH and opinions Hamas are full of young girls bearing arms for freedom ( funny but have you seen a female doctor in any of the hospital films ) hold rallies showing the up most support for Gaza and chanting the hate chant from the river to the sea surely knowing that Hamas will never except Jews be it a prosperous Jew or a poor Jew to live the seventh showed their strand of freedom for Palestine, so it's from the river to the sea where do the free Israeli population go, are they simply to return to their place of birth, which seeing how they live there already means they are of that land, unlike the majority banging their chest shouting how they are Palestinians like that American boxer in the Olympics.

So truly Netanyahu isn't really given a choice, he's got to think of the majority the utmost thought being secure his people so that another attack like the seventh can never happen again, I watched the patient show where he explained why they have to secure the Philadelphia corridor the Hamas terrorists supply line for all their weapons and of course like minded jihadist, and how he said before we were attacked on the 7th of October, we would be regularly fired upon with missiles and rockets has though it was nothing more than rain showers instead of a deadly attack, can't really see any other country tolerating that.

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