Someone else said this first, but why is the world so obsessed with the Jews? Thank you for an outstanding analysis of the war between Israel and Iran. So proud of Mossad, the IDF and resilience of the Israeli people. Am Yisrael Chai ā¤ļøšŸ‡®šŸ‡±

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There are 17 million Jews and 2 Billion Muslims on Planet Earth.

Bringing up this statistic really irks some people and others simply had no clue.

If you were to poll 100 random people on the street about these figures you will see shock on their faces when they realize it.

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That's partly because Jews contribute so damn much to humanity, especially in proportion to the Muslim world, everyone figures the Jews must be 2 billion and the Muslims 17 million.

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Oh, and how do you "control the world" -- banks, media, academia -- with only 17 million people?

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The hideousness of what they did to usā€¦very hard to know. We can never not fight them now.

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It is like removing poisonous snakes, spiders, and quicksand from an area. There can be no compromise. Destroy the brutes.

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ā€œThe heathen rageā€¦ā€ Dadā€™s favorite when removing himself from debate with stupid.

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Kol Hakavod Joshua, as usual you are on point. I am going to share this with everyone! ( I too am a fan of Bill's New Rules) My new 7 week old grandson, was named "Meir" after my late father a Shoah survivor - who like my Nazi refugee mother were Zionists - they had a second home in Netanya in the 1970s. They would agree with your list of new rules. L' Shannah Tovah Tikateivu.

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Lol, perfect timing. I've just been at it. Lol. But wait, it's like "all the timing" lately -having to debate the ignorant.

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You did good, girlā€¦

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Ah I tried. Thank you! You too. It did not go unnoticed. šŸ˜Š

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Re #1. Spot on. The mercenaries fighting for Rome were simply part of the Roman army.

Thanks for an excellent essay, Joshua.

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Yes, thank you.

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As was written before in Future of Jewish, it is not a clash between civilizations, but a clash between civilization and barbarism.

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Yes yes yes!!!!

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As usual Joshua, another excellent article.

Just want to add a very important bit of advice.


"There are people who, no matter how much evidence and more evidence we present to them, are not in the capacity to understand, and others are blinded by ego, hatred and resentment, and all they want is to be right even if they are not."

papa j

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I completely agree! Itā€™s utter nonsense to indulge in discourse that you know nothing about! I find it revolting! The world is going along this course. Forget experts on historical lines, now you can be an expert on nothing, by following social media. I truly despair!

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Itā€™s not just Israelā€™s existential war. They are defending us all from a common enemy. Itā€™s just the fifth columnist lefties think more of their warped moral code and how they look to their peers than they do about acknowledging the real threat to the west.

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Excellent pieceā€”thank you. You make a great point about people who ā€œboth-sidesā€ an argument, even as applied to other issues in the US. The gutless ā€œboth-sidesā€ response is a main reason why the US is losing its own war to leftists. There is nothing virtuous about not having an opinion.

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I do not "think" about Israel; I "feel" about Israel and I did not grow up in a Zionist family. In fact, my Litvak grandpa (my grandparents raised me) did not want me to join Young Judea as a young girl - this was 1948 and he was sure that they would take the children. He was a tough survivor of Lithuania who emigrated around 1910 and was very careful in his trust. I first heard the anthem "Hatikvah" post WWII when my uncle bought the Al Jolson record about the "balagulah" the profession of his grandfather .. this was to please my grandmother who did not speak English however since much of it was in Yiddish, she could follow it .. as we all could. Since the ashes of WWII provided little comfort, the rise of Israel into a nation brought a great deal of pride .. which B'nai Brith did not even attempt to address. I (and many of my friends) did not know the land of origin of our grandparents: it was always the "old country" .. years passed, I read and I now understand why.

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Sadly, as you observe so (miserably) often- the mainstream media is filled with anti-Israel bias. Yesterday, in the NYTimes, Nicholas Kristof, a truly, other-than-regarding-Jews-or-Israel, a great and influential humanitarian, once again (indirectly) revealed his (probably unconscious) anti-Semitic world view when he commented that a certain type of ā€œevilā€ was not the evil of the, ā€œHebrew Bible.ā€ He might simply have differentiated his focus from ā€œbiblicalā€ evil, or ā€œancient worldā€ evil, or non-religious words such as, ā€œextreme,ā€ or, ā€œmagical,ā€ or, ā€œultimate,ā€ or any other word not associated with Judaism; but he associated the concept of punitive, extreme evil with ā€œHebrew[s].ā€ We know the NYTimes does an excellent job with news reporting with everything other than Israel and related events, so this is not anything new. However, I t is deeply saddening!

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Listen, I'm with you. But let me throw this in -- there are things in the Bible I absolutely don't agree with, and I'm pretty sure most of us don't agree with. Obviously, slavery was acceptable back then. The Hebrew Bible was progressive, however, in trying to regulate the institution in a humane way. Okay. I absolutely hate that one of the Ten Commandments is NOT a commandment against rape. That's crazy. Having said all that . . . most Jews these days ignore certain things (I haven't heard of any stoning incidents lately), and automatically adopt modern progressive values where necessary, regarding for example women's rights and gay rights. It's a topic I never hear discussed. We automatically update the value system. We are not ruled by Bronze Age thinking -- obviously. We wouldn't be where we are today if we were. Many Muslims, however, are still in their own Dark Age. As a civilization they seem to have peaked during their days of mathematics / astronomy / philosophy / poetry (1000 - 1200 years ago was it?) and then plunged back into an abyss of their own making. It's sad but oh so true.

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Really really well done!

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Already aware of the BBC and MSM but, thanks to your excellent piece, we now have complete perspective. From the embarrassment of watching the usual fickle lefties in other countries waving their free Palestinian flags, it all makes sense now. Thank you.

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