Mar 24Liked by Jamie Paul

Extremely well written sir!

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Israel has ever right of retribution against those racist, genicidal, terrorist Hamas bastards.

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Geo code is broadly discussed in the Geneva Convention, and specifically detailed in the Rome Statute.

The current Israeli action in their war against Hamas does not fit either description of genocide, much less crimes against humanity.

Which is why the IJC failed to charge them with any violations.

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Mar 12Liked by Jamie Paul

Wow! Such an excellent and powerful piece. You hit so many important points and fired off several zingers too. I want to share this, but first, did you really mean to say “five minutes?” I’m thinking you intended “months.”

—— “Let’s be clear: Israel is not committing genocide based on any understanding of the term prior to the past five minutes, but …”

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So perfect. Before Oct 7 I used to say , the world doesn’t have to like us.” Now, that is clearer than ever before. As long as we do what we feel is “right” - and we do - that’s all that matters. This time, it’s time we finish and win, and not stop when the other side says it’s over. Not any more.

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This was a wonderful piece. Israel must keep going. The West has not been subjected to a real war since the last World War. Younger people have no understanding of what war really means. They put out these meaningless platitudes that have no reality with war. I recently saw a clip of a young, so called Palestinian woman at a debating event at a university. She predictably accused Israel of genocide because they were bombing and killing so many civilians. Her opponent asked her if the British were guilty of the same crime when they bombed and obliterated Dresden in the last war. She just kept repeating that they were not killing civilians. I have to ask what her opinion would have been on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. War is War! It is convenient for people to turn a blind eye.

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“Muslim partisans side with their co-religionists…” why is it that every Zionist can talk about how awful it is that Gazans are dying too but the pro Palestinians focus solely on the Palestinian deaths and their own victimhood? Not one mention of the atrocities of Oct. 7.

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While Slater was bloviating crap at the Oscars, Israel apparently killed a terrorist who is number 3 in Hamas.

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Regardless whether it is a "win" or a "loss", the world wants Jews to be the reviled, oppressed nation of the past. In the words of the late Jimmy Hoffa: "you gotta do whatcha gotta do" ... If the future portends the loss of Israel, then we will resemble Haiti on a global scale; such is the caliber of "today's mankind" ... I can hear the moaning and groaning now. However, does this mean that we have lost the right to live in a civilized democracy ... with rules and obligations but choose to live in a narrow, superstitious, morally questionable world .. Shame on the powers that be and a curse upon those who know better but choose the dark path anyway ($$$)

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The problem with Governments in Western countries is they are terrified of their violent and now large Muslim population. While only a small proportion of each community has engaged in protest there's wide support for their hatefilled views. On the streets of London last weekend a counter protester holding a "Hamas is a terrorist organisation" was violently tackled to the ground and arrested by the Met police for "inflaming public tensions" or in other words upsetting the hate mob. How long will it take for Western leaders to say enough is enough. No more anti Jewish hate mob protests? When Jews have been murdered on Western soil?

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Mar 11·edited Mar 11

I agree with everything you've said, but I will change one thing, people can't seem to tell the difference ONLY when it's Israel. Every other country that has committed genocide gets a pass. Our US is flooded with Arab money to infiltrate our universities, while subsidizing their students who study here. They indoctrinate our students and teaching staff and their money pays for adding Middle East Studies departments. This is a difficult monster to battle, but as you stated, Israel will win this war. They must stay focused on winning regardless of the protests, hate, and PR propaganda that permeates the West. If not, the world will find itself in a very bad place.

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Murdering scum seem to rule both Gaza and Israel. The language used by some, even if it's just in the comments, is revealing. The condemnation of Jewish folk who consider peaceful solutions is also revealing but, given the divisions and fissures appearing through the so called civilised World...am I surprised. Nope. And, commenting on the article...this isn't a war we're all watching. This is far from a war. It's more like a football match with one team playing 5 against 11. A murderous football match. The body count is sickening and, be it because of Hamas or Israel, the toxicity of these events will poison blood with psychotic hatred for generations to come. I've been reading this page to try and gain an understanding of the Israeli and Jewish take on this conflict. I've seen enough now to despair at the situation. Much like the lunatics in Hamas and other fanatical Islamist groups, I see and hear the same on the Israeli side. Both sides want to wipe the other out. In this madness, Israel appears to be sewing the seeds of its own destruction. G-d, I don't think, whoever your g-d or religion is, would smile upon such violence and destruction. And, if he does, then he's not a G-d...he's a monster.

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Well as Dara Horn says the world loves dead Jews. It can’t stand Jews with weapons. So it has to flip the Holocaust script to target Jews again. Self hating Jews themselves cringe at Jewish power. Apparently that happened during the Oscar ceremony last night.

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AMEN. The Jew Haters will continue to lose their minds at the effrontery of modern Jews who refuse to lie down and take it. I had some moron (there are so many) attacking me this morning on my substack comments - he gave as an example of the wonderful resilience of Islamic death cultists to civilizing discipline the delightful places called Iraq, Afghanistan and Algeria. Without any sense of irony, he was trying to tell me that the lovely murdering scum ruling Gaza would spring back just like the lovely murdering scum in those other places did.

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