Let me add; it’s cancel culture by the left. No?

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The story kind of sounds like a woke version of Judaism ( meant pejoratively), where liberal attitude Hors extreme and in the end persecutes some of its own due to some rather new extremist misguided principles.

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I expected changes, I expect more changes. I think the interfaith movement, though in theory sounds nice, in practice will see many changes from many faiths. I don't see how an interfaith movement can work when Islamic and extra-biblical catholic prophecies, each will have a great monarch or a caliphate that will lead the world whole world by force into their religions. How much compromise from each religion will it take to make interfaith work? Will these warring religions suddenly forgo what their prophets have prophesied in the name of peace? I do not think so and even if they say so, it will be for a short time and with deception in their hearts.

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I feel bad for Arthur Green, but I’m very sorry—-he is one of those that continued the “tradition “ of changing authentic Judaism.

I read his book “Wrestling with God” I think it’s called. True, he certainly ignited in me a desire to know more about being Jewish (coming from a slightly reform, mostly assimilated background).

But then, when I began to see what true Torah Judaism was about… we’ll, let’s just say that Art Green and the various spins on Torah Judaism, are like Twinkle Twinkle Little Star compared to Beethoven’5th. IOW, no comparison. But worse than that, as URI Zohar famously wrote, “We was robbed!” From my own Reform congregation to Arthur Green, we were lied to and tricked.

So, I really don’t want to say “מגיע לו״” ,but I do want to say, as Alan Goshen-Gottenstein intimated in his article: You, Arthur Green, are a victim of your own movement.


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I found the story as I read it to be impossible to truly figure out. And yes there is no public teshuva ceremony of restorative justice. That’s utter bullshit.

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