We're not all Jew haters 👋

(from a gentile)

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And nobody appreciates that more Nicolouw than the Jewish people. Being less that 1 percent of the worlds population, we could not survive without our non-Jewish friends and allies. All the best to you, papa j

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I love this article. Thank you so much for articulating this 😎

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Brilliant article! Since october7 I've been learning a lot (almost obssessivly, I admit) and my respect for Israel, Israelis and the jewish community increases every day. 🤍💙

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Thank you for this article. I live in Austria, a country so different from Israel. It seems that Israelis have learned to be tough in a rough neighbourhood.

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If only the Diaspora Jews would learn from our Israeli brothers and sisters. On the whole, Diaspora Jews are opposites of our Israeli brothers and sisters.

We have no idea how to physically defend ourselves and very rarely do we want to rock the boat. And we certainly do not have strong Jewish leadership and organization. To this day, not one large Jewish organization has had the courage to endorse a candidate. How pathetic is that? The irony is that the Satmar Rebbe, who is anti-Zionist has endorsed Trump. How sad it that?

papa j

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Having worked in law enforcement for 28 years and an avid supporter of every Jewish household having at least one firearm for each adult. And having worked beside other much tougher Jews than myself. And having raised five children, four of them tough as nails, with one son an Army Ranger having deployed to both Iraq and Afghanistan, as tough as my blue collar longshoreman father who saw combat in WWII, I respectfully say you have no idea what you are talking about. But you have a right to your opinion about American Jews, no matter how narrow or ill informed. If you have no idea how to defend yourself, I suggest you purchase a firearm, go to the range, learn how to shoot. It is calming, peaceful, meditative. Take a course in any sort of martial arts, have some fun. As Jews say, Siz Gudt to shmiersen ofen yemen's teirchus.

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Steve, I am 70 years old and I grew up in the projects as one of the few white families among Blacks and Puerto Ricans. I was in many fights growing up and I "used" to know how to take care of myself. I say "used" cuz I havent been in a street fight in 30 years or more.

Having said that, In my humble opinion, you represent the minority of Jews. Most have grown up middle or upper class soft and yes, they dont know how to fight. Then of course there are the orthodox and ultra orthodox and they certainly dont know how to take care of themselves. Jews are easy prey. They are excellent talkers and debaters but not fighters.

You make me laugh when you say law enforcement .... how many Jews in law enforcement. I can bet you either a sour pickle from the barrel or a bagel with smeared Philadelphia cream .... the number would be very very few.

Keep up the good fight

papa j

PS Uncle served in Korea. Dad was deaf, did not serve but worked as a longshoreman. They called him White Lord and no one messed with him twice.

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Appreciate your comment Jerry. We are the same age with similar backgrounds, though I grew up in Brooklyn in a small apartment in a blue collar neighborhood, not the projects. My high school was predominantly black. I was never a tough kid, just tough enough. As for Jews in law enforcement, you would be surprised. Jews make up about 2% of the population and I'd say about 1 in 20 LEOs with whom I worked were Jews. About 5%, more than double our representation in the population. My dad passed away 15 years ago at 92 so no way to ask if he ever worked with a guy called the White Lord.

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LOL, I was never a tough kid either but I was tough enuf to know that if I want to survive I can never back down. But today its a different world that ours. No longer mostly fists, and the occasional knife.

Please forgive my lack of manners but thank you so much for your service and a special thank you to your son his service.

Be well Steve and best wishes always

papa j

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We are in our late 60s and just purchased a Glock 19. Two classes and a private session to help pick the gun; our first practice.

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Nice gun, enjoy. I too own a Glock 19, among other Glocks. Durable, reliable, and requires minimal maintenance. Most federal law enforcement agencies have switched from the Glock 22, a .40 caliber firearm, to the Glock 19, a 9 mm caliber firearm.

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We tried out a bunch and my husband researched a lot.

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I am going to check more into it and try to use my platform to advocate Jews getting guns and learning how to shoot.

Its sad to think that its come to that, isnt it Robin?

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It is. But also martial arts for the young people. As a woman I can’t believe it wasn’t mandatory.

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As a firearms instructor once said “a handgun is a tool to be used as you fight your way to a rifle”. Meaning —back up your Glock with an AR and lots of ammo. What’s inside a cop car locked up? A rifle and/ or shotgun.

Bet you’re happy about the Bruen decision now.

Many blue state hebrews are beginning to realize that their enemies have become emboldened. Lawlessness is rampant. The civil rights of Hebrew kids on campus are being violated with impunity.

May I suggest that you work to undo decades of draconian gun laws.

Constitutional carry is a wonderful thing.

Remember when seconds count, law enforcement is just minutes away.

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You make some good points, but may I point out that the Republican Jewish committee, a Jewish organization of no small significance, has endorsed the Trump Vance ticket.

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I hear you but dont count them because they are Republican ...... I am talking about ADL, CIJA, Hillel etc. The ones who keep begging for money every day/

papa j

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If Israelis were worried about every wicked statements coming from everywhere, the Israel would have ceased to exist long ago!

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Dan Senor's The Genius of Israel did a lot to help me understand the Israeli success story....and few books today about Israel add anything new....and I see people are writing all sorts of books some pro and a lot con. When I'm in Israel I don't typically get into political discussions but I do sense the solidity that comes with serving in the military and the cohesiveness that engenders.

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What is named "(obsessed with) validation" appears to me simply as a search or an addiction for (forced or artificially created) "affirmation" and "consent", just as manufacturers in "customer surveys" claim to be interested in the "opinion" of customers, but only offer pre-fabricated "questions" that are designed to find out as little "controversial" as possible about what customers really think and want, which is why uniform, unimaginative and un-innovative products dominate everywhere. - -

Some "diaspora Jews" may have adapted to this, but from everything I know, even they - or most or many of them - still have the ability to speak out what is important clearly and without excessive "consideration", something that in most other countries is only reacted to with indignation due to "sensitivities". -

But "the" (majority of) "Jews" have "always been different", also before/without the State of Israel, they contradicted, thought for themselves and thought further - "that's why" they have always been persecuted, and that's why it often seems so hypocritical to me when "the West" claims "freedom" for itself, as they have always and ever again massively persecuted, expelled and killed free thinkers and "backtalkers".

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When it really matters, your "chestnuts" are in the fire, and your goal is clear, it is a refreshing freedom that comes from not really caring what anyone else thinks. I am not sure at what table and with whom you were sitting immediately after 9/11, but those around my table were determined and totally agreeable to our course of action. When President Bush stood on top of the smoking rubble of what was once the World Trade Center and stated, ". . . and those who did this will hear from all of us soon", he meant literally "all of us" in the U.S. And we took care of it in the old-fashioned American way regardless of world opinion. We plastered the s%$t out of them. There was definitely a righteous wrath and a unity of purpose. Unfortunately, the unity of purpose has dissipated and the infighting has returned. I am not an Israeli citizen and certainly am not in a position to recommend a course of action. For that, you need to talk to my daughter who lives in Israel, is married to an IDF reserve soldier who is now on the northern front (G-d keep him safe), and who had to endure a rocket attack this last Thursday night. As you can imagine, she certainly has her strong opinions. From someone who is sitting in the "safe" seats and watches from afar and from someone who still recalls the fury in my heart after 9/11, keep doing what you are doing regardless of the nattering crowds around you. Only you have your best interests at heart. Am Israel Chai!

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Great article!

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Australia has voter turnout of >97%, and its preferential voting system generally delivers a majority at least in the lower house. The Israeli electoral system is guaranteed to ensure that minor parties hold the balance of power and the whole country is then held to ransom. It sucks.

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A well versed essay on the explanation for what appears as Israeli apathy. Everything you identified, Joshua, has been well earned by Israelis and should not be looked at as negative. If the West experienced a small fragment of what Israel has, their attitudes might be very different. Perhaps they should take a lesson from Israel and learn some valuable lessons.

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“Virtually every Israeli thinks they know better than our country’s prime minister and the IDF chief of staff”.

This particular sentence is a bit disingenuous. Sometimes the character of a leader is the problem as it is in now, as it was on October 6th, as it has been every throughout the reign of power of this particular narcissist who has sold out decent values for allying with the most right wing religious nutters in the country. His dictatorial approach to power and his corruption are also solid reasons to question his motivations for doing certain things the way he does.

Consequently, not only Israelis and Jews abut others wonder about his motivations.

TBH, I want to believe he cares about Israeli lives.

I also want him to care about Jewish lives around the world and how some of the choices he and his team make, the language they use, and the outer lack of accountability, clarity and a plan going forward for EVERYONE in the region put us at great risk - rightly or wrongly.

To be clear, while he should have dealt with the growing Jihadist threat next door, he did not do the raping, murdering and kidnapping. But he let it happen under his watch because he was soooo busy trying to undo Israel’s democracy instead of strengthening it and protecting its citizens and to avoid being held to account for his corruption.

We will never forget that, either.

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So sad that at this his time, this is what you are focused on.

Your very existence is on the line.

Save it until this shitstorm is over and you can then indulge your political obsessions.

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Hmmm, It’s as though you didn’t bother reading what I wrote and went straight to passive aggression. Your responses to a an egomaniac in power is to wait until he is done being an ego maniac? If so, then why would anyone challenge any other egomaniac? One can hold their own to account for being corrupt, self-serving incompetents who have let such horrible things happen TO US under THEIR watch including his ignoring of warnings by his military advisors and how many male military leaders indulged in the worst kind of sexism by ignoring women IDF members who warned them. Please save your patronizing tone for those who have no ethical compass whatsoever.

Shavuah tov.

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Copying and pasting your non sequiturs to comments you don’t bother reading is a bad look. Wishing you enlightenment about choosing an ethical leader over making excuses for a corrupt, egomaniac who ignored warnings and preparations about terrorist acts against our family. Shame on you.

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Your name calling and self assured vision of reality is unbendable.

I wish you peace.

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