"Enough of the weeping mothers paying a price for the empty dreams of ignorant fools. No more allowing Palestinian day-workers to enter Israel under some mirage that we can “purchase” their peace. Enough of Israelis needing to justify every little military action against antisemites whose ambitions are on par with, if not worse than, the Nazis"- wow, Joshua. This one really got me and I agree with the sentiment 100 million percent; they hate us and Israel no matter what we do/don't do, always have, always will. So let's do what's good for us for a change. Yes sir.
I don't care about winning other people's approval/respect/tolerance. By 'other people' I mean, non-Jewish. But it continues to pain me that there seem to be so many Jews around who go along with these people. May they never have the kind of rude shock that assimilated German Jews had in the 1930s.
"We have it good today because Jews of the past were not nearly as lucky or privileged. All in all, our pleasures and prospering are the results of their sacrifices and suffering. We don’t need to feel bad about this reality, but we surely ought to cherish it."
Not exactly. Our children cannot safely walk the streets wearing a Star of David or a kippah. We cannot fly Israeli flags at our homes. If we act as proud Jews, there is a good chance that some hater out there will carry out a "hate crime". If the authorities respond, it will be painfully slowly. If a perpetrator is caught, the charges will be nuanced and tortured: (did he or didn't he mean it as a "hate crime"?) And the punishment, if any, will be the proverbial slap on the wrist.
I respectfully disagree. 50 years ago, I was subject to the 10% quota at McGill University. Then things improved for 20-30 years. There was a strong Jewish community in Canada (and the U.S.), and an open and public representation with a B'nai Brith, Canada-Israel Committee, etc. Those voices have become significantly muted over the last 10 years. Now in the U.S. we have a significantly weakened Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, a "woke" ADL, and in Canada - CIJA.
I hate to bring up "the good old days" of the 60's, 70's and 80's, but "the best it's ever been"? Hmmmm.
I was watching an interview where one of the participants was saying how Israel needs to talk to the Arabs and try to understand them and then we can all have peace. What does this clown think Israel has been doing for 75 years? Very frustrating and one of the reasons I love this blog (? whatever it's called) because Joshua reminds us of past illusions and gives us strength to walk away from all that.
I live in a largely Jewish neighborhood in Montreal, Quebec. Here, we Jews are well established for over a century yet we are surrounded now by Muslim immigrants - the vast majority of whom support the baby-killing Palestinians. Since Oct 7, Jewish synagogues and schools have been shot at and damaged by Molotov cocktails. Thank G-d no one was hurt and the police have suspects but so far there have been no arrests. Despite the fear in our community, I wear my "chai" proudly, I put an electric Chanukkia in my window and recently made an Arab taxi driver back down when - out of the blue - he blurted out to me that "you Jews should see both sides in the war." Now get this...his taxi is hired by a government transport service for folks with disabilities. He was in a position to toss me and my wheelchair into a snow bank. But I guess he valued his job more than he hated Jews at that moment. Because when I looked him in the eye and said in a low, threatening voice: "Do you care to repeat what you just said?" he backed down, became super polite and drove me to my destination without further incident. To me, THAT'S what "not giving a Jewish damn" is.
I am not a Jew or even an Israeli. In fact, I am Irish and in saying that I know only too well how Ireland has taken the part of the terrorists without as much as a blink of the eye. Right now, it is almost impossible to go against this consensus in Ireland, but I do and will continue to do my best to counteract the lies and call out those engaged in anti-Semitism under whatever guise. It's not much I know, but I stand with the Jews and with Israel. Thank you for keeping the light of truth shining.
I would love for Isreal to not give a damn about the world's opinion but doesn't Israel need The U.S. as an ally for military reasons (weaponry, etc)?
Yes Israel does for now.
For now? When will Israel NOT depend on the U.S.? That's an unrealistic hope in my view though I wish it were true.
There are other countries which make weapons and military equipment, not just the U.S.
"Enough of the weeping mothers paying a price for the empty dreams of ignorant fools. No more allowing Palestinian day-workers to enter Israel under some mirage that we can “purchase” their peace. Enough of Israelis needing to justify every little military action against antisemites whose ambitions are on par with, if not worse than, the Nazis"- wow, Joshua. This one really got me and I agree with the sentiment 100 million percent; they hate us and Israel no matter what we do/don't do, always have, always will. So let's do what's good for us for a change. Yes sir.
So true! I am not Jewish but I don’t give a Jewish damn!! Stay strong.
I don't care about winning other people's approval/respect/tolerance. By 'other people' I mean, non-Jewish. But it continues to pain me that there seem to be so many Jews around who go along with these people. May they never have the kind of rude shock that assimilated German Jews had in the 1930s.
Thank you for telling it like it is
Unvarnished !
"We have it good today because Jews of the past were not nearly as lucky or privileged. All in all, our pleasures and prospering are the results of their sacrifices and suffering. We don’t need to feel bad about this reality, but we surely ought to cherish it."
Not exactly. Our children cannot safely walk the streets wearing a Star of David or a kippah. We cannot fly Israeli flags at our homes. If we act as proud Jews, there is a good chance that some hater out there will carry out a "hate crime". If the authorities respond, it will be painfully slowly. If a perpetrator is caught, the charges will be nuanced and tortured: (did he or didn't he mean it as a "hate crime"?) And the punishment, if any, will be the proverbial slap on the wrist.
And yet, this is the best it’s ever been!
I respectfully disagree. 50 years ago, I was subject to the 10% quota at McGill University. Then things improved for 20-30 years. There was a strong Jewish community in Canada (and the U.S.), and an open and public representation with a B'nai Brith, Canada-Israel Committee, etc. Those voices have become significantly muted over the last 10 years. Now in the U.S. we have a significantly weakened Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, a "woke" ADL, and in Canada - CIJA.
I hate to bring up "the good old days" of the 60's, 70's and 80's, but "the best it's ever been"? Hmmmm.
Appreciate your perspective, William!
Perfectly stated. Glad I subscribed.
I was watching an interview where one of the participants was saying how Israel needs to talk to the Arabs and try to understand them and then we can all have peace. What does this clown think Israel has been doing for 75 years? Very frustrating and one of the reasons I love this blog (? whatever it's called) because Joshua reminds us of past illusions and gives us strength to walk away from all that.
I'm not Jewish but I totally agree with the article 100%.
I live in a largely Jewish neighborhood in Montreal, Quebec. Here, we Jews are well established for over a century yet we are surrounded now by Muslim immigrants - the vast majority of whom support the baby-killing Palestinians. Since Oct 7, Jewish synagogues and schools have been shot at and damaged by Molotov cocktails. Thank G-d no one was hurt and the police have suspects but so far there have been no arrests. Despite the fear in our community, I wear my "chai" proudly, I put an electric Chanukkia in my window and recently made an Arab taxi driver back down when - out of the blue - he blurted out to me that "you Jews should see both sides in the war." Now get this...his taxi is hired by a government transport service for folks with disabilities. He was in a position to toss me and my wheelchair into a snow bank. But I guess he valued his job more than he hated Jews at that moment. Because when I looked him in the eye and said in a low, threatening voice: "Do you care to repeat what you just said?" he backed down, became super polite and drove me to my destination without further incident. To me, THAT'S what "not giving a Jewish damn" is.
Bravo from a fellow Montrealer. My Menorah is proudly in the window, am Israel Chai 👊🏼🇮🇱👊🏼❤️
Good for you!
I am not a Jew or even an Israeli. In fact, I am Irish and in saying that I know only too well how Ireland has taken the part of the terrorists without as much as a blink of the eye. Right now, it is almost impossible to go against this consensus in Ireland, but I do and will continue to do my best to counteract the lies and call out those engaged in anti-Semitism under whatever guise. It's not much I know, but I stand with the Jews and with Israel. Thank you for keeping the light of truth shining.
Appreciate your support Seán!! 🙏