Collective identities fall into one or several of the categories as outlined in the UN Genocide Convention: Race, Religion, Ethnicity, and Nationality.
According. to the charters of Hamas, the PA, Hezbollah, and Islamic Jihad, "Palestinians" are Muslims — a religion.
"Palestinians" belong to the Umma, that is they are Arabs. Arabs are an ethnicity whose roots are located in Arabia.
"Palestinians" claim to be a nationality though this identity only came into existence in 1964. Furthermore, as there has never been any nation state called Palestine, the term Palestinian is spurious because it is not based on any actual national collective identity.
A race is a group of people that share a biological morphology such as skin colour, bone structure, facial features, etc. The only biological markers "Palestinians" have are those with Arabs. The claim of a distinct Palestinian race is a further example of Taquiyya, the right to lie to advance the religion (Surah Al-Baqarah - 190-196). It is also encouraged to advance territorial conquest during war (Hadith Sahih Muslim Book 32).
Actually the term Palestinian or Palestine is from colonial powers. It was the Romans that tried to disconnect the Jewish people from the land by renaming in “Palestine” and then it was the British who went back to that name in their document referred to as “The Mandate for Palestine.” The Jewish people were the ones referred to as the “Palestinians.”.. When Israel declared independence it chose to go back to the Indigenous name of the land instead of keeping the colonial name, Palestine.
Your observation is historically accurate. Between the Roman imposed name change in 135 CE and the British conquest in 1917 CE, the area of the Levant was referred to as Syria Palaestina.
The only additional information to add is that the passports issued to Jews in Mandatory Palestine bore the stamp Palestinian. The Arab passports were stamped Arab.
To me it sounds like an extension of the gender identity playbook - post-modern and post-truth.
If men can "identify" as women and "misgendering" them is branded as "denying their lived experience," then Palestinians can identify as a race (and as victims) and stating the truth is rebranded as "anti-Palestinian racism."
As a Jewish Canadian I will never succumb to legislation that promotes Palestinian lies. I will write and speak the truth about the Israel/Palestinian conflict as recorded and allow no one to stop me. This is a good opportunity for Pierre Poilievre, Trudeau's conservative opponent - to set the record straight. He's been speaking at various synagogues in Canada expressing support for Israel and vowing to tighten Canada's laws against terrorism and supporting terrorism. He stands a good chance of becoming Prime Minister in next year's election.
Wow this essay really hit home. Anti Palestiniian Racism is semanticly the same as Antisemitism with a fancy turn. First of all let's get the rhetoric correct: Pro Palestinians should mean that Palestine, a stupid Roman insult to the area, was invented by Yassar Arafat, the number one terrorist, thief and liar to his own people and the world. At one time, those who were Jewish and living in the land prior to 1948, were called Palestinians. Golda Meir who lived there prior to Israel Statehood was a Palestinian! Now lets get to now. Those ignorant racist campus protestors, wearing the keffiyeh designated as the Arafat Scarf, are not really pro Palestinian, They are, without a doubt, Pro-Hamas, and all other terrorist organizations. The encampments are not filled with Arabs, maybe a few there, but basically, judging by those who speak on the media, are falsely educated white a few with darker skin. Their DNA would probably say that they are English, Italian, French, etc., (mine is 100 % Askenazi Jewish), There are cells of terrorists all over the world, the plot of extremist of Islam. They are paid by other terrorists, and they have infiltrated our country, and others in hopes of a take over by such governments like Iran. Big problem in Canada is our leadership. We have a PM who says one thing and does the opposite. He is an egotistical, uneducated pretty boy who says "There is No place of Antisemitism in Canada, and no place for Islamophobia, You can't back two sides in a war. He has destroyed the sense of belonging to Canada although I was born to immigrant parents almost 90 years ago. I am not celebrating Canada Day this year, and many never do it again. Until our governments, Federal, provincial and local give our police the ok to arrest, jail and deport those who have broken every law possible in Canada, not only are we Jews in trouble. We are just the "canaries in the mine". Remember, WW ll didn;t start in 1939. It started with Hitler in 1933, then Kristlenacht in 1938, then the Final Solution, but also his desire for the Third Reich which was to last a thousand years. Enough is now too much. Write your MPs, tell them to smarten up before it is too late. Islam wants to create a new land, Canadistan and our leaders are granting that permission!
The irony of releasing such a document and then claiming that any infringement of this largely incoherent list constitutes an affront to 'democratic values'. Your analysis is fact-based, cogent, and a terrific rebuttal, but what they are trying to do here is suppress facts because they know that the facts work against them. And judging by the conversations I've had over the past six months with otherwise intelligent friends, they are succeeding in this gaslighting.
I guess Statistics Canada should be informed that they can no longer issue statistics on hate crimes. They would for sure upset the narrative that the writers of this ridiculous manifesto are trying to peddle.
I'm in despair, really. This is not the Canada I grew up in, nor is it the future I and many others envisioned for our country, though around 10 years ago I did have a sense that this is where we were headed.
Kol ha'kavod! Great article. Canada is in the worst crisis in its history. A weak, stupid and very corrupt Prime Minister who has brought in the worst people on the planet, people who bring nothing but hate and discord and contribute nothing of value. A government dedicated to corruption and woke bullsh*t. Educators and administrators who are manipulated by evil union leaders who hate Jews and Israel. APR- give me a break!. What AntiPalestinian Racism is there in Canada? Nada. Jew hatred? Plenty. Am Y'IsraelChai!
The wave and intensity of blatant Jew Hatred is both appalling and frightening. I cannot help but feel the money involved in "buying" Canada and the UK is or should be apparent to the West. Jews have oft been described as canaries in the coal mines .... I "hear" the trilling and the resulting cost will be devastating and not just for Jews. A global cataclysmic even will visit upon us .... Jews will survive; we have had thousands of years to practice. Complacency will be removed from our vocabulary; Israel cannot and willnot trust again.
Canada is like a spoiled child. It has no adult issues it needs to address because the United States is its parent. Even Biden seems shrewd and statesman like when compared with Trudeau.
Your horrific description of life in Canada under this law, is bone chilling! This could have come straight out of the pages of a George Orwell novel. The world has gone mad and my heart goes out to you. I can’t imagine how I would cope with this shocking situation.
I (half-Jewish) met my Conservative MP at a local event last month. He assured me that he unequivocally supports Israel, its right to exist, and its right to defend itself. He's a politician so I know not to get too excited about words coming out of his mouth, but he seemed 100% unreserved about it. So I try not to despair.
“Silence is complicity” is DEI sloganeering, so while I have cited the same statistics you have and feel the same way, co-opting leftist rhetoric — which in and of itself is false as fuck to begin with — is not going to win you support amongst those who would support you, and already do.
Silence is not violence. Silence is not complicity. Silence is not consent. Cowardice is the problem, ignorance is the problem, critical theory is the problem. Silence may well be how these things often manifest, but it is not necessarily implying complicity.
I hear you. But I think they co-opted the rhetoric themselves in order to dishonestly advance their Orwellian agenda. When they say "racism is bad" then embolden racism through their every action, it's ultimately most effective to show how they're betraying their own professed ideals. That won't convince the fanatics, of course, but others might get the point. The Jew-haters and their pals all disavow truth with postmodern pseudo-intellectual games, while simultaneously demanding everyone accept their own revisionist version of "truth", their propaganda "pravda". They are the illegitimate occupiers of the moral high ground, and they must be evicted.
I gotcha. They only started realizing the value of the First Amendment after they started losing jobs and scholarships after shilling for Hamas. I agree with everything you said. I’ve just grown allergic to some of the left’s most oft-repeated, cultish chants.
I was previously a lifelong left-leaner, never partisan but also never at home among conservatives. Older now, but times have changed, too. I think the right has grown wiser (inc. on some of the social issues my gay self considers important), while the left has gone insane. There are plenty of crazies on the right, obviously, and in my young punk "Fight the Right" days, I met some of them. But the combination of fanatical ideologues and cynical careerists is a recipe for disaster, and we've already had the tasting menu. "Allergic" indeed - downright anaphylactic. Best....
I’ve been right-leaning, but a significant fraction of that bloc has gone insane as well. Let’s hope cooler heads (containing rational minds) prevail. Take care out there.
Collective identities fall into one or several of the categories as outlined in the UN Genocide Convention: Race, Religion, Ethnicity, and Nationality.
According. to the charters of Hamas, the PA, Hezbollah, and Islamic Jihad, "Palestinians" are Muslims — a religion.
"Palestinians" belong to the Umma, that is they are Arabs. Arabs are an ethnicity whose roots are located in Arabia.
"Palestinians" claim to be a nationality though this identity only came into existence in 1964. Furthermore, as there has never been any nation state called Palestine, the term Palestinian is spurious because it is not based on any actual national collective identity.
A race is a group of people that share a biological morphology such as skin colour, bone structure, facial features, etc. The only biological markers "Palestinians" have are those with Arabs. The claim of a distinct Palestinian race is a further example of Taquiyya, the right to lie to advance the religion (Surah Al-Baqarah - 190-196). It is also encouraged to advance territorial conquest during war (Hadith Sahih Muslim Book 32).
Actually the term Palestinian or Palestine is from colonial powers. It was the Romans that tried to disconnect the Jewish people from the land by renaming in “Palestine” and then it was the British who went back to that name in their document referred to as “The Mandate for Palestine.” The Jewish people were the ones referred to as the “Palestinians.”.. When Israel declared independence it chose to go back to the Indigenous name of the land instead of keeping the colonial name, Palestine.
Your observation is historically accurate. Between the Roman imposed name change in 135 CE and the British conquest in 1917 CE, the area of the Levant was referred to as Syria Palaestina.
The only additional information to add is that the passports issued to Jews in Mandatory Palestine bore the stamp Palestinian. The Arab passports were stamped Arab.
To me it sounds like an extension of the gender identity playbook - post-modern and post-truth.
If men can "identify" as women and "misgendering" them is branded as "denying their lived experience," then Palestinians can identify as a race (and as victims) and stating the truth is rebranded as "anti-Palestinian racism."
As a Jewish Canadian I will never succumb to legislation that promotes Palestinian lies. I will write and speak the truth about the Israel/Palestinian conflict as recorded and allow no one to stop me. This is a good opportunity for Pierre Poilievre, Trudeau's conservative opponent - to set the record straight. He's been speaking at various synagogues in Canada expressing support for Israel and vowing to tighten Canada's laws against terrorism and supporting terrorism. He stands a good chance of becoming Prime Minister in next year's election.
Wow this essay really hit home. Anti Palestiniian Racism is semanticly the same as Antisemitism with a fancy turn. First of all let's get the rhetoric correct: Pro Palestinians should mean that Palestine, a stupid Roman insult to the area, was invented by Yassar Arafat, the number one terrorist, thief and liar to his own people and the world. At one time, those who were Jewish and living in the land prior to 1948, were called Palestinians. Golda Meir who lived there prior to Israel Statehood was a Palestinian! Now lets get to now. Those ignorant racist campus protestors, wearing the keffiyeh designated as the Arafat Scarf, are not really pro Palestinian, They are, without a doubt, Pro-Hamas, and all other terrorist organizations. The encampments are not filled with Arabs, maybe a few there, but basically, judging by those who speak on the media, are falsely educated white a few with darker skin. Their DNA would probably say that they are English, Italian, French, etc., (mine is 100 % Askenazi Jewish), There are cells of terrorists all over the world, the plot of extremist of Islam. They are paid by other terrorists, and they have infiltrated our country, and others in hopes of a take over by such governments like Iran. Big problem in Canada is our leadership. We have a PM who says one thing and does the opposite. He is an egotistical, uneducated pretty boy who says "There is No place of Antisemitism in Canada, and no place for Islamophobia, You can't back two sides in a war. He has destroyed the sense of belonging to Canada although I was born to immigrant parents almost 90 years ago. I am not celebrating Canada Day this year, and many never do it again. Until our governments, Federal, provincial and local give our police the ok to arrest, jail and deport those who have broken every law possible in Canada, not only are we Jews in trouble. We are just the "canaries in the mine". Remember, WW ll didn;t start in 1939. It started with Hitler in 1933, then Kristlenacht in 1938, then the Final Solution, but also his desire for the Third Reich which was to last a thousand years. Enough is now too much. Write your MPs, tell them to smarten up before it is too late. Islam wants to create a new land, Canadistan and our leaders are granting that permission!
This is sick. Who would have ever guessed that terrorists would take over the West?
The irony of releasing such a document and then claiming that any infringement of this largely incoherent list constitutes an affront to 'democratic values'. Your analysis is fact-based, cogent, and a terrific rebuttal, but what they are trying to do here is suppress facts because they know that the facts work against them. And judging by the conversations I've had over the past six months with otherwise intelligent friends, they are succeeding in this gaslighting.
I guess Statistics Canada should be informed that they can no longer issue statistics on hate crimes. They would for sure upset the narrative that the writers of this ridiculous manifesto are trying to peddle.
I'm in despair, really. This is not the Canada I grew up in, nor is it the future I and many others envisioned for our country, though around 10 years ago I did have a sense that this is where we were headed.
Kol ha'kavod! Great article. Canada is in the worst crisis in its history. A weak, stupid and very corrupt Prime Minister who has brought in the worst people on the planet, people who bring nothing but hate and discord and contribute nothing of value. A government dedicated to corruption and woke bullsh*t. Educators and administrators who are manipulated by evil union leaders who hate Jews and Israel. APR- give me a break!. What AntiPalestinian Racism is there in Canada? Nada. Jew hatred? Plenty. Am Y'IsraelChai!
Canada has become a hell hole and I despise it. I despise its emasculated PM Justin Trudeau.
Same. I can't get out currently but plotting a future escape. It's turned into a shithole since the Hair Apparent took over.
The wave and intensity of blatant Jew Hatred is both appalling and frightening. I cannot help but feel the money involved in "buying" Canada and the UK is or should be apparent to the West. Jews have oft been described as canaries in the coal mines .... I "hear" the trilling and the resulting cost will be devastating and not just for Jews. A global cataclysmic even will visit upon us .... Jews will survive; we have had thousands of years to practice. Complacency will be removed from our vocabulary; Israel cannot and willnot trust again.
With this, Canada has really hit rock bottom. I pray that sanity and decency will prevail in the end.
Orwellian!! Trudeau has got to go! I bet a million he's behind this🤬
The Jews are the only people in the world that possess an actual deed to their land, signed by G-d!
Canada is like a spoiled child. It has no adult issues it needs to address because the United States is its parent. Even Biden seems shrewd and statesman like when compared with Trudeau.
Your horrific description of life in Canada under this law, is bone chilling! This could have come straight out of the pages of a George Orwell novel. The world has gone mad and my heart goes out to you. I can’t imagine how I would cope with this shocking situation.
I (half-Jewish) met my Conservative MP at a local event last month. He assured me that he unequivocally supports Israel, its right to exist, and its right to defend itself. He's a politician so I know not to get too excited about words coming out of his mouth, but he seemed 100% unreserved about it. So I try not to despair.
Jews do NOT support the Islamic invasion of the U.S.
“Silence is complicity” is DEI sloganeering, so while I have cited the same statistics you have and feel the same way, co-opting leftist rhetoric — which in and of itself is false as fuck to begin with — is not going to win you support amongst those who would support you, and already do.
Silence is not violence. Silence is not complicity. Silence is not consent. Cowardice is the problem, ignorance is the problem, critical theory is the problem. Silence may well be how these things often manifest, but it is not necessarily implying complicity.
I hear you. But I think they co-opted the rhetoric themselves in order to dishonestly advance their Orwellian agenda. When they say "racism is bad" then embolden racism through their every action, it's ultimately most effective to show how they're betraying their own professed ideals. That won't convince the fanatics, of course, but others might get the point. The Jew-haters and their pals all disavow truth with postmodern pseudo-intellectual games, while simultaneously demanding everyone accept their own revisionist version of "truth", their propaganda "pravda". They are the illegitimate occupiers of the moral high ground, and they must be evicted.
I gotcha. They only started realizing the value of the First Amendment after they started losing jobs and scholarships after shilling for Hamas. I agree with everything you said. I’ve just grown allergic to some of the left’s most oft-repeated, cultish chants.
I was previously a lifelong left-leaner, never partisan but also never at home among conservatives. Older now, but times have changed, too. I think the right has grown wiser (inc. on some of the social issues my gay self considers important), while the left has gone insane. There are plenty of crazies on the right, obviously, and in my young punk "Fight the Right" days, I met some of them. But the combination of fanatical ideologues and cynical careerists is a recipe for disaster, and we've already had the tasting menu. "Allergic" indeed - downright anaphylactic. Best....
I’ve been right-leaning, but a significant fraction of that bloc has gone insane as well. Let’s hope cooler heads (containing rational minds) prevail. Take care out there.