Aug 2Liked by Joshua Hoffman

As a Jew in the Diaspora, who has absolutely no issue with the targeted assassinations, few things infuriate me more than “liberal” American Jews judging and condemning Israel from the safety of their homes or restaurants, theaters or shopping malls in New York, Washington, Chicago, Los Angeles, where they don’t have to worry about being killed by a rocket or suicide bomber, being knifed while waiting in line at the bank or walking down the street, or being car-rammed waiting for a bus or an Uber.

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Agree. But watching that liberal history suddenly taking a turn. Dershowitz is finally standing up calling the violence against Jews now, out for what it is. And it is completely linked to the violence against Israel.

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Dershowitz wrote dozens of books in defense of Israel! But he is a top legal expert, so he can’t not to cover the legal aspect.

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Yes, he did. And they were a treatise for Israel. I am saying that never before has he separated the ‘right to free speech’ from extreme violence as we see him doing now with the violence at campuses threatening Jewish students. He’s standing up in newscasts everywhere denouncing liberalism—he is using the term—and seeing the long crawl history that brought this violence here. Promoted by his lifelong party, democrats. He has risen.

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100% agree. I have absolutely no problem with ISrael using its smarts to assassinate as many of "the bad guys" as possible. It beats dropping bombs and killing civilians, which gets everyone clutching their pearls. You do what you have to do in order to survive. End of story.

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Aug 2Liked by Joshua Hoffman

I think it's a good thing to get the main culprits, instead of innocent young men who are drafted into the armed forces, often against their will. How much better it would have been to take out Hitler, before millions of young men and women on both sides, as well as countless civilians, were killed in World War 2.

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Forever feared by Jihadists’ as

‘The Assassin Nation’.

Don’t visit us,

We’ll visit you.

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Aug 2·edited Aug 2Liked by Joshua Hoffman

Kahane’s “nice Irvings…” those progressives whose angst was televised when Kahane announced his guys were showing up lead pipes in hand to protect Temple Beth Emmanuel against the media darlings, black panther goons. CBS, NBC all showed up but the wussies threatening Jews suddenly did not. No Jew had ever been so determined since King David. I grew up with dad’s collection of articles, clips, books and all things the new Israel, the new yet ancient Jew. I think 1967 was the miracle for dad. But reading about Kahane now is the height of the romantic ‘Dark Side’. Israel has to have a lead pipe.

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Kahane was brilliant and correct about how to deal with our enemies. The Lefties of Israel are the same Erev Rav who built the Golden Calf.

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Yes! Every nation has its deep state, liberal left power mongers.

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Aug 2Liked by Joshua Hoffman

Glad the Israeli intelligence recovered its excellency, after some years where it seemed to have decreased.

Regarding ethics and law: they are there to manage and weight interest conflict. Human rights of others have the utmost importance, until they collide with your own human rights. Easy.

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Aug 2Liked by Joshua Hoffman

I love history and stories about Mossad. I'm an American, but Mossad ops are heads and shoulders above CIA ops, IMO.

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Amen. CIA is Godless. Mossad is not.

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Aug 2Liked by Joshua Hoffman

The worst day of the year for me was Halloween. That was the day the gangs would come around wearing masks and carrying heavy chalk in long socks and beat white kids with them. I was a great target, not only white but a Jew. Sort of a bonus prize. Obviously, I did not want to go to school and told Bubbie. She said "Tatala, you have to go and do your best to fight back or they are going to go after you every day".

She was quite the woman, tiny and i would guess maybe 90 lbs and had been thru her share of violent antisemitism. She was a believer in you do what you have to do to fight evil. Whatever it takes, you do it. If she were alive today, she would be "shepping nachos" over these targeted assassinations. She would be disgusted at those who see a problem with it.

Like you said Josh, we are fighting for survival. We should use every dirty card we have to hit our enemies. The world will condemn us either way and its time to stop letting others tell us how to fight for our survival.

Bubbie would also have said its the enemy that is killing their very own civilians by using them as shields ..... if the world doesnt like the casualties, it should talk to the enemy and not us.

Good shabbos and a good weeken d to all, papa j

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Absolutely well said.

Especially observation "We should use every dirty card we have to hit our enemies. The world will condemn us either way and its time to stop letting others tell us how to fight for our survival."

Only one small criticism . . . is it really dirty pool to kick your opponent in his wazoo to stop him from trying to decapitate you?

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LOL, I agree but I wanted to appeal to those that are delusional to consider it "dirty" and as you know Puck, there are many of them unfortunately. all the best papa j

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BTW, I invited you to join my FB group .... i think you would enjoy and the members would enjoy your posts. papa j

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Would love to join your FB group. As I do not subscribe to any social media for my and my contact list privacy reasons, would you have or consider opening a substack site?

Found the following google info to the question:

Q: Do you need an account to comment on Substack?

A: Everyone- If the post audience is set to Everyone, you'll see the option for everyone to comment. This means that any reader, subscriber or non-subscriber, will be able to leave a comment on the post. If they do not have a Substack profile, they'll be prompted to create one.

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Puck, it took me forever to learn Facebook and Substack is very limiting. In FB members can include images and video clips in their posts etc. It really is quite different. I understand our privacy concerns but my group is completely "private" and no one can see comments unless they are invited nor can they post unless they are invited. papa j

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True, but to join FB one must consent to allowing them access to our contact lists, thus compromising confidentiality. Furthermore, FB is susceptible to hacking, putting the subscriber as well as the user's computer itself at risk.

Furthermore, FB tracks our usage of the web, gathering info about us and then they sell it to third parties who then bombard us with tailored ads inducing us to spend, spend, spend.

If I could be assured that these concerns were false, I would be more likely to join FB.

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Aug 2·edited Aug 2Liked by Joshua Hoffman

“We can argue whether it was a good idea for the Jews to achieve statehood in our indigenous homeland”.

This is an unecessary statement as there is no argument and anyone who thinks there’s an argument to make for NOT establishing the Jewish State is either a moron or a Jew hater.

How great was it when the Jews didn’t have a country of their own? How wonderful was it when we were utterly powerless and at the mercy and whims of a hostile world?

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“We can argue whether it was a good idea for the Jews to achieve statehood in our indigenous homeland”.

Progressives the world over champion the rights of indigenous peoples to their ancestral homelands, be it in the Americas, Oceania, Europe, etc. These rights are even enshrined in the "UN Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples." However, when it comes to Jews claiming the principle of self determination in one's ancestral territory applies equally to them, suddenly these "Progressives" get all in a "moral" swivet as they try to exclude Jews from the rights granted all other indigenous peoples. It's not hypocrisy on their part: it is antisemitism pure and simple.

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I cannot say I'm shocked or appalled. When you're faced by the constant threat of annihilation, a targetted effort against a genocidal maniac doesn't seem at all unjustified. Better than the random murder and rape of innocents, that's for sure!

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Then why call it a dark side if you support the policy? I would call it the bright side of Israel. Pest control.

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Hahaha, good point.

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I am fully behind Israel’s fight back policy. To have so many enemies on your border and beyond means you have to take a patient silent course. Israel’s enemies know that that they will hunted and dispatched. The last operations, were utterly brilliant!

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Aug 2·edited Aug 2Liked by Joshua Hoffman

Syria's Assad has just murdered 500,000 people in his Civil War there. Iran has just facilitated the murder of the same number in The Yemen Civil War. Israel's tally pales into insignificance when we look at the Horrors of Mass Murder in the Arab World. Liberal hand-wringers here in parts of The West's political class will not admit this reality. Furthermore, Islamist Hamas is in Alliance with The Re-Formed Nazi Party which is sworn to Genocide against The Jewish People, and is monitored here in Europe for twelve years now. Thus, what Israel does is Self Defence. This is the truth even if the reality is not pretty.

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Aug 2Liked by Joshua Hoffman

You kill your enemies you don’t negotiate with them

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In Israel's case, it is simply a "Necessary Evil"! Period!

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Aug 2Liked by Joshua Hoffman

I am perfectly comfortable with this side of Israel. Assassinating Jew-killers IS just and moral. There is absolutely NO ethical dilemma here.


"Many Jews, especially in the Diaspora, are uncomfortable with this side of Israel. For them, their Zionist identity is intertwined with values of justice, morality, and the historical experience of persecution. The idea of the Jewish state engaging in extrajudicial killings — no less in foreign countries — clashes with these values and raises difficult ethical questions".

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Fight fire with hell fire. Shock and awe with relentless pursuit across borders if need be. No mercy, no respite, no quarter given. Kill the enemy and the two standing next to him. Am Yisrael Chai

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