Only the naive and sanctimonious cannot feel the breath of the beast behind the door.

The rest of us have scars from previous battles and will not help to manifest the delusional fantasies of the howling liberals.

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Well written, and sadly, a reality that cannot be wished away.

The minority of Arabs who may want peace with Israel is simply too small and powerless.

Israel must remain vigilant and strong and continue the horrible sacrifice of its brave soldiers.

Show me a realistic alternative.

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The root cause of everything is the Temple area, it should be emptied of religions and worshipers. The Jews should take control of it 100%, rather than expelling all representatives of religions and demolishing their temple from Jerusalem, preferably from all of Judea and Samaria.

There is secular law in the land, but what prevents the Temple and the region from keeping the Torah as their guide? That is what Christians fear like the plague. The initiation of sacrifices should await the one who has power and strength, who has the kingship.

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I felt the weight of the gates while reading this. What a talented writer!

Our enemy lies in wait for our hour of complacency

Never forget that

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Yes, written perfectly.

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Never, never, never, never, never, NEVER give up! Trust the Lord, and pass the ammunition.

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Even after all of this time and evidence, I had to read a letter to the editor of our local "paper" telling us that if only the Palestinians had a country of their own, peace would reign and we would all live together as brothers. I answered as follows:

As surprising as it may sound to some, Israelis are human beings too. Like most reasonable people, they do not like to see their babies dismembered in their cribs or baked alive in ovens (Kibbutz Be’eri); or entire families burned to death in their homes (Kibbutz Nir Oz); or their old folks machined gunned to death while waiting for a tour bus (city of Sderot); or their young folks violated, raped, shot and then hauled away as hostages (Nova Music Festival). How do you make peace with or treat equally a people whose goal in life is the murder of every Jew they can find? The answer? “No more.”

After the October 7th pogrom against the Jews, Israel has finally said, “No more” to those organizations of the so-called international community who continually find fault with Israel yet somehow cannot work up the same indignation for the real monsters in this world. “No more” to the random rocket attacks from Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and the Houthi in Yemen. “No more” to the missile attacks from the Ayatollahs in Iran and their continual threats to annihilate the “Zionist entity.” “No more” to the “as-a-Jew” Jews who wear their Jewishness as protective armor against criticism while at the same time using it as a billy-club against Israel. “NO MORE” to tolerating Jew-hatred as if it is a chronic condition with which a Jew must live.

We are seeing in real time the meaning of “Never again.” Until the world, her neighbors, and especially the Palestinians recognize Israel’s right to exist, grant the Jews the freedom to live safely as human beings in their own country, and by the way, return ALL of the 100+ hostages, Israel will continue to defend itself with “no more” apologies.

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Love it

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Absolutely brilliant. Right on all counts. The metaphor is apt.

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Yes; a perfect metaphor.

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The UK France Sweden Finland Norway Spain Portugal and most colleges in the U S are effectively Muslim countries....they have lost the war to the Muslims.....will trump say it?

Will americans pick up arms and fight,?

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I hope so. I saw a reel today from some Republican claiming that it was Israel's fault that we went to war with Iraq. I don't trust Trump because he has no ideology. The Abraham Accords were great; I would love see Saudi Arabia join in. But Jared and Ivanka are MIA. And besides, Trump will align with whomever makes him feel good at the moment.

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I believe he will.

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Our Generation is now ready to take up the burden, my friend.

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I am a pacifist, but I don't understand at all why Israel is trying to negotiate? What should be negotiated in general? A country that the UN has once accepted for Jews, what is there to negotiate about. In my opinion, anyone living in Israel who does not take citizenship should be removed from Israel, and dual citizenship should not be accepted. Anyone who undermines Israel with their actions should be expelled from the country. Regardless of the world's opinions. Terrorists should not be negotiated with, but expelled from the West Bank as well as from Samaria and Gaza. Israel must cut off diplomatic relations with those countries that finance and oppose the existence of the Jewish state. And that thing was announced in plain language without diplomatic jargon. it can also be carried out without violence, but there is a cure for violence, deportation without trial, crimes must be punished justly. It's easy to say this, but negotiating with terrorism will never bring peace.

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Nor will Pacifism. Im sure what you mean by this term. If you mean you oppose any violence on principle well that's a death sentence for Israel and the liberal West. If you mean you wish for peace well we all do but that's not Pacifism.

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I mean war of conquest, I think every country has the right to defend its sovereignty, although I don't defend Nationalism either. Right is subjective, but I cannot demand from others what I myself believe and trust. A merciful mind doesn't mean that I accept hatred and hate those who think differently. I don't accept Arab terrorism, just like I don't accept Western financing of terrorists. The West and the UN must stop supporting terrorists. It is necessary to return to the 1948 agreement, even though the League of Nations betrayed and changed its promises. England is one of the culprits for the current situation. Now Israel must take what belongs to the 1948 agreement itself. Defends what belongs to Israel in the treaty. Israel must sue every regime that is involved in financing Terror and the division of Jerusalem.

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I just want to define "the right to defend." What does that actually mean? The West has always said Israel has that right but stops her from actually putting an end to the terrorism. I agree with you: get rid of the terrorists once and for all.

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Isn't the Jewish home based on the very inheritance from which they were expelled? The land they have lived in since Abraham bought a piece of land for his family. Much has happened in history since then, good and bad, the Tanakh which is also part of history, as well as information about the reasons, what, why and when things happened and will happen. They are pre-announced, not predicted.

It is completely irrelevant whether anyone believes or rather trusts the writings, it does not prevent them from coming true one way or another. The Commonwealth of Nations before the UN and the vote in the UN, no single state could have decided on the birth or fall of Israel, but the time was fulfilled with the Jewish exile, and they had the opportunity to escape the slavery and hatred of the world. At that time, everyone recognized the Jewish heritage as being in the land of Canaan, which the Roman regime turned into Palestine. When we are honest, the Jews owned Palestine before the name was given. Now Europe and the UN want to forget the truth.

More than 95% of the Christian communities were against the Jewish state. and 5% were individuals who acted and waited for the scriptures to be fulfilled. That 95% is a creation of anti-Semitism, anti-Semitism is a creation of religion that has been planted in the nations. According to the Christian interpretation, Jerusalem was supposed to be the home of Christians. This is how Christians interpreted it before the state of Israel was born. The reason why the whole Christian empire turned its back on the Jews during the Holocaust is anti-Semitic religion.

The reason Europe has a two-pronged tongue is because of trade, just as the Vatican did with Islam in ancient times. The reason for the Crusades was that the followers of Islam did not hand over Jerusalem to the Vatican. Even though oil is now in bad repute, it is still one of the means of blackmail for the European economy, it has been since 1966. Europe recognizes Israel only because the Jews received a majority vote in the UN and the Jews founded a state that Europe is unable to dismantle, not because they have a right to exist and defend their existence. Do you know how often I hear here in the anti-Semitic community what should be done to the Jews? You don't, luckily you don't. Not everyone recognizes me, but I am shocked by how the atmosphere has changed, even among the most moderate so-called believers.

I don't know, but I'm like Mordecai by the gate and I can hear what's being said in the marketplace.

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You know that a snake has a double tongue, says one thing, does another. Unfortunately, this is how my homeland Finland also works. Finland also finances terrorists, also demands the amendment of the 1948 agreement, demanding a new state by dividing territories from Israel to the Arabs. It is a betrayal, it will not bring peace. Jerusalem is the undivided city of King Melchizedel. undivided part of Israel. Everything that has been promised to the descendants of Abraham. The scriptures have not made promises to anyone else. When Israel holds on to its inheritance, and is faithful to the teachings of the Torah, then Israel will do well.

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Bechikotai says it all (Lev 26) the way it is.

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Once again, Daniel Greenfield writes with crystal clarity.

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This the extremely sad & true reality, as the evil one will deceive, kill, destroy, oppress. GOD Almighty & Yeshua Messiah, will destroy the evil one. We pray for Israel, the military forces, hostages, Gods chosen people. For wisdom, decernment for leaders, God will intervene, He go before u, beside u, behind u, He will never forsake you. Keep praying, stay strong in Messiah in faith He that is in you, protect you & bless u. We love Israel & the chosen people of Yahweh

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Superb piece! Thank you. Moshe Dayan's eulogy is my personal favourite - it combines TRUTH with his passion..

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I know this story well.

Miri/Mira as an adult was my neighbor in Netanya in 1975.

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Such a sad story. I hope she found a way to have a good life.

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She wrote a book which can be found on amazon, you can read about her there as well. I am assuming you know that horrific trauma can and will affect one's entire life, our choices etc... it sometimes takes years to heal - if ever. That's what years of persecution - the Holocaust (to survivors and their children) and many years of terrorism has done to us. search under Miri Furstenberg The Girl From Scorpions Pass: Surviving the Massacre at Scorpions Pass Was Only the Beginning

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Amen and amen.

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Thank you. Nearly all of those details I did not know about. I'm new to this game. Did you mean that the leftists believed the following and/or that you did/do?

"... those Jews who lived there as “settlers,” messianic fanatics who were keeping up a state of war and destroying any hope for a peaceful solution..."?

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