As always since October, thank you for your essays and thoughts as well as those of your guest writers. The main individuals whom you quote and those you refer to... like a vast number of us Jewish experts - we are very, very, very smart but many experts who are called upon are not necessarily wise. Even though they are people who are deeply entrenched in the real world and real politics in fact they are usually equally myopic. They have their own idealism which shows over and over to be a form of fundamentalism. Might I guess on something related to the essay and to the current events in the immediate but also in recent decades. I will guess that Bibi aka Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been and is an extraordinary negotiator. He has had excellent communication with a broad palate of undesirable leaders from many nations including nations which could be labeled as types of enemies. In real, day to day terms, there may not be a better leader of the Time than PM Netanyahu himself. There may very well be several near equals serving in the Israeli government and/or military who are highly competent in a number of areas. However I am not sure there is a single one commonly known who could in any way come near to the likely 100s of negotiations PM Netanyahu has successfully operated in. That does not mean that there is a final outcome. It means that he has been successfully processing so that some day there will be 'miraculous' cooperation. Of course we've already been witnessing such occurrences for quite a few years. It is just that many people absolutely continue to refuse ever to acknowledge what PM Netanyahu as and is doing right and successfully. Am Yisrael Chai is most important. Here is a weekly shiur from this particular Rabbi who I think happens to be a gifted teacher on many levels. Regards, Ira https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oS31Jk7_0n0

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I disagree with almost all of the points made by Giora Eiland. From my point of view, these are superficial judgments that contradict each other, and I didn’t even argue with it because it would take a lot of time.

But regarding Netanyahu, I agree with Joshua. Israel's problem is that it controls all the negotiations, and the people do not even know the strategy of these negotiations, much less the details.

How did it happen that such a skillful politician, Netanyahu, reached a dead end in all negotiations?

I don’t have an answer, but I have a feeling that he is not choosing a position that is more beneficial for the country and people, but a position in which he can see himself in power in the future. This position is very unrealistic, which is why all negotiations are at a dead end. None of the best solutions for Israel include the best solutions for Netanyahu.

The moment when the interests of Israel and the interests of Bibi finally diverged has arrived.

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Apr 19·edited Apr 19Liked by Joshua Hoffman

This unprecedented Pesach has an even deeper concern & significance in the aftermath of October 7th, 2024. Coinciding with a sprinkling of articles speaking of this, I'd like to recommend a Haggadah supplement to use partially or wholly at whichever Seder you conduct are are a participant of. I wanted to post a photo from Amazon, but in addition to being technically-challenged, I see no way to share a picture. The essential Haggadah supplement is available at least on Amazon, & you can likely get it by Sunday if you order it immediately. It's called "SEDER INTERRUPTED: A POST-OCTOBER 7th HAGGADAH SUPPLEMENT." Am Ahad, Jeannette

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What are the independent calculations that Qatar and Egypt have in deciding to not put more pressure on Hamas?

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Qatar is a jihadist regime that aligns with Hamas and not Israel, whereas Egypt might be concerned about getting on Hamas’ “bad side” and Hamas’ ability to commit terrorism in Egypt and/or rile up the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt which the Egyptian government is against. And I am sure there are many other calculations!

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