As always, thank you for providing such detail about this dangerous group. The Muslim Brotherhood and Qatar are Satan's children. They are a cancer that is spreading and the West is on standby waiting for its destruction. There is no alternative for Israel but to continue to show strength and demolish them in Gaza and in the north with Hezbollah. Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to see the Arabs shamed one more time.

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Excellent article!

There's always more in plumbing the depths of the Muslim Brotherhood:

1. " outbreak of World War II ended the relationship between Germany and the Muslim Brotherhood" Actually Haj Amin al-Husseini and his entourage took refuge in Berlin at the start of the war, developed a friendship with Himmler (plenty of photographs of them), raised an SS division of Yugoslavian Muslims, received assurances during Rommel's North African campaign that members of "Eichmann's department" would be sent to deal with the Jews in Palestine. Lots of details in "Rommel's Desert War" by Martin Kitchen.

2. Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood served as spies for the German Afrika Corps

3. Hassan al-Banna wrote extensively after the war about his admiration for Nazi Germany and regret it had lost the war. His grandson, Tarik Ramadan claims those writings are "out of context". Ramadan has tried to impose a moratorium on the debate how Muslims should go about executing gays.

4. Sayyed el-Quttub left Muslim Brotherhood to found Islamic Jihad, a more secretive organization with the same goals. After his execution by the Nasser regime, one of his disciples got refuge in Saudi Arabia and taught at the University of Medina. One of his direct students was Osama bin Laden.

The unbroken thread continues.

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Most Westerners do support Israel, it's only a very loud and very present minority that picks the other side: the talian public voted massively for Eden Golan .

Unfortunately, the death-cult of Hamas is succesful in influencing the public opinion.

It is not surprising that the estimated 100 civilian victims for liberating 4 hostages shocks the public, wrongly assuming the Hamas 'authority' is interested in protecting their own people while their actual game is to produce martyrs.

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Thank you for the historical explanation!. Very interesting!

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100% agree. Although it is nuanced by the Iranian Shia proxy intervention, yes, since the late 1920's the MB has campaigned violently against ANY Jewish presence in the Levant.

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Thank you, once again a very clear message. Hope it reaches many people!

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"Islam is a religion of peace" - peace, that is on its own terms, which is complete domination of all other ideologies and faiths.

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They create a wasteland, and call it peace. Tacitus

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It’s a religion based on the Stone Age. Islam has no place in a civil society!

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A religion of piece.....bits and pieces, that is.

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The worst part is how many Americans have blindly taken part. The sorriest actors are in Washington.

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