Wikipedia is useful when looking for a quick bit of info about any non-controversial issue. You can trust Wikipedia as long as the topic has nothing to do with ongoing battles in the culture wars. But for anything that has to do with any important issue that you care about, Wikipedia is worse than useless. Everything factual is rewritten as needed when it no longer supports the narrative. And, best of all, when people who are smeared attempt to correct the lies and distortions on their own bio pages, they are typically blocked and informed that they lack the qualifications to make the changes!

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Outrageous! These people live on a constant diet of lies and misinformation!!!

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When my kids were in HS their teachers warned against using Wikipedia as a reference. Why? Anyone can write a Wiki page. One need not have any knowledge on the matter they write about.

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Feb 2Liked by Joshua Hoffman

I have noticed deterioration in many Wikipedia English entries that demonstrate various biases and lack documentation for assertions and opinions being offered as facts. Any Wiki article that lacks footnotes with real links to references should be flagged as potentially misleading and incorrect.

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Feb 2Liked by Joshua Hoffman

My students were always told when doing research that Wikipedia was not a reputable source, but I never imagined how twisted it could be with global distortions from country to country. What you described with the Palestinian/Israeli situation was lie after lie after lie, incredible. The scary part is that uninformed people read it and believe it.

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Feb 2Liked by Joshua Hoffman

On every subject wiki has gone over to the dark side. Sadly Google has lots of deals with them so when you do searches wiki is the first option. I stopped using it long ago I less I want to check to see if someone's Jewish. That they always cite.

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This sort of thing makes me see red. The jihadists are always saying one thing in English and another thing entirely in Arabic. That alone should wake people up to the reality of their actions and ambitions. Having said that, the disparity here is mostly due to the fact that the platform is primarily geared to English speakers (obviously we almost never look at the Arabic page, and if we do, we don't know what we're looking at). I believe it remains an important resource; if it wasn't, I don't know why this article would have been written.

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Thinking people avoid Wikipedia completely, we know that it is a globalist propaganda mouthpiece and only communist viewpoints are approved.

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RemovedFeb 2Liked by Joshua Hoffman
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Some things never change.

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