Dec 17, 2023Liked by Joshua Hoffman

What was the original source for this story about the photographer?

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Hebrew media, Ynet!

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Can you include attribution for these stories, even if it is a non-English source?

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Joshua Hoffman

The UN should have imploded years ago. Hundreds of resolutions against Israel while other Middle Eastern countries have committed heinous crimes against their own. UNRWA refugee status and schools are banked by the EU, "government donors," etc. The UN came up with its own working definition for "registered Palestinian refugees." UNRWA only continued to exist because of the US's concern of its relations with the Arab world. Many of the so called refugees had existed on paper and it goes on and on. It is a truly sordid story. You have done an excellent job as usual of breaking it down with explicit examples. A very sad lesson for Batya to have learned.

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Here, here!

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Thank you, Jenny!

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Joshua Hoffman

The story of the "romance" between Mahmoud and Batya is deeply disturbing on so many levels. It goes directly to the heart of the matter and drives a stake right through it. The most generous, noble and idealistic Israelis were determined to prove to their skeptical friends and neighbors that peace is possible between Israelis and Palestinians, and that love can build bridges that will overcome hostility and distrust. This dream was murdered on October 7th along with all those who had dedicated years of their lives to proving it was more than a dream. What a bitter and cruel ending to a passionate effort to establish peace and brotherhood...

May the Lord avenge their blood.

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And yet Biden is still insisting just today through his the Middle East ‘expert’-Jake Sullivan, that a two-state solution is the only way to go. He knows it’s not feasible! I would bet good money he knows. Why do we have to keep up this futile pretense. It’s as bad as the war on drugs. Why can’t we just admit it’s a useless goal, we all failed after trying really hard, and move on to the business of grownups using their intellect and imagination to create actual, workable solutions. I just don’t get it.

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Joshua Hoffman

My take on this, and on other similar pipe-dreams, is that someone always benefits by keeping up the futile pretense. Yes, they do know that it's not feasible. But it's useful to pretend otherwise. There are people who are in key positions that would have to fold their cards and go home if they stopped pretending that we are slowly but surely moving toward peaceful coexistence and a two-state solution. They are not blind and stupid; they're just greedy and unscrupulous.

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Very well said. I know but it’s part of what makes me feel hopeless, you know? But that’s what Joshua’s been writing about and I suppose it’s what upsets our less informed readers who think they’re dropping‘knowledge’ on us here. Ridiculous bs.

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Joshua Hoffman

U N R W A United Nations Rocket Warehousing Agency

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Dirty, dirty bastards.

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This makes me feel so hopeless, but I’ll get over it because we’re not going anywhere. All around is propaganda bs, gaslighting, and rewriting reality. And everyone who should know this, from the UN to the U.S., knows this, as do we. The fact is that it’s all true and f’n dirty from top to bottom and it’s plain as day if people just stfu and open their eyes. Truth hurts and it turns their victimization narrative on its head, and forces people to grapple with some serious cognitive dissonance. We’re strong today, Jews can defend themselves and everyone’s just gonna have to deal with it or I don’t really care what. But Israel ain’t finished. This war’s not over. We’re cleaning house. Great article Joshua. We all know you’re reporting it as it is. Keep writing.

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This is incredibly dishonest journalism… It’s amazing how this story actively attempts to characterize a whole ethnic group on account of a negative experience between two people… not to mention that it’s written by a person who’s ancestors were nearly wiped out for the exact same reason. I seriously hope your pandering and your contribution to the genocide of the people, which you are helping to perpetuate, was worth it.

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It’s a true story of deceit.

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Joshua Hoffman

Reality extends far beyond the two who served as exemplars.

Point one lie to support your false allegation.

You can't, you knew the article was true and that's exactly what triggered you.

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Joshua Hoffman

It’s so easy to throw words out like “genocide”. Why is it that no other country in the region is willing to take in the Palestinians? Why is it that Jews are not allowed to live in any Arab country? Why is it that over 2 million Arabs live successfully in Israel and hold positions in every level of business and government? I’m tired of hearing the sob story of the plight of the Palestinians. Stop digging tunnels; stop firing missiles; stop hiding your weaponry behind women and children.

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You’re right. You are so absolutely correct. But Antisemites just relish sliding into even OUR spaces where we come together for support and to stay updated, especially those with no stakes, no dog in this fight, on either side. And because they’re antisemites, and are thus averse to history, facts, reality, bloody video evidence-I could keep going- all the truth in the world doesn’t matter. All the proof and clarity make no difference. Just confuses them more.

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They are Jew Haters.

All anti semite does is give them an excuse to demonstrate their aversion to dictionaries and blather ignorantly about how Fakestinians are also Semitic, which has no bearing on Anti Semitic, which was coined specifically as a polite way of saying Jew Hater in the early days of Zionism.

Jew Hater is more succinct.

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Joshua Hoffman

And you have been duped and hoodwinked into believing your right but historical and archaeological fact prove without doubt that Jews have been on Israeli land for 5000 years and do you never wonder why all the so called palastinians wave Jordanian flags,,,, duhhhhhh its because they know they are Jordanians from the overspill when the Kingdom of Jordan was created but of course with your supposed intelligence and credentials you know this right .... Yeah you are truly duped and deceived and you thought it was just about getting a degree lol what a twit....

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Percentages matter. When 75% of them support Hamas and what they did, that’s enough for us in Israel (where I live, not you) to worry and act accordingly.

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Damn straight.

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Wow ! Takes my breath away! I believe

You are 100% right!

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Joshua Hoffman

The West, especially the US, should withhold all funding for UNRWA, as leverage, for the foreseeable future.

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Joshua Hoffman

Great minds think alike. Too bad government doesn’t

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