A shameless, lying people. Eternal victims with nothing to show for except hatred, violence, misery, making their raison d’être thé destruction of other peoples & religions.

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Another myth: The Palestinians want a two state solution. They say they want their own state, but they also want the so-called right of return to Israel. Sort of like having their cake and eating it too. That would essentially turn Israel into an Arab majority state that would soon be another Muslim country and probably merge with whatever "Palestinian" state was created.

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Excellent article with an accurate account of how the world has embraced terrorism. The question is, Can the tide be turned or are prayers the only thing left for Israel and the Jewish people?

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It will take a major "makeover" of Western educational systems to reverse the prevailing woke dogma that indoctrinates our youth. Anti-Semitism and the false Palestinian narratives are only a part of this dogma. So is the belief that all whites are oppressors, Western history and culture must be cancelled, capitalism is bad and transgenderism should be encouraged in children. This reversal must build at the grassroots level with parents refusing to send their youngsters to schools that preach "woke". Conservatives must finally engage in the activism that leftists have traditionally excelled in.

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Excelllent article, but what does Israel do to seize the initiative?

"Israel’s far-right finance minister, Bezalel Smotrich, announced the seizure of 10 square kilometers (3.8 square miles) of Palestinian territory in the West Bank on Friday."(source: Washington Post)

Such initiatives at this very moment are not very helpful when you want to regain control of the narratives. I wish some people in Israel had read your article "There are better options than a 2-state solution", mr. Kaplan.

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Just wanted to correct the statement that "Israel is the only country in the world built partly on purchased land." The US made several purchases (Louisiana Purchase, Florida Purchase, and Alaska Purchase) as did a handful of other countries.

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Israel is the occupier. The problem is you now have several generations whom have gone back to understand the complete history of Palestine & passed it down. An occupied people have a right to resist. I fear for my Jewish friends now that Israel has demolished 70% of the Palestinians land, culture and even hospitals. Purposefully destroyed ancient documents & artifacts. Now starving them culminates in a clearly seen ethnic cleansing & genocide.

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Excellent. Very well done and informative

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please correct this. I think it should be ethnically rather than ethically.

Otherwise, excellent article

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Good catch. Thank you.

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sorry, here is the part in the article: ...there are no Jews in Palestinian territories because they were ethically cleansed.

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