Diamonds are created under pressure. The rest are just rocks and dirt. I bet on ✡️ diamonds, Ehud. And the Uber-Zionist is growing as well! Nature tends to instill balance.

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"And the Uber-Zionist is growing as well!" That should have been in the final paragraph that I didn't write. Thanks for this comment, Louis.

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Love you friend.

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Love you too!

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Then we shall grow too. Israel's strength is Israel has had to stay on her feet, be alert and aware.

Too much success has made many Americans fat, lazy, and out of touch with reality.

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Agreed. And the same can be said for the West in general.

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Anti Semitism is the world’s oldest social disease which knows no boundaries but for which the strongest defense is a proud commitment to Israel and Jewish continuity

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The Jews have to protect the Jews. And we need to be organized. If Israel does it, why shouldn’t we? The places where the Jews have the most problems in the most”advanced” nations tend to be the Left leaning areas, because that’s where most of this current batch of pus is festering. The people doing these things need to be persuaded to stop. I think when Trump takes office there will be heads rolling and universities paying a heavy price. As for the rest, different methods can be deployed. The organizations funding this stuff and organizing it need to be legally destroyed for human rights violations and support of terrorism. Maybe the Europeans lack the spine to do it, but it will happen here. And then for whatever else may remain we may need to consider other avenues.

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Excellent work. I will stand in the way with everything I have.

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Even the Pope, is antisemite !!!!.....

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I know! What gives with that?

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Usurped Judah’s blessing of Gen 49, that’s what. Judah was to be the Lawgiver for the nations, not Rome.

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I invite all these pussies in keffiyeh dress up to try me.

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“His keffiyeh is in lieu of peacock feathers, and his strut is a mating strut.”

Holy moly I’ve been trying to describe this phenomenon for so long! Yes. It’s a loophole they have discovered inside an otherwise state of suppression and repression of masculinity on the left.

In those circles some men “get to” be macho bc they are “so oppressed” and if you are a helper to them then, even if you’re not oppressed, you also get a pass.

It’s a very strange and interesting social dynamic…

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Nothing like an astute reader clarifying a writer's fuzzy idea. Thanks Shulamis.

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Nothing like a writer to articule a thought! :)

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Dec 22Edited

Ehud, The Anti-Semites lost years ago. Nazism is the die-hard's stab from the grave, at us. Look around. The world is multi-racial and powerful. The Nazis lost. They killed more white folks than the Jews ever did: 50 Million of the best, dead at the hands of Hitler, in WWII. (Nazism was never about 'Whites' anyway: It was all about enabling sadistic psychopaths. That is why the Nazis did not care about how many white people died in the War) You write: 'He is testing the limits of his reach and finds that those limits are far and beyond what could have been expected. He can almost taste the taste of final victory.' Don't be such a loser, matey. The Nazi Anti-Semite has already lost.

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The Nazis lost in Germany and Europe, but not in the Middle East. Haj Amin Al- Husseini brought Nazism to the Muslim brotherhood and influenced their ideology, which is now evident in Hamas. The radio show “the voice of Berlin” was aired by the Nazis in Arabic throughout the middle east in the 1940s influencing Arab nationalism.

Their ideas remain. I see them being revived here in Canada.

The Jews who think they will be spared by donning a keffiyeh need only look at the Bolshevik Jews of 1920s Russia who joined the Yevsektsiya. They worked zealously for a decade successfully destroying Jewish culture, learning and institutions only to be killed themselves during the Stalinist purges of the 1930s. They were still too Jewish.

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We have monitored Hamas in Alliance with The Re-Formed Nazi Party here in London. That is what losers they both are. Nazism is The Terrorists' Ideology: Hatred, The Dark-side, and finally Mass-murder. Just pointing out the facts turns right-thinking people off. The Neo-Nazis suckered Hamas. And The Arabs are turning towards Western Merchant Capitalism, not Nazism now. Look at the merchant-success of the Gulf States.

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Thanks for your comments Dan. I suppose I can agree with you about Nazi Antisemites. But we were not talking about them.

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“The Nazi Anti-Semite has already lost.”

As a Bible-believing Christian Zionist, I would say that your statement is both true, and false. While unpleasant, to say the least, let’s deal with what I submit is the ‘false’ aspect first.

As a caveat, my perspective is derived from application of what is formally known as the ‘Literal-Grammatical- Historical Hermeneutic’ (LGH); one of a number of methods used in Biblical Interpretation. And, while my proposition can be supported solely from the Tanakh (using that hermeneutic), it is further buttressed and made more clear by the Brit Hadasha.

Having said all that, the point is that, from that perspective, anti-Semitism/anti-Zionism are very much alive today, and will extend somewhat into the future. While every effort should be made to expose its falsehoods and deceptions, it will grow stronger and even more widespread, with peak eruptions followed by periods of relative calm, and a false ‘peace’ followed by ‘the time of Jacob’s trouble’; the worst experience of Jewish persecution the world will ever witness.

Jeremiah 30:1-7

1 The word which came to Jeremiah from the LORD: 2 Thus said the LORD, the God of Israel: Write down in a scroll all the words that I have spoken to you. 3 For days are coming—declares the LORD—when I will restore the fortunes of My people Israel and Judah, said the LORD; and I will bring them back to the land that I gave their fathers, and they shall possess it.

4 And these are the words that the LORD spoke concerning Israel and Judah:

5 Thus said the LORD: We have heard cries of panic, terror without relief. 6 Ask and see: surely males do not bear young! Why then do I see every man with his hands on his loins like a woman in labor? Why have all faces turned pale?

7 Ah, that day is awesome; there is none like it! It is a time of trouble for Jacob, but he shall be delivered from it.

I am well aware of the fact that some would maintain that the Holocaust fulfilled that prophecy, but simply reading it in context exposed the flaws in that argument.

Assuming my interpretation is correct, the fact that something even worse than the Holocaust could yet occur is a terrible condemnation upon our world; upon mankind in general. But note that Jacob (Israel/the Chosen People) ‘shall be delivered from it.’

For those who believe the Bible is, in truth, the Word of G-d, such a statement effectively amounts to ‘history written in advance’. And, on that basis, it is true to state that ‘The Nazi Anti-Semite has already lost.’

I could elaborate much further, but the response is already long, so I’ll let it rest here.

May the Lord continue to bless, protect, and save His people, Israel. May He give wisdom and courage to her leaders; protection, wisdom, courage, strength, and victory in battle to her warriors, and may He manifest and magnify Himself in the eyes of His people, as He vindicates the truth of His Word, and fulfills His promises - in entirety - before the entire world.

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Dec 23Edited

What the Anti-Zionists are Really about: Anti-Zionism in the Far-Right is a bridgehead for Paganism from what is known here in Europe as 'Nazi Cultism'. This is a very small but current Group of Nazis who reject Christianity as a 'Religion of Slaves' (The Nietzschean position about Christianity), and who take this new anti-Zionist Anti-Semitism as the starting point for the reappointment of the Norse Religion of Thor and Wotan. They have been monitored here in London extensively, right down to testing this religion in 2013 when the Nazis gathered for a testing of signs in July of that year, for the Divine Right To Kill. They were soundly beaten.

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Dec 23Edited

I do find Religion (and your Bible-literalism) strange. But I welcome your support and analysis. The problem with Prediction in human affairs is that the Literalists then test out 'Prophesy' by killing Jews. What you are saying is that Christian Anti-Zionism is only HALF of the prophesy. Now that I will accept! Because the Jews of Israel are not going to be murdered by Anti-Zionists claiming to be G-d's work. 'Assuming my interpretation is correct' you claim. LGHH. So I contest: Also, How is it G-d's work to also kill off 50 Million Whites by Hitler? That is a LOT of co-lateral damage, Mike.

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Dan, I have been reading your comments and thinking: "Interesting, but off base." Then you write: "The problem with Prediction in human affairs is that the Literalists then test out 'Prophesy' by killing Jews." and I think: "There are many ways to the truth."

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Dec 23Edited

What I warn about is vicious Anti-Semitic Nazis in very high places using Holy texts as a pretext for Mass-Murder. This is the problem,and why I de-bunk religion. I am happy to hear Christian Zionism, and the support The Jewish People is very genuine to be sure, (and welcome too!). But the anti-Zionist flip side is what I also listen to..... The Neo-Nazi Cultists. And they need strict argument to de-bunk. We did this in London very successfully, in 2013 and every year since.

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Thanks for your respectful response Dan; I can certainly understand that you find Religion - and my Bible literalism - strange.

First off, I believe that, like anything and everything else, ‘Religion’ can be corrupted, distorted, twisted, and perverted. I believe it has suffered greatly in such ways, resulting in great harms being perpetrated against mankind. In general, I am not ‘Religious’, at least in terms of being an adherent of any particular ‘Religious System’.

As for ‘my Bible literalism’, please understand that what that simply means is that I take the Bible literally when it presents itself as such, and I take it metaphorically or symbolically where it uses such elements of language.

The LGHH Hermeneutic basically assumes that G-d, as the Creator of all things, including humans with the capacity for communication and understanding via language, is perfectly capable of using language intelligently; of saying what He means to say, in ways that He expects to be understood. It recognizes that language employs many different elements, and determining which is being used at any point can only be accurately done by examining the words used in the context presented. Furthermore, it places great emphasis on the meaning(s) that the languages of the Bible had within the cultures and times in which they were used. In other words, it asks, ‘what did it mean to them at that time and place’, and then examines how that relates to us in our time, etc.

Secondly, I deplore and abhor anyone, of any Religion, who believes that humiliating, subjugating, tormenting, or killing ‘the Jews’ is somehow ‘pleasing G-d’. But it is especially abhorrent, despicable, and tragic to me, when it is done by someone who professes to be a follower of Jesus (Yeshua). By the way, some such persons may in fact be true followers of Yeshua, but they have been influenced by erroneous teachings that first arose within Christendom in the second Century, when the authoritative teachings of Jewish believers was drowned out by erudite, and very religious, Gentiles. In simple terms, the hermeneutic, or interpretive ‘lense’, through which one interacts with the Biblical text, determines what one sees. And one can only hope to correctly understand, what one clearly sees.

I have been contending against Christian anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism for many years, and those interactions are only increasing in frequency and intensity these days. Like many Jewish brothers and sisters, I am growing more and more frustrated and struggle against discouragement and anger. But I cannot, and will not, quit speaking into this great evil that is sweeping the world - even if, in human terms, it amounts to shoveling sand against the tide at the waters edge.

As for your final question, I don’t believe it was ‘G-d’s work’ at all. I believe it was that if the arch-enemy of mankind, the fallen angel, Lucifer, aka, Satan. And, for what it’s worth, he is the mastermind behind the ongoing nightmare of anti-Semitism. And he will not stop until he is finally defeated - by the One we Christians see as the Jewish Messiah, and the Savior of the entire world, Yeshua.

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Dec 23Edited

Reading you and your texts is a real pleasure. Much respect and thankyou! Best Wishes, Mike. Dan

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The Nazi Anti-Semite, yes. But Ehud is talking about the NEW ones, clothed in Islamic Jihad rhetoric, and they are larger and more wide-spread now. The level of attacks on Jews in America is over 600 percent increase since the massacre. In Europe, even worse. No, the antisemites have not lost, they have simply regrouped and rebranded.

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This may be the case in Europe. In the United States the Jew haters are a noisy but small minority. Our supporters are numerous and our greatest allies are Evangelical Christians.

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No greater mistake than for Diaspora Jews to believe they stand alone. In the words of incoming US Senate Majority Leader John Thune:

"To our allies in Israel," Thune said, "and to the Jewish people around the world, my message to you is this: Reinforcements are on the way."


There are 10+ million members of Christians United for Israel: cufi.org

Harvard-Harris monthly polls regularly report massive support for Israel, even though the small numbers of detractors make more noise: p16 43% approval for Israel, p33 46% support ending Gaza war by complete surrender of Hamas and return of the hostages


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The tentifadans definitely get invited to parties, it’s just that the parties are with other cretins just like them.

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"The Jews of the Diaspora . . . . normally prevail in arguments they initiate, or that are forced upon them."

And here in lies the problem. Jews fail to realize they are not dealing with argument: they are dealing with hatred and is based on belief and feral emotion. Thus it is impervious to logic, reason, and evidence.

Those of us who have confront hatred over and over again quickly realize, trying to be rational is an exercise in futility. Those calling for rape, murder, butchery, and genocide veer from sociopathy to psychopathy. What is needed is an entirely different coping tactics. Psychiatry has developed strategies to treat these disorders. Using PR and advertising techniques these strategies should be applied in the public domain — the market place, campuses, the street, academia, the media and halls of power — to neutralize the social and psychological toxins of these haters.

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Jewish kids ...some....are drawn to movements that accept them....so the Vietnam War era...in which I was at university...good time to be a Jew on campus....not much talk about Israel....Just end the War....War is over if you want it.....NOT PeRManETNT ceasefire NOW!....forget about Oct. 6....river to sea...one example after Oct. 7 was the trans kid who is helping to sell bread at the local farmer's market....festooned with buttons and the de rigeur keffiyah....I tried to to converse with "them" "And I'm Jewish, too!" OY. So do Jews have a right to self determination....? "Yes." that's as far as I got with them before I was dismissed....They had work to do at the bread stand. I won't buy from them. too effing annoying and maddening...I find a lot of support FOR ISRAEL from the cis gendered farmers...

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Get down to the range and practice, practice, practice. No matter how skilled one may be in rhetoric, one wins a war through words alone.

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That should be "no one"

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heck no.... I know "we" got allies some (some....) of whom might stand up on our behalf but mostly--as always--it's "us"... alone. Nobuddy (not even DJT) is gonna save da joos but da joos. A leetle help from "our friends" vood be nize... but we cannot count on it.

Let's hope / pray / cheer on Israel's survival cuz with AI & frickin' insane "slaughterbot drones" (omg) there ain't really no attic fer us. For all the right & wrong reasons we need Israel--32 nations durin' WWII at Evian said nah, we'll let the chews cry/die/fry in the camps--an' they did. Thus "just in case" (tho' this new yawker duz not really wanna live in the middle east... I hate sand ha ha!--push comes ta shove with a US Caliphate, this infidel & fam are outta here)

I would hope the deluded an' arguably delooted "pro-ham-messians" of the (such a shonda!) Jewish stew-dents on cam-pusses (I've lost all respect fer universe-itties) will wake up 'fore their keffiyeh-from-chynnnna wearin' "compatriots" summarily dump 'em an' the only holes in their heads won't be their multiple piercin's (oy not a good look...)

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I totally get what you're saying BUT . . . any number of things may happen. For one, the real fight for radical Islamists is to conquer the west, and once they show their cards (another 9/11), this country will come together against them. I would hope. As for Europe, they've had some more recent attacks and still nothing. I despise Trump but absolutely support the no-Muslim immigration policy. Maybe that will help. Or, when a bunch of Gen-Zers don't graduate and start to wonder what happened maybe they'll do an about-face.

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