I’m a gay man in Canada. How we have rolled over completely to the looming threat of Islam makes me extremely angry. Biggest threat to everyone’s freedom, including gay men.

We should not be allowing anyone into our country who does not share our values. We should be trying to preserve our values. They are fragile.

That alone would make me support Israel. Israel shares my values much more than any other country in the Middle East.

Of course, Israel also has a more legitimate claim to the land in the first place, has been the victim of being attacked several times, and has had absolutely baseless accusations of “genocide” hurled at it by people who should know better.

But even if it was somehow more ambiguous than that, gays should still support the country that wouldn’t kill them, upholds democracy, and has a good track record for human rights.

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Perhaps you want to write a guest essay for us about your experiences and viewpoints on this topic. I think our audience would appreciate that dearly. If you're interested, please send me a private message here on Substack. If not, all good!

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DJ I feel you brother. Why would any woman defend the gender apartheid that exists in that territory? I think we’ve all lost our collective minds.

Women and gay people have no rights in whatever they call that miserable place. Israel should get all our support. No, I’m not Jewish. And it doesn’t matter. We’re human beings first anyway.

The IDF tries very hard to spare civilians. But it’s war…

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DJ you need to start with the PM.

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Brilliant article. Thank you. Europe, Australia and the US are not far behind Canada.

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In your article you can replace "Canada" with "US", "Britain", "France" and such, you get the same. It feels to me like the only halfway sane countries in the Western hemisphere are in central / eastern Europe. Maybe Israel should seek closer bonds to them.

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As a Canadian, I am sorry to say that this once great country has descended into the darkness of political expediency based upon demographic appeasement and has completely list its moral compass. We are well on the way to becoming a nation of dhimmis but the 'enlightened' population hasn't yet figured it out. We are just slightly behind Europe.

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Chilling that we are allowing a Muslim invasion and takeover. Voting does not work…it will be fighting.

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Fuckin’ Justin.

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Pathetic. Just pathetic. Canada has become a fake country, thanks almost entirely to the left.

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At the top of the list of causes is unvetted immigration from cultures that detest Western values. An immigrant with decent values and wearing a loin cloth is a better fit for Canadian society than a Muslim fanatic in jeans.

Guess which is more likely to get a Canadian visa?

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"It would take a book no one wants to publish and few want to read to get a grasp of what has gone wrong.". I took fifteen years to write exactly that book. It's on Amazon, "Messina's Federal Budget.". Am Israel Chai

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Brilliant article thanks

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You forgot to include this other outrageous way of trying to cut off support for Israel, trying to cut the nonprofit status of the JNF! I want to say it's "unbelievable" - but it's not- they have done this.....

Canada Revokes JNF's Tax-exempt Status Amid Complaints About Its West Bank Activities


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I agree with you. I fear Canada is lost! Great Britain is going the same way. This Labour Government is locking people up for daring to have an opinion that is different from theirs

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Isn't that the truth; And this from a Prime Minister who says he celebrates shabbat with his Jewish wife! Imagine a President Kamala Harris with her "Jewish" husband who does not even do that, I would wager. Cry the once beloved West.

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You have inspired me to pray. May the mullahs’ tamper fail their pile spontaneously reach critical mass and the nature of their failure take its course in its place speedily and in our time. In the future I see Iran in the Teller light. Amen

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Thank you! Spot on in reflecting the “Grrrrrrrr…” i’m feeling

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I have an idea. Muslims who want to immigrate to Canada, Britain, US, etc must first draw a cartoon mocking Muhammad. That should thin the herd.

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Shameful. I live in Vancouver and had no idea this had happened, much less the reason why.

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