Nov 26, 2023Liked by Joshua Hoffman

The United States, especially under Obama, wants to undermine and ultimately destroy Israel. Moving two aircraft carriers is not to protect Israel-it is to protect US bases in the Middle East, which are now being regularly attacked. You deliberately fail to mention the billions of dollars the US is presently giving Iran, or for that matter the failure to impose sanctions on Iranian oil. You seem to have forgotten the lack of support for the uprising in Iran by Obama. You don’t notice the failure to impose sanctions on Iran for their development of nuclear weapons. Bibi addressed a legislative body in the US which contained some pro-Israeli members and ignored a president who is anti-Israel. He got some publicity. You want Bibi to do a full Ben-Gurion with Obama? Then have the guts to say it !

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Nov 26, 2023·edited Nov 26, 2023Author

Hi Carl, I agree that the Obama-led deal with Iran was a bad deal. And at the time I didn’t think too poorly of Bibi’s decision to speak in front of Congress to try to prevent the deal. Retroactively, though, this was one in a series of bad decisions that have made Bibi a counter-effective leader for Israel. With that said, I don’t believe in polarity, meaning I’m not recommending that we or Israel should do the exact opposite of Bibi. I just tried to point out in this essay the series of mistakes by Bibi that led us to this point.

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Nov 26, 2023Liked by Joshua Hoffman

Great response

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Nov 26, 2023Liked by Joshua Hoffman

During the 2014 Gaza War, after Israel had mobilized and was ready to do some serious damage, Obama/Kerry put the brakes on. Obama had the FAA block all US flights into Ben-Gurion because it was "too dangerous," and he delayed the resupply of ammunition. Israel finds itself in the same situation today where the resupply of ammunition (that Israel is contractually prohibited from producing on its own) depends on staying on America's good side. Biden is apparently "very pleased" with the cease-fire arrangements that his brilliant diplomacy has achieved, and Bibi has little choice but to put a brave face on it. Hopefully this experience will convince Israel that it needs to build its own bombs and missiles if it wants to have them available and be free to use them when needed.

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Well said Sam!

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Always full of incite, your commentary also educates Americans on the intricacies and nuances of Israeli politics and history. I do not, however, think it’s fair to say the US goaded Putin into invading Ukraine as a result of an attempted expansion of NATO. That gives Putin a big pass on the real reason he invaded; he thinks he’s a tsar, has imperial ambition, needs Ukraine to help fulfill that ambition and wants to prove his is bigger than Biden’s. Putin had designs on Ukraine long before Biden became POTUS and an expansion of NATO was considered and, in fact, that invasion facilitated a rapid expansion of NATO. Putin wouldn’t have had to invade Ukraine if Trump had been president. Trump would have handed it to him on a silver platter.

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Trump would have forced NATO to either disband or to pay its agreed upon share of supporting NATO. If Europe is not serious about supporting NATO then it is not necessary.

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Nov 26, 2023Liked by Joshua Hoffman

Israel has become woke like the US. Plus, Bibi’s willingness to turn Its citizens into lab rats for the pharma cartel has, perhaps, damaged her beyond repair (yet, we pray is not the end of our beloved homeland).

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מבגין לבגין לא יקום עוד בגין.

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Nov 28, 2023Liked by Joshua Hoffman

Well narrated. Whilst agreeing with Bibi's gross political mistakes. Truly, so sad is the failure to have negotiated for higher stakes in hostages' release.

The IDF Ahad garnered much ground in Gaza leading to over sweep the enemy. The Arab saw this coming-the utter defeat of Hamas. Frantically, made the hostage release strategy to quench off the burning fires in their compounds.

However, radicalism has to be upheld just like the Spirit of the 1948 Founding Galant Patriots.

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An excellent piece.

And a great start and by quoting Menachem Begin! I agree with youe conclusion wholeheartedly as well that Bibi is absolutely unworthy of claiming Begin's mantle.

I recently shared what I would (or will?) do as the person in charge of representing my people and I specifically look toward Menachem Begin as my guiding star.


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Nov 26, 2023·edited Nov 26, 2023Liked by Joshua Hoffman

It is, and has been known that Obama was never a friend of Israel, and when he didn't extend an invitation to Bibi, the US Congress extended it. Obama looked bad and should have looked bad. I would also say whoever was in office in Israel during this horrendous time would have had to shoulder the blame for it, along with Israeli Intelligence. I am certainly not a Middle East expert but maybe Bibi wants leverage with the US government when the enemies surrounding Israel decide to take action. That's when he would need it the most. The US has made numerous mistakes with Iran, treating them as if they're an ally, making deals, freeing up billions of dollars. Many in the US believe this is Obama, the puppeteer pulling the strings. Right now there is too much money being fed to our universities, news media, and "protest" groups to spout a hateful and violent narrative and it is spreading. I've agreed with you in your last writing that this hostage deal was absurd and I believe showed weakness. The Israeli government did this before with Shalit and those thousands of prisoners released may have been there on October 7th, at the very least their grown children were. There's a very dangerous dance being played right now with my governement and if they continue, it will not end well.

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Agreed that Obama’s foreign policies in the Middle East were not great at all!

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That’s an understatement

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Nov 26, 2023Liked by Joshua Hoffman

Incisive. Brilliant.

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Bibi is definitely not the only Prime Minister to be indicted, come on.

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As a sitting prime minister, he is.

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Mixed thoughts and feelings about this article. Mainly because it doubts the integrity of Netanyahu. I see a parallel in this with the way Israel is judged by anti-IL-people.

With the knowledge of now, Netanyahu might have chosen differently in more then one of the many huge dilemmas. Still his decisions must be based on his love and concern for the Life of the Land and the people of Israel.

Though also this might be doubted, still never blame eachother. It’s Iran, Hamas and all vicious enemies to be accused for the unforgivable terrors committed against Israel.

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