These pro-Palestinian (in reality pro-Hamas) protests happening all over the world may be disheartening, but they, and the actions of their participants, can hardly be surprising. What, of a positive nature, have they ever had to offer to the world? Leftist ideology has been a spectacular failure wherever it's been tried. "Woke progressivism" is travelling so far up its own a..s as to be nothing but the object of rightful derision. Give them time and they'll all start fighting among themselves anyway.
Those of us with any real attachment to the values of true democracy will always have Israel from which to draw inspiration. It behoves us all then to do all in our power to support and protect Israel from the genocidal intent and actions of Islamism. So, what if Biden, Sunak and their ilk chose other paths. Let them, for those paths lead only to states modelled on the Islamic Republic of Iran. Let them have that if that's what they want. They'll have to deal with that means for their countries. Meanwhile, Israel will continue to be what it has always been, a shining light in a very dark world.
By the way, I am Irish and not a Jew. I have given up trying to counter the pro-Palestinian/pro-Hamas stance of my country. They are not going to change until it is too late and, by then, it truly will be too late. Remember, as regards anti-Semitism, they don't like it when the Jews fight back and stand up for themselves.
The mainstream Jewish community was dead wrong when it disavowed Meir Kahane's Jewish Defense League because it used all means, including violence when necessary, to protect Jews. If the JDL had been allowed to flourish intelligently, Columbia University's Islamo/Leftist orcs would not be getting away with all this and neither would any Western city that allows rampant anti-Semitism. I believed this back in the 1970s and I'm even more convinced of it now. Further, if Kahane's policies had been implemented in Israel, we would not be going to the US on bended knee for help. In fact we probably wouldn't need it, since we would have gotten whatever we needed from other countries wanting to hook up with a "winner" and developed/manufactured the rest ourselves. Between a policy like that and the mighty Mossad (who even the Mullahs are afraid of) Israel would have become the true Promised Land for Jews.
Well said Susan! I am astonished that Jews in the Diaspora are not fighting back. And where all the Jewish organizations that collectively fundraise billions of dollars?
In Montreal, our federation claims to be consulting constantly with local officials, police and of course, legal counsel. It had some success enforcing a provincial order that protestors must stay at least 50 meters away from Jewish community centers and synagogues. Apart from this, I see a lot of money going for "Bring Them Back" events, trips to Israel and so forth. I've been told that Montreal's Jewish orgs have donated some $26 million to Israel. I live in Montreal's largest Jewish community. TG I haven't seen any anti-Israel grafitti or anyone walking around in public wearing a keffiyeh or waving a Pally flag. Although there were several violent incidents against Jewish centers and synagogues here in Oct and Nov 2023, I've heard of nothing lately. I would still like to see the federation promote self-defense training to the community (and told them so) but heard nothing from them. I'm not surprised. This is a community that likes to keep its head in the sand when it comes to confronting violence against individuals. Too bad. I carry "dog spray" in my purse, just in case. If it was legal to carry a gun, I would.
Half a year ago, I could not have believed that I would be saying "I see your point," but now I am saying it. However, I am thinking of the theocracy that Israel would probably have become under Kahane's leadership. The truth is, not only do I have no answers, but I don't even know what questions to ask.
There are theocrasies and there are theocrasies. While I don’t think any “totalitarian” approach – be it a theocracy or a democracy- in-name-only should ever be considered, I think if Israel adopted some theocratic elements it would strengthen our national identity. To begin with, does Israel even have a set of legally-binding principles – like a Constitution - upon which to base its government and society?
If not, she needs one or she will be endlessly arguing over what Israel should “look like”.
I would like to see a Constitution that recognizes two things. One, that we must be guided by Torah law when it comes to public issues. And two, that we must recognize the free choice of individuals when it comes to private matters, conducted in private spaces.
Example: While Torah law would forbid public LGBTQ celebrations, the “free choice” part of the constitution would allow such celebrations on private premises, as long as the celebration doesn’t spill over into the streets or involve people under the age of majority.
Ditto for religious practice. The state should recognize traditional Judaism as the sole national religion in public spaces. Which means public holidays, etc. should be guided by this. But again, the “free choice” part of the constitution would allow the practice of any religion on private premises, as long as its practice doesn’t spill out onto the streets or involve proselytizing to Jews. An exception could be made for certain Bethlehem Xmas celebrations given the special relationship Xianity has with the Holy Land.
Hopefully you get the idea. Obviously a lot would have to be worked out but I believe we need to give Torah a primary place in Israeli life. Otherwise what is the point of having a Jewish state?
I had my viewpoints about Kahane that I held for decades based purely on hearsay. I claim that 'most' Jewish persons are deeply embedded in our own hearsay beliefs and will not do the most obvious shifts in mental attitudes and practical actions. I call the now only beginning period "The BIG Lesson". Within which are numerous lessons for individuals and organizations and our broadest 'community'. To get a bit of my own lesson... recently following a simple sentence I saw about Kahane... I decided to see if there was any footage of him speaking. I only needed to search on youtube. What I saw was that Kahane was exceptionally articulate, clear headed, honest, visionary, etc. I would encourage anyone who is attempting to get their own "BIG Lesson" to watch a few of Kahane's numerous talks and interviews. That is just a small, safe step in a good direction.
There is another option come November. Robert Kennedy Jr is a lifelong supporter of Israel. In the days following the October 7 attacks he stated clearly that Israel has a right to defend itself.
He's also the only candidate capable of steering us away from madness towards decency, sanity, and dignity.
Politics as a form of ATTENTION SEEKING BEHAVIOUR, and the misplaced and erroneous delusional beliefs about 'White Privilege': This form of Exhibitionism is well understood by Psychologists: Men of the Pen seeking the Kudos of Men of The Sword and Battle, and finding an easy audience amongst impressionable youngsters and students. We see the same here in the UK amongst intellectuals of The Far-Right as well, only in the Far-Right-wing analogue of this behaviour most of them are adamant deviants.
I feel my blood boiling in rage when I read this. These ignorant morons need to face reality. They will bring about the end of the world if they don’t wake up. I will always stand with Israel and the Jewish people. Everyone must confront them: FACE THEM DOWN.
Back in the 1930's Jewish gangsters in NYC would beat up nazis who were holding Bund rallies. This is the type of response we need today. American Jews have become very timid.
Based on Torah, Tanach, Talmud and practical experience informing those writings.... the potentially guaranteed way to resolve the global quagmire is for each and every Jewish person to first and foremost work daily in their own way towards/in Teshuvah. There is no end to teshuvah. But it requires a few baby steps on a daily basis from today. The 10 mitzvot campaign initiated by Rabbi M.M. Schneerson really understood our individuality and our collective nature. He knew too not to expect nor to ask for any individual to start with 10, nor 9, nor 8 .... but just one. Any one that a person felt they could try with the intention to sustain at least that 1 mitzvah for a prolonged period. Naturally, most people in time would want to try to sustain also 1 more. Expecting anything from a politician or an admin or from someone else.... is a false expectation. Notably as well for non-Jewish individuals the 7 Noahide Laws are recommended. Note also most universities in the USA are not at all 'antisemitic' hothouses. Most are not supportive of heinous groups from home or abroad. Build your own moral courage consistently daily via our Jewish 'normative' practices. Get physically fit. Stay away from the horrible 'mainstream' media. There are people just like you and me. As we progress they will be drawn to us and we to them. Most people only want basic securities and to have a good day in spite of one's own challenges. ....
This site is sounding more like Fox News now. I agree with your opinions on Israel and anti-Semitism, but you are loosing your credibility when you give your opinion of US politics.
Josh--I was disappointed to read this sloppy reporting:
“You look at both sides. I think there is blame on both sides. I have no doubt about it,” said Trump at the time. “You also had some very fine people on both sides.”
Regardless of what one thinks of Trump (and everybody has an opinion on him), that quote has been taken entirely out of context. The "some very fine people on both sides" quote refers to a debate about whether or not to remove a statue of Robert E. Lee and was not in reference to the anti-semitic marchers in Charlottesville.
Here is a report from The Hill on the perceived controversial remark: But Trump never said that the white supremacists and neo-Nazis were “very fine people.” He said that there two different types of people protesting the taking down of the Robert E. Lee statue – the racists (“some very bad people in that group”), and people who thought that for the sake of history it was important not to take down the statue. (
And check out this 2019 Biden campaign ad where he rightly decries the neo-Nazi march in Charlottesville: It's obvious this was just a campaign ploy as his remarks have been fairly tepid to date with "Islamophobia" always thrown in for good measure. It's puzzling why Biden has not issued a similar condemnation when Jewish lives are seriously under threat across the nation, but most especially in blue states.
These pro-Palestinian (in reality pro-Hamas) protests happening all over the world may be disheartening, but they, and the actions of their participants, can hardly be surprising. What, of a positive nature, have they ever had to offer to the world? Leftist ideology has been a spectacular failure wherever it's been tried. "Woke progressivism" is travelling so far up its own a..s as to be nothing but the object of rightful derision. Give them time and they'll all start fighting among themselves anyway.
Those of us with any real attachment to the values of true democracy will always have Israel from which to draw inspiration. It behoves us all then to do all in our power to support and protect Israel from the genocidal intent and actions of Islamism. So, what if Biden, Sunak and their ilk chose other paths. Let them, for those paths lead only to states modelled on the Islamic Republic of Iran. Let them have that if that's what they want. They'll have to deal with that means for their countries. Meanwhile, Israel will continue to be what it has always been, a shining light in a very dark world.
By the way, I am Irish and not a Jew. I have given up trying to counter the pro-Palestinian/pro-Hamas stance of my country. They are not going to change until it is too late and, by then, it truly will be too late. Remember, as regards anti-Semitism, they don't like it when the Jews fight back and stand up for themselves.
The mainstream Jewish community was dead wrong when it disavowed Meir Kahane's Jewish Defense League because it used all means, including violence when necessary, to protect Jews. If the JDL had been allowed to flourish intelligently, Columbia University's Islamo/Leftist orcs would not be getting away with all this and neither would any Western city that allows rampant anti-Semitism. I believed this back in the 1970s and I'm even more convinced of it now. Further, if Kahane's policies had been implemented in Israel, we would not be going to the US on bended knee for help. In fact we probably wouldn't need it, since we would have gotten whatever we needed from other countries wanting to hook up with a "winner" and developed/manufactured the rest ourselves. Between a policy like that and the mighty Mossad (who even the Mullahs are afraid of) Israel would have become the true Promised Land for Jews.
Well said Susan! I am astonished that Jews in the Diaspora are not fighting back. And where all the Jewish organizations that collectively fundraise billions of dollars?
In Montreal, our federation claims to be consulting constantly with local officials, police and of course, legal counsel. It had some success enforcing a provincial order that protestors must stay at least 50 meters away from Jewish community centers and synagogues. Apart from this, I see a lot of money going for "Bring Them Back" events, trips to Israel and so forth. I've been told that Montreal's Jewish orgs have donated some $26 million to Israel. I live in Montreal's largest Jewish community. TG I haven't seen any anti-Israel grafitti or anyone walking around in public wearing a keffiyeh or waving a Pally flag. Although there were several violent incidents against Jewish centers and synagogues here in Oct and Nov 2023, I've heard of nothing lately. I would still like to see the federation promote self-defense training to the community (and told them so) but heard nothing from them. I'm not surprised. This is a community that likes to keep its head in the sand when it comes to confronting violence against individuals. Too bad. I carry "dog spray" in my purse, just in case. If it was legal to carry a gun, I would.
Half a year ago, I could not have believed that I would be saying "I see your point," but now I am saying it. However, I am thinking of the theocracy that Israel would probably have become under Kahane's leadership. The truth is, not only do I have no answers, but I don't even know what questions to ask.
There are theocrasies and there are theocrasies. While I don’t think any “totalitarian” approach – be it a theocracy or a democracy- in-name-only should ever be considered, I think if Israel adopted some theocratic elements it would strengthen our national identity. To begin with, does Israel even have a set of legally-binding principles – like a Constitution - upon which to base its government and society?
If not, she needs one or she will be endlessly arguing over what Israel should “look like”.
I would like to see a Constitution that recognizes two things. One, that we must be guided by Torah law when it comes to public issues. And two, that we must recognize the free choice of individuals when it comes to private matters, conducted in private spaces.
Example: While Torah law would forbid public LGBTQ celebrations, the “free choice” part of the constitution would allow such celebrations on private premises, as long as the celebration doesn’t spill over into the streets or involve people under the age of majority.
Ditto for religious practice. The state should recognize traditional Judaism as the sole national religion in public spaces. Which means public holidays, etc. should be guided by this. But again, the “free choice” part of the constitution would allow the practice of any religion on private premises, as long as its practice doesn’t spill out onto the streets or involve proselytizing to Jews. An exception could be made for certain Bethlehem Xmas celebrations given the special relationship Xianity has with the Holy Land.
Hopefully you get the idea. Obviously a lot would have to be worked out but I believe we need to give Torah a primary place in Israeli life. Otherwise what is the point of having a Jewish state?
I had my viewpoints about Kahane that I held for decades based purely on hearsay. I claim that 'most' Jewish persons are deeply embedded in our own hearsay beliefs and will not do the most obvious shifts in mental attitudes and practical actions. I call the now only beginning period "The BIG Lesson". Within which are numerous lessons for individuals and organizations and our broadest 'community'. To get a bit of my own lesson... recently following a simple sentence I saw about Kahane... I decided to see if there was any footage of him speaking. I only needed to search on youtube. What I saw was that Kahane was exceptionally articulate, clear headed, honest, visionary, etc. I would encourage anyone who is attempting to get their own "BIG Lesson" to watch a few of Kahane's numerous talks and interviews. That is just a small, safe step in a good direction.
I, too, listened recently to some of his talks and had the same impression that you did.
Yes I agree I didn’t used to feel that way but you are right!
Lesson learned (is it too late?)
This is profoundly disturbing.
These antiSemitic mobs of pro Hamas radicals being allowed to do what they're doing is making my blood boil.🤬🤬🤬
There is another option come November. Robert Kennedy Jr is a lifelong supporter of Israel. In the days following the October 7 attacks he stated clearly that Israel has a right to defend itself.
He's also the only candidate capable of steering us away from madness towards decency, sanity, and dignity.
At first the Fishermen were sent out. Now the Hunters are used.
Read the Prophets. Read Torah.
Get wisdom and understanding.
Politics as a form of ATTENTION SEEKING BEHAVIOUR, and the misplaced and erroneous delusional beliefs about 'White Privilege': This form of Exhibitionism is well understood by Psychologists: Men of the Pen seeking the Kudos of Men of The Sword and Battle, and finding an easy audience amongst impressionable youngsters and students. We see the same here in the UK amongst intellectuals of The Far-Right as well, only in the Far-Right-wing analogue of this behaviour most of them are adamant deviants.
Read Peechy Keenan’s piece today.
Two points overlooked in regard to Charlottesville:
1) The President is rightly President of ALL citizens, not just some.
2) Anyone who did not attend to protest changing history by tearing down statues came looking for trouble.
They found it.Self inflicted tragedy was the result.
If anything, Trump was over generous toward the Lefty Troublemakers.
I feel my blood boiling in rage when I read this. These ignorant morons need to face reality. They will bring about the end of the world if they don’t wake up. I will always stand with Israel and the Jewish people. Everyone must confront them: FACE THEM DOWN.
Make sure you have plenty of company though! In every instance the Jews will be outnumbered as we are so few in number as it is. But, come peacefully!
Back in the 1930's Jewish gangsters in NYC would beat up nazis who were holding Bund rallies. This is the type of response we need today. American Jews have become very timid.
Based on Torah, Tanach, Talmud and practical experience informing those writings.... the potentially guaranteed way to resolve the global quagmire is for each and every Jewish person to first and foremost work daily in their own way towards/in Teshuvah. There is no end to teshuvah. But it requires a few baby steps on a daily basis from today. The 10 mitzvot campaign initiated by Rabbi M.M. Schneerson really understood our individuality and our collective nature. He knew too not to expect nor to ask for any individual to start with 10, nor 9, nor 8 .... but just one. Any one that a person felt they could try with the intention to sustain at least that 1 mitzvah for a prolonged period. Naturally, most people in time would want to try to sustain also 1 more. Expecting anything from a politician or an admin or from someone else.... is a false expectation. Notably as well for non-Jewish individuals the 7 Noahide Laws are recommended. Note also most universities in the USA are not at all 'antisemitic' hothouses. Most are not supportive of heinous groups from home or abroad. Build your own moral courage consistently daily via our Jewish 'normative' practices. Get physically fit. Stay away from the horrible 'mainstream' media. There are people just like you and me. As we progress they will be drawn to us and we to them. Most people only want basic securities and to have a good day in spite of one's own challenges. ....
This site is sounding more like Fox News now. I agree with your opinions on Israel and anti-Semitism, but you are loosing your credibility when you give your opinion of US politics.
Josh--I was disappointed to read this sloppy reporting:
“You look at both sides. I think there is blame on both sides. I have no doubt about it,” said Trump at the time. “You also had some very fine people on both sides.”
Regardless of what one thinks of Trump (and everybody has an opinion on him), that quote has been taken entirely out of context. The "some very fine people on both sides" quote refers to a debate about whether or not to remove a statue of Robert E. Lee and was not in reference to the anti-semitic marchers in Charlottesville.
Here is a report from The Hill on the perceived controversial remark: But Trump never said that the white supremacists and neo-Nazis were “very fine people.” He said that there two different types of people protesting the taking down of the Robert E. Lee statue – the racists (“some very bad people in that group”), and people who thought that for the sake of history it was important not to take down the statue. (
And check out this 2019 Biden campaign ad where he rightly decries the neo-Nazi march in Charlottesville: It's obvious this was just a campaign ploy as his remarks have been fairly tepid to date with "Islamophobia" always thrown in for good measure. It's puzzling why Biden has not issued a similar condemnation when Jewish lives are seriously under threat across the nation, but most especially in blue states.
It's time to stop being afraid and make our enemies afraid of us.
He would never dare. The progressives have him by the balls. Excuse my French.