Golda Meier once said, “I can understand the Arabs wanting to wipe us out, but do they really expect us to participate?”

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If the rest of the world doesn’t like our fighting back, it’s too damn bad.

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As Dara Horn said, they love dead Jews.

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Thank you. Very painful to read but of course it’s true. The level of lying, denial etc of the facts based on Jew hatred is outrageous.

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This is how the woke world thinks with respect to Jews which it views as so called oppressors

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I've been thinking a fair bit about how much 'wokeism' and 'progressiveism' are direct results of 'people like me' which I have long called 'artiefartieleftiegreenieliveandletlives'. I hope I am still left-ish - not that I'll ever vote left again. I hope I'm still very much a 'live and let live' person except that many folks and types of folks that I collaborated with artistically/professionally .... I don't foresee such collaborations in the foreseeable future. I still want clean water and green space etc but I have zero faith in 'Science According to Left Scientists'. I'm slow. But I'm learning. Back to the start, I am pretty sure a LOT of woke and progressive stuff is the result of a certain huge niche of Jewish persons and originates beyond the obvious 1990's beyond the 60's beyond the beginning of the previous century beyond French and German 'emancipation' for Jews.... in fact if memory serves me right.... we had woke issues in Egypt... "Nothin is new under the sun" Kohlet/Ecclesiastes

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If you were educated via Zinn and Marcusiam disciples the result is a brainwashed person

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In Britain, the Pakistani grooming gangs in Rotherham and other northern cities were ignored and many on the left denied they exist because of the fear of seeming racist. The Islamist movement have played the "race card" to perfection.

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Selective empathy seems to be about neither Jews or Palestinians, but the people hearing themselves talk to help them to wash away the sins they commit every single day. The only ones that matter is them and the only voices to be heard are theirs.

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There is no “wrong kind” of antisemitism in many American minds. It’s all hatred of Israel and Jews. But I have never heard so much hatred from the left in the USA. Nevertheless it has the same stench of hate, and the same ugliness of heart permeates it.

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You may very well "have never heard so much hatred from the left in the USA". There has long been a special brand of antisemitism there for anyone who was 'too Jewish'. And especially important is that prejudice code existed and exists in a huge percentage of Jewish persons and communities. The dormant level of hate, hate Hate towards 'orthodox' persons coming from left, leftish, left of the right - comprises a huge undermining group. Always with their rationalized reasons. From Shemini Atzeret past, is the mere 8 months long beginning phase of "The BIG Lesson".

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On October 7, the Hamas terrorists were armed, the Israelis massacred were defenseless. The unanswered question is why did Israel disarm its citizens most of whom are IDF veterans and leave them vulnerable to mass rape and murder by Hamas? An incredibly stupid decision and the Israeli government is clearly culpable. Every Jewish family in Israel (and the US) should have a 9 mm handgun, an AR15 rifle and plenty of ammunition for both. Every adult and teenage member of the family should be proficient in their use. Have anti-gun Jewish politicians in both countries learned nothing from the Holocaust and the latest slaughter? Isn't it time for the Jewish people to tell them to go fuck themselves?

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Your first sentence only is not quite accurate. Some people as in the Nova party people were unarmed. There were around 40 police there. Also I don't know if all 22 communities were armed. For sure some were. One had a 26 year old woman who was the Volunteer Head of Security for her Kibbutz and was on duty. She immediately readied 2 rifles and gave orders to the appropriate volunteers. They completely fought off the attackers. No one in that Kibbutz died. The 26 year old leader personally 'neutralized' - permanently 25 of the attackers. Otherwise I completely agree with what you've written and the thoughts that you have expressed.

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Ira: Thanks for your response. I was sickened when I watched the recently released video of women IDF soldiers being abused knowing that had they been armed they would have killed their attackers. Being an American I simply don’t understand how they could have lived in the shadow of such a huge threat without the means to defend themselves.

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I'm not informed about the situation. But, from what you've written, I certainly am saddened to contemplate such circumstances. Long ago I heard about Rabbi Kahane as being 'too extreme'. Just 2 months ago I read one sentence about him and decided to see what was on youtube. I saw perhaps 6 long videos of him either giving a talk or being interviewed. We all need to see what he was explaining. He was brilliant. Honest. Strong but surprisingly very clear headed. We have a lot to learn from him today, urgently.

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The Lefty govt. Ma

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The Lefty Israeli govt made him a pariah. They have tried their damnest to do it to Bibi. The ministers who are involved with our State Dept made a decision about less weapons. They bought into our anti-Israel philosophy. There has to be a forensic financial investigation on all of them. Ganz, Eisenhower, Gallant...

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Fantastic and brilliant. Wow. I'm currently reading "Morning After the Revolution: Dispatches From the Wrong Side of History." It makes this virtue-signaling / performative type of Left very evident. But even more, it glorifies self hatred, hatred of whiteness (and therefore Western values), and glorifies self-victimization in a perverted kind of "it's all about me, me, me". Simultaneously, the purveyors of this philosophy via endless non-profits, books and workshops are raking in the bucks. It's the latest and greatest scam ever. More importantly, it really is a dangerous phenomenon. There is no Islamaphobia; there is nothing irrational about hating radical Islam. And, at the same time, actual victims (for example the homeless) do not receive actual help. Bravo on this piece.

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These people are deranged and satanic. The media and the profession of journalism are completely and utterly corrupted and have been hijacked by marxist activists. Nothing that is reported can be trusted, most especially about Israel and the Middle East. As for the fraudulent feminist movement, I have equal contempt for it. The farcical "me too" movement can shove it. I no longer want to hear any whining from Hollywood prostitutes who trade sexual favors for roles and years later claim they were rape victims. They can shove it.

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You mean that taking the seventh grader television market strategies into reality television and then into social media algorithms produces a vacuum in moral norms? Who would’ve guessed.

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Aafia siddiqui was arrested in pakistan by armed forces and later given into american custody

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