This is what happens when we say we’ll eliminate Hamas and, instead, buckle to pressure for periodic ceasefires and treat Hamas-supporting, Jew-hating Palestinian civilians like honored “guests”. Other Jew-hating proxies of Iran – namely Hezbollah – jump on the bandwagon, making ridiculous demands – because they see us as weak.

And they’ll continue to see us this way, attacking our soldiers and civilians, until we give them a bloody nose they will never forget.

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I say Israel must ignore all the meddlers and nay-sayers and launch a cyberwar that takes out significant Iranian AND Lebanese infrastructure. Hopefully Iran’s nuclear facilities can be included in such strikes. I’ve read material suggesting that Israel has such technology or is pretty darn close.

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Jul 7Edited

Bite the bullet and Cease-fire... Do you think that Hamas will simply stop fighting too? Of course not. They are a terrorist outfit, embedded in a civilian population. (Since Hamas won't disband then there will be War ; In Logic this is known as the Contrapositive, by the way whilst we are on the subject of Greek Logic) The US Biden administration knows this, and so do the countries of Europe ( who are the next targets in line for the Islamist Terrorists). Give it six months to a year, and they will recommence, backed by Nuclear Iran. Appeasement never works against Jew-Hating Terrorists. It did not work against Hitler, and it will not here either. If these facts mean War with the terrorist Militia-outfit Hezbollah then so be it... they will loose in Lebanon and Syria too. The War is hard and arduous for Israel, certainly. But she will win, as she has won every war in her history. And The West must see she does.

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The IDF has intelligently avoided focusing in territory and constant patrols, as the US did in Iraq, and carries out surprise raids against a Hamas that no longer had its tunnel network, underground bunkers and weapons dumps. The spectacular reentry to Shifa Hospital, with 200 Hamas dead and 500 captured showed the soundness of this approach.

In 6 months there may well be a different US administration; Israel can wait. The munitions held back can be readily manufactured, once again, in Israel as they're the most basic explosives. Small arms ammo from IMI in 5.56 and 7 62 is plentiful in US stores at very reasonable prices so the IDF should have no problem there.

Hamas and Hezbollah will not be able to protect themselves for long.

Demonstrators in Israel must know, as antiwar demonstrators in 1968 knew, who they're actually supporting.

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This essay is contradictory in its reasoning. The author seems to think war against Hizbollah is a mistake. Actually, it is the only possible outcome regardless of what happens in Gaza. And given that Hamas is almost defeated in Gaza, all Israel has to do is muscle up its attacks to rescue the hostages and conquer the Gaza strip, which it will then control. If more destruction is needed in Gaza, then so be it. The population of Gaza must be held responsible for getting Hamas to release the hostages. That's war and Israel should fight the war as war. As for Hizbollah and Lebanon, Lebanon should be told, if it not already has, their failure to get rid of Hizbollah will lead to the TOTAL destruction of Lebanon. And no one can stop Israel form doing that, not even the USA.

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Never forget that God is still seated on His throne, that He sees everything that is happening, knows what the future is and says: “the sun, moon and stars will be no more before Israel can be no more”. He that watches over Israel does not slumber nor sleep. God waits for the day when Israel stands alone with the US not able to help or does not want to help. Then God will show up and not just the enemies of Israel but the entire world will know who God exactly is! That day is fast approaching.

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We need the United States, matey.

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Is the US more powerful than God ? Remember that just one angel killed 185,000 in a day. How much more powerful is God ? UNLIMITED !! One day US will not be there or able to help Israel. Then God will show up.

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Your reasoning is that Hamas Hizbolah etc are separate entities. Are they? Or should they be seen as parts of Iran’s terror network?

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There is a solution to this and it will not come from US terror enablers and cowards in the Biden administration. The solution is to change the man in the White House whose unorthodox and courageous methods will enable Israel and not the terrorists. And avoid a Middle East conflagration. #prayForTrump. #GodSaveIsrael from these cowards and fellow travelers.

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Your analysis is 100% correct in theory with its prescribed outcomes for a meaningful ceasefire along the north and south borders. This strategy could have been applied 17 years ago with far less disastrous and far reaching consequences. Within the Middle Eastern mindset, all of this should have been predictable, appeasement should have been left off the table and the Israeli Government and military should have prepared for this scenario and ensured, in as much as possible, that independent necessary defensive and offensive actions were not subject to 3rd party influence and constraints. Notwithstanding Israeli boasting to the contrary, the military was completely ill-prepared to anticipate and deal with these long festering situations in a self-sufficient and time effective manner. The U.S. is now pre-occupied with it's elections and who knows what to expect after November. It would be a leap of faith to consider that Israel has the competence and military resources to finish off Hamas and take on the north while necessarily counting on the questionable assistance from the USA. Come what may however, Israel will be obliged to take whatever expeditious action is required to achieve some kind of victory in the south while simultaneously engaging the north. At this point, there is no compelling reason for either terrorist organization, and their backer, to slow down the daily onslaught. The dynamics have to drastically change.

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This article sucked. We never speak of VICTORY when it comes to war anymore, not since WW2. Peace through total victory and the vanquishing of our evil enemies.

As for avoiding Armageddon, Armageddon is preferable to living under islam. Israel needs to defeat hamas, defeat hezbollah and take out Iran's nukes. If America had real leaders and real men running the country as we did in WW2, Israel wouldn't have to take on this task alone even at the risk of angering the antisemites who will bitch about our "fighting wars for Israel" which we have never done before and never had to. However Iran's nukes are a threat to US too. We no longer behave like a superpower, we project fear and timidity, telegraphing to all of our enemies that we don't want to fight, we want to avoid war at all costs. That doesn't make them less belligerent, it makes them more belligerent. Screw the isolationists and their "forever wars" mantra. Jihad is a FOREVER WAR. Whether we want to or not, we will be and in fact are already at war because our enemies have seen to that. So, suck it up.

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As long as Gaza remains an open sore, you can't break free.

Hamas prepared for years to lure Israel in to its death-trap. I get that.

On the other hand, the IDF is most experienced and well-equiped fighting urban guerilla.

The Gaza strip has a surface of only 224 square miles and still mr. Sinwar and his terrorists and 'Health Ministery' are among us after 8 months of warfare.

What does it take to finish the job and by doing so silencing Hezbollah?

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If the US government doesn’t interfere with Israel army or government that job would have been finished months ago.

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The only way is for the US and Israel to take out the IRGC's nuclear power, ports, and capabilities, allow for iran to have a revolution, destroy hezbollah, and stop equivocating. I don't see the democratic party doing this. Clinton would have saved dem foreign policy, but now they are fucked with obama style anti-israel and soft power BS. Trump is an absolute danger domestically, and Biden is an absolute danger abroad. The best thing for everyone would be for trump to have a heart attack and for us to elect a more sane republican leader like Haley who is willing to confront iran and prevent america from becoming another caliphate vassal like england or france. I am a liberal, but the democratic party is increasingly becoming almost more dangerous than the right. Democracy only works when it isn't run by a public that is mentally challenged. The far left are living in upside down town and their PC politics have blinded them to illiberal fundamentalism and reality.

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Thank you. It took 5 minutes to have a read through wikipeepee's overall info on Oren's phenomenal life, creativity, activism, and more. Much more. Wow!!! But, is there a human that Oren listens to or discusses openly with peers (if he has such equals) regarding the complex topics of the essay "This war is a death trap for Israel? Are there any markers say within the last 10 years (an arbitrary number) at which points did Oren go "Aha! NOW I understand" and then "Oh! Now I REALLY understand" or "Ooh, ooh, I understand now, I think... or do I"? There are a number of highly informed people who openly mark that 'the BIG turning point' was the horror that began the day after the Oslo Accords were signed. The next day, the world of the West changed. The Western world(s) are still reeling from Oct.7, 2023. The Rubik's Cube of the Western/Eastern worlds is still being fiddled with. 1000s of spokespersons including podcasters etc are making good earnings a la this Rubik. So is all of Media. Biden will not be the Candidate. Semi-serious options for 'for better or for worse' are as equally absurd as Biden itself. "It" being a thing of demonic proportions. Nothing at all against the 'poor' olde fellow himself. The comical rumors mention the kamaleer or Mrs. O'B. The Dumbo-craps will only decide when they have figured out their only option - whatever that may be. But, no one in stream of action dares to raise the blatant 'secret' wedge of Oslo Accords. No one with any skin in the game will dare broach the advice that M.M. Schneerson gave to virtually every Israeli Prime Minister and upper Minister. One of the single most repeated points was 'do not give up one inch of Israel or its victories acquired assets. Via "The Management of Reality' Substack Prof. Francisco Gil-White has and is providing THE crucial missing information. Or some of The. Particularly his essay set "Semitism vs Antisemitism" (parts 1-4 so far with 5 due soon) plus his essay regarding Huseini ie Mufti-nifty-nazi plus the essay "Why Does the Year 1848 Matter"?. All of those mentioned essays may take a concentrated 15 minutes or so read each. Any positioned Leader would be much better informed from a logic and wisdom viewpoint IF they read those and ensured that their colleagues do also. Below I will now post two obscure rabbis take. Bear in mind that rabbi is now officially a "four letter word" to perhaps 30% of Jewish persons at a minimum. If we add the other 'four letter word' orthodox then there are about 60-70% of Jewish persons who won't listen to a different form of logic. Our form. Not the logic of Aristotle and the like. four letter X 2 #1 obscure absurdist - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQEAGeDCtK8 and four letter X 2 #2 obscure absurdist - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaFbxJe-N2k&t=2s

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