I was feeling depressed about the the war and the UN's constant attempts to make us surrender with ceasefires but your article cheered me up. After Oct 7, I can't see the people of Israel ever going along with their evil resolutions and if Bibi buckles to pressure (G-d forbid) I think he'll be forced to resign immediately.

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Dec 17, 2023Liked by Joshua Hoffman

The recipe of Israeli optimism is also the formula for victory against all odds.

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Dec 17, 2023Liked by Joshua Hoffman

Thank you, Joshua. This is exactly the hope I wrote about earlier. You found a way to revive it, and will strengthen us in the Diaspora, too. Am Yisrael Chai!

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Such a moving piece, Joshua. Makes me so proud to be an Israeli Jew. Shows of unity and solidarity always make choke up, but the one you’ve described borne of October 7th, reminds me of the bravery and shared sense of destiny I learned about in school about the palmachim, the Jewish pioneers who built Israel, and I never thought, I never dreamed I’d see that in my lifetime. And if it were within my power to stop the horrors of that day, there’s not much I wouldn’t sacrifice. But at least, at the absolute very minimum, this reminded Israelis that we’ve got no one else but ourselves and no other country but Israel. That’s a big something. You write so beautifully 🥹

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Dec 17, 2023Liked by Joshua Hoffman

Your comment "this reminded Israelis that we’ve got no one else but ourselves and no other country but Israel. " was so true and honest. I'm a recent convert and I live on the west coast so I'm not as entrenched in Israel as you and others are. I only want Israel to remain in the hands of Israeli Jews. That is OUR homeland and no other. Am Yisrael Chai!

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Welcome Amy. We’re happy to have you.

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It is God who upholds Israel and guides it's righteous.

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Dec 17, 2023Liked by Joshua Hoffman

Reining in the utterly out of control powers of the Court is essential.

Running amok as it has done endangers Israel.

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I visited Israel in 2009 (no easy task to travel so far by air!) after several months of telephone contact with a cousin from Israel looking for family as a retirement project. The beauty was unimaginable and the "feeling" incredible to describe. Israelis were opinionated, arrogant, argumentative, compassionate, and "strong": and I found myself in love and in awe of Jews nothing like I had ever known. Impressed, proud and "awe" cannot begin to describe it. I wished my grandmother (Litvak) were alive so I could tell her all I had learned from her father's nephew. I am glue to various news channels (and British newsletters) and still retain good memory. I will never forget who said what .. ever. I am not religious but when confronted by a need for guidance and hope, I call on my grandmother from whom all wisdom came. She could neither read not write in any language but could make a dress from a magazine photo; her baking and cooking talents were legendary and her sense of tolerance, justice and "rachmones" formed my moral compass. And I do believe in Ahavat Yisroel. At 85 I still long for her presence as I long for peace .... I was never one to hate but somehow part of me has changed .. I feel colder now and unforgiving!

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Very touching Rosalie! Thank you for sharing!

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Yes, agreeing with everyone here ;) Am Israel Chai

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