I had never read anything before by Saul Goodman, but I will be on the lookout for more where this came from. What a profound and insightful essay! It goes right to the heart of the matter: the Palestinians have come to believe the lies that the Arafat generation invented—and they are now trapped in their own sticky web.

We believed that by humoring them and playing along with their fabrications, we could avoid hurting their feelings and allow them to recover their dignity after the failure of their attempted genocide. Well, we can see now how well that worked out...

We need to hammer home the truth of the matter at every available opportunity: it's really quite simple. Israel was the homeland of the Jewish people for more than a thousand years before Mohammed was born. The Romans and the Arabs were invaders and colonizers who came from other lands. Jews from around the world have now come home after 2000 years of exile and rebuilt their nation.

And we're not leaving anytime soon. Am Yisrael Chai!

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Absolutely true. Israel must see this through.

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There is only one answer for Israel, and the rest of the world, finish the job and pick up the pieces afterwards.

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Excellent article. The only thing I would add is “this war… is an existential war. We are fighting for our existence…

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Great essay - thanks. Our biggest enemy, the way I see it, are the die-hard leftist Jews and sometimes, the Jewish zealots who interpret Torah in a bizarre, cult-like way. They march with non-Jewish anti-Semites at the demonstrations. In Montreal recently, a group calling itself Independent Jewish Voices, chanted along with demonstrators calling for the death of all Jews as well as Israel! In a YouTube video, Douglas Murray likened these Jews to the Queers for Palestine, calling them all "maniacs". But mentally deranged or not, Jewish Communities including the Beis Din and the Israeli government must make it clear that while these persons may be Jewish by birth, they are heretics and do not represent Israel or the Jewish People. As for the Palestinians, we must get it through our thick collective heads that WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THEM. The Israeli military has correct and moral procedures for limiting collateral damage which follows international law. So let's get on with taking the necessary steps to eliminate Hamas, their supporters and any other enemies of Israel without constantly worrying about the future of the so-called Palestinian people. They made their bed - over and over again. Let them lie in it. Them and the self-hating Jews who lend credence to the enemy's lies. BTW: I am happy to report that those so-called "Independent Jewish Voices" - along with their murderous fellow protestors - were finally ordered away from the Jewish Institutions they've been harassing by Quebec's Superior Court. And, 5 Hamas supporters were finally arrested by Montreal's police. Bravo to Montreal's Jewish leaders for their persistence with the courts, the politicians and the police. I and probably other Montreal Jews were at the point where we were calling for private, armed security for our institutions and carrying various weapons when we went out, even if some of them are illegal in Canada. Am Yisroel Chai!

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