I have heard of this previously! It is truly beyond evil and forces me to tears! I have no words and my anger is indescribable. I pray that Israel can find a way to tell this dreadful story, in exquisite detail. It must be told.

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#MeToo unless you're a Jew🤬🤬

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No concessions. No ceasefire. No terrorists traded. Bomb them Bibi. Think like Golda: kill them for what they have done. Thank you Pat for keeping this unforgettable truth out here.

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I don’t care about all the rape allegations and counter accusations. Fog of war and all that shit - it happens.

You know what I do care about? The video posted by Hamas on October 7th, 2023 showing one of its fighters hacking the head off of a Thai farm worker. That fighter had a chain of command who trained him such that he thought it was acceptable to hack off a head, of a still alive but unresisting man, with a dull garden instrument (a hoe, I believe). That’s all I need to know to decide who I will side with - Israel.

Suck my ****, jihad lovers. Dihyah al-Kalbi, companion of the prophet, can train you.

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Believe it or not, I actually care about Muslim Arabs. But I have boundaries - if you want me to be a positive presence in your life you must stop using garden hoes to hack off heads of Thai farm workers. Shooting a man erroneously, at 50 meters - I can understand. I’ll never accept this non-western, barbarous practice of war.

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Sep 5Edited

Truth is the First casualty of War, so there is no surprise Jewish accounts of 7/10 are being defamed. So in turn the lies of the Anti-Semites are Simple to debunk. The evidence - and thus the facts- of the Atrocities of 7/10 have been verified by Non-Jews. Non-Jewish Pathologists have been attached to the Law enforcement agencies in Israel in the region for many years. Thus this is easy to show.

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We don't have to believe anyone, including "women". We have to look at the evidence, or trust the UN (which is anything but pro-Israel) to reach correct conclusions if we don't want to examine the evidence ourselves (most of us would not...). False allegations do happen, that's why our legal systems in the west are not just about what the alleged victims say. We gather testimonies from many people (not just the victims), we look at videos and pictures and forensic evidence (e.g. DNA), and we look for motives and mindsets. I don't see what motive could compel Israeli women to lie about rape on Oct 7th. There was enough brutality even without the rape, it doesn't really add much to the picture, except in the minds of some humans who recoil at the taboo of it, if they haven't recoiled already when presented with evidence of the other brutality.

In contrast, the situation is more complex on the Palestinian side, as far as motives. On the one hand, we know that devout Muslims do not condone rape (though sexual slavery might be OK for them, I am no expert, correct me if I'm wrong. And let's not nitpick about the definition of rape). So if the Hamasniks were devout Muslims, there is a problem here with motives. The alternative explanation of non-Hamasnik "civilians" committing these acts becomes more plausible. Perhaps these civilians were not devout Muslims? On the other hand, it is quite possible that the restrictive sexual atmosphere in the Muslim world would make rape more likely for horny, sexually-repressed young men confronted with young, unveiled women, producing a certain cognitive dissonance between the conscious muslim mind, and the repressed subconscious libidinal mind. If this were so, then Hamasniks who raped women would probably confess when confronted with the evidence.

If I recall from Avi Shlaim's The Iron Wall, one of the things that deeply disturbed Arabs about Jews from Europe was that Jewish women were not only unveiled, but wore shorts, exposing their legs. But then why are other religious men, for example Jewish Hassidim, not as prone to rape and other forms of violence as Muslim men? I suppose there are other cultural factors involved.

In any case, your point about the mindset of much of the Muslim world is spot on. There can't be a complete victory over Hamas, unless this mindset is changed to one more peaceful, less sexually repressed, and more respectful (for real, not the faux respect of female "purity") of women and gays.

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yes for the mufti , the shorts on women was a provocation against Muslims in a largely Muslim land so proof that the Jews could not be assimilated into an Arab state in all of mandatory Palestine as he demanded.....and 'river to sea" the same demand today.

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These European Jews were different from the ones who stayed in Palestine for 2000 years, or even the ones who ran away from the Islamic counties around 48. The ones who stayed in Israel could have been worked with (as second class citizens) but these European Jews were unacceptable to Islam, not just the Mufti, in their western behaviors. Imagine: women showing their faces and legs! And being allowed to do things men do!

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Interesting to me that the N. African Jewish Diaspora....were sympathetic to European colonial powers and the modernizing European culture because they emancipated the Jews ...The Alliance Francaise for education....using the French language. My friend born in Alexandria.....spoke French with his family not Arabic. So now the Arab Muslims claim the Jews were betraying them by siding with the French. Of course they preferred the French. The European way of life of the modern Yishuv was entirely alien to the Muslim Arabs. In this way they claim that Jews are alien to the MIdeast. The best the Jews can hope for in any Muslim society ...look at racist Turkey and apartheid Islamist Iran...is third rate citizenship. A script provided with anti Zionist tirades that the Judenrat is required to read.

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This is part of the marginalization of the Jewish People by the woke left

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Psychotic barbarians can think and do anything to justify such atrocious behavior, but when Western leaders, universities, and women ignore, justify, or accept this, is what is so perplexing. The absolute evil of the Arab men (speaking about the men involved in October 7th) is hard for me to fathom, even in my moments of deepest introspection, but evil they are. If I take away one enlightening piece from all this horror, is that Western women and the world have shown us what hypocrites they truly are by being silent at this brutality, and even worse, denying it. Antisemitism was on simmer, and October 7th turned the flame up for us to see who the real antisemites were and are. Diversity, equity, inclusion, feminism, all are a front to hide behind while excluding Jews from it. Sadly, there are really no surprises.

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Glen greenwald is a vile antisemite and misogynist. The worst of the worst Kappos. He also is anti-American. The cozy alliance between people like far-left Greenwald and far right tucker carlson proves the horseshoe theory.

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Yes, both are repulsive human beings. Referring to my comment above, October 7th opened the door for all the antisemites just waiting to say how they really felt and Greenwald and Tucker are two of them. I used to subscribe to Greenwald until I saw his outrageous comments about Israel and October 7th. Subscription ghosted. Both of those PR seekers are trash.

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Tim Walz and Harris show a complete lack of knowledge. They repeat how ISRAEL'S WAR is have the result of unconscionable toll on civilian life and welfare in Gaza and thus ISRAEL must accept a permanent ceasefire NOW....with guarantees by future Pres. Harris for Israel for its security and self determination for "Palestine" in lands "claimed by Palestinians for their state." Which is the entirety of the borders of Mandatory Palestine...or "Historic Palestine" which are based entirely on European knowledge of the HEbrew Bible and the New TEstament....thus JEWISH HISTORY> Their ignorance of this andmuch else is astonishing and I don't trust them.

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This article was hard for me to read. As I read it the only thing that came to mind is the ancient Hammurabi code, “ An eye for an and a tooth for a tooth.” It is still the only thing that will bring balance in the Middke East today.

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It's the only thing the Arabs understand.

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I don’t know if it was premeditated. Israel has a Hamas soldier on record saying they were told to do whatever they want another saying they acted like animals. It’s very likely this wasn’t well planned beyond the infiltration and it ended up a murderous barbarous free for all as bad or worse than any pogrom especially when Israeli reinforcements didn’t

- [ ] come quickly. The issue is everyone has enough evidence that mass rape happened as well as barbaric torture. They want videos they have a decent amount from Hamas bc they were proud of it. You’re not going to have videos of every act of sexual violence. Not every hostage was sexually abused. Some were and some observed it. I would think Hamas would be least likely to release someone abused badly. One hostage who spoke of her rape explained that her captor said not to tell anyone. The hostages have been treated horribly. There’s a trail of charred and mutilated bodies. Dead teen girls in stages of undress. The Zaka workers were clearly traumatized. It doesn’t help Israel at all to make these claims. Not unpredictably it has the reverse effect of blaming the victim. I am shocked by the rot at elite levels of society but this category of moral insanity has been brewing a while. I saw it when I was in school. Capitalism is evil. Europe is evil. Don’t question it it’s reality. And this is in your art class. At the time people didn’t take it much to heart past the class. What has since happened is hr departments and other bueracrats haven’t just purged people on the right but also centrists and left center people. They’ve installed more bureaucrats whose jobs depend on perpetuating shallow myths and having a woke corporation. Social media has given people dense outlets for feeling like members of something even if it’s a political team and also positive feedback for saying the right echo chamber hateful thing within their group. The haters aren’t even versed in their hateful history. Everything is fake. Colonizers. Blah blah. They throw out academic words using them improperly. Scholarship doesn’t matter. Can’t even say read other books too bc I don’t think they’re reading any. We have lawyers at top universities saying it’s more important to have justice than

Your client win. Your client hired you to represent them to win and justice means someone wins. I think we’re headed for major world events bc so many people in authority are not high class in terms of being well rounded educated moral etc. democracy is majority rule but that doesn’t mean the people whose vote didn’t matter don’t feel unrepresented in the end. You have people in power positions executing authority which is wildly unpopular with a majority. Then elections roll around and they all become centrist. It’s all confounded by the color war vibe that we have to support our team at any cost. The resurgence of anti semtiism is shocking in its scope and extent but I was beyond disappointed with the world after Charlie hebdo. There will be many such other disappointments. Dangerous times.

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islam is evil. Those who excuse it are equally evil.

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There should be no place in this discussion for that sort of statement. Stop it. That is dangerous, hateful rhetoric.

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RADICAL Islam is. I do know a few Muslims who are good people, & they support Israel!

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